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Folia Primatologica Separatum

Ed itor: R.O. Martin, Zü Publ isher:S.Karger AG, Basel

rich Printed in Switzerla nd

Folia Primatol 199 1;57:132-146 © 199 1 S. Karger AG,

Basel 001 5-57 13/9 1/0573-0

·Patterns of Sexual Dimorphism in Body Weight among

Prosimian Primates
Peter M. Kapp eler
Department of Zoology and Duke University Primate Center, Duke University, Durham, N.C., USA

Key Word s. Sexual dimorphism · Prosimians · Body weight · Evolution · Phylogeny ·

Lemurs · Lorises ·Tarsiers

Abstract.Many primatologists believe that there is no sexual dimorphism in body size

in prosimian primates. Because this belief is based upon data that carne from only a few
species and were largely flawed in sorne aspect of sample quality, 1re-examined the extent
of sexual dimorphism in body weight, using weights of 79 1 adult prosimia ns from 34
taxa recorded over the last 17 years at the Duke Universit y Primate Center. There was no
significant sex difference in body weight in 17 species , but males were significantly
larger in Nycticebus pygma eus, Tarsius syrichta , Galago moholi, Galagoides demidovii,
Otolemur crassicaudatus and Otolemur garnettii. Moreov er, females were significantly
larger in M icrocebus murinus. Thus, the general lack of sexual dimorphism could be
confirmed , notably for lemurs, but prosimians as a group show more variability in sexual
size dimorphism than was previously thought. After including prev iously published data
obtained in the wild from 8 additional species, 1 found significant heterogeneity in the
degree of sexual dimorphism at the family level, but only the lndridae and Galagidae
were significantly different from each other. Among the prosimian infraorders, the
Lorisiformes were significantly more dimorphic than the Lemuriformes. Differences in
dimorphism between higher taxonomic groups are dis cussed in the context of
prosimian evolution, concluding that phylogenetic inertia cannot prov ide a causal
explanation for the evolution of sexual dimorphism. The relative monomor phism of most
prosimia ns may be related to allometric constraints and, especially in the
Lemuriformes, to selective forces affecting male and female behav ioral strategies.

Introduction tive functions , may take several forms in

pri mates [1], but it is most commonly
Sexual dimorphism, or morphological reproduc-
differences between males and females
beyond tl1ose related to the basic
in terms of differences in body weight
be tween the sexes [2-4]. The extent of
sexual dimorphism in body weight among
prima tes
Sexual Size Dimorphism in Prosimians 133

