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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Symbolic Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:

1. Describe the symbolic frame

2. Apply the symbolic frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

I am the head of platform integration at FedEx working on expanding our

organization from just a mailing service to a E-commerce Platform. In light of amazons
rise to success we have decided to create a platform for online sellers to be able to
personalize their products and how they are shipped. We hope to create a platform that
tackles all the problems associated with E-commerce from the start the end of the
process. Creating this platform allows us to be connected directly to the distributor
allowing us to cut down the amount of time thats needed to deliver products and it allows
us to create custom personalized packaging for our users.

2) Describe how the symbols of the organization influenced the situation.

I don’t think symbols really had that great of an effect over the process change
that occurred, but rather the change created new symbols for the organization to follow.
Originally our organization followed a strict tradition of being on of the most reliable
mail services in the industry. With this creation of this new platform FedEx employees
were given a new set of symbols, traditions, and rules to follow that aligned with the
goals and values of this project.

One of the biggest distinctions between the old platform and the one we are
creating is the community around it. As described by our book “culture is no less than
‘how we do things around here.’ Less tangible than other physical assets on a company

balance sheet, it is nonetheless the most valuable asset a company has.” (Deal 1991) With
the creation of this new platform the most important thing we can do as an organization is
to create a community where our employees not only feel welcomed but heard as well.
The symbols, traditions, and values that we create during this brainstorming process will
shape this project as a whole.

3) Recommend how you would use organizational symbols for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

One alternative course that I would take would be to act as though this new
website is an entirely different entity from the original FedEx company. Creating a
narrative that this site is its own company allows for much greater freedom when creating
new symbols or traditions. If this company is seen as just a new branch of the Fedex
mailing service then it will not be able to grow to the same level as a company that is
independent. Having this key distinction between the two organizations allows for them
to have different goals and priorities from one another and to work as independent

To create a new entity of a business you must first establish an entirely new set of
ideals and goals for the organization to work towards. “The essence of a visionary
company comes in the translation of its core ideology and it’s unique drive for progress
into the very fabric of the organization.” (Deal 1991) If we cannot create a vision,
independent of the one currently establish, for this new organization then we will never
be able to grow.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

One major thing that I would change, that I have discussed above is the traditions
and goals that we have built our company off of to fit the vision that we see for our new
product. As leaders we shape the culture of our organizations, so it is up to us to establish
the type of community we wish to have from day one. Since we are still working from the
ground up to create this project we have ample amount of time to curate the kind of
environment our organization needs to survive.

One thing that I would keep the same is our leadership hierarchy. We are currently
known for the extraordinary quality of leadership that our organization possesses and
would do anything to maintain this reputation. Some traditions will change with the
creation of this organization but one that will continue to thrive will be our commitment
to provide a welcoming and enjoyable work experience

Reference or References

Perusall. (n.d.-a).


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