Chapter 17 Determination of Base Composition

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17 Determination
of Base

Hüseyin Aygün
BioSpring GmbH

17.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 439
17.2 Application............................................................................................................................ 439
17.2.1 Base Composition of Genomic DNA........................................................................ 439
17.2.2 Analysis of Oligonucleotides ....................................................................................440
17.3 Method Overview ................................................................................................................. 441
17.4 Practical Considerations ....................................................................................................... 442
17.4.1 Use of Enzymes ........................................................................................................444
17.4.2 Experimental Procedure ........................................................................................... 445 Reagents ..................................................................................................... 445 Enzyme Mixes ...........................................................................................446 Procedure for Standard Oligonucleotides ..................................................446 Comments ..................................................................................................446 Procedure for Modified “Protected” Oligonucleotides ..............................446 HPLC Method ............................................................................................ 447
17.5 Summary ..............................................................................................................................449
References ......................................................................................................................................449

Base composition analysis is a widely used analytical method in the fields of molecular biology
and biochemistry. Erwin Chargaff first recognized that DNA base composition is characteristic for
the species it is derived from. Nowadays, DNA base composition, expressed as the G/C content,
is one of the most important criteria in microbial taxonomy. Also, chemically synthesized oligo-
nucleotides are examined via base composition analysis. It not only enables determination of oligo-
nucleotide identity, but it also gives important information about side products and process related
impurities. A number of procedures are available for determining the base composition. Among
these procedures, the most widely used technique includes the enzymolysis of the nucleic acid to its
constituents followed by HPLC quantitation of the individual nucleosides.

Base distribution within genomic DNA is a pivotal attribute for the taxonomical classification of
organisms and viruses. Particularly, the G/C content plays an important role as an indicator in
this context.1–4 Almost all eukaryotic genomes contain “rare” bases (<1%) in addition to the four

440 Handbook of Analysis of Oligonucleotides and Related Products

TABLE 17.1
Some Examples of “Rare” Bases Found in Genomic DNA
Name Reference
N -Methyl-adenine
6 14, 15, 7
N4-Methylcytosine 14, 15, 7
3-Methyl-thymidine 16, 17
O6-Methyl-deoxyguanosine 18, 11, 19, 12
7-Methyl-deoxyguanosine 11, 12
8-Oxo-7,8-dihydro-2′-deoxyguanosine 20, 21
8-Hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine 11, 13
8-Oxo-7,8-dihydro-2′-deoxyadenosine 20, 21

standard bases. The most common of the latter is the well-known 5-methyl-cytosine, an epigenetic
modification primarily found in the so-called CpG motifs.5,6 Apart from these bases, a number
of additionally modified bases can be found by base composition analysis within genomic DNA.7
Some of these modifications could have arisen owing to oxidative stress and thus might serve as
important analytical biomarkers to determine the degree of cell damage. Current techniques for
the analysis of base composition detect even femtomolar amounts of such biomarkers.8–13 A few
examples of such “rare” bases are listed in Table 17.1.


Analysis of base composition is also an important analytical tool for the ascertainment of product
quality and of identity of chemically synthesized oligonucleotides.22,33 Hydrolysis of a sequence
not only enables precise identification of single base composition, but synthesis process failures
and chemical modifications are also analytically more accessible after complete digestion of the
oligonucleotide.24,25 Moreover, base composition analysis can also serve as a fingerprint when com-
paring oligonucleotides from different production lots, the so called “interlot variation” with one
Even though several chemical improvements have made oligonucleotide synthesis a highly effi-
cient method these days, the oligonucleotide still comes into contact with several very reactive
chemicals. Some of these chemicals are able to modify the oligonucleotide sequence in different
ways. Within this context, the ability to assess accurately the degree and nature of chemical modifi-
cation is especially useful for evaluation of new and existing manufacturing strategies. Examples for
these types of modifications are depurinations,26 and backbone modifications, such as the incorpora-
tion of chloral during detritylation27 or of the DMT cation to incompletely oxidized P(III) species.25
Acid-catalyzed depurination of the oligonucleotide can arise, for example, during each detritylation
step (i.e., by use of trichloroacetic acid). Such apurinic sites, although not expected to survive basic
treatment without strand brake, provide short, 3′-modified nucleosides after enzymolysis. In addi-
tion to a phosphate group, these nucleosides contain a sugar residue. These types of by-products
are easily distinguishable from other residual nucleosides by RP-HPLC.24 However, depurinated
sequences can also fragment due to thermal stress. A side-product of this fragmentation process
(4-oxo-pentenal) causes chemical modification of bases such as cytosine within the oligonucleotide
sequence.28 In addition to the impurities caused by the production process itself, reactive compo-
nents within the phosphoramidites can be easily detected by analysis of base composition. A fur-
ther advantage in the process of analysis method design is that modification of applied procedures
is simple, thereby enabling sequencing of oligonucleotides.23,29,30 Just recently, base composition
analysis of highly modified oligonucleotides was successfully accomplished.30 The oligonucleotides
used in this process were terminally protected by inverted-abasic caps (5′ to 5′ or 3′ to 3′), contained
Determination of Base Composition 441

