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Introductory Reference to the IBM AS/400

Introduction to the AS/400

The IBM Application System/400 popularly known as AS/400 is a family of mid-range

business computing systems, that supersedes IBM's highly successful System/3X
family. The AS/400 is available in three different types the 9402, 9404, and the 9406.
Currently, here at Minnesota State University, Mankato, the Computer Services is
supporting a dual processor IBM AS/400 9406 model D80, that contains 192 Megabytes
of primary memory and 7.1 Gigabytes of mirrored secondary storage.
The AS/400 systems exclusively use the IBM Operating System/400 (OS/400). It is a
multi-user operating system that works with the Licensed Internal Code (LIC)
instructions to implement the functions that are basic to the AS/400 architecture.
OS/400 can perform tasks under direct control of both the user and an application
The AS/400 system differs from the traditional systems in several ways. They offer more
compatibility across the product line since only one operating system and architecture is
used consistently across the entire family. The system offers very high performance
compared to the earlier System/3X computers. This is achieved by a combination of
faster processors, extended storage and improved fixed disk systems. The software
architecture is different from that of more traditional systems. Implementing functions
such as security, database and communications in microcode, and providing a one-
piece operating system resulted in improved efficiency, consistency and simplicity.
Now, to take a look into the highlights of the system
AS/400's standard functions plus the many communications options and supporting
software provide users with flexibility for various communications environments. The
AS/400 application programming interface provides some new capabilities not found in
earlier operating systems. The basic architecture of AS/400 systems makes for a very
productive program development environment. The built-in database and single-level
storage provide high-level structures and consistency. This along with the programming
tools available for AS/400 can increase programmer productivity. The programmer has
the flexibility to choose one of the following programming languages for their application
• C
• CL command language
• COBOL X3.23-1974 & X3.23-1985
• Pascal
• PL/I
The AS/400 marks a new beginning in the business computing world. This new
generation of systems with advanced technology and advanced applications serve as a
growth platform for the customer to expand in application, size and network complexity.

Signing On to the AS/400

PC Support/400
• Reboot the PC by pressing <Ctrl><Alt><Delete>at the same time. Press this key
combination twice.
• Select the option that indicates PC Support and/or AS/400.
• Answer "Enter common user ID:" with your username
• Answer "Enter password for common user ID:" with your password.
• If there is a beep or a message press <Enter>to bypass the message.
• At this point you should have the following screen:

Sign On

System . . . . . : MKTAS400
Subsystem . . . . : QINTER
Display . . . . . : PCnnnnS1

User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __________
Password . . . . . . . . . . . .
Program/procedure. . . . . . . . __________
Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __________
Current library. . . . . . . . . __________

• Type your username in the "User" blank.

• Press the <Tab>key.
• Type your password. The password will not be displayed.
• Press the <Enter>key.
If for some reason you can not longer type, press the <Reset>key. On the Microterms or
PC-VT this would be the <Esc>key then R. On PC Support/400 this would be the left
If this is the first time you signed on continue with the Changing your password section
of this manual.

Changing Your Password

The first time you log on the AS/400 you will be forced to change your password before
• Press <Enter>to change your password.
• At the "Current Password" field, type `xx' followed by the last six digits of your
social security number (ie. xx999999) NOTE: nothing you type on this screen will
be displayed to ensure that no one views your password as you type it.
• Press <Tab>or <Field Exit>.
• For the "New Password" field, type the password you would like to use when you
sign on to the computer. It must not exceed 10 characters, it must begin with a
alphabetic character and the remaining characters may be any combination of
alphabetic, numeric characters. Note: Try not to make it too difficult, you will need
to know it to sign on the AS/400 again.
• Press <Tab>or <Field Exit>
• At the "New Password (to verify)" field, type in your new password for a second
time to make sure you have entered it correctly. If you have entered it incorrectly
you will get an error message and your initial password will still be `xx' followed
by the last four digits of your social security number.
• Press <Enter>
• Upon completion, the following message will be displayed:
Password changed successfully
• Read the following screens, pressing <Enter>to exit each one, until you reach the
AS/400 Main Menu screen.
Later on when you want to change your password, type CHGPWD on the command line
and go through the same steps.

Signing Off of the AS/400

• Press <F3>until you see a command prompt, ===>.
• At the command prompt type SIGNOFF.

Getting Online Help

AS/400 provides extensive On-line help, and a simple method of accessing the help
information. On-line help information is provided for all system displays. The type of
help provided depends on the location of the cursor.
For all displays, the following information is provided:
• What the display is used for
• How to use the display
• How to use the command line if there is one
• How to use the entry fields and parameter line if any
• What function keys are active and what they do.
If the <Help>key is pressed when the cursor is in an area where specific on-line help
information is available, the help text for that area of the display is shown.
If the <Help>key is pressed when the cursor is in an area for which no specific
information is available, information for the entire display is shown. Then you can page
forward or backward through the information for the entire display and for each area.
If the <Help>key is pressed while a help display is shown, a description of the types of
help that are available on the displays, and how to get each type of help is shown.
The <Help>key on the PC Support stations is labeled <Scroll Lock>. On the VT-100 or
PC-VT stations the key sequence for < Help>is <ESC>h.
If <F11>=Search index is shown at the bottom of the display, you can press <F11>to
see the Search Help Index display. On that display, you can request information about
any topic you specify.
The start search index command is used when you would like to get help on a specific
or general topic. To use the index search facility type STRSCHIDX and hit <Return>.
Type your subject topic, or topics on the bottom subject line. When you hit
<Return>again your topic will be searched for and the topics found will be displayed on
the screen above the topic line. To display the information you are looking for type 5 in
the option field by the topic line press <Return>. To get out of the index search facility
press <F3>until exited.
CD-ROM Manuals
If you are attached to the AS/400 using PC Support/400 you have the ability to look at a
hypertext version of a subset of the complete AS/400 manual set. To start the hypertext
book reader type the command MANUALS at any AS/400 prompt. This guide is laid out
like a library. The library contains bookshelves. These bookshelves contain books. For
example our library contains a bookshelf name Languages. We select the bookshelf by
using the arrow keys to place the highlighted cursor over it and press <Enter>. On this
bookshelf there are several books on languages. One of the books is titled "COBOL/400
Reference". Once again we use the arrows and cursor to select the item. Now that we
have the book it opens up a "Table of Contents" for the book. By using this search and
select procedure you can look through the book like a book you'd check out at the
More Help
There are three ways to get help on the READ/DOS book reader (AS/400 command
• Start the book reader and select the bookshelf entitled BookManager
• Press <F1>anywhere you're in question about your current options.
• Press <Alt>h (or <F10>h) and select the appropriate help selection for your
current problem.
Using the Prompt Facility
AS/400 provides interactive command prompting for any command supplied with the
system or created by the user. On the command entry screen notice the option F4 =
Prompt at the bottom of the screen. You can type the command name only, and press
<F4>to see the prompt display for the command. Usually, a command may require
many parameters before it can be executed. The prompt displays provide a convenient
method of supplying that parameter information. For example, type SNDMSG on any
command line and press <F4>. The following prompt display is shown:

Send Message (SNDMSG)

Type choices, press Enter.

Message text . . . . . . . . . . ________________________________________


To user profile . . . . . . . . . __________ Name , *SYSOPR, *ALLACT...

F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F10=Additional parameters F12=cancel
F13=How to use this display F24=More keys

To execute the command, supply the required information for Message text and user
profile and press <Enter>. Most of the parameters used on commands have default
values that are used if no other value is specified. You may change the default values if
you desire to do so.
If <F4>= Prompt is shown on the prompt display, you can press < F4>to request a list of
predefined values (such as *SYSOPR and *ALLACT in the above display) that are
permitted in the field where the cursor is currently positioned.
In relation to the SNDMSG command, you can use DSPMSG at any time to display
messages in your message queue.

Organization of OS/400 Objects

On the AS/400, everything that can be stored or retrieved is stored in an object.
Examples of objects are libraries, files, executable programs, queues, and more.
Objects share some common attributes such as name, type, size, description, date
created, and owner. The concept of an object allows the system to perform certain
standard operations, such as authorization management, on all objects types. The
object types that we will be primarily concerned with in this manual are:
• *LIB Libraries
• *FILE Files
• *PGM Compiled programs
• *OUTQ Output queues

Every object is contained in a library. A library is an object, of type *LIB, that contains a
group of objects. It is similar to the "root" or top-level directory on Unix, MS-DOS, and
VAX/VMS. However, unlike these systems, a library cannot "contain" other libraries (with
the exception of QSYS, the system master library, which "contains" all libraries on the
system). An interesting implication of the non-hierarchical nature of libraries is that two
users cannot have libraries with the same name. There are basically three general
categories of libraries:
1. QSYS - the library that contains all other libraries,
2. System supplied libraries NOTE:all IBM-supplied library names begin with the
letter "Q" or "#"
3. User-created libraries.

A file is an object, of type *FILE, that contains data in the form of a database, device
data, or a group of related records that are handled as a unit. In this manual, we are
primarily concerned with database files. There are two types of database files:
1. physical files
2. logical files.
A physical file contains actual data stored on the system. It has a fixed-length record
format. In this manual, we are primarily interested in two kinds of physical files:
1. data physical files
2. source physical files.
A data physical file (*FILE PF-DTA) contains data that cannot be compiled, such as an
input file to a program. In conventional terms, a data physical file is a data file, for
example an employee master file. A data physical file normally has a record format. This
record format is defined using Data Description Specifications (DDS is a language that
is used to describe database files to the system). This description is then compiled to
produce a *FILE object with attribute PF-DTA.
A source physical file (*FILE PF-SRC) contains source statements, for example the
source statements of a Pascal or COBOL program. A source physical file has the
attribute "PF-SRC". It is usually created using the "Create Source Physical File"
(CRTSRCPF) command (more information about this command will be given later). A
source physical file is actually a special type of data physical file. The CRTSRCPF
command creates a physical file with attributes appropriate for source physical files. For
example, the default record length is 92 (80 for the source data field, 6 for the sequence
number field, and 6 for the date field. Refer to the section on the SEU editor for the
meanings of these fields.)
The data records in a data physical file can be grouped into members. A data physical
file may contain one or more members. These members are not objects themselves but
subsets of an object. This implies that all members of an object share the same basic
characteristics with the other members in the object such as ownership and security. In
a PF-SRC file, each member contains source statements for a program or DDS source.
Members have an attribute associated with them, which in the case of PF-SRC
members, determines how the various systems programs (such as the editor and
compilers) on the AS/400 treat the member. This attribute is specified when creating the
member, and allows compilation to be totally automatic. Once, for example, a member
has been specified as having an attribute of CBL (for COBOL program,) the AS/400
editor, SEU, will format the program as a COBOL program, and when PDM (Program
Development Manager) is given the instruction to compile the file, it "knows" that it
should invoke the COBOL compiler. An example of a PF-SRC file and its members is
shown below (we will explain how to get to this screen in the section on PDM):

Work with Members Using PDM

File . . . . . . SRCFILE___
Library . . . . YOURLIB___ Position to . . . . __________

Type options, press Enter.

2=Edit 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=Display 6=Print

7=Rename 8=Display description 9=Save 13=Change text ...

Opt Member Type Text

__ NAMEEMP LF Sample DDS Source for a Logical File
__ CLPROG CLP Sample Control Language Source Program
__ RPGPROG RPG Sample RPG Source Program
__ EMPMAST PF Sample DDS Source for a Physical File
__ SCRNMBR DSPF Sample DDS Source for a Display File

Parameters or command
===> ___________________________________________________________

F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F6=Create

F9=Retrieve F10=Command entry F23=More options F24=More keys
The name of the source physical file is SRCFILE, and it is contained in the library
YOURLIB. Although, in the above example, source members of different types are
stored in the same source physical file, you will probably want to store source programs
of the same type in a separate source physical file. For example, you may want to keep
all your RPG source programs in a PF-SRC file called, for example, "RPGSRC" and
DDS source in a PF-SRC file called, for example, "DDSSRC". You may also use the
standard IBM-supplied names such as "QRPGSRC", "QDDSSRC", and "QCLSRC" for
the various PF-SRC files. However, you may choose to include source members of
different types belonging to the same application in the same PF-SRC file, as in the
above example.
In a data physical file (PF-DTA), the member(s) contains data for use by programs.
Normally, a PF-DTA file will only have one member (by default, the member's name is
the same as the file name). However, it is possible to include multiple members in a
single PF-DTA file. For example, you may want to group the records in a sales
transactions file so that each member contains data for each month. In this way, each
month's data can be processed separately by processing one member at a time. It is
important to understand, at this point, the difference between "source" and "data" in
regards to data physical files. In the "Work with Members using PDM" screen above, the
"PF" member, "EMPMAST", contains DDS source that defines a physical file. When this
source member is compiled (using CRTPF or option 14 in the "Work with Members
using PDM" screen), it will produce a *FILE object with attribute PF-DTA. This compiled
object is the actual file that is used to hold data records.
A data logical file (*FILE LF-DTA) is a data file that contains no actual data, but provides
a different method of viewing the data of an accompyning data physical file(s) which it
internally references. It is similar to the concept of a "view" in SQL. A data logical file is
described to the system using DDS. When the DDS source is compiled, a *FILE object
with the attribute LF-DTA is produced.
Another *FILE object type that you may encounter in your programming courses is the
device file. A device file contains a description how data is to be presented to a program
from a device or vice versa. Two common types of device files are printer files (*FILE
PRTF) and display files (*FILE DSPF). A printer file describes the attributes that printed
output will have, such as the length and width of a printed page. A printer file can be
created using the "Create Printer File" (CRTPRTF) command. A display file describes
what information is to be displayed and where it is to be displayed on the screen of a
display station. One way of defining and creating a display file is with the Screen Design
Aid (SDA) utility.

