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NCM 101 : Lecture

- health assessment will always be the - process of obtaining data (subjective or

bases of the nursing care objective) , organizing the data ,
validating (analyzing) the data , and
1950’s (Lydia Hall) documenting the data.
- she is the key person in making the - assessment serves as baseline
nursing process information or basis of nursing care
- she promulgated the 3’s of nursing - main skills that we use for assessment
➢ critical thinking skills
- because we are
continuously analyzing
➢ adaptable (flexible)
- the skills must be in
accordance to the
patients care
➢ communication skills
- assessment should be done AT ALL
- the 3 c’s are interrelated to each other

1970’s (ANA - american nurses association)

- ANA created the nursing process
- only expanded the 3c’s
Initial Comprehensive Assessment
- the baseline , upon entry , or at the start
of the patient admission
- a systematic process/scientific - It contains ;
(flexible /interchanging )of giving nursing ➢ patient information
care to your patient ● name , age , date of
birth ( how to ask the
age without asking it) ,
1970 (APIE) 1978 (ADPIE) and gender
● anthropometric
A - assessment A - assessment
- height
P - planning D - diagnosis
- weight
I - intervention P - planning
- latest v/s
E - evaluation I - intervention
➢ chief complains
E - evaluation
➢ history of present illness

On-going Assessment
- continuous until the patients problem
has been resolved
- always check from the baseline for

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NCM 101 : Lecture
- usually during the pts stay in the er or

Focused or Problem-Oriented Assessment

- relevant/ A MUST
- it is performed when a comprehensive
- key to gather data effectively and
database exists for a client who comes
to the health care agency with a
- key to transverse multiple cultural
specific health concern
- it focuses in the chief complaint
- deeply uncover clients information with
Emergency Assessment
- important in under 18 patients
- a very rapid assessment performed in
- you can able to safely gather data
life threatening situations (choking ,
without clients hesitation
cardiac arrest , drowning), an immediate
- List of communication skills
diagnosis is needed to provide prompt
➢ listening skills
- to make your patient
- using ABC techniques (air way ,
comfortable during
breathing , circulation)
- also assess the environment
- developing social
distance (3 feet)
- maintain a good eye
● except east
FOUR MAJOR STEPS: asian ,muslims ,
1. Collection of subjective data people with
- elicited from the patient through ● mental
interview disorders
2. Collection of objective data - smile (do not do facial
- data that is measured by the grimace)
nurse - tone of voice (neutral)
3. Validation of data - posture
- Confirm the data we have ● open posture it
assessed should be
4. Documentation of data slightly leaning
- Charting forward
● do not cross
your arms
● avoid side eyes
● do not cross
- review the client’s record , if available your legs
- keep an open mind and to avoid ● raise your voice
premature judgments ➢ silence skills
- educate yourself about the client’s - to make pt. feel you are
diagnoses or tests performed. not rushing the
- take a minute to reflect on your own assessment
feelings - allows pt. to think
- obtain and organize materials further their responses

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NCM 101 : Lecture
- allowing pt.
➢ open ended question heredofamilial disease
- usually allowing pt. to ➔ Ask in the form of family
further discuss/express genogram
their history of present illness
- really important in initial ➔ Chronological sequence of
comprehensive events that is include to the
assessment current illness
➢ close-ended question ➔ Signs and symptoms
- answerable by yes or accompanying the pt. all
no question , brief throughout te illness (past to
questions present)
- usually use in focused ➔ any interventions done to
assessment alleviate the s/s
- Also in emergency history of past illness or
assessment only for hospitalization
conscious pt. ➔ chronological manner
➢ giving examples ➔ these are all instances pt. has
- you allow pt. to properly been sick with a specific
discuss what they feel diagnosis/hospitalization
through the nurses maintenance medication
leading cues ➔ maintenance for lifers
➢ continuing the conversation chief complaints
- nurses must allow the ➔ hours prior to admission
conversation to go Perception about the illness
on/forward ➔ It's the pt. perception , opinion
- never let the or feelings about the illness
communication die out
due to improper PATIENTS LIFESTYLE
responses - this are the patterns/habits that are
➢ avoid misleading questions usually perform of the patient
- never add phrases or
words that will force pt. NUTRITION STATUS
to give information Diet
- asking misleading - the content of the diet
questions leads to - frequency (how often
generalized the patient eats, as
standards 3 meals)
- special diets
water intake
- At least drink to 8-10
glasses per day (1-2
- data coming from the pt. Itself - Include you tea , coffee
- these includes the following; , energy drinks , juices ,
fruit shakes

