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Modul Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1

PTA 2018/2019

Disusun oleh:
Dewi Wulan Sari, SS., MSas.

Universitas Gunadarma
Part of Business Letter
231 East Main Street
Portsmouth, Virginia 23001 (1)

Ref : CS/FI/12BD (2)

October 2, 2015 (3)

Mr Robert T. Muldon
Finance Manager
Empire Television Company
12 West Point Street
Portsmount, Virginia 21101 (4)

Dear Mr Muldon: (5)

We have just received your two cheques for US$ 125.00 in payment of our
invoices No. 23FA of February 14 and No. 21LH of February 21.
However, we notice that one of the cheques, amounting to US$ 55.00 was not
signed. We are returning the cheque No. BA 24000010 for your signature.
Please return the cheque to us in enclosed envelope. (6)

Yours sincerely: (7)

Caroline R. Smith
Finance Department (8)

Enc. 1 (9)
Parts of business letter:

1. Letter head or the heading

Letter head contains company’s name, address, as well as its telephone number.
2. Reference line
Example of the reference line:
Ref: WS/LS/C59
WS is the initial of the person who signs the letter.
LS is the initial of the person who writes the letter.
C59 is the filling number from the filling system
When you receive a letter with reference line, you have to reply that letter by writing you
reference line too. So, it will be:
Your ref : WS/LS/C59
Our ref : LH/DC/2D
3. Date line
Date line indicates when the letter was written. There are 2 ways in writing the date line.
You can write the date line in British style or American style.
British style : 12th January 2015 or 12 January 2015
American style : January 12th, 2015 or January 12, 2015
4. Inside address
This comprises name and address of a person or the firm to whom the letter is written.
5. Salutation
British style -- American style
Sir, -- Sir:
Madam, -- Madam:
This has become very formal nowadays and it is not generally used except by
government offices
Dear Sir, -- Dear Sir:
Dear Madam, -- Dear Madam:
This is by far the most accepted form of salutation.
Dear Sirs, -- Dear Sirs:
This type of salutation is used in letters addressed to companies or partnership firm not to
a manager or any other person.
Dear Miss---/Ms---/Mr---/Mrs, -- Dear Miss---/Ms---/Mr---/Mrs:
These are used only where the writer knows the recipients well and wants to give a
personal (friendly) touch rather than being formal as usual.
6. Body of the letter
It is that portion of the letter which contains the message or the information which the
writer wants to communicate. It is usually divided into 3 paragraphs; opening paragraph,
message of the letter, closing paragraph.
7. Complimentary close
This should always agree with salutation and it must always be followed by comma or
➢ Sir / Madam→ your obedient servant
➢ Dear Sir / Dear Madam → yours faithfully or yours truly
➢ Dear Sirs → your faithfully or your truly
➢ Dear Miss/Mrs/Mr/Ms → yours sincerely
8. The signature
The complimentary close will be followed by signature. Signature will be followed by
the name of the person who sign the letter and his/her position in the company.
9. Enclosure
Enclosure is written if you enclose any file beside of the letter that you sent. Enclosure
can be written as:
Enclosure. Catalogue
Enc. 2
Encl (2)
Enc. Catalogue

If there are more than two attachments, enclosure is written:

Price list
Terms of payment
Price list
Terms of payment
10. Carbon copy notation
A letter may be sent to another person that needs to know about the letter. So, the carbon
copy notation needs to be written.
Copies to:
11. Postscript
Postscript is used to emphasize the important Information of the letter. Postscript can be
written as:
P.S. if you order within 10 days, we can give you 10% discount.
Part of Business Letter

Styles of Business Letters:

1. Intended or British Style


(2) (3)






2. Full block or American Style









3. Semi Block Style


(2) (3)






4. Block Style


(2) (3)






5. Simplified Style







6. Hanging Indentation


(2) (3)






Basic Tenses

Simple Present Tenses

Generally, simple present is used for:
1. General Fact
2. Daily Activity
3. Statement or Opinion
Simple present tense always uses simple verb form in each of its sentences. When we form
simple present tense sentence without a verb, we have to use ‘be’ (such as: is, am, are). How
are the pattern:
With verb

+ S + V1 (s/es) + O + C

- S + don’t / doesn’t + V1 + O + C

? Do/Does + S + V1 + O + C ?
• Whenever we use singular subject, we have to add –s/-es to the verb. And singular
subject also took the form does/doesn’t.

