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Unlocking Career Opportunities: Crafting an Impressive Resume in Japanese

In today's globalized job market, possessing a diverse skill set, including proficiency in different
languages, can significantly enhance your career prospects. For those looking to explore opportunities
in Japan or within Japanese companies, a well-crafted resume in Japanese is a crucial tool.

Why Opt for a Japanese Resume?

Japanese employers often appreciate candidates who make the effort to communicate in their native
language. A Japanese resume, known as "Rirekisho" (履歴書), not only showcases your language
proficiency but also demonstrates cultural awareness and respect for local customs. This document
plays a pivotal role in the Japanese hiring process and can be the key to unlocking doors to exciting
job opportunities.

Key Elements of a Japanese Resume:

1. Personal Information (個人情報): Begin with essential details such as your name, address,
contact number, and email address. In Japan, it is common to include a recent photograph, so
ensure a professional and formal image.
2. Objective Statement (職務目標): Clearly state your career goals and aspirations. Tailor this
section to align with the specific position and company you are applying to.
3. Educational Background (学歴): Provide details about your academic history, including
the names of institutions attended, degrees earned, and graduation dates.
4. Work Experience (職務経歴): Outline your professional experience in reverse
chronological order, highlighting key responsibilities and achievements. Focus on skills and
accomplishments relevant to the position you are applying for.
5. Skills (技能): List your language proficiency, both in Japanese and other relevant languages.
Include any certifications or specific skills that make you a standout candidate.
6. Hobbies and Interests (趣味・特技): Share a glimpse of your personality by mentioning
hobbies or special skills that are relevant to the job or showcase your well-rounded nature.

Why Choose ?

Crafting a resume in a foreign language can be a challenging

understands the importance of a well-prepared resume and offers professional services to ensure
your document stands out. With experienced writers and language experts, they can assist you in
creating a compelling Japanese resume tailored to your career goals.

Order Now for Career Success!