2′-fluoro-cytidine and 2′-fluoro-uridine in addition to several internal 2′-deoxynucleotides. A two-

step incubation procedure with nuclease P1, snake venom phosphodiesterase, and calf intestinal
alkaline phosphatase was used for complete digestion of the highly modified oligonucleotide.
Analysis of composition was performed following chromatographic separation of individual com-
ponents using a HSS C18 column (Waters) and a formiate-buffering system at pH 4.7 and 269 nm.
In a further example, base composition analysis of oligonucleotides with 2′-O-methyl-modifications
was also successful.29 Oligonucleotides containing a phosphorothioate backbone pose an especially
challenging problem during analysis of base composition when using enzymatic methods. An easy
procedure to make these oligonucleotides accessible for analysis is to chemically convert the phos-
phorothioate into a phosphate. This conversion of phosphorothioates can be achieved by a chemical
pre-oxidation step.31,32 A mixture of THF/water/1-methylimidazole/iodine has been shown to be
very efficient in that respect.23,27,33,34
The presence of residual protective groups after incomplete deprotection can also be readily
detected during analysis of base composition. These groups are well tolerated by the enzymes and
therefore provide nucleosides with additional exocylic amino protecting groups, such as benzoyl
and isobutyryl.17,35 Owing to their late retention time, such process related cleavage products are
easily distinguishable from the other nucleosides.
Synthetic nucleic acid libraries are used nowadays in Systematic Evolution of Ligands by
Exponential enrichment (SELEX) experiments in which highly variable initial pools of up to
1016 sequences are screened by in vitro selection against a target.36–39 These libraries are random-
ized at several positions inside the sequence aiming to cover a wide range of variations. Special
phosphoramidite-mixtures containing the individual bases in their reactive form are mostly used
in the process of building such libraries. These mixtures are usually comprised in such way
that during the coupling process all bases are available for an extension reaction with similar
probability.40–42 Different concentrations of individual phosphoramidites compensate for differ-
ences in reactivity, thus making them chemically “equiactive.” A simple analysis of the complete
library is very desirable at this point, because a faulty distribution of the four bases could lead to
a shift of the entire library. This issue can be elegantly resolved using the method of analysis as
presented in the following section.

Erwin Chargaff was the first to develop micromethods for the accurate analysis of nucleobases,
and hence the base composition of nucleic acids. The first studies investigating base composition
used strong acids to enable complete hydrolysis.43–46 In contrast to enzymatic hydrolysis, bases are
individually released using this method. Unfortunately, incubation conditions often cause chemi-
cal alterations of the individual bases, thus hampering respective chromatographic correlation and
evaluation. Considerably milder acting acids, such as formic acid, were subsequently used on the
basis of these initial investigations,9,47 thereby significantly reducing the amount of side reactions.
However, this technology was not refined even after the discovery of enzymatic, more gentle meth-
ods of hydrolysis. Nonetheless, it is still applied for analysis of oxidatively modified bases.11,12,20
Enzymatic methods for the release of nucleosides or nucleotides dominate current procedures of
base composition analysis. Hydrolysis using a nuclease (Figure 17.1) such as nuclease P1 or snake
venom phosphodiesterase (SVP) yields hydrophilic nucleotides. The easiest way to analyze nucleo­
tides is to use an anion-exchange resin as the stationary phase for HPLC.48 Nucleosides are obtained
if a phosphatase, such as bacterial alkaline phosphatase (BAP) or calf intestinal phosphatase (CIP),
is employed in addition to the nuclease. The specific buffer conditions can be adjusted in a man-
ner that both reactions occur simultaneously (“one-pot”). Nucleosides are most easily separated
using reverse phase chromatography, such as by using a suitable C18 stationary phase.9,35,49,50 This
technique is also transferable to LC-MS, if the appropriate buffering system such as ammonium
formiate or triethylammonium formiate is used.27–30 UV detectors are routinely utilized for the
442 Handbook of Analysis of Oligonucleotides and Related Products

