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Demographic Profile Assignment

For this assignment, you will evaluate your own Demographic Profile to consider whether you have
engaged your observations of your students using asset-based language and whether you have fully
honed in on each student’s (and the classes’) funds of knowledge.

Please start by checking out these videos to support your understanding of funds of knowledge and
asset-based language:
Funds of Knowledge:
 (9 min.)
 (6:27)
Asset Based Language:
 Starting at 4:00-20:45:

Optional: Asset Based Language and the Importance of Human Connection:

 (7:48)

This document includes students’ names and must remain confidential. You can post a copy of your
Demographic Profile in your Online Portfolio without the students’ names.

Demographic Profile: Class and Individual Student Information

( TPE 1.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 4.5 SSP-DAP )
Number of Students in Class Male: 13Female: 17 Total: 30

English Language Arts ( ELA) Mathematics English Language Learners (ELL)

Level (Circle) Number of Level (Circle) Number of Level (Circle) Number of students
students per students per per level
level level
Beginning 15 Low 12 Emerging 1
Intermediate 14 Medium 17 Expanding 2
Advanced 1 High 1 Bridging 2
Special Education Students
IEP Identification (Speech, hearing Specific considerations for each student
impaired, autism, etc.)
IEP 1-Autism IEP 1’s goal focuses on reading material at their current reading
level, they will demonstrate the ability to answer questions, and
make and confirm predictions about text by using prior knowledge
and ideas presented, including, illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and foreshadowing clues, using
appropriate level text, without prompts, with 80% accuracy, four of
five trials as measured by teacher observation of student work

Current programs: IEP 1 receives specialized academic individual

instruction for 200 minutes (about 3 and a half hours) a week
(Starts 2/16/23 and ends 2/16/24).

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IEP 1 strengths and preferences: Learn individually or in a small
group setting. They prefer to not read aloud or participate in a
whole class discussion. Some strengths include ability, passion,
intensity, and energy.

Classroom accommodations: Chunk big assignments to prevent

feeling overwhelmed. Provide breaks for the student when
lecturing or working on assignment. Moreover, encourage the
student and provide positive reinforcement. No testing support is
needed for the student as of now.

IEP 2-Cognitive deficit abilities IEP 2’s goal focuses on reading comprehension and understanding
word meaning and creating their own sentences using vocabulary
words with 80% accuracy in three out of four trials as measured by
teacher-charted records.

Current programs: IEP 2 is receiving specialized academic group

instruction for 112 minutes (about 2 hours) a day which began
2/24/23 and ends 2/24/24.

IEP 2 strengths and preferences: Prefers to keep to themselves

and would rather ask to be helped than just walk up to them. They
do not prefer to read aloud. Some strengths include time
management, engagement, and detail orientation.

Classroom accommodations: Extended time on assignments, as

needed. May retake tests to improve grades, as needed.
Preferential seating is strongly suggested and should have

IEP 3-Visual processing deficit IEP 3’s goal focuses on following teacher-led prewriting activities
to compose multiple paragraphs including an introductory
paragraph, supporting paragraphs composed of simple facts or
details, and a concluding paragraph with fewer than 10 errors in
spelling, punctuation, or grammar, in 2 of trials, as measured by
student work samples.

Current programs: IEP 3 is receiving specialized academic

instruction in their general education classes from a Special
Education staff member.

IEP 3 strengths and preferences: Prefers to work in a group setting

where they can collaborate with others. They prefer to not read
aloud as they already struggle with reading comprehension. Some
strengths include a positive attitude, ability to stay on task, and
ability to not give up.

Classroom accommodations: Access to notes, instructional

supports, checks for understanding with material read at grade
level, use of various forms of reading strategy, access
technological tools to assist reading comprehension. Extended
time for tests and assignments. Can resubmit assignments for a

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better grade. Can take an exam in a separate setting (if needed).

Three Identified Student Profiles

One identified Special Education student, one English Language Learner,
one Special Circumstance student

Student #1 English Language Learner

Student Name: FS1
Special Identifications (ELL, GATE, Special Need): Math (circle one): medium
ELL and Cognitive Deficit abilities Reading (circle one): medium

Linguistic and/or Cultural Background: Family/Home Background:

(and how these may influence instruction) (and how these may influence instruction)

American Indian background. Speaks both Spanish and English at Comes from what they described as a busy household with
home. They are beginning to feel more confident in speaking two siblings (one older brother and one younger brother). FS1
English, however, they are yet to participate in a classroom enjoys being around family and spending time with friends.
discussion. I plan on using sentence frames and allowing them to On the weekends, the family does a family event, whether that
speak in their native language. On the ELPAC, the students scored be a family game or movie night. It is evident that FS1 has a
mostly 4s and one 3 in the oral and written language section. FS1 family that gets along and is heavily involved in their life.
has an intermediate reading level and has been able to improve
their English exponentially since their time at Century.