Other Object Types

A program object (*PGM) is a compiled program. The attribute for a *PGM object
indicates the language the program was written in. For instance, when a COBOL source
program is compiled, it produces an object with a type of *PGM with the attribute CBL.
An important object type on the AS/400 is the output queue (*OUTQ). On the AS/400,
whenever something is printed, the output goes to an output queue and it stays there as
a spooled file. A spooled files, like a member, is not an object itself but a subset of an
object. The spooled file stays in the output queue until it is directed to a printer or
removed. An output queue has already been created for you with the creation of your
user profile. The name of the output queue is normally the same as that of your user
profile. Refer to the section "Printing Procedure" in this manual for more information on
printing spooled files.
The relationships between the various objects that have been discussed in this section
are as follows:
[special library]
| contains
Library (*LIB)

| contains
| | | |
Programs (*PGM) Outqueues (*OUTQ) Files (*FILE) Other
[Executable] | | objects
| contains |
Spooled Files |
[Output intended for Printer] |
| |
Physical Data Logical
file file
| ^ contains
.------^-----. Member(s)
| | [Reorginized data]
Source Data
Physical Physical
File File
| |
contains | | contains
| |
Member(s) Member(s)
[Program source] [Actual Data]

Creating a Library
A library has already been created for during user profile creation. The name of this
library is normally the same as that of your user profile. In this section, we will create
another library and use this library as an example throughout the manual. Note that you
can use your default library, i.e. the library that has the same name as that as your user
profile, to store all your application objects.
To create a library, type the CRTLIB ("Create Library") on a command line and press
<F4>to prompt on it. Type in the name of the library and enter a brief description for the
library. Leave the library type as *PROD (a production library is one that is used for
normal processing).

Create Library (CRTLIB)

Type choices, press Enter.

Library . . . . . . . . . . . . YOURLIB__ Name

Library type . . . . . . . . . . *PROD____ *PROD, *TEST
Text 'description' . . . . . . . Sample_Library__________________
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F10=Additional parameters F12=Cancel
F13=How to use this display F24=More keys

Press <Enter>. You should see a message at the bottom of the screen saying "Library
... created". If you see the message "Library ... already exists", it means that some other
user already has a library by the same name. Note: All libraries are on the same "level"
with only QSYS above them. If you get this message, try another name for the library.
Other commands that operate on libraries are:
• DSPLIB (Display Library)
• DLTLIB (Delete Library)
• WRKLIB (Work with Library).

Creating a Source Physical File

Now, let's create a source physical file in the library that we have just created. To create
a source physical file, type CRTSRCPF and press <F4> to prompt on it. Supply the
names for the source file and the library that will hold it. Below, we show the display for
creating a source file called "SRCFILE" in the library "YOURLIB". Press < Enter> and
you should see the message "File ... created in library ..." at the bottom of your screen.

Create Source Physical File (CRTSRCPF)

Type choices, press Enter.

File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SRCFILE___ Name

Library . . . . . . . . . . . YOURLIB___ Name, *CURLIB
Record length . . . . . . . . . 92_______ Number
Member, if desired . . . . . . . *NONE_____ Name, *NONE, *FILE
Text 'description' . . . . . . . Sample_Source_File___________________

F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F10=Additional parameters F12=Cancel

F13=How to use this display F24=More keys

Library Lists
You may have noticed in the previous screen that the "Library" field defaults to the value
*CURLIB, meaning the current library. The current library is tied closely to the concept of
a library list. Before we discuss what the current library is, we first explain what a library
list is. A library list is similar in concept to the "PATH" in Unix and MS-DOS. It specifies
which libraries are to be searched and the order in which they are searched when the
system looks for an object. A library list is identified by the value *LIBL. A default library
list is automatically created by OS/400 for each job started by a user. Your default
library, that is the library that has the same name as that as your user profile, is
automatically included in your library list. You can display your library list by typing
DSPLIBL and press <Enter> on a command line. The following is the library list for the
user "JOHNDOE".

Display Library List

System: MKTAS400

Type options, press Enter.

5=Display objects in library

Opt Library Type Text
__ QSYS SYS System Library
__ JOHNDOE CUR JOHN DOE's default library
__ QMSU USR MSU generated commands and programs
__ MBNLQ USR Common Library for MBNLQ ..

F3=Exit F12=Cancel F17=Top F18=Bottom

Note that you may not have all the libraries in the above list. As you can see, a library
list is divided into three parts:
system portion
which consists of the libraries that are required to run system functions
current library
which by default, is the library that has the same name as your user profile (in this case, the
library "JOHNDOE"). The current library is the first user library that is searched before the
rest of the user libraries in the list.
user portion
which consists of libraries that holds user objects. Some user libraries, such as QTEMP,
QGPL, and QGDDM come with the system while others are locally supplied. In addition, the
user can create their own libraries and add them to their library list.
If a user does not specify a library name when requesting an operation on an object, the
libraries in the library list are searched for the object (starting with the system libraries,
the current library, and the user libraries). For example, assume that the user
"JOHNDOE" has an executable program (*PGM object) called "TESTPROG" in the
library "YOURLIB". User "JOHNDOE" wants to run the program (using the CALL
command) and issues the command CALL TESTPROG. A message will appear stating that
the program is not found in the library list. This is because "YOURLIB" is currently not in
the library list. If, however, "TESTPROG" is qualified by "YOURLIB" as CALL
YOURLIB/TESTPROG then the program can be found and executed.
To add a library to the library list, type the "Add Library List Entry" (ADDLIBLE)
command, followed by the library name (or prompt on the command) ADDLIBLE YOURLIB.
If "JOHNDOE" now issues the the unqualified CALL command, the program can now be
located and executed since the library that contains the program is now in the library
list. You can edit your library list using the EDTLIBL command and remove a library list
entry using the RMVLIBLE command. "YOURLIB" can be made the current library by
Some commands automatically default to the current library (*CURLIB), such as the
CRTSRCPF command. Note, however, that both commands (ADDLIBLE and
CHGCURLIB) are only effective for a particular session. Next time, when "JOHNDOE"
signs on, "YOURLIB" will no longer be in their library list and hence, no longer the
current library. In the section "Steps in Developing a Program", we will create an "initial
program" that will automatically run these commands when a user signs on the system.

Using the Program Development Manager (PDM)

The Program Development Manager (PDM) is a set of utilities under OS/400 designed
to simplify the creation and development of software. It automates file and member
creation, editing, compilation and program execution, and allows the programmer to
manage their environment from a set of standard menus.
Starting PDM
PDM may either be started using the command STRPDM (for Start PDM,) which will
produce a menu of options for the level on which the user wishes to work (libraries,
objects, or members,) or using one of three commands which indicate the level at which
the user would like to work:
• WRKLIBPDM -- Work with libraries using PDM
• WRKOBJPDM -- Work with objects using PDM
• WRKMBRPDM -- Work with file members using PDM
Work with Objects
One of the most commonly used commands to start PDM is WRKOBJPDM. This allows
the user to work with objects inside a library. Type WRKOBJPDM and press <F4> to
prompt on it.

Work with Objects Using PDM (WRKOBJPDM)

Type choices, press Enter.

Library . . . . . . . . . . . . *PRV______ *PRV, name, *CURLIB

Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . *ALL______ *PRV, name, *generic...
Object type . . . . . . . . . . *ALL______ *PRV, *ALL, *ALRTBL, *AUTL..
Object attribute . . . . . . . . *ALL______ *PRV, attribute, *generic...

F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display

F24=More keys

The *PRV value on the "Library" field indicates that the default is to work on the library
the user last worked with. These may be replaced with the name of a specific library.
The "Object" and "Object type" options allow the user to limit which objects will be
displayed. Type WRKOBJPDM and prompt with <F4>.

Work with Objects Using PDM (WRKOBJPDM)

Type choices, press Enter.

Library . . . . . . . . . . . . YOURLIB___ *PRV, name, *CURLIB

Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . *ALL______ *PRV, name, *generic*...
Object type . . . . . . . . . . *ALL______ *PRV, *ALL, *ALRTBL, *AUTL..
Object attribute . . . . . . . . *ALL______ *PRV, attribute, *generic...

F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display

F24=More keys
The screen resulting from command WRKOBJPDM, with the library specified as
YOURLIB, and *ALL on the other options, is shown below.

Work with Objects Using PDM

Library . . . . . YOURLIB___ Position to . . . . . . __________

Position to type . . . . __________

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=Display 7=Rename
8=Display description 9=Save 10=Restore 11=Move ...

Opt Object Type Attribute Text

__ SRCFILE *FILE PF-SRC Sample Source File


Parameters or command
===> ________________________________________________________________

F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F6=Create

F9=Retrieve F10=Command entry F23=More options F24=More keys

Presently, there should be just one object in the library, the source physical file
"SRCFILE" that you have just created.
PDM Options
Options are displayed across the top of the screen (for a list of all the options available
in PDM, see Table 1 at the end of this section.) Each option is an action which may be
performed on an object by placing its number on the "Opt" line next to the object and
pressing the < Enter> key. This method of specifying actions on a form listing the
objects available is consistent throughout PDM.
There are two important special features which this method of specifying actions offers:
First, the options support the prompting facility, and second, multiple objects may be
operated on in succession. To use the prompting facility, simply press <F4> while an
option number is on one of the "Opt" lines. PDM will present the prompt screen for the
command associated with that option number. Multiple objects may be operated on
sequentially by placing numbers on more than one Opt line. For example, assume we
have two source files in "YOURLIB". You can type "5" (Display) against one and type "7"
(Rename) against the other. Pressing <Enter> causes PDM to process each option in
More on PDM levels
Moving down levels in PDM is accomplished using the "12" (Work With...) option. At the
WRKOBJPDM screen, the action of this option depends on the file type. Placing a 12 on
the line next to an item on this display will:
• If the item is of type *FILE, go to the WRKMBRPDM display for that file (there are
different types of WRKMBRPDM displays for source and data files.)
• If the item is of type *OUTQ, go to the "Work With Output Queue" display,
allowing the user to work with spooled files.
• If the item is of type *PGM, present a display allowing the user to call the
program, change its attributes, etc. (programs may also be called from the
WRKOBJPDM screen by using the 16 option.)
When this method of changing levels is used, pressing <Enter> or <F12> (cancel) with
no options on the screen returns to the previous level.
Work with Members
The WRKMBRPDM display is the bottom level of PDM. When working with a source
physical file at this level, option 2 runs the STRSEU command to begin editing a
member and 14 calls the compiler for a program of that type (if specific compiler options
are needed, for instance the *DEBUG option to include debugging information in the
program, remember that the prompting facility may be invoked on any PDM option.)
When working with a physical data file, the "2=change" option is no longer valid.
However, the "18" option may be invoked to modify the file using DFU (Data File Utility).
Type "12" against "SRCFILE" to work with it. The following "Work with Members using
PDM" screen appears:

Work with Members Using PDM

File . . . . . . SRCFILE___
Library . . . . YOURLIB___ Position to . . . . __________

Type options, press Enter.

2=Edit 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=Display 6=Print

7=Rename 8=Display description 9=Save 13=Change text ...

Opt Member Type Text

(No members in file)

Parameters or command

===> ________________________________________________________________

F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F6=Create

F9=Retrieve F10=Command entry F23=More options F24=More keys

Presently, there are no members in "SRCFILE". Let's create a member. To do that,

press <F6> (Create). This will automatically invoke the SEU editor. Enter the name of
the new source member and for its source type, enter "TXT" (i.e. the source member
will contain only plain text). Press <Enter> .

Start Source Entry Utility (STRSEU)

Type choices, press Enter.

