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Prose 407


A. Summary

There is a man who has loved animals since he was child. As he grew older, his love
for animals became stronger, until as normal ypung man, he fell in love and got married. And
his wife was a girl who loved animal too. Therefore they adopt a lot of animal but there was
a special pet they had was cat whose name Pluto. Pluto and the man remained friends for
several years, while his personality changed tragically. His life became more gloomy and
depreasing as he drank more each passing day. One day after he drank he dissapeared his
control felt very angry then he took an knife and counciously cut one of Pluto’s eyes from its
socket. The man shuddered whenever he saw Pluto who only has one eye. One morning he
placed a rope around’s Pluto neck and shamelessly hung him from the tree limb on his
backyard until he dead.

The night after he killed his cat he suffered another tragedy. His house was burn then
lost all his possesion. After that he and his wife moved into another house. One day when he
went to bar he found a cat and adopt him. The cat remained him to Pluto. One night after he
went to bar he felt disturbing by his cat. Then he took an axe, he want to hit his cat with the
axe but his wife avoid him. Thus he release his cross to his wife then hit his wife with the axe
the dead constanly. Later he thought that he must hide her body so another people would not
know. Then he got an inspiration to bury her wife into basement. After that he went to the
police station to report the dissapearance of his wife. Finally the police succes to find his find
who he killed. Then the man was prisoned because of his guilt.

B. Instrinsic aspects

1. Plot
a. Intoduction : The man and his wife adopt animals including the cat named Pluto.
b. Inclining incident : The man start to drink in the bar.
c. Rising action : He cut one of Pluto’s eyes from its socket. Then he killed Pluto.
d. Climax : He angry with his new cat then want to hit him with axe but his wife
avoid him then he hit his wife after that dead costantly.
e. Failing action : The man burried his dead wife into basemant.
f. Conclusion : The police succes to find the man’s wife into basemant then the
police prisoned him.
2. Point of view
The Black Cat was written in a third-person omniscient point of view with an
omniscient narrator. The narrator knows everything about the characters.

3. Characters
The man : barbaric and peevish
The wife : kind and patient
Pluto : docile
New cat : docile
4. Setting
Place : Bar and house.
Time : One day
Situasion : gloomy and dibble
5. Theme
Person who can control the emotion

C. Symbol
1. I ruins inspecting the blackened brick chimney. (Praragraph 11)
Methapora symbol

A. Summary

The short started in train traveling Westward from San Antonio to town had
named The Yellow Sky. There is a couple were introduced Jack Potter, town marshal
of Yellow Sky, and his bride. They were recently married in San Antonio. They were
absolutely very happy. However, the groom were nervous about returning to Yellow
Sky. Jack was worried about what his community would think of his bride, because he
had not told them of his goal when went to San Antonio.

Meanwhile, in Yellow Sky, there are six men were sitting in a bar, they heard
that a man named Scratchy Wilson, drank and ready to fight. While most of the locals
in the bar were worried of what would scratchy Wilson does, there was one
newcomer, a drummer, who asked the locals what was going on. They warn him that
when Scratchy Wilson was drunk, there would be some shooting, if not a gunfight.
The only person who could stop this is Jack Potter, the town marshal, and he was not
there at the moment. The door of the bar was locked and the men inside sit and

The streets of Yellow Sky are quiet and empty because Scratchy Wilson
patrols them, yelling out to all people to him in a gunfight. Then, he approached the
door of the bar, and after taking some shots at it, then he decided to shoot at the lazy
dog at the door, making it run away in fear. He continued to take pot shots at the
town, before taking up the challenge with his rival, Jack Potter.

Scratchy Wilson came Jack Potter's house and calls him, with no response. He
reloads his gun. Jack potter and his bride bother him. Scratchy points his gun at Jack,
because he does not sattisfied with Jack's answer that he did not have a gun on him.
Jack announced that he had just got married, Scratchy was completely shock. The
shock of the news in enough to turn Scratchy away from the gunfight. He put the gun
down and shows that he is a polite man.

B. Instrinsic aspects
1. Plot
a. Intoduction : The short started in train traveling Westward from San
Antonio to town had named The Yellow Sky. There is a couple were
introduced Jack Potter, town marshal of Yellow Sky, and his bride. They
were recently married in San Antonio. They were absolutely very happy.
b. Inclining accident : Meanwhile, in Yellow Sky, there are six men were
sitting in a bar, they heard that a man named Scratchy Wilson, drank and
ready to fight. While most of the locals in the bar were worried of what
would scratchy Wilson does, there was one newcomer, a drummer, who
asked the locals what was going on. They warn him that when Scratchy
Wilson was drunk, there would be some shooting, if not a gunfight. The
only person who could stop this is Jack Potter, the town marshal, and he
was not there at the moment. The door of the bar was locked and the men
inside sit and waited.
c. Rising action : The streets of Yellow Sky are quiet and empty
because Scratchy Wilson patrols them, yelling out to all people to him in a
gunfight. Then, he approached the door of the bar, and after taking some
shots at it, then he decided to shoot at the lazy dog at the door, making it
run away in fear. He continued to take pot shots at the town, before taking
up the challenge with his rival, Jack Potter.
d. Climax : scratchy came to Jack’s house. He pointed his
gun at Jack. He demanded that Jack fought him, but jack was unwilling to
e. Falling action : Scratchy asked Jack, why Jack was unarmed,
Jack told him that he had just came from San Antino and got married.
f. Conclusion : Jack announced that he had just got married,
Scratchy was completely shock. The shock of the news in enough to turn
Scratchy away from the gunfight. He puts the gund down and shows that
he is a polite man.

2. Point of view
The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky” was written in a third-person omniscient
point of view with an omniscient narrator. The narrator knows everything
about the characters.
3. Characters
a. Jack Potter: the marshal of Yellow Sky. A man known. liked, and feared
in his town, a prominent person, went to San Antino to meet a girl who he
believed he fall in love with and married her without consulting Yellow
Sky. Sometimes, he looks down respectfully at his attire. He sat with a
hand on each knee like a man waiting in a barber shop.
b. The bride : not beautiful, not named. She is very aware of social class.
She shows a shyness, clumsiness, and lack of elegant that is showed by the
way how the other travelers who recognize her lower-class status.
c. Scratchy Wilson : he is gentle, elderly-person, until the character starts
drinking, be ready to fight.
d. The Drummer : a newcomer to the town, this character is young, naive,
talkactive, and curious.
e. The negro waiters : Waiters in white suits working on the dining car of the
train. They lead the newlywed couple through the dinner.
f. Mexican Sheep-Herders : Patrons of the Weary Gentleman
saloon. Leave out the back door of the saloon upon hearing of Scratchy
Wilson’s antics.
g. Young Man : A young male resident of Yellow Sky. Warns the town
and protects of the Weary.

4. Setting
a. Train : awkward, the other passengers recognize the bride from lower-
b. Yellow sky : a frontier and simple town.
c. Weary Gentleman bar: empty and quite.
d. Outside Jack Potter’s house : crowded, Wilson shouts, calls, and
challenges Jack to have gunfight with him.
5. Theme
Different culture between West and East

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