Health and/or Physical Considerations: Socio-emotional Learning Considerations/Social

(and how these may influence instruction) Development Factors:
(and how these may influence instruction)
The student voiced that he comes to class tired because of their
long days at school and practice. When needed they talked about FS1 plays soccer and is involved in multiple team sports.
possibly extending assignments from all the traveling they do They may feel exhausted or burnt out at times from their busy
from soccer and track and field. schedule. They also feel pressure from being an older sibling.
If they pursue an education in college, they would be the first
and that can come with pressure on getting good grades now.
It is important that I do not spend too much time lecturing and
give this student and all students a brain break.

Assets/Funds of Knowledge: Interests and Aspirations:

(and how these may influence instruction) (and how these may influence instruction)

FS1 responds best when I begin talking to him about sports or Participates in both soccer and track and field. FS1 plans to go
their interests. I am working on finding a way to incorporate their to college and study kinesiology and then hopefully become a
interests into my lessons or explain the content in a way that they physical therapist. FS1 enjoys learning about the human body
can understand. FS3 also works best with others and enjoys and the science behind it. If FS1 does not end up liking
having conversations about soccer or music. kinesiology, they also talked about being able to join law
enforcement or start their own business.

Student #2 Special Needs Student

Student Name: FS2
Special Identifications (ELL, GATE, Special Need): Math (circle one): medium
Autism/homeless Reading (circle one): medium
Linguistic and/or Cultural Background: Family/Home Background:

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(and how these may influence instruction) (and how these may influence instruction)

Speaks both English and Spanish at home. FS2 explained how Considered to be homeless and has an armed forces family
they feel confident speaking both English and Spanish. They member. FS2 currently lives with their grandmother. All these
speak mostly English at school and Spanish around their factors can affect their learning experience. I plan to give the
grandparents. They hope to utilize this asset in their career. The student extended time on assignments and more grace. I
students on the ELPAC averaged 3s and two 2s in the oral and understand that the student's family may face unpredictable
written language section. They were moderately close to the schedules and unexpected changes, so I want to support and
standard for the reading section. provide resources for my student.

Health and/or Physical Considerations: Socio-emotional Learning Considerations/Social

(and how these may influence instruction) Development Factors:
(and how these may influence instruction)
The student let me know that bright lights can affect their vision
so they would like to sit near the window with natural light in the
classroom. FS1 also voiced that they like to have personal space. FS2 may struggle at times because of his family background
Fortunately, the classroom is set up in a way where FS1 does not but he appears to have emotional/behavioral developments at
have to sit directly next to another student. Moreover, FS1 will be their age level. They enjoy listening to music when they work
allowed to take a scheduled brain break by doing another task to keep themselves focused. I want to have daily check ins
(breathing exercises, music, fidget toy) during class that is not with the whole class but more importantly with FS2 because
distracting to self-regulate. of the challenges they face in and out of school.

Assets/Funds of Knowledge: Interests and Aspirations:

(and how these may influence instruction) (and how these may influence instruction)

FS2 responds best when provided with individual or one-on-one Enjoys listening to music and their favorite genre is heavy
instruction. They also like to be encouraged and affirmed metal. FS2 also just picked up playing the drums and has
throughout a class period as they feel it makes them work better enjoyed the challenge of learning an instrument. In his free
and stay on task. Moreover, the student worked best when they are time, FS2 also enjoys drawing and hopes to use this talent in
the future to be an artist or art teacher. FS2 plans to attend a
community college once he graduates.

Student #3 Special Circumstances Student

Student Name: FS3
Special Identifications (ELL, GATE, Special Need): Math (circle one): medium
Homeless/cognitive deficit abilities Reading (circle one): medium
Linguistic and/or Cultural Background: Family/Home Background:
(and how these may influence instruction) (and how these may influence instruction)

Mexican American who speaks both Spanish and English at home. FS3 has a younger brother and describes their family as being
The student feels more confident speaking Spanish which is the energetic and fun. FS3 appears to have a loving home life
primary language that they speak with their parents. They can use which is why he may be smiling all the time. Moreover, FS3
both languages in the classroom when speaking in a class also mentioned how their family has family movie nights once
discussion. On the ELPAC, FS3 averaged 3s and 4s in their oral a week. They say that this has allowed their family to grow
and written language. They are well-developed in reading English. closer and spend quality time with one another.

Health and/or Physical Considerations: Socio-emotional Learning Considerations/Social

(and how these may influence instruction) Development Factors:
(and how these may influence instruction)
FS2 is quiet and to themselves. FS2 prefers to work individually
as they feel this is the best way they can stay on task. They also FS3 is a mature individual who struggles with cognitive
prefer to sit in front of the classroom to help stay focused during deficit abilities. Their emotional/behavioral development
the learning experience. appears to be at their age level. I plan to have check-ins with
this student every day to see how they are doing. Moreover, I

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will allow this student to have a mindfulness exercise to take a
deep breath and meditate for 2-3 minutes per class.