Source file . . . . . . . . . . > SRCFILE___ Name, *PRV

Library . . . . . . . . . . . > YOURLIB___ Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB, *PRV
Source member . . . . . . . . . SRCMBR____ Name, *PRV, *SELECT
Source type . . . . . . . . . . TXT_______ Name, *SAME, BAS, BASP, C...
Text 'description' . . . . . . . Sample_Source_Member____________________


F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display

F24=More keys

You will now be inside the SEU editor. For now, press <F3> to quit and type "Y" in the
"Change/Create member" field to save the source member. Later on, in the section on
SEU we will use this source member. On return to the WRKMBRPDM screen, you will
notice that "SRCMBR" is now in "SRCFILE".
The "Work with Members using PDM" screen can be accessed directly using the
WRKMBRPDM command. Type this command and press <F4> to prompt on it. To work
with the member that we have just created, enter the names of the library and file as
shown below. If you have many members in your file, you can use the "Member" and/or
"Member Type" fields to narrow down the number of members to work with.

Work with Members Using PDM (WRKMBRPDM)

Type choices, press Enter.

File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SRCFILE___ *PRV, name
Library . . . . . . . . . . . YOURLIB___ *PRV, name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
Member . . . . . . . . . . . . . *ALL______ *PRV, name, *generic...
Member type . . . . . . . . . . *ALL______ *PRV, type, *generic...

F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display

F24=More keys

Work with Libraries

Briefly, the WRKLIBPDM command lets you work with a library or libraries. You will
probably use this command least among the three PDM commands. You can work with
the contents of a library by typing 12 against it. This will bring up the "Work with Objects
using PDM" screen for that library.
Table 1: Options in PDM (Some options may not be valid at some levels.)
2: Change Modify an object or edit a source member
3: Copy Duplicate an object
4: Delete Remove an object from storage
5: Display Display the contents of an object
6: Print Copy a source member to an output queue
7: Rename Change an object's name
8: Display Descrip. Show summary information about an object
9: Save Save an object to offline storage
10: Restore Retrieve an object from offline storage
11: Move Move an object to another library
12: Work With Perform operations on the contents of an object
13: Change Text Change the text description line for an object
14: Compile Compile a source physical file member
15: Copy File Copy a *FILE object (has special options)
16: Run Run an object of type *PGM
17: Change Using SDA Change a screen design (in a PF-SRC) using SDA
18: Change Using DFU Use DFU to change a PF-DTA member
25: Find String Find a string of characters in an object

Table 2: Function Keys in PDM

F1: Help Obtain help on an area of PDM
F3: Exit Exit PDM or current operation
F4: Prompt Display prompt screen for options on screen
F5: Refresh Redraw the screen with updated information
F6: Create Create a library, file, or member
F9: Retrieve Recall a previous command to the command line
F10: Command Entry Display an OS/400 command entry screen
F11: Display Toggle Switch to/from brief display mode
F12: Cancel Cancel an operation
F13: Repeat Copy an option number to all lines
F14: Source Type Toggle Switch between date and type display in PF-SRC
F15: Sort Change member list sort criteria
F16: User Options Specify user-defined commands to PDM
F17: Subset Limit the list on the screen to certain types
F18: Change Defaults Change PDM user settings
F21: Print List Print the object list on the screen
F23: More Options Display more PDM option numbers, if available
F24: More Keys Display more function keys, if available

Control Language Command Syntax

The purpose of this section is to provide a more formal presentation of CL commands.
As you would probably know by now, a CL command is a way of of invoking functions
and calling system services. A CL command is made up of two parts: (1) a command
name and (2) parameters.
Command Structure
First, let's consider the command name. A command is made made up of two
1. a VERB and
2. a SUBJECT. The verb consists of three characters and is the "action" component
of the command. Some common verbs and their meanings are shown below:
• ADD - Add Item
• CHG - Change
• CPY - Copy
• CRT - Create
• DLT - Delete
• DSP - Display item
• END - Stop a program which was started with a STR
• GRT - Grant
• MOV - Move
• RMV - Remove item
• RST - Restore
• RTV - Retrieve
• RVK - Revoke
• SET - Set
• SND - Send
• STR - Start (a program or utility)
• WRK - Work with
The subject component of the command specifies the item that the verb acts on. Some
examples of verb/subject combinations are:
• CRTSRCPF - Create Source Physical File
• WRKOBJPDM - Work with Objects Using PDM
• STRPDM - Start PDM
• ADDLIBLE - Add Library List Entry
CL commands can be found in several ways. The command GO CMDxxx can be used
to get a menu of commands related to xxx (where xxx can be a verb or subject).
Another way of finding commands is to press <F4> on any command line. This will bring
up the "Command Grouping Menu" where each option represents a group of related
commands. The first option SLTCMD ("Select Command by Name") can be used to
obtain a list of commands using a wildcard character (e.g. SLTCMD CR* will list all
commands starting with CR).
A CL command can have zero, one, or more parameters. A command may have some
parameters that are required and some that are optional. A system-defined default value
(prefixed by "*") is usually assigned to an optional parameter if the user does not specify
a value for it.
So far in this manual, we have been using the <F4> prompt facility for specifying
parameters. Another way of specifying parameters is the free format or command line
method. You may want to use this method if you remember exactly what parameter
information is needed for a command. Using this method, parameters can be specified
1. keyword form,
2. positional form, or
3. a combination of both.
A parameter that is specified in keyword form will have a keyword followed immediately
by a value (or list of values). For example, WRKOBJPDM LIB(YOURLIB) OBJ(SRCFILE)
There must not be any blanks between the keyword and the left parenthesis.
Parameters in keyword form can be specified in any order.
In the positional form, parameters are specified without keywords. The parameter
values must be positionally matched with the keywords in the parameter set for that
command. The above example can be specified in positional form as follows WRKOBJPDM
Positional parameters are often limited to the first three or four parameters. If you do not
want to specify a value for one of the parameters, the system-defined value, *N, can be
entered in the position of that parameter. For example, the following command will
display all objects of type *FILE in the library YOURLIB. WRKOBJPDM YOURLIB *N *FILE
*N will map to the default value for that parameter, which in this case is *ALL. Note that
when using the WRKMBRPDM command, the file name and library name fields are
actually one parameter (a file name plus a library qualifier). If the reference is to a file in
a specific library, the file name must be qualified with a slash, "/", character in both
If only the file name is specified, as in the following statement WRKMBRPDM SRCFILE the
library qualifier will default to the library list (*LIBL).
A CL command can use a combination of both positional and keyword parameters, for
example WRKMBRPDM YOURLIB/SRCFILE MBRTYPE(TXT). Note that the "Member"
parameter, which is in between the second and third parameters in the parameter set, is
omitted. One restriction of this mixed form of specifying parameters is that positional
parameters cannot follow keyword parameters. For example, the following is invalid

Using the SEU Editor

The IBM AS/400 provides an integrated set of Application Development Tools (ADT) to
design, develop and maintain applications. One such tool is the Programming
Development Manager (PDM) that offers the following:
• Integrated application development environment.
• List-oriented selection of items for development or maintenance.
• Extendable interface to tools through user-defined options.
Another tool is the Source Entry Utility (SEU) that offers a full screen editor providing
syntax checking of source statements. PDM is one tool that may be used to access the
In this SEU tutorial, we will use the source member we created in the previous section.
Starting the Editor
Type STRPDM (Start Program Development Manager) on any command line, and press
<Enter> . The PDM menu is displayed. Choose option 3 to Work with members. The
"Work with members" screen shows up. You can also reach this screen by typing
WRKMBRPDM (Work with members using PDM) on any command line and pressing <F4> .
In either case, supply the necessary source file (SRCFILE) and library (YOURLIB)
information and press Enter.
Type 2 on the "Opt" line to edit the source member "SRCMBR".
Press <Enter> . You are now in the full-screen EDIT mode.
Columns . . . .: 1 80 Edit
SEU==>_______________________________________________________ SRCMBR

FMT ** ...+... 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5...+... 6 ...+.

*************** Beginning of data ********************************

****************** End of data ***********************************

F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh

F10=Top F11=Bottom F24=More keys

If you press <Enter> without typing anything, the screen readjusts as shown:

Columns . . . .: 1 80 Edit
SEU==> _______________________________________________________ SRCMBR

FMT ** ...+... 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5...+... 6 ...+.

*************** Beginning of data *********************************

****************** End of data ************************************

F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh

F10=Top F11=Bottom F24=More keys

Type I (for insert) on the first line as shown and press <Enter> .

Columns . . . .: 1 80 Edit

SEU==> _______________________________________________________ SRCMBR

FMT ** ...+... 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5...+... 6 ...+. I

*************** Beginning of data *********************************
****************** End of data ************************************
Now, you may start typing in the desired text. Below, we show a sample TEXT
document that will be used in the next section for illustrating the use of various SEU line

Columns . . . .: 1 80 Edit

SEU==> _________________________________________________________ SRCMBR

FMT ** ...+... 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5...+... 6 ...+.

*************** Beginning of data *********************************
0003.00 Begin First Block.
0004.00 Text for the first block ...
0005.00 End First Block.
0007.00 Begin Second Block.
0008.00 Text for second block ...
0009.00 End Second Block.
****************** End of data ************************************

Notice the sequence numbers of records at the extreme left. The sequence number field
of a record is used to specify the line commands. For more information on line
commands see 'Using SEU line commands'.
To save the current member and exit SEU follow the following procedure 'Exiting the
Exiting the Editor
To exit SEU press <F3>. The exit display shows up:


Type choices, press Enter.

Change/create member . . . . . . . Y Y=Yes, N=No

Member . . . . . . . . . . . . . SRCMBR____ Name
File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SRCFILE___ Name
Library . . . . . . . . . . . . YOURLIB___ Name
Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Description_for_the_member._____
Resequence member . . . . . . . . Y Y=Yes, N=No
Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0001.00___ 0000.01 - 9999.99
Increment . . . . . . . . . . . 01.00____ 00.01 - 99.99
Print member . . . . . . . . . . . N Y=Yes, N=No
Return to editing . . . . . . . . . N Y=Yes, N=No
Go to member list . . . . . . . . . N Y=Yes, N=No

F3=Exit F5=Refresh F12=Cancel

If you wish to save the changes you have made, you may simply press < Enter> .
The default values supplied for most of the options above are self-explanatory.
However, note the following:
• If you have decided not to quit the editor, press <F12> to cancel the exit display.
This returns you back to the editing mode.
• The default value for 'Change/create member' is Y, if the member is modified,
otherwise N. Type N in this field only if you do not want to save changes made to
your member.
• The default value for 'Return to editing' option is N, if your member did not have
any syntax errors. However, if syntax errors do persist, the system supplies Y in
this field and returns back to the editing mode ( unless you explicitly type N and
force it to exit ).
Using Line Commands
SEU supports various line commands that guide us in editing an existing member. For
example, command C is used to copy lines, command M for moving lines and so on. The
SEU line commands are entered over the digits that make up the sequence number of a
record. In the following discussion, a sample TEXT document is used to illustrate the
use of the various commands. Note: If you type a line command, and then you decide
to cancel it, use <F5> to refresh the screen.
To edit a member that has already been created,
• Use the command WRKMBRPDM as explained in the previous section, reach
the 'Work with members using PDM' display.
• Use the tab keys to position the cursor at the desired member, and type option 2.
The screen for editing that member will show up.
For example, to edit the member SRCMBR created before, type WRKMBRPDM
YOURLIB/SRCFILE on any command line, and press < Enter> . From the "Work with
members using PDM" display, type option 2 in front of member SRCMBR and press
<Enter> . The edit display for this member is shown:
Columns . . . .: 1 71 Edit YOURLIB/SRCFILE

SEU==> _________________________________________________________ SRCMBR

*************** Beginning of data ********************************
0003.00 Begin First Block.
0004.00 Text for the first block ...
0005.00 End First Block.
0007.00 Begin Second Block.
0008.00 Text for second block ...
0009.00 End Second Block.
****************** End of data ***********************************

F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh

F10=Top F11=Bottom F24=More keys

Inserting a line
To insert a line after a particular record, type I (insert) on the sequence number field of
that record, and press <Enter> .

*************** Beginning of data ********************************


0003.00 Begin First Block.
0004.00 Text for the first block ...
0005.00 End First Block.
0007.00 Begin Second Block.
0008.00 Text for second block ...
0009.00 End Second Block.
****************** End of data ***********************************

F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh

F10=Top F11=Bottom F24=More keys

The screen adjusts as shown below. Type in the line to be inserted and press <Enter> .

Columns . . . .: 1 71 Edit YOURLIB/SRCFILE

SEU==> ________________________________________________________ SRCMBR
......-A+++B+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +
*************** Beginning of data ********************************
0003.00 Begin First Block.
0004.00 Text for the first block ...
0005.00 End First Block.
0007.00 Begin Second Block.
0008.00 Text for second block ...
0009.00 End Second Block.
****************** End of data ***********************************

F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh

F10=Top F11=Bottom F24=More keys

Copying a line
To copy the "Begin First Block" line to the end of the program, type C (copy) in the
sequence number field, and press Enter. Note the message on the top that indicates a
pending Copy line command.

