3 HR Frame Worksheet Turn in

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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Human Resource Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:

1. Describe the human resource frame

2. Apply the human resource frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

I am the head of platform integration at FedEx working on expanding our organization

from just a mailing service to a E-commerce Platform. In light of amazons rise to
success we have decided to create a platform for online sellers to be able to personalize
their products and how they are shipped. We hope to create a platform that tackles all
the problems associated with E-commerce from the start the end of the process.
Creating this platform allows us to be connected directly to the distributor allowing us to
cut down the amount of time thats needed to deliver products and it allows us to create
custom personalized packaging for our users.

2) Describe how the human resources of the organization influenced the situation.

With a new generation of workers coming in to FedEx we are looking to shift to

accommodate the needs of our old and our new employees. With the tech industry continuing to
grow larger and larger we are looking to create a community where our senior employees and
new E-commerce employees can work together and teach one another about what they do. Our
company values each and every one of our employees and we know that there is something to be
learned from every single one of them. We see our employees not as tools, but as the very life-
force that is driving our organization forward into the future. Creating this community of open
communication will make our transition to the online world much more efficient

As an organization we exist to serve human needs, our goal is to be able assist you with
your mailing or business needs every step of the way. We also exist to try and create the best

work experience possible for our employees. As stated by our Reframing Organizations book
“ People and Organizations need each other. Organizations need ideas, energy, and talent; people
need careers, salary, and opportunities” (Deal 1991) We understand how important our
employees are to our company and how much they do to help us drive closer to our goals as an
organization which is what allowed us to take such a big step in a different direction with our
companies path.

3) Recommend how you would use the human resources for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

One course of action that I would like to take is creating more flexibility within our work
force. With our current brick-and-mortar stores it can be extremely difficult to allow for
flexibility with employees hours since our stores have set open and closing times. With
the creation of our E-Commerce platform we will be able to allow remote or hybrid work
to be done. Which will allow our employees the opportunity to decide if they want to
come into an office or onsite location every day. This also allows us to open up greater
opportunities to disabled individuals since they will be able to work remotely on our
website from anywhere in the world.

Our company is constantly looking to improve on our work place community so I believe
that another course of action that we could take to improve upon our employee
experience would be to offer more benefits. We currently offer paid leave, Sick time,
holiday pay and a wide range of medical coverage, but I think one thing that would be
scholarships or grants that can be given to long term employees children to assist them
through hire education. Many other companies such as Starbuck or Uber have special
scholarships that employees of over 10 years can earn for their children as a token of
appreciation for the amazing work and loyalty they have had to the company over the
years. I believe something like this will greatly improve our workplace experience and
employee retention.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

I believe that FedEx has a very strong human resources frame within our company and
that I wouldn’t really change anything about it other than minor tweaks or additions. We
try to instill a sense of purpose within our workers and we try to create a community
within each of our stores that each and every one of our employees is excited to go to
every day. We do not require long hours, we allow for maternity/paternity leave, give

paid time for jury duty or travel, and even cover all basic medical, dental, and pharmacy
care that any of our employees or their family may require. We know just how important
our team is to us so we try our best to show them how much we appreciate the work they
do every day.

Reference or References


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