Assets/Funds of Knowledge: Interests and Aspirations:

(and how these may influence instruction) (and how these may influence instruction)

The students voiced that they feel tired and rundown because they FS3 is interested in attending college and pursuing a degree in
are involved in clubs at school such as NAC, NSH, and the business. They hope to work in a company first to learn a lot
Women’s Trades club. During the lesson, FS1 would like to have then begin to start their own business. While in college, they
a brain break to recuperate and take a deep breath. On top of this, I want to get experience in the work field whether that be fast-
will let them walk out of class for a mental reset when needed. food or retail, the student is excited to see what opportunities
lie ahead.

Other General Classroom Concerns

General cultural and linguistic background of students (home/family):

Many students speak both Spanish and English at home. 21 students have been reclassified as ELLs and 5 are considered ELs. The
other students speak English only; however, I have noticed they have a tough time reading aloud and pronouncing some words. I
plan to breakdown passages and go over difficult words as a class to define them and gain a better understanding.

Health considerations or physical development factors (if any)

FS1: Autism and armed forces family member

FS2: ELL and Cognitive deficit abilities
FS3: ELL and Visual deficit abilities
Student 1: Homeless
Student 2: Homeless
Student 3: Active family member in the military

Socio-emotional developmental (SEL) factors that may influence instruction in this academic area

The class has been able to get work done efficiently in the first couple weeks of the semester.
They treat each other with respect and kindness and each student feels welcomed in the
classroom. It is important that I come into class everyday with positive reinforcement and
continually remind them to take each day one at a time because they are at an age where they
can become easily overwhelmed. I understand they have other classes and other things going
on in their life and I want to give them grace and love. I plan to have mental check ins using
GIFs that they can relate to base on how they feel. Their high school journey is over in less than
a year and they are beginning a new chapter.

Interests and/or aspirations in the class (relevant to this academic area

Many of the students in this class plan to go to college or pursue a career once they graduate. I
can make connections about the importance of the history of work-related laws and how our
country has improved the working experience. Moreover, I can talk about the history of
education and the history of universities in California. The students in my class also enjoy
listening to music and a couple even play the guitar. It will interest the students if I talk about
how history influences artists to make certain music. For example, during the Great Depression
life was difficult and unemployment was high. A song that came out called “Brother, Can you
Spare a Dime?” As a class we can breakdown what the song is conveying and compare it to

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music from a couple years prior. Lastly, many students in this class love soccer or sports in
general. When giving my lessons or trying to explain a concept, I plan to use sports examples to
help them grasp the concept and make it more fun.

9. Anticipated Difficulties: The bridge between the concerns for individual students identified in Section 7 and how this will play
out in the context of the actual classroom setting and lesson plans. Based on the information above, what difficulties may students
have with the content? Specify anticipated difficulties for English language learners, students with special needs, or students with
unique needs.

Students may feel overwhelmed by the amount of work that is given to them in history. I must
remember this and find ways to lower the level of stress among my students. To do this I plan to
give them brain breaks during lectures and teach them about breathing exercises that can be
used to reduce stress and anxiety. I also want to remind my students that they are human, and
that it is natural to feel tired. I want to include my own experience of feeling overwhelmed and
what strategies I use to help my worries.

Specific anticipated difficulties:

Use of SDAIE techniques for all students
Scaffold new concepts
Chunk assignments
Extend due dates
Work individually or with a partner
Ask questions
Use of Visuals/audio (YouTube, music, Crash Course, videos)
Connect previous unit to current unit
Breakdown difficult text and define tough words as a class

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BST Demographic Profile Grading Rubric
Not Yet! Beginning Emerging Proficient Highly Proficient Total
12 and below 12-13.9 14-15.9 16-19.9 18-20
Did not Identified 3 or Identified 3-5 Identified 4-5 Identified 5
Appropriate effectively fewer limited adequate good particularly
(5 points) identify examples of at examples of at examples of at strong
examples of at least 1 ELL least 1 ELL least 1 ELL examples of at
least 1 ELL (low, med, high), (low, med, (low, med, least 1 ELL
(low, med, 1 Special Need, high), 1 high), 1 (low, med,
high), 1 Special and 1 special Special Need, Special Need, high), 1 Special
Need, and 1 concern student and 1 special and 1 special Need, and 1
special concern (G.A.T.E., concern concern special concern
student bullying, student student student
(G.A.T.E., divorce, etc.) (G.A.T.E., (G.A.T.E., (G.A.T.E.,
bullying, bullying, bullying, bullying,
divorce, etc.) divorce, etc.) divorce, etc.) divorce, etc.)
23.9 and below 24-27.9 28-31.9 32-35.9 36-40
Lack of Overview of Somewhat Good, detailed Excellent,
(10 points) overview of class information detailed overview of detailed
class that lacked detail overview of class overview of
information that and will only class information class
will not inform limitedly inform information that will information that
instruction instruction that will helpfully will powerfully
adequately inform inform
inform instruction instruction
of Students
Did not provide Few or no Some clear Helpful and Extremely
(10 points) descriptions of descriptions of and insightful clear helpful, clear,
unique needs of unique needs of descriptions descriptions of and insightful
students students of unique unique needs descriptions of
needs of of students each student
Point Chart:
90-100 A
Comments: Final
80-89 B Score:
70-79 C
60-69 D
59 and
below: Not

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Rev 12/23 RR

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