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Instructor: Socheat Nhean
Course Assistant: Raksa Mean Sok
Munypichey Nith
Sreymech Ly
Hongly Try
Sarath Ngiev
Sophea Phin
Sunheng Khy
Liseam Khy
Yean Fong
Gechy Vuth
Sokteang Taing
Molyza Sok
Molya Choeun
What we'll discuss
1. Introduction
2. History of the Royal Palace
3. The infrastructure
I. The exterior of the Palace
II. The interior of the Palace
4. Reign of kings and their contributions
to the royal palace
5. The decline
6. Renovation
The Royal Palace of Cambodia was built by King Norodom in the year of 1866.
It is formally called Preah Baromreachvaeng Chaktomuk Serey Mongkul
ព្រះបរមរាជវាំងចតុមុខសិរីមង្គល. This is because the royal palace faced East, fronting
Tonle Chaktomuk.
The Phnom Penh Royal Palace serves as the royal residence for the King
of Cambodia, served as a venue for the performance of court ceremonies
and rituals, as well as opened to public as a tourist attraction. This site
was especially chosen because it had great geographical significance in
relation to the King.
History of the Royal Palace
King Ponhea Yat relocated the city from Angkor to Chaktomuk Mongkul for several
Krong Chaktomuk was left behind as King Reachea had established Longvek.
King Ang Chan built a fortress called Banteay Kaev in 1813, it was burned down by
the Siamese in the year of 1834.
During the French protectorate, King Norodom had transfered the city back to
Krong Chaktomuk in 1866.
Longvek era

Chaktomuk era

Phnom Penh

Khmer Empire
The infrastructure
The Royal Palace of
Cambodia is a fine
example of Khmer
architecture with a
slight French
touch, which
covers an area of
174,870 square
meters (402m x
The Exterior
The current Royal Palace is surrounded by an extended 1772m defensive
wall (Kampaeng).
This facility was built with the inspiration from the Bayon Temple in Siem
Reap, having 5 gates: two Victory Gates, Paradise Gate , Death or the
Funeral Gate and the Execution Gate.
The Interior
The Royal Palace consists of a
Western and an Eastern courtyard.
The Western courtyard is prohibited
to visitors.
Silver Pagoda

The Silver Pagoda is a compound located on the South side of the palace complex.
It features a royal temple officially called Preah Vihear Preah Keo Morakot
Khemarin Palace
It is serves as the official residence
of the Cambodian king and this is
where king Norodom Sihamoni
stays in the present.
Throne Hall The Preah Tineang Tevea Vinnichay
Mohai Moha Prasat or “Throne
Hall” ព្រះទីនាំងទេវាវិនិច្ឆ័យមហ័យមហា
ប្រាសាទ means the Sacred Seat of
Judgement. It is where the king’s
confidants, generals and royal
officials once carried out their
The Preah Thineang Chan Chhaya ព្រះទីន័ងច័ន្ទ
ឆាយា or “Moonlight Pavilion”, is an open-air
pavilion that serves as stage for Khmer
classical dance performance ,and it hosts
royal and state banquets as well. It is easily
seen from the outside as it was built
alongside a section of the palace walls.

Moonlight Pavillion
The incongruous, grey cast-
iron building, in immaculate
white exteriors, with a domed
clock tower and observation
gallery, was the first
permanent structure on the
site of the Royal Palace. It is Napoleon Pavillion
used to exhibit various
Other structures include, Hor Samran Phirun, Hor Samrith Phimean, Damnak
Chan, Phochani Pavilion, Serey Monkol Pavilion, King Jayavarman VII
Pavilion, Vihear Suor, a royal chapel built as a votive chapel of Wat Vihear
Suor, Villa Kantha Bopha, Villa Chumpou, Villa Sahametrei, and some less
significant buildings in an area closed to the public.

Hor Samran Phirun Pavillion Phochani Pavillion

Damnak Chan
Hor Samrit Vimean Pavillion
Reign of kings and their
contributions to the Royal
In 1813, King Ang Chan built a fortress called Banteay Kev that was, then,
burned down in 1834 by Siamese.
King Norodom built a temporary Royal Palace made from wood.
The building that has been built during King Norodom’s
reign are:
o Chanchhaya Pavilion and Throne Hall (1870)
o The Royal Court (1871)
o Walls surrounding the Royal Palace (1873)
o Napoleon Pavillion (1876)

His Majesty, King Norodom(1860-1904)

New buildings were built and many infrastructures were reconstructed
during King Sisowath Reign. He replaced the wooden palace with concrete.

His Majesty,
King Sisowath (1904-1927)
King Sisowath Monivong built the Royal Chapel, Vihear Sour. The old Royal
Residence was replaced by the new one called the Khemerin Palace (1931).

His Majesty,
King Sisowath Monivong (1927-1941)​
King Norodom Sihanouk built Domnak Chan (ដំណាក់ច័ន្ទ) in 1953 and Villa
Kantha Bopha for the accommodation of foreign guest in 1956.

His Majesty, King Norodom Sihanouk

(1945-1955, 1993-2004)
The Decline
The first royal palace which was built by King Ponhea Yat, was left behind
after King Chan Reachea decided to moved the whole capital city in Longvek.
The fortress that was buit by King Ang Chan was later
burnt down by the Siamese.

His Majesty, King Ponhea Yat

The Royal Palace alternately served as a museum and was closed, from
1970 up until 1993.
King Sihanouk was under the house arrest in the Royal Palace during the
Khmer Rouge.
The first throne hall which was constructed from 1869-1870,was later on
demolished in 1915 and constructed in 1917, and then reconstructed again
using reinforced concrete in the 1960s.
Most part of the whole royal palace were reconstructed by King Sisowath in
the year 1913, including the current Pavilion.
In 1930, during the reign of King Monivong, the Temple of Heaven was built
to worship religion. A year later, in 1931, the construction of the Royal Palace
of Prasat Khemrin was started.
In the mid-90s, many of the Palace buildings were restored and
refurbished in which some were with international assistance.
And finally, it went under another renovation again just recently
in 2018.
សៀវភៅប្រវត្តវិទ្យាថ្នា ក់ទី១១

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