Don't let language barriers hinder your career growth. Order your professionally crafted Japanese
resume from today and open the doors to exciting opportunities in the Land
of the Rising Sun. Your dream job in Japan awaits – let your resume pave the way!
There is a section in parentheses asking for your current age in years. Just 5 minutes to complete your
Japanese formatted CV. Other parts of the section ask about your commute time ( ???? ), number of
dependents ( ??? ), and marital status ( ??? ). Know that you may be rejected for many job
opportunities if you don’t do this. Yes No Seller's Response Dear Mr Fuente, Thank you very much
for your kind review. As easy as the resume forms are to pick up at a convenience store in Japan, I
found that it's actually kind of a pain to find good rirekisho document templates online. Therefore, it
is important that your resume really stands out and makes an employer want to meet you in person.
Update the template fonts and colors have the best chance of landing your dream job. Your Resume
in Japan - GaijinPot InJapan: Resume types. If you cannot find one that suits your needs, please
message me and I will provide you with a custom gig. There are two major hiring seasons in Japan in
the early spring and the late summer, but it is never too early to start working on your resume. This
category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website.
How much yen per day do you need to travel in Japan. If you quit for personal reasons, you will put.
Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The action you just
performed triggered the security solution. If you would prefer negotiating salary face-to-face, feel
free to write down “ ???????????????????? ”. General dispatch (Permission No: faction 14-303417)
Employment agency (Permission No: 14-Yu 301970) Contacts YAMAGATA Human Resources
Service Department address: 2-6-34 Takashima, Nishi-ku. This will not only look sloppy but also
give off the impression that you don’t care about the job and company you’re applying to. See point
4 above about this. ? ??? ( Genjusho ) Current address — Where you currently live. Supported family
participation to maintain student studying. In addition, access to free sample resume, you can use as
an example resume for your reference their prepared in a professional manner. A couple of years ago,
I shared the Japanese-style resume forms (???, rirekisho ) I've collected and used in my own job
searches. This is important ESPECIALLY for foreigners because most Japanese can’t pronounce
English names. You can use the following link or you could just search on Google “Rirekisho”. It is
very important to hiring managers that a candidate’s job application reflects careful diligence and
attention. But there's a balance between being different and petulantly refusing to play the game. You
will need to go to a Hanko shop and order it, and then you will need to register it. But for the vast
majority of cases, you’ll need to know how to fill in a Rirekisho. If you can speak other languages as
well but don’t have any certificate, you can write down your language level.
It is important to know with which employment system you’re going to apply because depending on
the system you apply with, the companies will ask for different “support documents”. Persuasive
section You can use this space to appeal to the company. It means background information, and it’s a
formal document with a strict structure that can sometimes be very different than western resumes.
The most important thing to remember is to be polite on your resume. While in Japan information
like marital status is considered OK, US companies cannot ask such personal questions like age,
marital status, number of dependents etc, so I do not like looking at the Japanese resumes to begin
with. There’s no need to write a reason for leaving or quitting such programs. However, it requires
thorough preparation, starting with a. Grad students and entry-level applicants can use this section to
demonstrate any relevant internships or voluntary activities they have been involved in which may
benefit the open position. If you want to work in Japan, please leave it to us. There are several
actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command
or malformed data. Many rirekisho templates continue to use the Japanese style called nengo ( ?? ).
Since this is a Japanese translation job, your first impression will come down to how well you can
write Japanese. Edit and proofread your resume before you submit it. These machines will provide
the necessary size of photo as well as proper background and lighting amount. The headshot should
be a passport-sized photo taken with a clear background. All of this should take you less than 3 days
in total. If you plan to work in Japan, we have a variety of useful guides on Japanese etiquette that
are worth reading. Since we are a recruiting company that focuses on mid-career recruitment, I’m
going to focus on the latter. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the
website. Then in the section below, write your name in Japanese. However, it is recommended to at
least mention a commuting time if applicable. Promoted connections in the terminology and
motivated terminology outcome. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. We help you
translate each section of your payslip to English, covering all the essential vocabulary. You can use
the following link or you could just search on Google “Rirekisho”. If you’re unsure how to write
your name in katakana, you can use this English-to-Japanese name converter. But actually, the format
changes a little depending on whether you’re applying for a full-time job or a part-time job. I am a
recruiter--I make resumes all day long Reply Delete Replies Reply Add comment Load more. In the
sample above, there is ???, which is a regular employee, and a ????, which is a contract employee. A
