DPM 105 (Solutions)

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DPM 105 (Solutions)

C to E

C. RC Passage

Explanation :

1. Refer to para 2 which supports all the choices. Choice (A) however is an indirect not direct
Choice (A)

2. Refer the fast sentence of para 3 which passage validates choice D.

Choice (D)

3. Choice (A) is ruled out because the events are not of historic importance. Choice (B) is not
the answer because the author does not express sympathy for the working class% Choice (C) is
the answer borne out by the dispassionate tone. Choice (D) is ruled out because he does not
talk of 'various colonial countries'.
Choice (C)

4. Choice C can be understood from para of the passage.

Choice (C)

5. The words Is quote occur In the first line of para 5 and the figures that follow reveal that
industrialization of India was negligible.
Choice (A)
6. The last para of the passage validates options A, B and C.
Choice (D)

7. The words in quote appear at the end of para and the para supports Choice (B).
Choice (B)

8. Choice (D) is negated by the first sentence of para 6.

Choice (D)
D. Quantitative Aptitude(Q1-Q10):

Answer Keys

1. Choice (B)
2. Answer (31)
3. Choice (A)
4. Choice (B)
5. Choice (D)
6. Choice (B)
7. Choice (A)
8. Choice (B)
9. Choice (C)
10. Choice (C)


Let there be n points of which 6 points lie on a straight line. Then the number of straight lines
C2 – 6C2 + 1 = 52
C2 – 15 + 1 = 52
C2 = 66
=> n =12. Choice (B)

30 painters work in pairs, with no same pair of painters working together twice.
:. Each painter will be working with 29 others which means each painter will work for 29 days in
Let the time taken by each painter be p1, p2, p3, p4, …………..p30 respectively.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
29 + + +⋯+ + 2 + + +⋯+ =1
(work done when the (work done when all the painters work together
painters work in pairs) for two days.)
1 1 1 1 1
+ + +⋯+ =
If all the painters paint together, they will finish the painting job in 31 days.
Answer (31)

Q.3 and 4

Since abcde is a five digit number with a<b<c<d<e and divisible by 6, e must be 6 or 8.

Given e <8 => e =6;
Then a+ b + c +d must be multiple of 3 and each digit is less than or equal to 5.
∴ The only possible value of abcd is 1245.
(The five digit number is 12456)

In addition to the possibility of e = 6, we need to consider the case when e =8.
If e = 8, then a+b+c+d must be of the form 3k+1 and each digit is less then or equal to 7.

For the digits 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 the remainders possible when divided by 3 are 1,2,0,1,2,0,1
respectively. The sum 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 =28 is itself of the form 3k +1. Hence exactly three of
these seven digits, with their sum adding to a multiple of 3, need to be removed(and the
remaining 4 will form abcd)

Now the remainders of the three digits removed need to add up to a multiple of 3, This is
possible in 2 ways.

(I) Remainder of 1,2,0 are chosen .

(since there are three 1's, two 2's and two 0's in remainder possibilities, there are 3×2×2 = 12

(II) Remainders of 1,1,1 are chosen.

(since there are only three 1's in remainder possibilities, there is only one combination.)

Hence, the possible number of values of abcd, if e =8 is 12 +1 =13.

Therefore, the total number of possible values of abcde = 1 + 13 = 14.

Choice (B)


1+ x n = 1+ nx + nn  1 x 2 + nn  1n  2 x 3 ......

2! 3!
10  10   1  10  7  2  1  10  7  4  3
∴ 1 + x  3 = 1 +   x +     x +      x
 3   2!  3  3   3!  3  3  3 
 1  10  7  4  1   1  10  7  4  1  2 
+       x 4         x 5
 4!  3  3  3  3   5!  3  3  3  3  3 
 1  10  7  4  1  2  5   1  10  7  4  1  2  5  8 
+         x 6           x 7
 6!  3  3  3  3  3  3   7!  3  3  3  3  3  3  3 

We see that the first negative term is the 6 th term, while the second is the 8th term

Alternate solution:

Let Tr+1 be the first negative term of the expansion (1+ x)


p p   p 
  1......  r + 1
q q  q
Tr+1 =    xr
The above expression is negative, if  r +1 < 0
p 10 10
Here =   r +1 < 0
q 3 3

If r = 5, we get the first negative term i.e. T6 is first negative term.