Without Verb

+ S + is/am/are+ O + C

- S + is/am/are + not + O + C

? Is/am/are + S + O + C ?
• Am → I
• Is → He, she, it, singular subject
• Are → You, they, we, plural subject

1. Water ........................ at. 100•C. ( boil)

2. My uncle ........................ in a factory. (work)
3. John and Sue ...................... glasses. (wear)
4. The children ................. a lot of sweets. (eat)
5. He only ........................ at weekends. (work)
6. 1 always .................... out on Saturdays. (go)
7. She ............. to London once a week. (drive)

Present progressive (Continuous)

The present progresive express an activity that is in progress at the moment of speaking. It
began in the recent past, is continuing at the present, and will probably end at some point in the
future. It is also used in expressing the activities that are in progress this week, month, year.
The Pattern:

+ S + auxialiary (is/am/are) + V-ing + O + C

- S + (is/am/are) + not + V-ing + O + C

? Auxialiary(is/am/are) + S + V-ing + O + C ?
• The president is attending the meeting right now
• Clara is trying to improve her speaking skills.
• He is writing another book this year.

Simple Past Tense

Simple past indicates that an activity or situation began and ended at a particular time in the
past. The patterns are:

+ S + V2 + O + C S + was/were + O + C

- S + didn’t + V1 + O + C S + was/were + not + O + C

? Did + S + V1 + O + C ? Was/were + S + O + C ?
Present Perfect Tense
+ S + Have/has +V3/been + O + C

- S + Have/has + not +V3/been + O + C

? Have/has + S +V3/been + O + C ?

Present perfect tense is used to indicate:

• An action that happened at an indefinite time in the past.
Brian has traveled around the world.
Sam and Jill have been here.
• An action that happened more than once in the past.
I have seen this movie three times.
• An action that began in the past and still occuring in the present.
Joana has lived in the same house for six years.
They have moved to bekasi since 2010.

Note: In this case, we usually use for or since.

For + duration of time
Since + beginning of time

Past Perfect Tense

+ S + Had +V3/been + O + C

- S + Had + not +V3/been + O + C

? Had + S +V3/been + O + C ?

Past perfect tense is used to indicate:

• An action that happened before another action in the past; there usually are two actions
in the sentence.
John had gone to drug store before he went home.
After John had gone to drug store, he went home.
EXERCISES: Simple Past VS Past Perfect
1. Mr Miller _______ (work) in a travel agency for years. Then he gave it up.
2. My uncle died in 1960. I ______ (never/have) the opportunity to meet him.
3. He ______ (be) a newspaper reporter before he _______ (become) a businessman.
4. She ______ (feel) a little better after she _______ (take) the medicine.
5. I __________ (see, never) any of Picasso’s painting before I ________ (visit) the art
6. After Leo _______ (have) his meal, Sarah ____ (offer) him a cup of tea.

Future Tense
Simple Future has two different forms in English: "will" and "be going to." Although the two
forms can sometimes be used interchangeably, they often express two very different meanings.
Will expresses a voluntary action and promise.
Be going to expresses a plan.

+ S + Will/shall + V1 + O + C

- S + Will/shall+ not +V1 + O + C

? Will/shall + S +V1 + O + C ?

+ S + be going to + V1 + O + C

- S + be+ not + going to +V1 + O + C

? be + S + going to +V1 + O + C ?
Inquiry Letter

Letter of Inquiry
When you need information about the goods that you are interested in, you should write a
letter of inquiry. In writing the letter of inquiry, you should clearly state the type of
information you want. The information can be:

• Price list
• Sample of product
• Quotation and discount
• Terms of payment
• Terms of delivery
• Terms of transport

Common expressions used in the letter of inquiry:

➢ Opening paragraph
✓ We are interested in your products and should be pleased if you could send us your
✓ We have seen your product at your stand at Jakarta Fair and should be pleased if
you could send us your latest -----
✓ We have seen your advertisement in The Jakarta Post and should be glad if you
could send us your -----
✓ With reference to your advertisement in The Jakarta Post I read a few days ago,
would you please send us your -----
✓ Etc.
➢ Requesting information
✓ We would like to know whether you can offer us special discount.
✓ Please let us know the (terms of payment/ -----).
✓ Would you please let us know whether you can offer us special discount for this
✓ We would be pleased / glad if you could send us ------
✓ Etc.
➢ Closing paragraph
✓ We should be pleased to receive your prompt reply.
✓ We look forward to receiving your reply.
✓ We should appreciate your prompt reply.
✓ We look forward to receiving your reply immediately.
✓ We hope you will be able to send us reply by return.
✓ Etc.