5‘ End
O Base O P O
O R Nuclease O O Phosphatase O
Base Base Base
O P O +


3‘ End

FIGURE 17.1 Release of nucleosides by enzymolysis of a dimer.

detection of nucleotides or nucleosides in HPLC. The UV detection limit for nucleotides can be
further improved by use of more sensitive fluorescence detectors. Nucleotides obtained after respec-
tive digestion are specifically labeled with reactive fluorescent dyes for that purpose. Sonoki et
al.51,52 developed a respective method for taxonomical analysis of microorganisms based on the G/C
content of the latter. Nucleotides produced by nuclease P1 digestion of DNA are labeled in order to
enable subsequent separation and fluorescence detection via RP-HPLC. The 5-dimethylaminonaph-
thalene-1-[N-(2-aminoethyl)]sulfonamide (dansylEDA) is used for this labeling, which acts specifi-
cally at the 5′-phosphate of the individual nucleotides. This procedure offers further advantages in
addition to considerably increased sensitivity. First, differences in running characteristics and peak
profiles of the individual nucleotides improve after dansylEDA labeling. Second, uniform labeling
balances differences of extinction coefficients, thus simplifying calculation of base composition.
Base composition of oligonucleotides can also be determined using capillary gel electrophore-
sis. This technique is also based on enzymatic digestion of DNA. Nucleotides produced in such a
manner can then be separated via high-performance capillary gel electrophoresis (HPCGE) or via
capillary zone electophoresis (CZE), and subsequently quantified.53,54
Irrespective of chromatographic techniques, there are so-called direct procedures for determina-
tion of base composition. The spectral properties of double stranded DNA are most frequently put
to use for direct analysis. The ratio of UV absorption (260 versus 280 nm) was demonstrated to be
a possible way of A/T content determination of genomic material.55 Another spectrophotometric
method deducing values such as the G/C content is based on the interaction of DNA with circular
polarized light, the so-called circular dichroism.56 In addition, determination of melting tempera-
ture (Tm) of a double-stranded DNA also enables to calculate base composition of a sample. The
thermal denaturation causes the chromaticity of double stranded DNA to change around 260 nm. A
simple linear equation reflects the relationship between Tm and the G/C content:57

G and C base composition [%] = 2.44 × (Tm – 66.0)

The following section contains a simple protocol for the determination of base composition. The
described procedure is generally applicable and is also suitable for oligonucleotides containing
additional modifications. This protocol is based upon a nuclease digestion of the oligonucleotide
(DNA or RNA), followed by an enzymatic dephosphorylation step. After their hydrolysis, the
individual components of the oligonucleotide are subsequently analyzed via C18 reverse phase
chromatography.17,35,50,58,59 Triethylammonium acetate (TEAA) pH 6.8–7.5 and acetonitrile (ACN)
are used as standard running buffers (Figure 17.2) but different buffer systems can also be used,
Determination of Base Composition 443

Mixture A Mixture B Mixture C

1 6

4 10
UV260 nm (mAU)



0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Time (min)

FIGURE 17.2 Highly pure nucleosides analyzed by RP-HPLC. A 4.6 mm × 50 mm XBridge 2.5 μm column
(Waters) was used applying a two-step gradient of 0.1M TEAA (buffer A) and 10% ACN (buffer B) at 260 nm.
In detail the gradient was 3 min 0% buffer B, 10 min 0% → 30% buffer B, 10 min 30% → 100% buffer B, and
5 min 100 % buffer B. The flow rate was set to 0.5 mL/min at 22°C; 5 μl of a 1 mg/ml solution of three differ-
ent nucleoside mixtures (A– C) were injected. Mixture A was 1 = 2′-deoxycytidine, 2 = 2′-deoxyguanosine,
3 = thymidine, and 4 = 2′-deoxyadenosine; mixture B was 5 = cytidine, 6 = uridine, 7 = inosine, 8 = guanosine,
and 9 = adenosine; mixture C was 10 = 2′-O-methyl-cytidine, 11 = 2′-O-methyl-uridine, 12 = 2′-O-methyl-
guanosine, and 13 = 2′-O-methyl-adenosine.