Columns . . . .: 1 71 Edit YOURLIB/SRCFILE

SEU==> _________________________________________________________ SRCMBR
*************** Beginning of data ********************************
0001.01 It illustrates the use of SEU line commands.
C Begin First Block.
0004.00 Text for the first block ...
0005.00 End First Block.
0007.00 Begin Second Block.
0008.00 Text for second block ...
0009.00 End Second Block.
****************** End of data ***********************************

Type A (after) on the last line as shown, and press Enter. This results in the pending line
to be copied after the line you have indicated.
Columns . . . .: 1 71 Edit YOURLIB/SRCFILE
SEU==> __________________________________________________________ SRCMBR
*************** Beginning of data********************************
0001.01 It illustrates the use of SEU line commands.
C Begin First Block.
0004.00 Text for the first block ...
0005.00 End First Block.
0007.00 Begin Second Block.
0008.00 Text for second block ...
0009.00 End Second Block.
****************** End of data ************************************

The program looks as shown below, after the copy. To move a single line, use the
command M (move) and follow the procedure as explained above for copy.

*************** Beginning of data ********************************

0001.01 It illustrates the use of SEU line commands.
0003.00 Begin First Block.
0004.00 Text for the first block ...
0005.00 End First Block.
0007.00 Begin Second Block.
0008.00 Text for second block ...
0009.00 End Second Block.
0011.00 Begin First Block.
****************** End of data ***********************************

Deleting a line
To delete a line, type D (delete) in front of it and press <Enter> . The line that was just
copied may be deleted as shown below:

*************** Beginning of data*****************************

0001.01 It illustrates the use of SEU line commands.
0003.00 Begin First Block.
0004.00 Text for the first block ...
0005.00 End First Block.
0007.00 Begin Second Block.
0008.00 Text for second block ...
0009.00 End Second Block.
D011.00 Begin First Block.
****************** End of data ***********************************
Block Move
To move a block, type MM at the beginning and the end of the block, and press <Enter> .
Now, the target for the move has to be specified. The Block Move is illustrated below;
the first block of text being moved after the second one.

*************** Beginning of data ********************************

0001.01 It illustrates the use of SEU line commands.
MM Begin First Block.
0004.00 Text for the first block ...
0005.00 End First Block.
0007.00 Begin Second Block.
0008.00 Text for second block ...
0009.00 End Second Block.
****************** End of data ***********************************

Type A on the last line to move the block to the end of the program.

*************** Beginning of data ********************************

0001.01 It illustrates the use of SEU line commands.
MM Begin First Block.
0004.00 Text for the first block ...
0005.00 End First Block.
0007.00 Begin Second Block.
0008.00 Text for second block ...
0009.00 End Second Block.
****************** End of data ***********************************

Here is the member after the move:

*************** Beginning of data ********************************

0001.01 It illustrates the use of SEU line commands.
0007.00 Begin Second Block.
0008.00 Text for second block ...
0009.00 End Second Block.
0011.00 Begin First Block.
0012.00 Text for the first block ...
0013.00 End First Block.
****************** End of data ***********************************

Block Copy
Enclose the block to be copied within CC commands, and specify the target. The block
copy resembles the block move explained above. Note below, that B is specified as the
target, to copy the block before the indicated line.

*************** Beginning of data ********************************

0001.01 It illustrates the use of SEU line commands.
CC Begin Second Block.
0008.00 Text for second block ...
0009.00 End Second Block.
0011.00 Begin First Block.
0012.00 Text for the first block ...
0013.00 End First Block.
****************** End of data ***********************************

Block Delete
To delete a block, enclose it within DD commands and press <Enter> . The block that
was just copied may be deleted as shown:

*************** Beginning of data ********************************

0001.01 It illustrates the use of SEU line commands.
0007.00 Begin Second Block.
0008.00 Text for second block ...
0009.00 End Second Block.
0011.00 Begin First Block.
0012.00 Text for the first block ...
0013.00 End First Block.
DD Begin Second Block.
0013.02 Text for second block ...
0013.03 End Second Block.
****************** End of data ***********************************

The source member looks as follows, after our experimentation with the above line

*************** Beginning of data ********************************

0001.01 It illustrates the use of SEU line commands.
0007.00 Begin Second Block.
0008.00 Text for second block ...
0009.00 End Second Block.
0011.00 Begin First Block.
0012.00 Text for the first block ...
0013.00 End First Block.
****************** End of data ***********************************

To get a complete list of commands for SEU place the cursor on the sequence number
list and press the help key.
SEU Commands
SEU commands are entered in the "SEU==>" field at the top of the screen.
Search for an occurrence of a character string. If the string contains embedded blanks,
apostrophes, or quotation marks, it should be enclosed in quotation marks. Several
direction parameters are available: N (Next), P (Previous), F (First), L (Last), and A (All).
The scope of the search can be specified using search parameters: X (excluded
records) and NX (non-excluded records). The syntax of FIND is FIND string
[N,P,A,F,L] [X,NX] [column parameter]. Examples:
• F 'hello there'
• F *ERR A find all syntax errors
• F "'XYZ'"
Use the F16 "Repeat Find" key to find the next occurrence of a string.
Find all occurrences of a character string and replace it with another string. The syntax
is CHANGE fstring cstring [N,P,A,F,L] [X,NX] [column parameter]
Go to the first page of the work screen.
Go to the last page of the work screen.
Save changes and continue editing. SAVE [ [ [ library/ ] file ] member ]
Save changes and exit from edit session. FILE [ [ [ library/ ] file ] member ]
Cancel session and exit session.
See the IBM SEU manual for more information.
Function Keys in SEU
When a member is being edited, the Edit display supports a diverse set of function keys
that allow you to perform specific tasks.
Key Name Function
F1 Help Press the help key for details about the display.
F3 Exit End the current task, returns to previous entry
F4 Prompt Provides assistance for the options selected
in the list or a command on a command line.
PDM will fill in the default values.
F5 Refresh Refresh the current display. Rebuilds display and
shows it again.
F10 Cursor Moves the cursor from the data area to the SEU
command line, and from the SEU command line to
the data area.
F11 Previous Record Places the previous record in the prompt.
F13 Change Session Go to the Change Session Defaults Defaults
F14 Find/Change Options Go the Find/Change Options display.
F15 Browse/Copy Options Go the Browse/Copy Options display.
F16 Repeat Find Perform find or repeat current find.
F17 Repeat Change Perform change or repeat current change
F18 DBCS Conversion Perform DBCS conversion.
F19 Left View the info. to the left of the current display.
F20 Right View the info. to the right of the current display.
F23 Select Prompt Go to the Select Prompt display. SEU returns
to the EDIT Session and displays the prompt
after you make a selection.
F24 More keys View the other function keys available for the
current display.

Summary of Line Commands

The Sequence_number field displays the sequence number of the record and is used
for entering SEU line commands. To use a line command, type the command over the
digits that make up the sequence number.
The following is a list of all the valid commands:
• A=After Move or copy records after this record.
• An=After with repeat n times Move or copy records after this record and repeat
these records n times.
• B=Before Move or copy records before this record.
• Bn=Before with repeat n times Move or copy records before this record and
repeat these records n times.
• C=Copy Line Copy this line to a specified target.
• Cn=Copy n lines Copy this line plus the next n-1 lines to the specified target.
• CC=Block Copy Copy all lines between the boundaries formed by the two CC
• CR=Copy records and retain command Copy this record to the specified targets
and keep this command on the display.
• CRn=Copy n records and retain command. Copy n records to the specified
targets and keep this command on the display.
• CCR=Copy block records and retain command Copy the block of records defined
by a pair of CCR commands to the specified targets and keep this command on
the display.
• D=Delete Delete the current line.
• Dn=Delete n lines Delete the current line and the next n-1 lines.
• DD=Block Delete Delete all lines between the two DD boundaries.
• F=Display format line
• Display a format line.
• I=Insert a line Insert a blank line after the current record.
• In=Insert n lines Insert n blank lines after this record.
• IP=Insert line and prompt Insert a blank line and display the line in a prompt.
• L=Shift data 1 char left Shift data in this record one character position to the left
without losing data.
• Ln=Shift data n chars left Shift data in this record n character positions to the left
without losing data.
• LL=Shift block 1 char to the left Shift data defined by the boundary between and
including the two LL line commands one character position to the left without
losing data.
• LLn=Shift block n chars to the left Shift data defined by the boundary between
and including the LLn and LL line commands n character positions to the left.
• M=Move a line Move a line to a specified target.
• Mn=Move n lines Move the current line and the following n-1 lines to a specified
• MM=Block Move Move all records between and including the boundaries defined
by the MM line commands to a specified target.
• O=Overlay Overlay the current line with the first line defined by the move, copy,
or copy repeated line command.
• On=Overlay n lines Overlay this line and the following n-1 lines with the first n
lines defined by the move, copy, or copy repeated line command.
• OO=Block overlay Overlay all the records between and including the boundaries
defined by two OO line commands with the lines defined by the move, copy, or
copy repeated line command.
• P=Display prompt Type P to display this line in a prompt.
• R=Shift data 1 char right Shift data in the current record one character position to
the right without losing data.
• Rn=Shift data n chars right Shift data in the current record n character positions
to the right without losing data.
• RR=Block shift 1 char to the right Shift data defined by the boundary between
and including the two RR line commands one character position to the right
without losing data.
• RRn=Block shift n chars to the right Shift data defined by the boundary between
and including the RRn and RR line commands n character positions to the right,
without losing data.
• RP=Repeat line Repeat the current line once before the following line.
• RPn=Repeat line n times Repeat the current line n times before the following
• RPP=Block repeat Repeat all lines defined by the boundary between the two
RPP line commands.
• RPPn=Block repeat Repeat all lines defined by the boundary between the two
RPP line commands n times.
• SF=Show first record Show the first record of the exclude group.
• SFn=Show first n records Show the first n records of the exclude group.
• SL=Show last record Show the last record of the exclude group
• SLn=Show last n records Show the last n records of the exclude group.
• W=Display member from column 1 Display the member beginning in column 1.
• Wn=Display member from column n Display the member beginning in column n.
• X=Exclude Exclude the current record from the display.
• Xn=Exclude plus Exclude the the current record and the next n-1 records.
• XX=Block Exclude Exclude all lines between the boundaries formed by the two
XX line commands.
• + (plus sign)=Roll member forward 1 line Roll the member forward one line.
• +n=Roll member forward n lines Roll the member forward n lines.
• - (minus sign)=Roll member backward 1 line Roll the member backward one line.
• -n=Roll member backward n lines Roll the member backward n lines.
• n=Absolute Positioning Position the line identified by the sequence number(n) as
the first record on the display.

Steps in Developing a Program

In this section, we are going to use a simple Control Language (CL) program to illustrate
the steps in developing, compiling, and running a program on the AS/400. We will also
demonstrate how to find compilation errors when they occur, and how to obtain
information about certain compilation and runtime errors. The intention here is not to
teach CL programming.
The CL program is very simple; all it does is make the library that you have created (in
my case, YOURLIB) the current library while retaining the existing current library on the
library list. First, let's create a source physical (PF-SRC) file called QCLSRC (the IBM-
supplied name for a CL source physical file). The command line form of issuing CL
commands will be used in this section (you may want to use the <F4>prompt facility to
assist you if you are not familiar with the commands). The following creates a PF-SRC
file in the library ALIBRARY. ALIBRARY represents the library that has the same name
as your user profile or your other library, that is the one you created in an earlier section.
Once the PF-SRC file has been created, work with the file by typing:
Then create a source member called TEST in QCLSRC by pressing <F6> . This will
start the SEU editor. Enter TEST for the name of the source member, CLP for the
source type (to see what source types are available, put the cursor on the "Source type"
field and press <F4> ), and a brief description of the source member. Once you have
entered all the necessary information, press <Enter> . You will enter a SEU editing
session. Type in the following program:

*************** Beginning of data ********************************

0002.00 PGM
0005.00 CHGCURLIB CURLIB(&YOURLIB) /* intentional error */
0007.00 ENDPGM
****************** End of data ***********************************

