Adobe Scan Feb 07, 2023

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3 - Marks:

IR radiation, (ii) Microwaves and (iii) UV radiation.

1.Give two uses cach of (i)
s- Marks
1. Write down Maxwell eq113lions in integral form.
2. Write shoit (a)
notes on microwave (b) X-ray (c) radio waves (d) visible spectrum
3. Discuss the iletz experiment.
Ampere's circuital law.
4. Explain the Maxwell's modification of
5. Write down the propertics of clectromagnetic waves.
6. Explain the types of emission spcctrum,
7. Explain the ty pes of absorptionspectrum.
Remaining Book Back Questions:

1 Write notes on Gauss' law in magnctism. (2im)

. Why are e.m. wvaves non-mechanical? ( 2nm)
3. Explain the importance of Maxwell's correction. (5m)
4. Discuss the source of electromagnetic waves. (5m)

Wave Optics
Frequently Asked Book Back Questions
2 Marks:
O Define wave front.
State Huygens' principle.
3. What is interference of light?
4. What is phase ofa wave'
Obtain the relation between phase difference and path difference.
6. What are coherent sources?
7. What is bandwidth of interference pattern?
8 What is diffraction?
9. What is a diffraction grating?
10 What is resolution?
11.What is Rayleigh's criterion?
12. What is polarisation?
13.Discuss polarisation by selective absorption.
9. What are polariser and analyser?
State and obtain Malus' law.
15. State Brewster's law.
17. Mention the types ofoptically active crystals with example.
18. What are the uses of
19. What is myopia? What is its remedy?
29. What is hypermetropia? What is its remedy?
2.What is astigmatism? What is its remedy?
. What is presbyopia?
1.Write a short note on
quantum theory of light.
2. What are the
shapes of wavefront for (a) source at infinite,
(3 Differentiate between Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction. (b) point source and (c) line source?
Mention the differences between interference and diffraction.
6. What are
between polarised and
unpolarised light
plane polarised, unpolarized and
partially polarised light?

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