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06/02/2024 07/02/2024 08/02/2024 09/02/2024
Introduction Places to Eat 1 Healthy Food 1 Restaurant 1
12/02/2024 13/02/2024 14/02/2024 15/02/2024
Healthy Food 2 Obesity 1 Obesity 2 Middle Exam
19/02/2024 20/02/2024 21/02/2024 22/02/2024
Restaurant 2 Nutrition 1 Nutrition2 Songs
26/02/2024 27/02/2024 28/02/2024 Final
Conclusions Project Exam


Places to Healthy
eat Food


Obesity is a medical
condition in which excess
body fat has accumulated to
such an extent that it can
potentially have negative
effects on health.
Obesity causes

Excessive consumption of energy-

dense foods, sedentary work and
lifestyles and lack of physical
activity, changes in modes of
transportation, urbanization, lack of
supportive policies, lack of access to
a healthy diet, genetics
Obesity in Countries
Is Mexico more obese than the
US 2023?
Mexico passed the United States
as the most obese country in
the world. The prevalence of
overweight and obesity is 16.7%
in preschool children, 26.2% in
school children, and 30.9% in
adolescents. For adults, the
prevalence of overweight and
obesity is 39.7 and 29.9%,
What is the main cause of obesity in
Too much food and too little exercise
What's become the typical Western diet-frequent, large meals high in refined
grains, red meat, unhealthy fats, and sugary drinks-plays one of the largest roles in
Why is Japan's obesity rate so low?

Food Consumption, Prices and Dietary


In addition, the traditional Japanese diet with

its emphasis on rice, vegetables, and fish,
with very little fat, is very conducive to
maintaining a pattern of lower calorie
Obesity in Data
Adult Obesity Prevalence Maps
• Childhood obesity can
profoundly affect children's
physical health, social, and
emotional well-being, and self
esteem. It is also associated with
poor academic performance and
a lower quality of life
experienced by the child.
• How does obesity affect
children psychologically?
• Obesity adversely affects
psychological well-being
through weight stigma, poor
self-esteem, and/or functional
impairment (less movement,
and limited ability to engage in
activities, causing social
Exercise and activity
Getting more physical activity or
exercise is an essential part of
obesity treatment: Exercise. People
with obesity need to get at least 150
minutes a week of moderate-
intensity physical activity. This can
help prevent further weight gain or
maintain the loss of a modest
amount of weight.
How can I help obese people? Encourage healthy eating. ...
Be an exercise buddy. ...
Share useful information. ...
Here's how: Keep them motivated. ...
Wait for cues. Your friend or Help reduce their stress. ...
loved one may not yet be ready No judgment.
to make the lifestyle changes
necessary to lose weight in
healthy ways. ...
Emphasize good health, if
anything. ...

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