You can use the SEU line command, IP (insert line and prompt), to help you in selecting
a CL command. Also, note that CL programs are "free format" in that components of CL
statements do not have to be placed in particular columns on the screen (some source
types, such as RPG, are "fixed-format"; the IP line command can help enormously in
coding such programs).
A CL program begins with the PGM command, which is optional if the CL program does
not receive any parameters. (Aside: If a CL program has a parameter named &MYVAR,
the PGM statement is coded as: PGM PARM(&MYVAR). The ampersand symbol, "&",
denotes that &MYVAR is a variable. In this case, &MYVAR will be used to hold the
parameter's value. Moreover, the variable &MYVAR has to be declared using the DCL
command.) For more information, the reader is referred to the IBM "CL Programmer's
Guide" or the online education modules: "AS/400 Control Language Programming" in
the "Tutorial Support System" course, and the modules "Creating a Control Language
Program" and "How to Use Error Handling Facilities" in the "Facilities and
Implementation" course.
The second statement declares a CL variable called &OLDCURLIB. This variable will be
used to save the name of the existing current library. The variable will be used to hold a
character string with a maximum length of 10. Note that SEU provides syntax checking
for CL programs. Remove the parameters of DCL so that the statement contains only
"DCL", and press <Enter> . SEU will highlight that statement, indicating that there is a
syntax error. SEU will not let you exit an editing session that has syntax errors unless
you explicitly specify that you want to exit in the exit screen. Put the parameters back on
the DCL statement.
The RTVJOBA command, on the third statement, is used to retrieve the name of the
job's existing current library, saving it in the variable &OLDCURLIB. The reason for this
step will be explained shortly.
The CHGCURLIB command, on the fourth statement, is used to make YOURLIB the
new current library (where "YOURLIB" is any existing library that you have access to).
Notice that we have intentionally introduced an error in this statement. We have
mistakenly prefixed YOURLIB with "&", that is we really want CHGCURLIB
A name with "&" as its prefix denotes that it is a CL variable. This is an error because if
we intended &YOURLIB to be a variable, it must be declared in a DCL statement. Note
that SEU cannot detect this kind of error. This error will be detected during compilation.
The ADDLIBLE command, on the fifth statement, adds the name of the former current
library (which we saved in the variable &OLDCURLIB in the RTVJOBA statement) to the
library list. This step is needed if we want this library to stay on the library list. This is
because when the CHGCURLIB command is executed, the "old" current library will not
be retained on the library list. Hence, the need to use RTVJOBA to save the name of
that library, and to add it back on the library list using ADDLIBLE. The last statement,
ENDPGM, indicates the end of the CL program. Now, exit and save the program as it is
(i.e. with the error).
Compiling a Program
In the "Work with Members using PDM" screen, enter option 14 to compile the member
that contain the CL source program. Option 14, in this case, will invoke the CRTCLPGM
(Create CL Program) command. Option 14 will invoke a different "create program"
command for a different source type (e.g. if the source type is CBL, it will invoke the
CRTCBLPGM command). If you prompt on the option (ie. press <F4> when you use
option 14), you will see the following screen:

Create CL Program (CRTCLPGM)

Type choices, press Enter.
Program . . . . . . . . . . . . > TEST Name, *PGMID
Library . . . . . . . . . . . > ALIBRARY Name, *CURLIB
Source file . . . . . . . . . . > QCLSRC Name
Library . . . . . . . . . . . > ALIBRARY Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
Source member . . . . . . . . . > TEST Name, *PGM
Generation severity level . . . 29 0-29
Text 'description' . . . . . . . *SRCMBRTXT

Additional Parameters

Replace program . . . . . . . . > *YES *NO, *YES


F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F10=Additional parameters F12=Cancel

F13=How to use this display F24=More keys

The "Program" field specifies the name of the *PGM object that will be created if the
compilation is successful. This name defaults to name of the source member. The
"Library" field specifies the library that will contain the *PGM object. The default is the
library that contains the source member. You can change these default values. Unless
you want to rename the *PGM object or put it in another library, accept the defaults.
On pressing <Enter> , you will see a message at the bottom of the screen saying that
the compilation job has been submitted to QBATCH, which is the job queue for batch
jobs. If there are no compilation errors, you will receive a message saying that the job
completed normally. Since there is an error in the above program, a message will return
saying that the job has ended abnormally, meaning there are compilation errors. Press
<Enter>to continue.
Finding Compilation Errors
To find out the cause of the compilation error, type WRKSPLF to see what's in your
output queue. There should be a spooled file with the same name as your source
member (the compiler listing) and a job log (QPJOBLOG). Type 5 against QPJOBLOG
to display it. There should be a message stating that the program was not created
because of compilation error. The message will refer you to the compiler listing of the
program. Press <Enter> to exit this display. Type 5 to display the contents of the
compiler listing of the program. A segment of that listing is presented here:

200- PGM
* CPD0727 40 Variable '&YOURLIB ' is referred to but not declared.
* * * * * E N D O F S O U R C E * * * *

5738SS1 V2R1M1 920306 Control Language YOURLIB/TEST

Cross Reference
Declared Variables
Name Defined Type Length References
&OLDCURLIB 300 *CHAR 10 400 600

* CPD0791 00 No labels used in program.

* * * * * E N D O F C R O S S R E F E R E N C E
5738SS1 V2R1M1 920306 Control Language YOURLIB/TEST

Message Summary
Total 0-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-
2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

Program TEST not created in library YOURLIB. Maximum error severity 40.

There are two errors in the listing (errors are marked with "*" in column 1): the first with
a severity of 40 and the second with severity of 0. The second error is only an
information message; it is not the cause of the compilation failure. The meaning of first
error is evident; it is the cause of the failure. You can use the DSPMSGD (Display
Message Description) command to get more information about a compilation error. For
example, to get more details about the error CPD0727 DSPMSGD RANGE(CPD0727)
MSGF(QCPFMSG) where QCPFMSG is the system message file and CPD0727 is the
message ID. Let's go back to the source member and fix the problem.
Using SEU to Find Compilation Errors
You may want to use SEU to view your compiler listing instead of the way discussed
above, especially if the compiler listing is too lengthy to scan by eye. SEU provides
special support for locating compilation errors. To view a spooled file while you are in
SEU, press <F15> (Browse/Copy). Enter 2 in the selection field. Place the cursor on the
"Browse/copy spool file" field and press <F4>. Select the appropriate spool file. On
return to the editing session, you should see a split screen with the member you are
editing on top and the spooled file on the bottom. To find compilation errors, in the
bottom screen type FIND *ERR on the SEU command line (or simply, F *ERR). An
advantage of using SEU for this purpose is that you can see both the source member
and the compiler listing on the same screen, and make the corrections to the source
member on the spot.
Using SEU, edit the source member to remove the ampersand, "&", from YOURLIB.
The program should compile normally after this change. To make the situation more
interesting, let's introduce another type of error. In the ADDLIBLE statement, specify
some library name that you do not own or one that you are not authorized to use. In our
example, we specify a nonexistent library called DOGNAP, that is ADDLIBLE DOGNAP. The
rest of the source remain the same as before (except for removing the ampersand
character). Compile the source member (you will probably be asked if you want to
delete the existing *PGM object. Respond with a "Y"). The program should compile
normally. The *PGM object will be created in the library that contains your source file
unless you specified otherwise.
Running a Program
Use the WRKOBJPDM command to work with the library that contain the *PGM object
that was created. Type 16 against the *PGM object to run/execute it. Alternatively, you
can run the program by using the CALL command (in fact, option 16 invokes the CALL
command). If the library that contains the *PGM object is in your library list, type CALL
TEST on a command line. If the library is not in your library list, you can still run the
program by qualifying it with the library name CALL ALIBRARY/TEST The example
program used here does not take any input parameters. But if you created a program
that requires an input parameter(s), you can pass the parameter value(s) by prompting
on either the option 16 or the CALL command. If your program takes more than one
input parameter, type '+' on the "Parameters" field and press <Enter> . This will bring
another screen that allows you to enter multiple parameters. You can also us pass
parameters using the command line method. For example, CALL MYPROG
PARM(parameter1 parameter2 ...)

Diagnosing Runtime Errors

In any case, when you run the program, you will get a runtime or object error message
similar to the one below:

Display Program Messages

Job 287471/T03/DSP02 started on 07/20/92 at 13:48:44 in subsystem QINTER

CPF2110 received by TEST at 600. (C D I R)

Type reply, press Enter.

Reply . . . ________________________________________________________

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

To find out the cause of the error, place the cursor on the message id (in this case
CPF2110) and press <F1>. You see a screen similar to the one below. The message
text, in this case, indicated clearly what the problem is, i.e. the library DOGNAP was not
found. Sometimes you can obtain additional messages by pressing <F10> to display
messages in the job log.

Additional Message Information

Message ID . . . . . . : CPA0701 Severity . . . . . .: 99

Message type . . . . . : INQUIRY
Date sent . . . . . . . : 07/20/92 Time sent . . . . .: 14:00:05
From program . . . . . : QCLXERR Instruction . . . .: 0000

To program . . . . . . : *EXT Instruction . . . .: 0000

Message . . . . : CPF2110 received by TEST at 600. (C D I R)
Cause . . . . . : Control language (CL) program TEST inlibrary YOURLIB
detected an error at statement number 600. Message text for CPF2110 is:
Library DOGNAP not found.
Recovery . . . : This inquiry message can be avoided bychanging the

program. Monitor for the error (MONMSG command) and perform error
recovery within the program. To continue, choose a reply value.

Possible choices for replying to message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :

C -- Cancel the CL program.
D -- Dump the CL program variables and cancel the CL program.
I -- Ignore the failing command.


Press Enter to continue.

F3=Exit F10=Display messages in job log F12=Cancel

Again, the DSPMSGD ("Display Message Description") command can be used to obtain
more information about the error. For example, DSPMSGD RANGE(CPF2110) MSGF(QCPFMSG)
where QCPFMSG is the system message file and CPF2110 is the message ID.
Press <Enter> to cancel the program. Go back to the source member, fix the error, and
recompile. The next time you run the program, it should run without any problems. Type
DSPLIBL to check whether the library has been added and whether it has been made
the current library.
Creating an Initial Program
An initial program is similar to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file in MS-DOS. It is executed when
the user logs on. The initial program has to reside in your default library (i.e. the library
with the same name as your user profile) and it has to be named INITIALPGM. For
instance, you can make the above CL program your initial program. Rename the source
member to INITIALPGM and recompile it. If you created the source member in a
another library, when you recompile it using the option 14, press < F4>to prompt on it.
Specify your default library as the library where the *PGM object is to be stored.

Understanding Object Authorities

To maintain security of data and/or program objects the AS/400 offers a variety of
options available to limit access to object. These authorities must be set to secure
object to the level of security required. Likewise, if objects are to be shared or used
between users, the object authorities must be relaxed correctly to maintain object
integrity. This section is designed to help users maintain correct authorities and to
understand the authorities on the objects that they own.
Authorities and their meanings
Object Authorities
Object authority is used to control access to an object including the ability to see an
object description, control read and write access to an object, or control an object's
provides the authority to specify the security (grant/revoke object authority), move or rename
the object, and add members to database file.
provides the authority to control the object existence and ownership. The user with this
authority can delete, save, and transfer ownership of the object.
provides the authority to look at the description of an object and use the object as determined
by the data authority that the user has to the object.
Data Authorities
Data authority is the authority to access data contained in an object, for example
records in a database file. This includes the ability to view, update, add, or delete
provides the authority to get the contents or an entry in an object or to run a program.
provides the authority to add entries to an object.
provides the authority to change the entries in an object.
provides the authority to remove entries from an object.
Combinations of Object and Data Authorities
These are keywords, each representing predefined combination of object and data
authorities. They reduce the time required to assign specific authorities to users.
allows the user to perform all authorized operations (object and data) on the object.
provides *OBJOPR authority and all data authority.
provides *OBJOPR authority and data read authority.
authority prevents the user from accessing the object even if *PUBLIC is authorized.
In addition to these, users can create customized combinations of object and data
Changing authorities with EDTOBJAUT
We use an example here to illustrate the use of some of the types of authorities
discussed above. In this example, we want to allow a certain user to copy a member
from the file "SRCFILE" which is stored in the library "YOURLIB". First of all, we need to
allow the user to have access to the library "YOURLIB". To do that, we use the "Edit
Object Authority", EDTOBJAUT, command to edit the authority on "YOURLIB". (Note
that your default library, i.e. the library that has the same name as your user profile, is
normally owned by your security officer so you cannot change its authorities). Type
EDTOBJAUT on a command line and press <F4>. Fill in the blanks for object, library,
and object type (*LIB) and press <Enter> .

Edit Object Authority (EDTOBJAUT)

Type choices, press Enter.

Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . > YOURLIB Name
Library . . . . . . . . . . . *LIBL Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
Object type . . . . . . . . . . > *LIB *ALRTBL, *AUTL, *CFGL...

To see the detail screen as shown below, press <F11>. Note that the owner of
"YOURLIB" has *ALL authority on the object.

Edit Object Authority

Object . . . . . . . : YOURLIB Object type . . . . : *LIB

Library . . . . . : QSYS Owner . . . . . . . : JOHNDOE

Type changes to current authorities, press Enter.

Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . . . .: *NONE

Object ----Object----- ----------Data-----------

User Authority Opr Mgt Exist Read Add Update Delete

*PUBLIC *EXCLUDE _ _ _ _ _ _ _

F3=Exit F5=Refresh F6=Add new users F10=Grant with reference object

F11=Nondisplay detail F12=Cancel F17=Top F18=Bottom

Press <F6> to add a user to the list of users authorized to this object. Type in the name
of the user and *USE for the object authority. Press <Enter> to return to the previous
screen. Notice that *USE gives the user *OBJOPR and *READ authorities on
"YOURLIB". (Note: If you want to edit a specific authority, type "X" in the position
relating to that authority to grant authority or a space to delete that authority.)
Next, we need to allow the user access to the file "SRCFILE". Use EDTOBJAUT to edit
the authority on the file "SRCFILE". Type EDTOBJAUT OBJ(YOURLIB/SRCFILE)
OBJTYPE(*FILE) or use the prompt to fill in the parameters. Press <F6> to add the user
to the authorization list with *USE authority. This will allow them to do perform various
operations on "SRCFILE" including copying members from the file. To allow them to
copy the entire file (i.e. "SRCFILE"), *OBJMGT must be granted. To do that, type "X"
under "Mgt" in the detail screen for that user. Note that the object authority changes
from *USE to USER DEF (meaning a customized authority).
Changing Authorities with GRTOBJAUT and RVKOBJAUT
To use GRTOBJAUT and RVKOBJAUT type the command and prompt <F4>. Fill in the
library name, object name, object type along with the user you are granting authorities
and the respective authority being granted. At any time press <F1> for more help.

Sending and Receiving Network Files

Users can send and receive network files to and from each other. The "Send Network
File" (SNDNETF) command can be used to send a member of a physical database file
(PF-DTA or PF-SRC) to another user. In the example shown below, the member
"SNDMBR" of the physical database file "SNDFILE" (which is contained in the library
"SNDLIB") is to be sent to the user "RCV". "MKTAS400" is the address of the AS/400 at
Minnesota State University, Mankato. When the network file arrives at its destination, a
message is sent to both the sender and receiver.

Send Network File (SNDNETF)

Type choices, press Enter.

File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . > SNDFILE___ Name
Library . . . . . . . . . . . > SNDLIB____ Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
User ID: _
User ID . . . . . . . . . . . > RCV_______ Character value
Address . . . . . . . . . . . > MKTAS400__ Character value
+ for more values _
Member . . . . . . . . . . . . . > SNDMBR____ Name, *FIRST

Additional Parameters
To file type . . . . . . . . . . *FROMFILE_ *FROMFILE, *DATA

VM/MVS class . . . . . . . . . . A A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I
Send priority . . . . . . . . . *NORMAL__ *NORMAL, *HIGH

F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display

F24=More keys
The receiver will have to run the "Work with Network Files" (WRKNETF) command to
inspect their network files.

Work with Network Files (WRKNETF)

User . . . . . . . . . . . . : RCV_______
User ID/Address . . . . . . : RCV_______ MKTAS400

Type options, press Enter.

1=Receive network file 3=Submit job 4=Delete network file

5=Display physical file member
File -------From-------
Opt File Member Number User ID Address Date Time
__ SNDFILE SNDMBR 1 SENDER MKTAS400 08/26/92 16:37

F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F9=Retrieve F11=Display type/records


Type 1 in the "Opt" blank in front of the network file to receive and press <F4>to prompt.
The following screen will show up.

Receive Network File (RCVNETF)

Type choices, press Enter.

From file . . . . . . . . . . . > 'SNDFILE'__ Character value
To data base file . . . . . . . *FROMFILE__ Name, *FROMFILE
Library . . . . . . . . . . . *LIBL____ Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
Member to be received . . . . . > 'SNDMBR'__ Character value, *ONLY
To member . . . . . . . . . . . *FROMMBR____ Name, *FROMMBR, *FIRST

F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F10=Additional parameters F12=Cancel

F13=How to use this display F24=More keys

Fill in the "To data base file", "Library", and "To member" blanks with the appropriate
receiving file, library and member names and press <Enter>. Note that the receiving file
must already exist before trying to receive members.

Printing Procedure
When programs on the AS/400 produce output intended to be printed the material does
not go directly to the printer. Instead the output is bundled together with other output in
an object called an "output queue" (*OUTQ). These sub objects are called "spooled
files." To send these spooled files to a printer, first you must work with your output
queue; then, change the attributes of the desired spooled file, specifying the correct
print device name.
There are several ways by which spooled files are generated. Here are some:
• From the WRKMBRPDM display, option 6 in front of the desired member will
generate a spooled file that is your program member.
• Pressing the Print Screen key (<Shift><Print Screen>on the PS/2 running PC-
Support or <Ctrl>p on the ASCII connections) will generate a spooled file of the
current display. Note that if you do a print screen, you will have to press the
<Reset>key to clear the message at the bottom of the screen in order to
continue your session.
• The system automatically generates spooled files in some cases like presenting
job log, information on processed records for a database file and abnormal job
end conditions.
Moving a Spooled File to a Writer
To get a physical copy of a spooled file on your output queue, two facts must be true.
First, the spooled file must be placed on a started writer and second, the spooled file
must have a status of released. To work with your spooled files on your output queue
type WRKSPLF and press <Enter>. This screen allows you to do many things with your
spooled files.
Note: If this is the first time that you are using the WRKSPLF command, you should
change the "assistance level" for this screen. To do this press <F21>and change the
assistance level from "basic" to intermediate". This will gives you more features on the
screen. Try pressing the <F10>or <F11>keys to obtain different views of your spooled
Typing 2 in the option field of spooled file in the WRKSPLF screen will change the
spooled file's attributes. The attributes that you will be interested in are the "Print
device" and "Save file".
By changing the attribute "Print device" from "*OUTQ" to a valid printer (use the
WRKWTR command to find out which printers are available), you will move your
spooled file from your output queue to a printer writer. The printer writer names at MSU
Printer Name Width/Paper Printer Type Location
PRT01 132 Col. 11" Line Printer Morris Hall
VAXPRTS2 132 Col. 11" Line Printer MSU ACC
PS/2 printers 132/80 8.5" Dot Matrix MSU ACC Lab Rooms
If "Save file" is changed from "*NO" to "*YES" the spooled file will not be deleted after
the file has been printed.
Typing 3 in the option field of spooled file in the WRKSPLF screen will keep the spooled
file from printing if placed on a printer writer and change the status to *HLD.
Typing 4 in the option field of spooled file in the WRKSPLF screen will delete the
spooled file from your output queue. Spooled files should be deleted as soon as they
are not needed to reduce clutter in your output queue.
Typing 5 in the option field of spooled file in the WRKSPLF screen will allow you to view
your spooled file.
Typing 6 in the option field of spooled file in the WRKSPLF screen will will release a file
that is held to become available to print and will change its status to *RDY.
If you printed to VAXPRTS2, your printouts can be picked up in the ACC printer area at
any time. VAXPRTS2 is a printer that is connected to VAX1. The printer will never say it
is started although it actually is. Normally you will not be authorized to print to writer
PRT01. This printer is the system printer.
Printing to a PS/2 Printer
To see which PS/2 printers are available for printing from the AS/400, type WRKWTR
("Work with Writers"). The name of the printer is: "PC0" (i.e. "P" + "C" + zero) + the
number of the PS/2 to which the printer is connected + "S2" (e.g. PC0614S2). Make
sure that the printer you want to print to has been started. For the printer to be started,
the PS/2 workstation that is connected to the printer must be signed on to the AS/400.
Also, make sure that the printer is ready for printing. Press <Alt><Esc>on the computer
that is attached to the printer to display the status of the printer; make sure it says
"Ready". If not, select the "stop" option and then select "start". Also make sure the
printer's status is "ONLINE".
Step by Step Printing Example
Type WRKSPLF { or OQ } Press <Enter>.
This will allow you to work with your spooled files.
Use the <Field EXIT>key or <Tab>to move to the desired spool file.
This will move us to the correct spool file option field.
Type 5 in the option field.
This will mark the spool file for displaying.
Press <Enter> .
This will display the spool file.
Press <Enter>.
This will bring you back to the work with spool file screen.
Press 2 <Enter>.
This will permit you to change the spool file attributes.
Type in the name of the printer <Enter>.
This will move the file to the printer writer.
Press the <F5>key.
This will refresh the screen to show you the current status of your spooled files.
If the STS (status) is RDY or WTR the printer will print your spooled file. If the status is HLD
then release it by typing a 6 in the option field of the spooled file and press <Enter>.

More Printing Help

For more help on printing type STRSCHIDX <Enter>then type SPOOLED QUEUES

Common Problems
Note that the command keys used in this section are those of the PS/2 running PC
Stopping Infinite Loops/Ending a Previous Request
If you have issued a command and it is taking too long finish it may be an infinite,
endless, loop. To stop your infinite loop:
• Press <Left Ctrl> (this will reset any keyboard errors)
• Press <Alt><Print Screen>(this sequence is call "System Request")
• Type 2. (This is the option on System Request to end a previous request.)
• Press <Enter> . Note: You can also press <Alt><Print Screen>and press
<Enter>to display a menu of system requests, and then select the appropriate
Ending Disconnected Jobs with Infinite Loops
If for some reason you have been disconnect from the system while executing an
infinite loop request the job may continue to execute. This will cause the system to run
very slowly. To end the disconnected job:
• On a command line, type the "Work with Active Jobs" command: WRKACTJOB
and press <Enter> . The locally-defined alias for WRKACTJOB, AJ, can also be
• On the "Work with Active Jobs" display, type option 4 (End) against the job that is
causing the loop and press <F4>to prompt on the option. In the "How to end"
field, type in *IMMED i.e. to end the job immediately.
• Press <Enter>.
Out of Storage Quota Errors
Depending on the specific class that requires use of the AS/400 there is a maximum
storage quota allocated to your user profile. You can see this information by typing:
DSPUSRPRF username. Because OS/400 retains every version of a *PGM object that
results from a compilation, your storage can be used up very quickly. When you have
exceeded (or nearly exceeded) your storage quota and you try to start, for example,
SEU, you may get an error message "Error found on SEU command". To deal with this
problem, you must clear the *PGM objects from library QRPLOBJ. To do this type
WRKOBJPDM QRPLOBJ. You may get an authority problem do to the fact that you do not
own all of the object in that library. The command will clear your objects out regaurdless
of the error.

DDS and Data Files on the AS/400

Creating a data file
The following discussion assumes that you already have a source physical file in your
current library. We will continue to use SRCFILE in library YOURLIB for explanation.
The reader must substitute the appropriate names for source physical file and library,
where applicable.
The first step is to to reach the 'Work with members using PDM' display. This can be
done by typing WRKMBRPDM YOURLIB/SRCFILE on any command line.
To create a data file member, you have to start the Source Entry Utility. Press <F6> from
the 'Work with members using PDM' display or type STRSEU on any command line and
press <F4>. The following screen shows up:

Start Source Entry Utility (STRSEU)

Type choices, press Enter.

Source file . . . . . . . . . . *PRV______ Name, *PRV

Library . . . . . . . . . . . __________ Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB, *PRV
Source member . . . . . . . . . *PRV______ Name, *PRV, *SELECT
Source type . . . . . . . . . . *SAME_____ Name, *SAME, BAS, BASP,
Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . *BLANK____ *BLANK, ' ', 2, 5, 6
Text 'description' . . . . . . . *BLANK_________________________________

The Source type for a data file must be specified as PF, this type denotes aPhysical
File. For example, to create a data file called TESTDATA in the source file SRCFILE in
library YOURLIB, fill in the fields as shown:
Start Source Entry Utility (STRSEU)

Type choices, press Enter.

Source file . . . . . . . . . . SRCFILE___ Name, *PRV

Library . . . . . . . . . . . YOURLIB___ Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB, *PRV
Source member . . . . . . . . . TESTDATA__ Name, *PRV, *SELECT
Source type . . . . . . . . . . PF________ Name, *SAME, BAS, BASP,
Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . *BLANK____ *BLANK, ' ', 2, 5, 6
Text 'description' . . . . . . . Your_description_for_the_member_...______

The Edit display shows up. It is convenient to use the prompt facility for defining the
DDS source. The prompter helps you to supply the source information in the correct
format. Press <F4> to invoke the prompter and <F12>to cancel it.
When the prompter is invoked, the screen looks as shown:

Find . . . _____________________________________________________

*************** Beginning of data
****************** End of data

Prompt type . . . PF Sequence number . . . 0001.00

Name Data Decimal

Type Name Ref Length Type Positions Use
_ _____ _ ______ _ ___ _

Functions ___________________________

F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F10=Top

F11=Bottom F12=Cancel F24=More keys

An explanation of the different fields shown above follows: The fields marked with * are
not commonly used, so for normal applications you may conveniently ignore them.
Choose one of the following:
Leave the field blank to indicate a field name.
Type R in column 17 to indicate a record format name.
Type K in column 17 to indicate a key field name.
Type a record format, field, or key field name in this position. The maximum length allowed
is 10 characters, beginning in column 19.
Reference (*)
Type R in this field to use the reference function to copy attributes of a previously defined
named field to the field you are now defining.
Type a value to indicate the number of characters in a character field or the number of digits
in a numeric field. For example, for Character type the range is 1-32766, for Packed decimal
the range is 1-31 digits and so on.
Choose one of the following:
for character data.
for packed decimal data.
for zoned decimal data.
for zoned binary data.
for floating point data.
for hexadecimal data.
Type a value from 0 through 31 to indicate the number of decimal positions to the right of the
decimal point within a packed decimal, a zoned decimal, a floating point, or a binary field.
Use (*)
Type B or leave the field blank to indicate a field used for both input and output.
Functions (*)
Type in keyword entries valid for defining physical files in positions 45 through 80 of this
The DDS source for TESTDATA is shown below. RECFMT1 is the record format name.
There are two fields in the data file, FIELD1 and FIELD2. FIELD1 is of character data
type with length 10, and FIELD2 is a packed decimal of length 5 with 2 decimal
positions. The last line of the member declares FIELD1 to be the key field.