depending on what is to be analyzed. Further simplifying the evaluation procedure is the fact that
several of the individual components are commercially available in very good quality. If the extinc-
tion coefficients of the monomers are also known, the areas of chromatographically separated single
components can be put in relation to one another, thereby ultimately revealing base composition of
the oligonucleotide. It is crucial for a successful analysis of base composition of a given oligonucle-
otide that it can be disassembled completely into its monomeric components. In contrast to enzy-
matic sequencing of oligonucleotides, where a single incomplete oligonucleotide digest is sufficient
for adequate analysis, complete hydrolysis of the oligonucleotide is necessary for accurate deter-
mination of base composition. Modifications at single nucleotides (sugar and base modifications),
or sequence-related super structures60,61 can strongly influence the enzymatic degradation reaction
under the given incubation conditions. This can result in an incomplete degradation and thereby
cause a faulty base composition analysis. Therefore, a second analysis monitoring completeness of
degradation should always be performed, verifying the results of the first incubation. In case the
oligonucleotide additionally contains phosphorothioates as a form of backbone modification, it can
be helpful to chemically convert these modifications into phosphates prior to enzymolysis.23,27,33
Furthermore, oligonucleotide purity also critically influences the quality of the composition results.
In addition to the very common truncated sequences, oligonucleotides can also contain several
further by-products from the synthesis and further processing (see above). Such by-products are
444 Handbook of Analysis of Oligonucleotides and Related Products

also captured by enzymolysis and can therefore interfere considerably with the analysis of base
composition. Moreover, it is important to run a parallel negative control without oligonucleotide
in order to enable exact determination of peak areas of possible contaminants. Enzyme prepara-
tions often contain UV-active components at 260 nm, which can consequently influence peak area
calculation of individual nucleosides in different ways. Oligonucleotides purified via HPLC and
containing sodium as a counterion are best suited for enzymatic degradation. Triethylammonium
should be avoided at this point. A simple salt exchange using sodium acetate / ethanol precipitation
is a quick and easy option to improve oligonucleotide quality for an enzymatic degradation. This
method is especially suitable if rapid sample throughput is desired. Salt exchange using gel filtra-
tion also works very well in this context. For this purpose, one-way cartridges, i.e., PD MiniTrap
G-10 (GE-Healthcare), or chromatographic desalting columns, such as HiPrep or HiTrap columns
(GE-Healthcare), can be used. Compared to precipitation, salt exchange via gel filtration is the
method of choice for sample preparation.


Several different enzymes can be used for the enzymatic degradation of an oligonucleotide.17,62–64
A mixture of snake venom phosphodiesterase (SVP) and bacterial alkaline phosphatase (BAP) has
proven to be most successful in this regard. Snake venom phosphodiesterase is a 3′ → 5′-exonuclease
which preferably attacks and hydrolizes phosphates of the oligonucleotide backbone at the 3′-end.
Single nucleotides are the predominant degradation products of these phosphodiesterases. Bacterial

5´ mCmGmUmA-rArIrCrGrU-dAdGdCdT 3´

3 7,8

1 12

UV260 nm (mAU)

4 11


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
Time (min)

FIGURE 17.3 The 13-mer (5′ mCmGmUmA-rArIrCrGrU-dAdGdCdT 3′) digested with fresh SVP (USB)
and BAP (Sigma-Aldrich), 24 hours at 37°C (pH 9.2), separation of nucleosides via ultrafree-0.5 spin columns
(Millipore). Analyzed by HPLC with a 4.6 mm × 50 mm XBridge 2.5 μm column (Waters) using 0.1 M TEAA /
10% ACN at 260 nm (see also Figure 17.4): 1 = cytidine, 2 = 2′-deoxycytidine, 3 = uridine, 4 = 2′-O- methyl-
cytidine, 5 = inosine, 6 = guanosine, 7 = 2′-deoxyguanosine, 8 = 2′-O-methyl-uridine, 9 = thymidine, 10 =
2′-O-methyl-guanosine, 11 = adenosine, 12 = 2′-deoxyadenosine, and 13 = 2′-O-methyl-adenosine.
Determination of Base Composition 445