Jln. Jendral Sudriman No. 15
Surabaya 200002

Ref: HMS/NA/12A

October 5th, 2015

Johnson Allwoods & Sons

25 Brigestone Street
New York, NY 239001

Dear Sirs:
We visited your stand at the Indonesian Trade Fair five days ago and we
were very interested in you Montana ladies’ shoes displayed at the Fair.
We would be pleased if you could send us your catalogues of your complete
ranges of the ladies’ shoes, price list, and terms of payment. We would like
to know whether you can offer us special discount for next month.
We look forward to receiving your reply immediately.

Yours faithfully:

Hassan M. Salim
Purchase Manager
Reply of Inquiry Letter

By receiving letter of inquiry, it means that the company has good chance to increase its
turnover. The reply of letter of inquiry is the first step of a transaction.

Common expressions used in replying the letter of inquiry:

➢ Opening paragraph
✓ Thank you for your letter of ----- inquiring about our -----------
✓ With reference to your letter of ----- inquiring about our ----------
✓ In reply to your letter of ----- inquiring about our ------------
✓ Many thanks to your letter of -----. As requested, we enclose here with our latest ---
✓ Etc.
➢ Sending/Enclosing
✓ We have pleasure in sending/enclosing our ---------
✓ We are sending ----------
✓ We should be pleased to enclose/send our ----------
✓ Etc.
➢ Closing paragraph
✓ We look forward to receiving your first order.
✓ We look forward to receiving a trial order from you.
✓ We are allowing special terms to customers who place orders before the end of this
✓ Etc.

Johnson Allwoods & Sons

25 Brigestone Street
New York, NY 239001

Your ref: HMS/NA/12A 19th October 2015

Our ref: CPS/LH/14

Mr. Hasan M. Salim

Jln. Jendral Sudriman No. 15
Surabaya 200002.

Dear Mr. Hasan,

Thank you for your letter of 5th October 2015.
We have pleasure in enclosing our latest catalogue, price list, terms
of payment, official order form together with a leaflet giving full details of
our special trade discount for November.
We look forward to receiving your first order and please do not
hesitate to write again if you still need any further information.

Yours sincerely,

Charles P. Scout.
Marketing Manager

Enc. 5
Order Letter
There are 2 ways in ordering the goods:

1. Ordering with official order form

2. Ordering without official order form

The purpose in writing an order letter is to order the goods that accordance with the amount
of the company’s need with/without official order form.

Common expressions used in order letter:

➢ Opening paragraph
✓ We have received your letter of ----- and should be glad if you would accept our
order for the following goods:
✓ We are obliged to your letter of ----- and should be glad if you would accept our
order for the following goods:
✓ We thank you for your letter of ----- and enclose our official order for the following
✓ We have received your quotation of ------ and please send this good as soon as
✓ We have received your letter of ----- and as the price you quoted in your letter are
satisfactory, please arrange to deliver the following goods as quickly as possible.
✓ Etc.
➢ Describing method of payment
✓ We shall pay for the goods by banker’s transfer.
✓ We shall pay for the goods by banker’s transfer within 20 days from the date of
✓ Etc.
➢ Closing paragraph
✓ We should be grateful for your prompt delivery as the goods are urgently needed.
✓ We look forward to receiving your advice of delivery by return.
✓ Please kindly acknowledge this order and confirm that you will be able to deliver
the goods by the end of this year.
✓ Etc.


Jln. Jendral Sudriman No. 15
Surabaya 200002

Your ref: CPS/LH/14

Our ref: HMS/NA/13A

November 2nd, 2015

Mr. Charles P. Scout

Johnson Allwoods & Sons
25 Brigestone Street
New York, NY 239001

Dear Mr Scout:
Thank you for your letter of October 19th, 2015, enclosing your catalogues,
price list, terms of delivery, as well as your leaflet and your official order
We have studied your catalogue very carefully and are pleased with the
quality of your price. We enclose the official order form and shall pay for
the goods by banker’s transfer.