Find . . . __________________________________________________________ TST1

*************** Beginning of data
0001.00 R RECFMT1
0002.00 FIELD1 10A
0003.00 FIELD2 5P 2
0004.00 K FIELD1
****************** End of data

F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh

F10=Top F11=Bottom F24=More keys

Press <F3>and hit <Enter>to save the member TESTDATA. For more details about
exiting SEU refer to the section 'How to exit SEU'.
The member TESTDATA that was just created contains only the definition of the data
file and hence our the next step is to actually create the file. This can be done by
compiling the member we have just created. From the 'Work with members using PDM'
display, position the cursor at member TESTDATA, and choose option 14 (compile). If
the compilation is successful, the file TESTDATA will be created in YOURLIB.
Otherwise, look into your spooled file (WRKSPLF) and identify the problem.
Loading a data file
To load a data file, use the command UPDDTA (Update Data Area). Type UPDDTA on any
command line and press <F4>. The following screen shows up:

Update Data with Temp Program (UPDDTA)

Type choices, press Enter.

Data base file . . . . . . . . . __________ Name

Library . . . . . . . . . . . *LIBL_____ Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
Member . . . . . . . . . . . . . *FIRST______ Name, *FIRST


F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display

F24=More keys

Supply the values for the data base file to be loaded and the library it is contained in,
and press <Enter>. For example, to populate our file TESTDATA we would fill in the
values as shown:

Update Data with Temp Program (UPDDTA)

Type choices, press Enter.

Data base file . . . . . . . . . TESTDATA__ Name

Library . . . . . . . . . . . YOURLIB__ Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
Member . . . . . . . . . . . . . *FIRST____ Name, *FIRST

F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display

Enter the values for different fields and press Enter>. To stop the process of loading the
data file, press <F3>and press < Enter>.

Screen Design Using SDA

To aid in the creation of user interfaces on the AS/400, the operating system includes a
utility called SDA (Screen Design Aid). This system allows a programmer to "paint"
screens and menus used by a program from within a simple editor, defining input and
output fields and special text attributes. These screens may then be called from an
application program, allowing the program to have all the features of the AS/400 user
interface without direct programming of the appearance of the interface.
This section will only cover those aspects of screen design not related to interfacing
with applications. For information on this area, see the manual for the language of the
application source.
Starting SDA
The first steps in creating a set of screens for a program are the same as those for
creating a program source member. A source physical file must be created (or one
already in existence may be used) and a member must be created in the PF-SRC to
hold the screens.
To create the screen design member, issue the command STRSDA (for STaRt SDA)
from a command line. A menu of options will appear which allow you to create a screen,
create a menu, or test a design. Choosing the first option brings the following screen:

Design Screens

Type choices, press Enter.

Design option . . . . . . _ 1=Select file keywords

2=Select record keywords
3=Select subfile keywords
4=Select subfile control keywords
5=Define screen image (fields)
6=Save DDS source, create object
Record . . . . . . . . . __________ Name, F4 for Record list
Additional records . . . __________ Name
(to be displayed on Work Screen)
Source file . . . . . . . QDDSSRC___ Name
Library . . . . . . . . *LIBL_____ Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
Member . . . . . . . . . __________ Name, F4 for Member list
Source type . . . . . . . __________ DSPF,
Blank for default

F3=Exit F4=Prompt F12=Cancel

Since no screen design exists yet, it is necessary to first create one using the "5" option
on the "Design option line". Also, a source file must be provided, and a member
specified. If the member does not yet exist, it will be created. Finally, a record name
must be given. Since each member can have several records, a single screen design
member could contain any number of screens, with each one given a distinct record
name. Once the information is entered, the screen should look like this:

Design Screens
Type choices, press Enter.

Design option . . . . . . 5 1=Select file keywords

2=Select record keywords
3=Select subfile keywords
4=Select subfile control keywords
5=Define screen image (fields)
6=Save DDS source, create object
Record . . . . . . . . . SCREEN1___ Name, F4 for Record list
Additional records . . . __________ Name
(to be displayed
on Work Screen)
Source file . . . . . . . SRCFILE___ Name
Library . . . . . . . . YOURLIB___ Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
Member . . . . . . . . . SCRNMBR___ Name, F4 for Member list
Source type . . . . . . . __________ DSPF,
Blank for default
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F12=Cancel

The "SOURCE TYPE" field may be left blank. It will default to the proper type for SDA.
These options will start SDA on a screen named SCREEN1 in the member SCRNMBR
of file SRCFILE in library YOURLIB. Pressing <Enter> will bring up the main SDA
display. This is simply a blank "pasteboard" on which you may place text and fields.
Using The Work Screen
Use the Work Screen to design the display you are creating. On the Work Screen you
can add fields and constants, place fields you have selected from a database, move,
copy, shift, and remove fields, and add or remove attributes and colors. You can also
perform additional operations, such as requesting extended field definition.
You can use the following function keys on the Work Screen:
Press <F1> to show the same information as the help key. <F1> is active on all displays but
does not appear in the function key area.
Press <F3> to have the Design Screens display appear.
Press <F4> to have the Work with Fields display appear.
Press <F6> to have the Condition Work Screen display appear.
Press <F10> to have the Select Data Base Files display appear.
Press <F11>to display a list of selected database fields on the bottom row of the Work
Screen. Press <F11>to switch back and forth between the list of selected data base fields and
the list of not selected database fields.
Press <F12>to save your work and continue to the Design Screens display.
Press <F14>to place a vertical and horizontal ruler on the Work Screen where you position
the cursor. The ruler does not interfere with your data. Press <F14>to remove the ruler.
Defining fields on the ruler may cause unpredictable results.
F15=Subfile Prompt
Press <F15>to Display a prompt on the bottom row of the Work Screen that allows you to
change the subfile line (SFLLIN) and subfile page (SFLPAG) sizes that were in effect for the
current record being defined.
Press <F17> to Print the current contents of the Work Screen.
Adding Fields
To add a user-defined field, type + followed by I (input), O (output), or B (both) for
alphabetic fields, or followed by 3 (input), 6 (output), or 9 (both) for numeric fields and
press Enter. To add a floating point field, add a numeric field followed by E (single-
precision) or D (double-precision) and press Enter. You can use uppercase or lowercase
letters. You indicate the length of a field by the number of characters following +, or by
the length specified in brackets after the first character.
The following examples illustrate user-defined fields:
+BBB or +b(3)
Three-character, alphabetic, both (input and output) field.
+66.66 or +6(4,2)
Four-character, numeric, input field with two decimal positions (set by an edit word).
+3.33E or +3(3,2)e
Single-precision, input, floating-point field with three significant digits and two decimal
+99.999d or +9(5,3)D
Double-precision, both (input and output), floating-point field with five significant digits and
three decimal positions.
Adding Constants
To add a new constant or change an existing constant:
• Type a constant. A blank character ends the constant.
• Type constants with single quotation marks to define separate constants for each
character string (word) that is followed by a blank.
• Surround a character string with single quotation marks to define a single
• Surround several constants with single quotation marks to redefine them as one
• Use a double quotation mark to end one constant and start a new constant while
taking up only one position.
• To add a MSGCON (MeSsaGe CONstant) field, type + followed by M. To work
with a MSGCON field, type ? in front of the field. When you press Enter, the
Define Message Constant display appears. Press < F12>to return to the Work
• To add system date or time fields, type *DATE or *TIME.
• Use the at sign (@) in pairs to delimit a DBCS (Double Byte Character Set)
constant. SDA will replace each pair with a shift in and a shift out pair when you
press <Enter>. You can then type DBCS data between the delimiters. You
cannot use a DBCS insert key on the Work Screen.
The following examples illustrate constant fields:
Defines two constant fields.
'xxx YYY zzz'
Combines three constant fields into one field.
+MMM or +(M3)
The Define Message Constant display appears.
Adding Fields from a Data Base File
The fields you select from a database file, appear on the bottom row of the Work
Screen. You move fields from the bottom line to your display by typing & followed by the
field number, if you are in multiple mode, and the column heading position and pressing
Enter. The fields begin in the position where you type &. The following examples
illustrate moving fields to your display:
Single Field Multiple Field Field
Mode Mode Meaning

& &n Places field. Does not add column heading.

&L &nL Places field. Adds a column heading to the

left of the field.

&R &nR Places field. Adds a column heading to the

right of the field.

&C &nC Places field. Adds a column above the field.

Left-aligns column heading for an alphabetic
field and right-aligns column heading for a
numeric fields.

&P &nP Places the column heading only.

Adding or Removing Attributes and Colors
To add or remove display attributes or colors on the Work Screen, type one of following
commands (in uppercase or lowercase) in the position preceding the field (the attribute
byte of the field):
Command Command
Add Remove Attribute Add Remove Color

H -H High intensity CB -CB Blue

R -R Reverse image CG -CG Green

S -S Column CP -CP Pink


B -B Blink CR -CR Red

N -N Nondisplay CT -CT Turquoise

U -U Underscore CW -CW White

-A Remove all -CA Remove all

attributes colors
You can carry out the above operations by typing * in the position preceding the field
(the attribute byte of the field), pressing < Enter>, and working with the field keyword
displays that appear.
Moving, Copying, and Shifting Fields
Reposition fields on the Work Screen by typing one of the following and pressing
-, =
Type - in the position preceding the field (the attribute byte of the field) and type = where
you want the field to appear.
-, ==
Type - in the position preceding the field (the attribute byte of the field) and type == where
you want a copy of the field to appear.
-, -, ==
Type - in any position preceding the field, type - in any position after the last field, and type
== where you want a copy of the group of fields to appear.
<<<, >>>
Type <<< in the position preceding the field (the attribute byte of the field), or type >>> after
the field (over the first attribute byte), to shift the field left or right as far as the signs extend.
Removing Fields
Remove fields from the Work Screen by typing one of the following and pressing
<Enter>DO NOT use the <Delete>key to delete items on the work screen:
Type a blank in the position preceding the field (the attribute byte of the field), and over the
entire field.
Type D in the position preceding the field (the attribute byte of the field).
Additional Features
Extended field definition
Type * in the position preceding the field (the attribute byte of the field) to add field-level
attributes and keywords.
Display field length and description
Type ? in the position preceding the field to display field length and text or column
heading description on the last row of the Work Screen. You can rename the field by
changing the name on the last row.
Display MSGCON field definition
Type ? in the position preceding the field to show the Define Message Constant display.
You can change the message number, file, and library.
Date and time keywords
Type *DATE or *TIME to define special constants on the display where the system date
and time will be automatically substituted.
Subfile Field Definition
You can define fields for a subfile similar to nonsubfile fields with the following
• You can modify fields on the first record of the subfile. Anything you type is
assumed to be a definition of the first record.
• To modify the values of the SFLPAG (number of records on the display) and
SFLLIN (number of spaces between fields), press < F15>to display the subfile
prompt line. <F15>is allowed only for subfile records.
• Any field that you define for the subfile will appear the number of times specified
by the SFLPAG keyword.
Compiling And Testing Screens
Once the screen design is complete and <F3>is pressed, PDM returns to the "Design
Screens" menu shown above. Choosing the "6" option on the Design Option line saves
the source file for the screen and compiles it into a screen file which may be used by a
to save a file after every RECORD created; Several screens from a single member can
be created before compilation. However, the file must be compiled before exiting SDA.
Using the "6" option for a screen produces the following display:

Save DDS - Create Display File

Type choices, press Enter.

Save generated DDS source . . . . . . . Y Y=Yes
Source file . . . . . . . . . . . . . SRCFILE___ Name
Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YOURLIB___ Name, *LIBL ...
Member . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCRNMBR___ F4 for list
Replace existing member . . . . . . . Y Y=Yes
Create display file . . . . . . . . . . Y Y=Yes
(CRTDSPF) F4 for prompt
Display file . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCRNFIL___ Name
Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YOURLIB___ Name, *LIBL ...
If create fails, display listing . . . Y Y=Yes
Replace existing file . . . . . . . . Y=Yes
Create file if DDS message severity
(GENLVL) is less than . . . . . . . 20 0, 10, 20, 30
Submit create job in batch . . . . . . . Y Y=Yes
Job description . . . . . . . . . . . QBATCH____ Name
Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QGPL______ Name, *LIBL ...