resume in Japanese uses a pre-designed set-up that is accepted all over the country and by Japanese
companies in other parts of the world.
If you don’t, leave this blank. ?????? ( Fuyo Kazokusu ) Dependents — This doesn’t include a
spouse (see 16). ? ??? ( Haigusha ) Spouse —. Yet, as with many East versus West scenarios, the
resume you write for a job in the US or the UK, for example, is going to be very different from the
one you create for the same job in Japan. Simply select “Save As” and choose PDF for the file type
below the document name. In fact, many machines let you pay with your train pass. Grammar
mistakes will give a bad impression on your Japanese. Although, the information you need to provide
is pretty much the same. To resolve any issues, write your name as follows, including the kanji in
parentheses. Each of these categories has peculiar rules to follow when writing. Over the next couple
of posts, we'll examine the sections in detail and provide some examples of good resume writing
style. In the closing paragraph, be sure to include any references you can provide (you do not need
references if you are just starting out). Each school that you attended should be written in
chronological order with the dates of entry and graduation. Also, If you have a driver’s license viable
in Japan, you can write it. Applicants can throw in a ballpark of what they hope to earn salary-wise,
working hours, position, office location (if various offices are available), etc. Men typically wear a
dark-colored suit and a tie with tidy hair. Find any PDF document or file related to japanese resume
template pdf download below: japanese resume template pdf download Download No. You want the
recruiter to easily understand what you did until now and what your strengths are that makes you an
ideal candidate specifically for this position. ? As a general rule, you don’t have to do it by
handwriting. A couple of years ago, I shared the Japanese-style resume forms (???, rirekisho ) I've
collected and used in my own job searches. Recruiters are interested in applicants that will stay with
the company and fully engage in company projects and goals. This is where you will give the
company your basic information about yourself. Expected Information The numbers below
correspond to the. List any professional associations that you’re a member of, or have been, and
which websites you frequent where you can find foreign clients. In Japan, that’s done in a completely
different form. However, for Westerners, write your name in the Roman alphabet and add the
katakana furigana. We list some design schools that accept foreign students. Before structuring the
different elements, it is important to start the document indicating the date (??) in which you are
applying, not the date it is written. Here we will introduce the standard resume type and some tips
on making your submission stand out. In these cases, candidates should only use black ink to write
their resumes and ensure not to leave any mistakes visible. This means that there is a widely available
template from shops or that can be downloaded, which candidates either fill out by hand or
occasionally complete via a word processor. If you have translations or projects you’ve written in a
different language, include it on your resume and include a sample of the translation. Functional
cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media
platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features.
Summary of Qualifications: Proficiency in Japanese Exceptional encounter and knowledge in
educating Japanese Immense capability to utilize educational resources Amazing capability to apply
appropriate terminology instruction Excellent class room management skills Strong spoken and
written connections skills Work Experience: Japanese Instructor, 2006 - Present Minneapolis
Community University, Torrance, CA Provided developmentally efficient and appropriate
educational material. Also, keep your resume concise by listing only relevant experience. If you
mention wanting to gain specific skills at the company, it can give off the impression that you’re
simply using the company as a step-up for your career. In the same way you wrote out your gakureki,
do the same for the employment history. Advocated for and reinforced efficient terminology
program within the community. Just 5 minutes to complete your Japanese formatted CV. If the one
you are using does, there will first be a gakureki ( ?? ) box followed by a shokureki ( ?? ) box.
Unlike most English-speaking countries abroad, having no experience can be a disadvantage, but
traditional Japanese companies tend to favor those applicants without any previous experience. If you
have, kindly point to me or you can email me your sample to me at fongks. Also, list any web pages
that give detailed information about your services. Naturally, some companies (particularly tech
ones) may ask for additional or alternative forms more like the CV or resume you’re familiar with,
but understanding the Japanese one is going to be essential for looking for work here. These cookies
will be stored in your browser only with your consent. These cookies track visitors across websites
and collect information to provide customized ads. The term rirekisho is the Japanese word used to
describe a document, often hand-written, which is sent or given to companies and recruiters in Japan
to serve as a candidate’s job application. But for the vast majority of cases, you’ll need to know how
to fill in a Rirekisho. A traditional Japanese resume, a rirekisho, is a standard form that allows an
applicant to handwrite in their personal details. There are plenty of photo booths, not unlike the
popular purikura, that specialize in taking photos just the right size for resumes and passports. Try to
be specific and, if possible, describe a concrete episode how you showed these skills in the past. It is
mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. If you are at the
start of your career only one page is fine. General dispatch (Permission No: faction 14-303417)
Employment agency (Permission No: 14-Yu 301970) Contacts YAMAGATA Human Resources
Service Department address: 2-6-34 Takashima, Nishi-ku. If you do, write the number of family
members dependent on you. The information displayed here should contain the name of the
institution, with location and the name of the certificate awarded or course undertaken. Supported
family participation to maintain student studying. If you choose to type your resume, use one of the
standard Japanese fonts (usually Mincho or Gothic) consistently with no mixing of fonts. Her English
is fantastic, she knows what she's doing and the final result looks nice and professional. It would
very helpful if I can get some info on the above. Applicants can throw in a ballpark of what they
hope to earn salary-wise, working hours, position, office location (if various offices are available),
etc. Try to be short and concise. ? Adjust your resume to each job you are applying to, highlighting
your relevant experience and skills according to the position. Try to stick with one system throughout
your resume.
All candidates must ensure to be aware of any specific recruitment regulation in place in that
company that could affect their candidacy, for example, if they accept digitalized resumes or only
traditional hand-written rirekisho. A resume is used to see the overall history of what a candidate has
been doing, meaning, a timeline of sorts. This is the opposite of western resumes, which are
structured in the reverse-chronological order, despite often being known as the chronological resume
style. If you are planning to employ a foreigner who does not yet have a work visa in Japan, you
need to obtain the certificate of Eligibility and necessary visa for them. Use Japanese words and
phrases to show your expertise. You will see two sections: genjusho ( ??? ) and renrakusaki ( ??? ).
Japanese resume sample - GaijinPot Forums: Hi, Could anyone here know of a site that have some
sample resume written in Japanese. Employers look at the photograph to judge how professional and
presentable you look. You can also mention your PC skills (Microsoft Office, Photoshop, etc.). ?
??????: qualifications and licenses. Much like the ?purikura booths, they can remove any redness or
blemishes on your skin and will print out a set of photos within a few minutes. We write for those
working in or visiting Japan (or just J-curious), helping where we can. Include 1-2 sentence
paragraphs about your experience. So, I'm not trying to say that a typed resume will be immediately
sent to the round file. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not
been classified into a category as yet. Japanese Translator Resume Writing Guide: Write your name,
contact information and job title at the top of the page. Find any PDF document or file related to
japanese resume template pdf download below: japanese resume template pdf download Download
No. Naturally, the Japanese use a very distinct approach to resume writing compared to American
resume writing and certain aspects of it can be confusing for a Westerner. Word file is fine, PDF file
is probably the best option in order to avoid any layout format issue. ? If you are also sending your
rirekisho, you don’t need to add your educational background too. ? Always double check before
sending it. You may smile slightly, but don’t show your teeth. Grammar mistakes will give a bad
impression on your Japanese. Also, do not forget to circle the appropriate gender. Hence, illustrate all
your experiences that point out your teamwork skills or your role while being part of a team.
Candidates should also be aware that they will need to adapt their job application to be mindful of
any cultural differences including the possibility of including information that might otherwise be
omitted in a westernized resume. It is very important to hiring managers that a candidate’s job
application reflects careful diligence and attention. Every employer I've had in Japan has asked me to
handwrite my resume, even if it was just a formality--one employer even sent me a resume form in
the mail with instructions to fill it out by hand after they called me to say I got the job. List of
Typical Responsibilities For a Japanese Translator Resume: Japanese to English translation and
interpretation Preparation of English texts for publication Proofreading Cultural expertise in the
Japanese language, customs, etiquette, etc. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your
browsing experience. This means that jobseekers should not photocopy their resume but instead,
create a different Japanese resume per vacancy. In-depth knowledge of Japanese etymology,
grammar, and modes of expression helps. Naturally, some companies (particularly tech ones) may ask
for additional or alternative forms more like the CV or resume you’re familiar with, but
understanding the Japanese one is going to be essential for looking for work here.
Traditionally on a Japanese resume, the qualifications section tends to include any and all types of
certifications but nowadays, it is recommended to list only those that are practical and pertinent to
the position on offer. So, I'm not trying to say that a typed resume will be immediately sent to the
round file. Japanese companies will not see this in a favorable light. She is also kind and gives her all
to be able to provide the best service as much as she can. Grammar mistakes will give a bad
impression on your Japanese. Offered top quality terminology training developing culturally genuine
studying. Look for ones like the booth shown below at train stations, ward offices and similar
outlets. Supported family participation to maintain student studying. Then in the section below, write