Yours sincerely:

Hassan M. Salim
Purchase Manager

Enc. 1
Acknowledging Order

The purposes in writing this letter are:

1. Inform that the order has already been accepted

2. Inform that the delivery can be done after the payment accepted.

Common expressions used in acknowledging the order letter:

➢ Opening paragraph
✓ We thank you for your order of ----- and will despatch the goods by ------------
✓ We are pleased to acknowledge your order of ----- and will despatch the goods by -
✓ We acknowledge with thank your order of -----
✓ We are pleased to let you know that the goods included in your order of ----- will
be despatched today by ------------
✓ We are pleased to let you know that the goods included in your order of ----- will
be despatched by ------------ after you pay the down payment by the banker’s
transfer to our company’s account.
✓ Etc.
➢ Closing paragraph
✓ We have been very happy to serve you and look forward to receiving your further
✓ We hope we may have further orders from you
✓ We hope the goods will reach you safely.
✓ We feel sure that you will find these goods satisfactory and perfectly suited to your
✓ We look forward to receiving further orders from you in future.
✓ Etc.

Johnson Allwoods & Sons

25 Brigestone Street
New York, NY 239001

Your ref: HMS/NA/13A 16th November 2015

Our ref: CPS/LH/15

Mr. Hasan M. Salim

Jln. Jendral Sudriman No. 15
Surabaya 200002.

Dear Mr. Hasan,

We are pleased to let you know that the goods included in your order
of 2nd November 2015 will be despatched after you pay the down payment
by the banker’s transfer to our company’s account within 2 days after you
received this letter.
We feel sure that you will find these goods satisfactory and perfectly
suited to your needs.We look forward to receiving further orders from you
in future.

Yours sincerely,

Charles P. Scout.
Marketing Manager

Enc. 5
Complaint and Its Reply

When making a complaint, plan your letter as follows:

1. Begin by regretting the need to complain

2. Mention the date of the order, the date of delivery and the goods complained about.
3. State your reasons for being dissatisfied and ask for an explanation.
4. Refer to the inconvenience cause.
5. Suggest how the matter should put right.

The complaint letter might concern with the following:

1. The wrong goods may have been sent

2. The quality may not be satisfactory
3. The goods have been delivered damaged, or late
4. The prices charged may be excessive, or not as agreed, etc.
Example of complaint letter:

John Samuel Brothers Ltd.

14 Dickson Road

18th August 2015

Jackson Five Ltd.

15 Mason Street
Beverly Hills
USA 90210.

Dear Sirs,
On 12nd August 2015 I ordered 12 copies of Background of the Music
by H Lowery at the published price $1.25 each, less 33 1/3% trade discount.
On opening the parcel received this morning I found that it contained
12 copies of history of Music by the same author. I regret that I cannot keep
these as I have as adequate stock already. I am therefore returning them by
parcel post for replacement – as the matter of urgency please as I have several
customers waiting.
You will course credit my account with the invoiced value of the
returned copies, including postage for 80p.

Yours faithfully,

Samantha Corner
Purchasing Manager
Example of replying the complaint letter:

Jackson Five Ltd.

15 Manson Street
Beverly Hills
USA 902110

Your ref: 20th August 2015

Our ref: GA/HY/KJ87

Samantha Corner
John Samuel Brothers Ltd.
14 Dickson Road

Dear Mrs Samantha,

We hasten to reply to your letter of 18th and express our concern and regret
that the mistake should have occurred in dealing with your orders. The mistake is
entirely our own and we apologize for the inconvenience it is causing you. It
occurred as a result of staff shortage during what are an unusually busy season and
the fact that the two books by H Lowery have identical bindings.
Immediately we received your letter we despatched 12 copies of the correct
title by parcel post. They should reach you by tomorrow.
We shallcredit your account with the invoiced value of the returned books
and cost of return postage, and enclose our credit note.

Yours faithfully,

George Alan
Marketing Manager

Enc. 1

Learning through the video. Please open this page:

-----. (2004). TOEFL Exam Essentials. New York: Learning Express

Azar, Betty Schramfer. (1993). Fundamentals of English Grammar,SecondEdition. Jakarta:
Binarupa Aksara.
Azar, Betty Schramfer. (1993). Understanding and Using English Grammar, Second Edition.
Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara.
Cyssco, D. R. (1996). Practical Business Correspondence. Jakarta: Kesaint Blanc
Pyle, Michael A and Page, Narry Ellen Munoz. (1995). Cliff TOEFL Preparation Guide.
Nebraska: John Wiley and Sons.


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