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

These options will compile all the screen records in member SCRNMBR of file
SRCFILE in library YOURLIB to a *FILE object called SCRNFIL in YOURLIB. That file
may then be used by user programs.
It may be advantageous to test screen designs before using them with programs. This
can be accomplished using the "Test Display Files" option from the initial SDA menu.
The screen test program will request the name of a screen and display file (created
using the compilation procedure above,) followed by a prompt screen for values for the
output fields. SDA displays the screen with the values supplied.

Debugging Programs on the AS/400

In addition to the utilities provided for creating, editing, and compiling programs, the
AS/400 provides a facility to aid in the debugging of programs as they are running.
Called the EPM (Extended Program Model) debugger, this tool allows the user to view
and change the values of variables and step through the program by using breakpoints
which interrupt program execution and return control to the debugger.
Starting the debugger
Before using the debugger, the source program must be compiled with the *DEBUG and
*SOURCE options. These will, respectively, include debugging information in the
executable program (so the debugger has access to variable and routine names) and
produce a source output listing from the compiler. This source output should be printed
before starting the debugger, as the compiler adds its own line numbers to the source
which will be necessary in referencing specific lines while using the debugger. The
source output is also useful as a hardcopy reference while the program is executing,
since the debugger does not list source lines as the program executes.
To specify these options at compilation time, first prompt on the compile option on the
Work with Members Using PDM display (or on the CRT___PGM command for the
language of the source file) by pressing < F4>(PROMPT) with the "14" (COMPILE)
option on the options line of the file you wish to compile. This will show the initial options
screen for the compiler. To enter the compiler options, it is necessary to prompt for more
options by pressing <F10>, which reveals the following screen:

Create Pascal Program (CRTPASPGM)

Type choices, press Enter.

Program . . . . . . . . . . . . > TEST______ Name

Library . . . . . . . . . . . > YOURLIB___ Name, *CURLIB
Source file . . . . . . . . . . > SRCFILE___ Name
Library . . . . . . . . . . . > YOURLIB___ Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
Source member . . . . . . . . . > TEST______ Name, *PGM
Text 'description' . . . . . . . *SRCMBRTXT_____________________________

Additional Parameters

Compiler options . . . . . . . . *DEBUG____ *LIST, *NOLIST, *CHECK...

+ for more values *SOURCE___
Language level . . . . . . . . . *EXTENDED__ *EXTENDED, *ANSI83,
String temporary threshold . . . 2046____ 256-32767

F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display

F24=More keys

The above example is from a Pascal source member. However, other languages will
have similar prompt displays.
Placing the *DEBUG and *SOURCE options on the "Compiler options" lines will cause
the compiler to produce a source listing and place it in the output queue and will include
debugging information in the output program. Pressing <Enter>once all options are
entered will submit the compilation. After the member has been compiled (assuming
there are no errors in compilation,) the source listing should be printed and used with
the next steps.
Using the debugger
The process of Debugging essentially consists of four phases:
1. Start the Debugger
2. Add breakpoints
3. Call the program to be debugged and
4. End the Debugger
These phases are discussed in detail below:
Phase 1 (Start the Debugger)
The command to start the debugger is:
===> strdbg YOURLIB/TEST
where TEST is the program in library YOURLIB, that you intend to debug.
Phase 2 (Add Breakpoints)
A Breakpoint is a place in a program where the system stops the processing of that
program and gives control to the display station user or to a specified program. The
command ADDBKP is used to set breakpoints. The simplest form of ADDBKP takes the
following form:
===> addbkp stmt(n1 n2 ... n10) where n1, n2 ... n10 are the statement numbers
where the breakpoint is to occur. You may specify 1 to 10 statement numbers where the
breakpoint should occur. For example, ' addbkp stmt(10 20 30) ' will set the breakpoints
at statements 10, 20 and 30. The program breaks before processing a statement
specified as a breakpoint.
Phase 3 (Calling the Program)
Once the breakpoints are set, the next step is to run the program using the CALL
===> call YOURLIB/TEST
You will notice that the program stops execution when the breakpoint is reached. From
the 'Display Break Point' screen, you can check the values of the program variables as
explained below:
• Press <F10>(command entry) on the 'Display Breakpoint' screen.
• This will take you to the command entry screen. Display the program variables
with DSPPGMVAR command:
===> dsppgmvar VARNAME
where VARNAME is the variable name you intend to display.
• Using the above command, you can check for as many variables as you want to
from the command entry screen. To exit the command entry press <F3>. Control
is transferred back to the breakpoint.
• Press <Enter>to resume execution of the program. The program will stop at the
next breakpoint if any, or will terminate.
Ending the Debugger
Once you are done with debugging, it is very important that you end the Debugger,
before you issue any other command. The command to do it is:
===> enddbg

APPENDIX A - Terminal Setup

PC-VT 9.0 Terminal Setup Instruction
The following should assist you in setting up PC-VT V9.0 for use with the IBM AS/400
via a port selector connection.
Confirm that your copy of PC-VT is V9.0. This may be confirmed by starting PC-VT and
noting the version number on the initial screen or by entering the setup A screen.
Versions prior to V9.0 will not support the cursor keys during an AS/400 session.
1. Start PC-VT and immediately go into the setup by pressing CTRL-F1.
2. Select option 5, 'Go to SETUP B'.
3. You should now change the feature switches, the blocks of 4 characters at the
bottom of the screen, so that they match those given below. This may be done by
placing the cursor above each feature switch you wish to change and pressing
the 6 key to toggle the switch to the correct value.
Feature switch settings:
1 2101 2 0X11 3 0000 4 1110 5 0001 6 0110 7 1X10 8 000X 9 XXXX
4. You should next set the modem speed to 9600. This may be done with menu
option 7, Select Modem Speed.
5. Next set the data bits to 8 and the stop bits to 2. This may be done with menu
option P, Select Data/Parity Bits.
6. Finally, save the changes you have made to the SETUP so that you will not have
to repeat this setup the next time you use PC-VT. This may be done by pressing
the S key.
7. You may use the <ESC>key to exit the setup mode and return to the emulator
mode from which you may access the port selector.

APPENDIX B - VT-100 to PS/2 (PC Support) Keyboard

PS/2 Key Nam Micro-Term Key Sequence Typical use
<F1> <ESC>1 Help
<F2> <ESC>2 Switch View
<F3> <ESC>3 Exit
<F4> <ESC>4 Prompt
<F5> <ESC>5 Refresh Screen
<F6> <ESC>6
<F7> <ESC>7 Roll Down
<F8> <ESC>8 Roll Up
<F9> <ESC>9 Get Previous Cmd
<F10> <ESC>0 Move to top
<F11> <ESC>- List Toggle
<F12> <ESC>+ Cancel
<F13> <ESC>! or <ESC><SHIFT>1 User support
<F14> <ESC>@ or <ESC><SHIFT>2
<F15> <ESC># or <ESC><SHIFT>3
<F16> <ESC>$ or <ESC><SHIFT>4 Main menu
<F17> <ESC>% or <ESC><SHIFT>5
<F18> <ESC>+ or <ESC><SHIFT>6
<F19> <ESC>& or <ESC><SHIFT>7 Scroll left
<F20> <ESC>* or <ESC><SHIFT>8 Scroll right
<F21> <ESC>( or <ESC><SHIFT>9
<F22> <ESC>) or <ESC><SHIFT>0
<F23> <ESC>_ or <ESC><SHIFT>- Scrl Option
<F24> <ESC>= or <ESC><SHIFT>= Scrl Menu
<DEL> <DEL> Delete character
<Shift><Insert> <CTRL>d Duplicate
<Enter> <RETURN> Send screen
<Backspace> <ESC>i
<Right Ctrl> <LINEFEED> or <CTRL>j Field exit
<Home> <ESC>H
<Insert> <ESC><DEL> Insert mode
<Page up> <ESC>u
<Page down> <ESC>d
<Shift><Pt Scn> <CTRL>p Print Screen
<Tab> <TAB> Next field
<Shift><Tab> <ESC><TAB> Previous field
<ESC> <ESC>a or <CTRL>a Attention
<Alt><F7> <ESC>(grave accent) Ins. Special Char
<ESC><CTRL>w Indicator Toggle
<ESC><CTRL>a Refresh screen
<Left Ctrl> <ESC>r or <CTRL>r Reset term. err.
<Alt><Pt Scn> <ESC>s System Request

APPENDIX C - Using On-line Education (EDU)

Online education is a facility provided by IBM to assist the user in learning about the
AS/400. This facility is set up for the user to work through any topic he/she is interested
in. This facility is self- paced so the user can work the modules when it is convenient,
using the bookmark utility to keep track of where the user has left off, so the next time
he/she is using education, the system will automatically return the user to the place
where they left off. There is a quiz at the end of most modules, which gives feedback on
how much information the user retained from that module.
Getting Started
1. From any command line type ==>STREDU <Enter> STREDU is an abbreviation for
Start Education.
2. Select 5, Select course <Enter>
3. There are several courses in online education but the most useful ones in terms
of using the AS/400 are:
• Tutorial Support System
• Facilities and Implementation
• Application Design and Development Tools
Type 1 to select the desired course <Enter>. To display a description about a
course select 8 in front of that particular course.
4. Select 4 to select an audience path for the course <Enter>. You can select all
modules or one of the listed categories. The COMS 175---Command Language
audience path is customized for the CS175 class. Type 1 to select one of them
5. Next, you can either select 1 to start the first module in the selected audience
path of the course or 3 to select any module < Enter>within the selected course.
6. Follow the directions and read each screen carefully.
7. To exit in the middle of a module press <F3> where this option is available. This
will give you a choice of exiting the module, exiting and setting a bookmark,
exiting and marking it complete or go to a topic/subtropic menu for the module.
At the end of most modules, there is a quiz.
This can consist of questions from the module or examples that you walk through, or a
combination of both. For the CS175 class, when you are finished with the quiz, obtain a
screen print of the screen that tells you how many you answered correctly on the first
try. If you forget to get a screen print, you need to go through the quiz again to get to
that screen.
To Obtain a Screen Print Press the <SHIFT>and PRINT SCREEN key (towards the
upper right hand corner of your keyboard) at the same time. When the screen has been
captured you will see a message at the bottom of your screen, which tells you that it has
been sent to the default printer device.
Press the <Reset>(at the bottom left hand corner of the keyboard), to clear this
message and continue your session.
Exit online education by pressing a series of <F3>keys until you have reached a
command line.
To check your screen print type WRKSPLF (work with your spool files). Your most recent
screen print will be located at the bottom of the list and it will be titled QSYSPRT.
To assign it to a printer, type a 2, change, and press <Enter>. This will change the
status from not assigned to a printer, to assigned to a printer.
At the Printer to use prompt, type the name of the printer you would like to send your
printout to and press <Enter>. To see a list of all started printers, press <F4>on this line.
This will give you a list of all started printers and from here you can select one by typing
a 1 on the line before the desired printer. Press <Enter> to select this printer. You will
return to the screen where you pressed <F4>. Press <Enter>again to accept this printer.
For more information on printing, see the section "Printing Procedure" in this manual.

APPENDIX D - How to program on an AS/400

The following outline details the basic steps of program development on the AS/400.
Since there may be multiple ways to complete a task, some more appropriate than
others depending on the situation, various ways of doing essentially the same thing are
shown under each outline heading.
1. Log in.
2. Setup area for source
1. Create a library (optional) - CRTLIB
2. Create a source physical file (optional) - CRTSRCPF
3. Type source into physical file member.
1. Start source entry utility - STRSEU
2. Work in program development manager
3. In PDM: <F6> - create a member.
4. Compile the source member to attain object and compiled. spool file.
• Option 14 from the PDM lines.
• CRT___PGM - where ___ can be CBL, PAS, C, PAS, BAS, etc....
5. Wait for compilation to complete.
6. Display message to see if completed successfully - DSPMSG
7. Check spool file to see if any Fatal errors or warnings.
2. Choose option 5 - DISPLAY.
3. Page to bottom of file.
4. Note if there are any warnings or errors or fatal errors.
5. If there are errors or fatal errors go to to step III and correct.
6. If there are any warnings determine if they are important and if deemed so
go to step III and correct.
8. Check for dependencies.
• Does program need data files - if so create or attain them.
• Does program need other programs - if so create or attain.
9. Execute the program.
• CALL library/programname
• Option 16 from a WRKOBJPDM screen.
10. If program gives a run-time error.
1. Move cursor to error description - hit <F1> (help)
2. Look for error and statement number.
3. Cross reference statement number with source line number with spool file
4. Correct error.
5. Go to step III.
11. Log off.

Reader's Comments
Use this form to tell us what you think about this manual. If you have found errors in it,
or if you want to express your opinion about it (such as organization, subject matter,
appearance) or make suggestions for improvement, this is the form to use.
Be sure to print your name and address below if you would like a reply. After you have
completed this form send it in the campus mail to:
AS/400 Staff
Computer Services
Box 45

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Your Name:
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Your Comments:

Version 2.06
Copyright Minnesota State University, Mankato © 1992,1995
Last modified: Fri Feb 18 13:10:17 CST 2000 Jeffrey Hundstad

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