TABLE 17.2
Different Nucleases That Can Be for Base Composition Analysis
Enzyme Specificity Phosphates Reference
RNAse V1 Double-strand-specific for RNA 5′ 66
Nuclease P1 Single-strand-specific for DNA or RNA 5′ 67
Nuclease S1 Single-strand-specific for DNA or RNA 5′ 67
Mung bean nuclease Single-strand-specific for DNA or RNA 5′ 68
DNAse I Nonspecific DNA endonuclease 5′ 67
DNA exonuclease III Double-strand-specific for DNA 5′ 67
Benzonase nuclease Single- and double-strand-specific nuclease 5′ 64
Nuclease Bal 31 Single- and double-strand-specific nuclease 5′ 67

alkaline phosphatase, a phosphomonoesterase made from Escherichia coli, subsequently removes

the 5′-monophosphate overhangs, thereby releasing individual nucleosides. Snake venom phospho-
diesterase is commercially available predominantly as a lyophilized powder (i.e., by USB). It is a
very robust enzyme that can be stored also as a solution (e.g., at 1 mg/mL) at –20°C for a very long
time. Bacterial alkaline phosphatase is commercially available as a stabilized suspension either in
ammonium sulfate (Sigma-Aldrich) or in glycerol (Invitrogen). Excess ammonium sulfate is sepa-
rated from the enzyme-containing supernatant by centrifugation prior to use. The supernatant can
be diluted and stored at –20°C for a long time. Solutions in glycerol can be employed directly.
Most buffer systems can be used for enzymatic digestion if they contain adequate amounts of
magnesium (≥5 mM). The pH can be varied from pH 7 to 11; the incubation temperature should
optimally be set at 25°–37°C for the combined incubation of SVP and BAP. An incubation period
between 2 and 24 hours is sufficient for a complete digestion, depending on the activity of the
enzyme used (Figure 17.3). As mentioned previously, it is very important to control for the com-
pleteness of the digestion (this is unlike oligonucleotide sequencing). Best suited for this purpose is
a standard method for each particular oligonucleotide. All enzymes should be deactivated prior to
analysis of the hydroylsate by HPLC. This step is especially important if oligonucleotides are to be
analyzed with the same equipment. Alternatively, enzymes can be separated from nucleosides via
ethanol precipitation or ultrafiltration, using, for example, the so-called microcon or ultrafree-0.5
spin-columns (Millipore).
Snake venom phosphodiesterase (phosphodiesterase I) is a very robust enzyme with a wide
spectrum of enzymatic activity. Nonetheless, several types of modifications can cause difficulties
leading to an incomplete digestion of the oligonucleotide. It can therefore be helpful to perform
incubation with an alternative or additional nuclease, such as nuclease S1 or nuclease P165 in some
instances. Table 17.2 offers a short overview. Simultaneous use of several enzymes can be advanta-
geous if the oligonucleotide to be analyzed is a highly modified sequence or if it is an aptamer. In
these two cases, incubation conditions (incubation duration, temperature, pH, and enzymatic activ-
ity used) must be individually adjusted.


Nuclease P1: from Penicillium citrinum ≥ 200 U/mg (Sigma/Aldrich, catalog number N8630)
Phosphodiesterase I: from Crotalus adamanteus ≥ 20 U/mg (USB, catalog number 20240Y)
Bacterial Alkaline Phosphatase: from E. coli C90 buffered solution 150 U/μL (Invitrogen,
catalog number 18011-015)
446 Handbook of Analysis of Oligonucleotides and Related Products

Buffer I: 10 mM of MgCl2, 75 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.9

Buffer II: 20 mM NaOAc, 100 mM NaCl, 5 mM ZnCl2 (adjusted to pH 5.6 with diluted
HOAc) Enzyme Mixes
NP1-Mix: Dissolve nuclease P1 with buffer II to get 0.5 U/μL, vortex for 10 s. Reconstituted
product is stable for 2–3 weeks at 4°C.
PDE-Mix: Dissolve phosphodiesterase I with buffer I to get 0.1 U/μL, vortex for 10 s. Store
reconstituted product at 4°C.
BAP-Mix: dilute bacterial alkaline phosphatase solution with water to 15 U/μL, vortex for 10 s.
Store diluted solution at 4°C. Procedure for Standard Oligonucleotides

Prior to digestion the oligonucleotide solution should be desalted. For this purpose, one-way car-
tridges, i.e., PD MiniTrap G-10 (GE-Healthcare), or chromatographic desalting columns, such as
HiPrep or HiTrap columns (GE-Healthcare), can be used.