your name in Japanese. Every employer I've had in Japan has asked me to handwrite my resume,
even if it was just a formality--one employer even sent me a resume form in the mail with
instructions to fill it out by hand after they called me to say I got the job. This document is where
you write about your previous job’s responsibilities and achievements. To resolve any issues, write
your name as follows, including the kanji in parentheses. Highlight anything that might make you
appear a more attractive candidate. In the sample above, there is ???, which is a regular employee,
and a ????, which is a contract employee. We list some design schools that accept foreign students.
Or a two-page American-style resume and cover letter in English. In Japan, Hanko is more used than
regular signatures for formal documents. Leaving it blank can display a lack of interest in the
position and company. If you want you can add your contact information, such as phone number or
address below your name. ? ???? shokumu youyaku: a brief summary to compress your experience
and career objective into a couple of sentences. ? ???? shokumu keireki: here is where you are going
to write down your detailed work history. Japan as a country and society has many unique aspects,
and writing a Japanese resume is one of them. If you quit for personal reasons, you will put.
Encouraged bilingualism in an rich education and studying model. If you are more experienced or
have something to prove (i.e, if you have completed projects in Japan before), be sure to list any
credentials and professional certifications. Unlike most English-speaking countries abroad, having
no experience can be a disadvantage, but traditional Japanese companies tend to favor those
applicants without any previous experience. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors
interact with the website. The year can be written either using the Japanese ?nengo. We also use
third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. If, for example,
you have a second address, or a local contact the company can find you through, list it here. ? ?? (
Denwa ) Phone number — This is the additional contact for the above Renrakusaki.It might be a
cellphone address. ? ?? ( Gakureki ) Educational history — This is a very important section. But
another way to ensure a well-presented and professional Japanese resume format would be to use a
template or online resume builder which offers guidance for each step. However, due to increased
applications from foreign residents and exchange students, hiring boards have become more open to
accepting ?rirekishou.
This would be your last 2-3 educational backgrounds. Her English is fantastic, she knows what she's
doing and the final result looks nice and professional. If you choose to type your resume, use one of
the standard Japanese fonts (usually Mincho or Gothic) consistently with no mixing of fonts. Helpful
? Yes No Seller's Response Thank you so much for the kind review. If you’re unsure how to write
your name in katakana, you can use this English-to-Japanese name converter. Try to be specific and,
if possible, describe a concrete episode how you showed these skills in the past. Leaving it blank can
display a lack of interest in the position and company. Take a look at these jobs that accept applicants
from abroad. Also, do not forget to circle the appropriate gender. Some companies with a more
international mindset will accept an English CV, however many companies will look upon your
application much more favorably if you accompany your application with a Japanese resume. A
resume in Japanese uses a pre-designed set-up that is accepted all over the country and by Japanese
companies in other parts of the world. Therefore, I can provide excellent service in English while
perfecting your Japanese CV using my research and experience. (Sorry it's short, but word limit)
What do you need to start the project? 1. Consider wearing the traditional interview outfit—a black
suit with a white collared shirt. Developed thematic terminology program for each developing level.
This photo is of great importance and will be considered carefully by potential employers. The
headshot should be a passport-sized photo taken with a clear background. In my country, we usually
follow whatever format is taught to us by our schools and universities. If you feel your kanji skills
are not up to scratch, there are websites that allow you to enter your information and have it printed
and emailed. If you have translations or projects you’ve written in a different language, include it on
your resume and include a sample of the translation. A resume is used to see the overall history of
what a candidate has been doing, meaning, a timeline of sorts. Resume Layout Creative Resume
Modern Resume Basic Resume Infographic Resume Professional Resume Simple Resume MS Word
Quick Links Resume Samples Resume Skills Resume Help Resume Synonyms Interview Questions
Job Responsibilities. Even Japanese (who don't know well either how to write resumes) Tend to have
digital versions. If you mention wanting to gain specific skills at the company, it can give off the
impression that you’re simply using the company as a step-up for your career. Consider it the first
impression, an introduction to yourself to draw the attention of the company. Encouraged
bilingualism in an rich education and studying model. This document is where you write about your
previous job’s responsibilities and achievements. But as foreigners looking for work in Japan, it is the
best way to get ahead of those who may be qualified but are submitting their format free non-
researched resumes. You can find them within the city in business areas and in train stations. For
tertiary education, make sure also to write down the faculty and department. This makes it easier for
the company to train potential employees in its ways and culture.

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