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NCM 101 : Lecture
1. bowel ➔ Socialization round the people around
➔ always ask for the him/her
frequency (1-2 a times a ➔ How often do u socialize with you family
day normal in some ➔ How often do u socialize with you
books) friends
➔ appearance ➔ Lover (common law wife/husband)
➔ quantity (you will know if ➔ co- workers
there is a problem or ➔ Anyform of socialization (tagay , dinner ,
not) or laag ba)
2. urinary
➔ How often the patients urinate COPING
or what you call frequency (1 ➔ this is very important because
mL , kidney generates nowadays mental health condition is
30-60ml/hr) rampant
➔ color ➔ Coping strategies
➔ changes in pattern ➔ Healthy
➔ the amount (just ask for approx) ➔ dysfunctional
➔ This is the parameter how does the pts. SPIRITUAL
live ➔ Beliefs
➔ duration ➔ cultural
➔ usual sleeping time
➔ quality of sleep CURRENT HEALTH STATUS
● medication - health status
● interrupted - Vaccinations
● sleeping problems ➔ childhood immunization
➔ pattern ➔ current vaxx

DAILY ACTIVITIES ➔ procedures done
Activity patterns
➔ You will always starts with their MAINTENANCE MEDICATION
occupation - Ask the pts. If he/she is compliant
➔ pattern (usual time sa
➔ Is this a stressful job (include
➔ ask the pts frequency in bathing - The one that will erdomer the collection
Exercise of data is the nurse
➔ ask about their daily exercise - Physical examination
➔ duration and the frequency EQUIPMENTS;
Hobbies ❖ Ears
➔ usually buhaton sa pts. ● Otoscope - will
➔ And how often the pts do his/her visualize the external or
hobbies the middle ear

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NCM 101 : Lecture
● Tuning pork - to check - Lungs
sound lateralization , to - Head , face , neck ,eyes , ears,
test has or no hearing nose , throat (HEEMT)
loss - Back
❖ Eyes - Breast
● Penlight - this will check you - Upper extremities
pupillary reflex - Axilla
● Opthalomscope - to visualize - heart
the inner chamber ★ Supine (on your back)
● Snellers chart - use to check If pt. has back problem
visual acuity, the degree you - Abdominal assessment
can see the object (used to ● Inspection
check eye problems due to ● Palpitation
refraction) ● Auscultation
● Reading materials - the test for - Chest , heart , and lungs
visual clarity - Breast
- Upper Extremities
❖ Other devices - HEEMT + face
● sphygmomanometer ★ Prone (on your abdomen)
- Blood pressure Not recommended If the pt. Jas cardiac
● Stethoscope and respiratory problems
- auscultation - Hip assessment
● Tongue depressor - Back
- Check for gag reflex ★ Dorsal recumbent
- Inspection: the tongue , Not for the pt. Who has abdominal
uvula , palate , tonsils assessment (abdominal muscle are
● Tape measure contracted)
- It measure dimensions - Chest
of the structures - Breast
- 3d - Upper extremities
● ruler - Peripheral pulses
- 2s measurement of ★ Sims position
structure No to elderly pt. With joint problems
- L/w/h - Rectal and vaginal examination
★ Knee-chest position
● percussion hammer No to the pt. With joint problems
- percussion - Rectal assessment
● goniometer ★ Standing position
- Check degree of flexion - balance and posture and gait
of joints - Assess male genitalia
● Vaginal speculum ★ Lithotomy position
- dilate vagina for - Vaginal exam
★ Sitting position (fowler's position) ➢ Wash your hands before beginning the
Sitting if the pts cannot tolerate supine examination , after the examination and
position , immediately after accidental direct
- To check the chest; contact with blood or other body fluids

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➢ Wear gloves if you have an open cut or ○ Temperature (Warm or
skin abrasion if the client has an open or cold)
weeping cut , if you are collecting body ○ Moisture (Dry or wet)
fluids and if you are assessing mucous ○ Mobility (Fixed ,
membrane morable , still ,
➢ Wear a mask and protective eye vibrating)
goggles if you are performing a ○ Consistency (Soft ,
examination in which you are likely to hard , fluid-filled)
be slashed with blood or other body ○ Size (Small , medium
fluid droplets large )
○ Strength (pulse Strong
, bounding , weak ,
○ Shape (Well-defined or
- IPPA (except for abdominal ○ degree of tenderness
assessment) (Painful or non-painful)
- IAPePa (abdominal) ● Parts of the hands for palpation
1. Fingertips
1. Inspection - Finde discrimination ,
● The use of the sense of sight , pulses , texture , size ,
smell and hearing consistency , shape
● Observing the structure for ,crepitus (abnormal)
● Compare the infected data to 2. ulnar/palmar surface
normal standards - Vibration , thrills ,
● Make sure the room is fremitus (normal)
comfortable (and not too hot ri 3. Dorsal surface
too cold) - Temperature
● Good light source ● Types of palpation
● Look and observe touching ❖ Light palpation
- Sometimes alter the - Little to no depression
quality of the surface - <1cm depression
● Completely expose the area that - Circular motion
is needed to be assessed - Pules ,
● Take not for abnormalities like tenderness,surface ,
color changes , size , location , skin texture ,
consistency ,symmetry m temperature , and
movement , behavior , oder , moisture
and sounds ❖ Moderate palpation
● Compare the test result to the - 1.2cm depression
normal standards - Circular motion
2. Palpation - Size , consistency and
● Use hands to touch and feel the mobility
ff: - Dominant hand
○ Textures (Rough or - Lumps , tumors , cyst
❖ Deep palpation