1. Evaporate 0.4–1.0 OD of oligonucleotide to dryness under vacuum in a microcentrifuge

2. Dissolve the pellet in 85 μL buffer I.
3. Add first 5 μL of PDE-Mix solution (0.5 U), vortex 10 s.
4. Add second 10 μL BAP-Mix solution (150 U), vortex 10 s.
5. Incubate at 37°C for 18 hours (use shaker).
6. Separate enzyme from free nucleosides using ultrafree-0.5 spin columns.
7. Add 50 μL of water to spin column, spin down.
8. Add 50 μL of water to spin column, spin down.
9. Collect 200 μL of nucleoside solution and evaporate to dryness.
10. Dissolve pellet in 50 μL water, vortex for 30s, spin down.
11. Inject 25 μL (~0.2–0.5 OD per injection based on oligonucleotide) on HPLC.
12. A second analysis should be performed monitoring completeness of degradation, verifying
the results of the first incubation. Comments
• Run a digest blank to establish an absorbance baseline profile. Use same procedure for
blank preparation.
• Use a reference oligonucleotide to check for enzymatic activity. Use this reference oligo-
nucleotide always.
• To check for deaminase activity of your enzymes, perform a digestion using commercially
available nucleosides instead of an oligonucleotide (Sigma-Aldrich). Procedure for Modified “Protected” Oligonucleotides

Prior to digestion the oligonucleotide solution should be desalted. For this purpose, one-way car-
tridges, i.e., PD MiniTrap G-10 (GE-Healthcare), or chromatographic desalting columns, such as
HiPrep or HiTrap columns (GE-Healthcare), can be used.

1. Evaporate 0.4–1.0 OD of desalted oligonucleotide to dryness under vacuum.

2. Dissolve pellet in 45 μL buffer II.
3. Add first 5 μL of NP1-Mix solution (2.5 U), vortex 10 s.
4. Incubate 2 hours at 37°C (use shaker).
Determination of Base Composition 447

TABLE 17.3
Gradients for HPLC Analysis of Digested Oligonucleotides
Step (min) Gradienta
I 3 0% buffer B
II 10 0% → 30% buffer B
III 10 30% → 100% buffer B
IV 5 100 % buffer B
V 10 100% buffer B → 100% buffer C
VI 8 0% buffer B

a 4.6 mm × 50 mm XBridge 2.5 μm column (Waters); buffer A = 0.1M TEAA;

buffer B = 10% ACN; buffer C = 80% ACN; flow rate = 0.5 mL/min; UV =
260 nm; temperature = 22°C.

5. Incubate 2 hours at 60°C (use shaker).

6. Evaporate to dryness under vacuum.
7. Proceed with “Procedure for Standard Oligonucleotides.” HPLC Method
After enzymolysis, the individual components of the oligonucleotide are subsequently analyzed
via C18 reverse phase HPLC chromatography (Table 17.3). Triethylammonium acetate (TEAA)
pH 6.8–7.5 and acetonitrile (ACN) are used as standard running buffers. For optimum resolution
around 0.2, OD should be injected per run.
The easiest way to convert the peak areas obtained by HPLC chromatography into base compo-
sition values is to use extinction coefficients from published literature. These coefficients are used
to perform a normalization of the chromatographic peak areas. For practical purposes, this can be
implemented by introducing cofactors. These cofactors are relative extinction coefficients related to
a reference value. If, for example, the extinction coefficient of dC is used as a reference coefficient,
the cofactor of dA is 2.11, relative to this reference coefficient (Table 17.4).
The calculation of base composition is initiated by first performing a normalization of the inte-
grated peak areas employing the cofactors.

(integrated peak area [mAU × s])/(cofactor) = normalized peak area [mAU × s]

TABLE 17.4
Use of Cofactors for Base Composition Analysis
Extinction Coefficient (ε)a
Nucleoside (M–1 cm–1) Cofactor (Cf )
dA 15,200 2.07
dG 11,750 1.60
dT 8,750 1.19
dC 7,350 1.00

a Measured at pH 7.0, 25°C, 260 nm.9

b εdA,dG,dT,dC / εdC = CfdA,dG,dT,dC.
448 Handbook of Analysis of Oligonucleotides and Related Products

The base composition in percent for each nucleoside (dN) can easily be determined using these
normalized peak areas and the respective total peak area.

