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Soha Ali

4 January 2024

EOL #3 Article/ Internet Website

Upon researching about the advantages and disadvantages of being a lawyer I found an

article depicting its exact pros and cons. Reading through the article I discovered that being a

lawyer is highly competitive and requires continual learning through the profession. Though it

may provide job stability it is known to be incredibly stressful and demanding with longer office

hours than expected.

The article further spoke of the emotional toll the job took. Some areas like family law

and criminal law often expose a lawyer to upsetting and distressing situations, causing an

emotional and traumatic toll. Reading about this made me reflect on my empathy and if I would

be able to stand strongly before cases like that. Along with that the article spoke of issues like

ethical dilemmas; having to represent clients or arguments that go against personal beliefs which

could lead to internal moral conflicts.

Besides the cons I was able to better understand the benefits of being a lawyer. The

article explained how intellectually stimulating the job is, a quality I wish to have in my future

profession. The intellectual stimulation the career provides allows for a healthy growing mindset,

something a lot of careers are unable to provide.

Although the job is mostly set in an office setting, the escape to stand before a court room

allows for it to be an exhilarating profession. These pros and cons opened up my eyes and

provided me with helpful insight when considering the pursuit of becoming a lawyer.

“20 Pros and Cons of Being a Lawyer - Luxwisp.” Www.luxwisp.com, 1 Jan.




LVz5U5kog. Accessed 18 Jan. 2024.

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