=> T8 is the second negative term.
Note : The first negative term of the expression 1 + x  q is T[p/q] +3, where [p/q] is the greatest

integer less than or equal to p/q.


One question from each section is compulsory. The possible splits for the other 4 and the
number of ways the splits can be realised are listed below. Let the 4 sections be A,B,C,D.

split A B C D No. of ways

2, 2 6
2, 1, 1 4(3) = 12
1, 1, 1, 1 1

We get the following possibilities for the total number of questions from the different sections.

A B C D no. of ways
3 3 1 1 6
3 2 2 1 12

2 2 2 2 1

The total number of ways of selecting the questions is

6 . 4C3 4C3 4C1 4C1 + 12. 4C3 4C24C24C1 + 4C24C24C24C2
= 6(4)(4)(4)(4) +12(4)(6)(6)(4) + (6)(6)(6)(6)
= 1536 + 6912 + 1296 = 9744. Choice (B)


In ∆ABC, ∠C = 30° and ∠PCA =15°

∴ CP bisects ∠C
∴ AP : PB = CA : CB = 3 : 2√3 = √3 : 2
∴ ∆ABC is right angled with ∠A = 90° and ∠CPB
= ∠A + ∠ACP = 90° + 15° = 105°. Choice(A)

The equation whose roots are k times the roots of the equation A : ax 2 + bx + c = 0 is given by
ay 2 by
replacing x by y/k in A i.e., + + c = 0 or ay 2 + kby + ck 2 = 0
k2 k
∴ The equation whose roots are k times the roots of x 2 – 6x +c = 0 is x2 – 6kx +ck2 = 0, which is
given to be x2 – bx +20 = 0.
∴ 6k = b and ck2 = 20
Eliminating k, we get b2c/36 = 20 or b2c = 20(36)
= 5(22)(22)(32)
∴ (b,c) = (2,180) or (4,45) or (6,20) or (12,5) or (3,80) (1, 720)
Hence (5, 12) is not possible of given values.
The cost per kg of emerald is more than that of ruby.
Hence more money will be spent in purchasing 12 kg of emerald than in purchasing them in any
So, we need to purchase 12/0.5 i.e., 24 emeralds to weigh 12 kg.
Choice(C )


AO = 4
∴ AB =2 and BP = PO =1
Let the radius of the circle with centre M be r.
∴ MB2 = (4-r)2 – 22 = r2 -8r+12
∴ MP2 = r2 +2r +1 = r2 -8r+12 +12 ( because MP2 = MB2 + BP2 )
=> r = 12/10 = 1.2. Choice (C )
E. DILR – 1 Set

Answer Key

1. Choice (B)
2. Choice (B)
3. Choice (B)
4. Choice (D)

Solutions for questions 1 to 4:

The percentage increase in the food grain production for A.P. is
16 0 / 0 of 300  12 0 / 0 of 360
 100
12 0 / 0 of 360

 16 0 / 0 of 300 
=  0
 1  100
 12 / 0 of 360 

Now, 300/360 will be common for all the states we need not calculate the entire percentage. It
would be sufficient if we observe the percentage increase in the percentages of the respective
i.e. for A.P. 12% to 16% which is <100%
for T.N. 4% to 10% which is >100%
for Kerala 8% to 5% which is a decrease.
For Karnataka 5% to 8% which is <100%
Choice (B)

Share of Maharashtra in the total production of food grains in 1999-2000 and 2000-01 is 10% of
360 i.e., 36 and 8% of 300 i.e. 24 respectively.
∴ required percentage = (32-20)/32 × 100 = 37.5%
Choice (B)
Rice production in west Bengal in
1999-00 = 1/ 2 × 15% of 360 = 27 million tonnes
2000-01 = 1/ 2 × 10% of 300 = 15 million tonnes
∴ Revenue from the sale of rice in 1999-00 and that in 2000-01 is 27× 11x = 297x and 15× 12x
= 180x
∴ There is a decrease of 117 from 297.
∴ Percentage loss = (117/297)× 100 ≈ 40% . Choice (B)

We can find the production of the food grains of A.P. and Karnataka for the year 2001-02, but
the total food grain production in 2001-02 cannot be found. Choice (D)

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