Sum of all normalized peak areas [mAU × s] = total peak area [mAU × s]

dN [%] = 100% × (normalized peak area dN [mAU × s])/(total peak area [mAU × s])

Finally, this value is multiplied with the length of the oligonucleotide. This ensures a better com-
parison between base composition obtained and number of nucleosides within a given sequence.

(dN [%] × length of the oligonucleotide)/(100%) = Base composition

Table 17.5 depicts an analysis of the described type for an exemplary 30-mer DNA oligonucle-
otide. The calculation of cofactors in the above example was based on published extinction
coefficients.9,60,69–71 However, extinction coefficients can differ substantially from standard values,
depending on the HPLC system used and on the measurement conditions applied. These coef-
ficients can change, for example, depending on the employed mobile and/or stationary phase.
Moreover, variables such as pH, temperature, and the applied HPLC gradient can significantly
influence the extinction coefficient of an individual nucleoside. More robust results can be obtained
if a calibration of the system with commercially available nucleoside standards (Sigma-Aldrich)
is performed. The use of the above mentioned cofactors for calculation is omitted in that case. A
so-called response factor is obtained instead of the cofactor, thus creating the basis for subsequent
reliable quantification of nucleosides.
Additional nucleosidic by-products not correlated to the tested oligonucleotide often emerge
in the HPLC after digestion. These by-products are usually caused by residual enzymatic activ-
ity that can be present in the enzyme preparations, depending on the respective manufacturer or
manufacturing conditions. Such unwanted residual activity can lead to chemical modifications of
the nucleosides released during the incubation step. As a result, calculation of base composition
can deviate substantially. An example for such unwanted residual enzymatic activity is adenosine
deaminase, which converts adenosine (adenine) into inosine (hypoxanthine). Adenosine deaminase
activity (Figure 17.4) is frequently found in bacterial alkaline phosphatase (BAP).23,50,72,73 A simple

TABLE 17.5
Base Composition Analysis of a 30-mer Oligonucleotide
Integrated Normalized
Peak Areab Peak Areab
Nucleosidea (mAU × s) (mAU × s) Base Composition Foundc Actualc
dA 170,540 82,386 16.8% 5.4 5
dG 210,101 131,313 26,8% 8.0 8
dT 120,555 101,307 20.6% 6.2 6
dC 175,400 175,400 35.8% 10.7 11
Total 490,406 100% 30.3 30

a Sequence digested with fresh SVP (USB) and BAP (Invitrogen), 18 hours at 37°C, separation of enzymes via
ultrafree-0.5 spin columns (Millipore).
b Analyzed by HPLC with a 4.6 mm × 50 mm XBridge 2.5 μm column (Waters) using 0.1 M TEAA/10% ACN at
260 nm.
c Sequence: 5′ CCC ACG TGG TTT GGA TAA CCC CGG ATC CGC 3′; sequence length, 30-mer; actual compo-
sition, A5G8T6C11.
Determination of Base Composition 449

NH 2 O
N Adenosine deaminase N


Adenosine Inosine

FIGURE 17.4 Unwanted residual enzymatic adenosine deaminase activity.

test that should be performed to rule out such unwanted enzymatic activity is the direct incubation
of the enzyme preparations to be used with a nucleoside standard or a reference oligonucleotide.
If residual activity cannot be suppressed, the degradation products can also be implemented into
calculation by including respective calibration standards or extinction coefficients.23

Determination of base composition is widely utilized for the analysis of nucleic acids. Aside from
enabling taxonomic characterization of organisms, this procedure offers a wide variety of applica-
tions within the context of oligonucleotide analysis. Analysis of base composition not only answers
simple identity related questions, but also those regarding potential by-products and interlot varia-
tions. The protocols described in this chapter enable the reader to apply this analytical method in a
simple and straightforward manner and to modify it as needed to meet specific requirements.

1. Chargaff, E., and H. S. Shapiro. 1955. Remarks on deoxyribonuclease. Experimental Cell Research
Suppl. 3: 64–71.
2. Tamaoka, J., and K. Komagata. 1984. Determination of DNA base composition by reversed-phase high-
performance liquid chromatography. FEMS Microbiology Letters 25: 125–128.
3. Katayama-Fujimura, Y., Y. Komatsu, H. Kurashi, and T. Kaneko. 1984. Estimation of DNA base com-
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