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- 2.5-5cm (1-2 inches) hand on the body
depression surfaces using the fist of
- Dominant on top of the other hand to trike
non-dominant the back of the hand flat
- Very deep organs on the body surface
covered with muscle
- Liver and the kidney ★ Indirect
❖ Bimanual Palpation ○ The most commonly
- Two hands side to side used method of
of the body part percussion
- 1 hand to provide ○ The tapping done with
pressure , 1 hand to feel this type of percussion
- Uterus , breast , spleen produces a sound or
- Size , shape , tone that varies with the
consistency and density of underlying
mobility structures
- Leopold's maneuver ○ Practice percussing by
3. Percussion tapping your clavicle to
● It feels like magic elicit a flat tone and
● Percussion involve tapping body part to your puffed-out cheek to
produce sound waves elicit a tympanic
● These sound waves or vibrations enable tone.A good way to
the examiner to assess underlying detect changes in a
● Uses of percussion tone is to fill a carton
★ Eliciting pain - visceral halfway with fluid and
★ Determining location , size and practice percussion on it
★ Determining density
★ Detecting abnormal masses 4. Auscultation
★ Eliciting reflexes ● A type of assessment
technique that require
● TYPES OF PERCUSSION that use of a
★ Direct stethoscope to listen
○ Direct tapping of a body for heart-sounds ,
part with one or two movement of blood
fingertips to elicit through the
possib;le tenderness cardiovascular system ,
(spongy feeling in the movement of the bowel
skin) , and movement of air
We do not use direct to through the respiratory
check sound waves ,
we use it to check ★ PARTS OF STETHOSCOPE
tenderness ○ Diaphragm
■ One with the white
★ Blunt ■ Listen to
○ Is used to detect ○ Bell
tenderness over organs ■ To listen for low-pitched
(kidney) by placing one sounds such as

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NCM 101 : Lecture
abnormal heart sounds Compare
and bruits (abnormal ★ Very important in assessment of data
loud , blowing , or ★ Checking the actual result to the gather
murmuring sound heard data
during auscultation) ★ You must know whats the normal finding
before compering
○ Eliminate noises Hyper-resonance - more prolonged and distinct
○ Expose body part you are going than resonance
to auscultate
○ Warm the diaphragm or bell of Documentation
the stethoscope before placing - This is for records is the vehicle for
on skin communication
○ Explain what you are listening - Document at all times , esp in HEALTH
for ASSESSMENT because the team
○ Avoid listening through clothing knows the status of patients
- Legal purposes
- The documentation is law-bounded , it
means the document is a legal
document (confidential)
- A facility base , meaning each facility
has their own documentation type


❖ More like narrative , sentences
❖ Under pts. Profile sheet
➢ from the patient
❖ Complains
➢ It should be in a COLDSPA
➢ C - character (description)
- Before u document the data you should
➢ O - onset
need to validate
➢ L- location
➢ D- duration
➢ S- severity
★ Battle of common sense
➢ P- pattern
★ Data that is being collected is true and
➢ A- associated factor
❖ Key assessment
★ It involves;
➢ Food allergies (sometimes durg
○ reassessment
○ clarify
■ Very detailed
■ Only for subjective data
■ Onset and duration
○ verify
■ To check if the
information is accurate ,
❖ Checklist
you need to verify the
❖ focused-checklist
data with another nurse

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1. Electronic MABOANG) & type b (
- Healthcare softwares laid-back , known to be gentle
2. Paper documentation persons)
- hardcopy 5. Spiritual
- tangible 6. Cultural practices
★ guidelines 7. Neurologic impairment
○ accurate a. Very important bcs there are
○ no erasure some disease that affect you as
■ If not intended write a person ( e.g., alzheimer's ,
horizontal line on the ADHD , autism)
erased statement and 8. Development level
affixed your signature a. 24-26
○ Affix signature with time and Mental Disorders
date ● Highlights
★ do not use; ● DSM 5
○ Correction tape/ink ○ Half a billion ( nearly half
○ Removable ink suffers depression)
○ Pencil ● Really diagnose
● It affects the person entirely
● what to assess
○ Depression
○ Anxiety
○ Bipolar disorders
● Mental health
○ Schropinia
○ Cognition
○ Orientation
○ Alzheimers
○ Level of consciousness
○ Dementia
● Mental disorders
○ How mental status affects the
pts ADL’s
❖ Biographical Data
➢ to check orientation
➢ name , address , and tel number
1. Economic and social status
■ Current level of
2. Lifestyle
consciousness ,
a. Unhealthy or poor choices in life
orientation and
3. Exposed to violence
➢ age , date of birth , and gender
b. More gullible
■ Orientation and patients
c. They may copy what they
current developmental
experience before
4. Personality
■ Cognition and
a. According to psychology there
are 2 types of personalities ;
➢ Marital status
type a (high achievers ,
■ Orientation
competitive , short-tempered ,
who wants to achieve
something by themselves ,
narcissistic people , at risk

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➢ Educational level/attainment
■ Create an impression
on pt. socio-economic

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