ranges from taxa in which adult males are similar size belonging to the same ecological
nearly twice as heavy as females (e.g. Pap io, category', which could not be used to estí
Mandrillus and Pongo), through species with mate the degree of sexual dimorphism. In 2
little or no sexual dimorphism (e.g. Callice other cases ( Loris tardigradus and Nyctice
bus ·and Hy lobates) , to those in which bus coucang) the given weights did not re
adult . females are slightly larger present actual measurements, but midpoints
than males (e.g. Callithrix and of ranges given in Napier and Napier
Saguinus) [5-9]. Alth ough lit tle is known [23]. For Galago demidovii and G.
about sexual dimorphism in senegalensis, weights reported elsewhere
prosimians, many primatologists believe without distinc tion between the sexes [24,
that this suborder is characterized by a gen 25] were as signed to both sexes. Data for
eral absence of sexual dimorphism [see e.g. 5 more spe cies were based on personal
1, 9-1 3]. The main objectives of this paper communica tions, so that the sample
are to show that this conception is partly statistics remained unknown. Although
based on a lack of reliable data for most pro Clutton-Brock and Har vey [2] stressed
simianspecies, and that a more differen that 'indiv idual estimates may be
tiated pattern emerges from a comparative unrealistic and that they should not be used
analysis based on a larger sample. as a referen ce source', the same data were
Body weight data for primates are used used again by them and by other au thors
not only in analyses of sexual size dimor [4].
phism, which illuminate sorne of the Another frequently used list of primate
effects of natural and sexual selection on weights contained only 6 prosimian species
male and female body size [5, 14-17], but [3, 4, 26, 27]. Although these prosimian
are also cen tral to many allometric [8, 14- weights were claimed to be derived from 16
20] and eco or more wild-trapped and wild-shot animals
logical studies [21, 22]. New information of each species, in 4 of the 6 species they
on prosimian body weights may theref ore were apparently based on measurement of
assist future studies of these relatively no more than 6 animals per species [28].
little-stud ied aspects of prosimian biology. Both Charles-Dominique [29] and Tattersall
The degree of sexual size dimorph ism of [30], on the other hand, published prosimian
a species can be determined with reliable body weights based on comparatively large
data on male and female body mass. sample sizes, but , unfortunately, did not
Despite this simple requirement , however, dis tinguish between the sexes. The latest
'it is not uncommon for studies of sexual and most complete list of primate body
dimor phism to be flawed in one or more weights [31], also used in [8], prov ided
aspects of sample quality' [7]. This is neither refer ences for literature data nor
underscored by the nature of most sample statistics for prev iously unpublished
published prosimian body weights. Until v alues. The reli ability of the data for 1O
very recently, the most extensiv e list of prosimian species in this sample seems at
prosimian weights was that compiled by least questionable be cause identical
Clutton-Brock and Harv ey [9]. For 5 of the figures are given for males and females.
17 prosim ian species for which body Because the quantity and quality of pre
weights were given, howev er, the val ues viously published prosimian body weights
represented 'approximate figures taken in
sorne cases from congeneric species of
134 Kappeler

are clearly insufficient to permit compre A total of 6, 165 values remai ned, and these were
hensiv e assessment of sexual dimorphism, used to calculate a mean weight for each individual.
Mean weights and other sample statistics for both
I collected body weight data for 25
sexes of each taxon were then determ ined from these
prosim ian species from a total of 79 1 individual means. The degree of sexual dimorphism
captive ani mals and combined them with for each taxon was calculated as mean male weight
literature data for 105 wild animals from 8 expressed as a percentage of female weight. An exten
additional species to determine sex sive literature search for information on prosimian
body weights was made. Data from taxa that were not
differences within species, and to
available at DUPC, and that were based on direct
compare patterns of sexual size measu rements , were extracted. Data from different
dimorphism among higher taxonomic sources were combined in only 2 cases; in Da uben
units. tonia madagascariensis in order to increase sample
size, and in Lepil emur rufi caudatus because male
and female weights were not available from a single
Materials and Methods source. Whenev er subspecies existed, the weights
from the respectiv e subspecies were combined to
The Duke University Prim ate Center (DUPC) in cal culate mean values for the species.
Durham , N.C., USA, houses the largest captive The data from DUPC were subjected to the fol
breed ing colony of prosim ian primates in the lowing statistical analyses, using the BIOM
world. At present, more than 700 animals from ali software package [39]. A one-sample Kolmogorov
prosim ian families except the Lepilemuridae are -Smirnov test for norm ality was performed for each
kept for captive breeding and possible sex of each species. The homogeneity of varian ces
reintroduction to the wild. Dif ferent species are between the two sexes of each species was tested
housed und er different conditions, ranging from with a two-tailed F test. Student's t test was then
indoor darkrooms to large outdoor en closures. All used to test for signif icant differences in body
animals can be identified indiv idually. A file is kept weight between the sexes. All subsequent analyses
for each individual, including the animal's were performed at the species level, after including
genealogy , medica!record and reproductive 8 additional species from the lit erature for which
infor ma tion. Whenever animals undergo regular data from at least 2 adult individu als per sex were
veterinary examinatíons, or are handled for other available. Thus, the final sample con sisted of 25
reasons, body weight is recorded . 'DUPC species' and 8 species whose data carne from
1 extracted data for a total of 791 animals of 34 the wild. The variates of the degree of sex ual
taxa from the DUPC weight records spanning the last dimo1-phism were log-transformed [4] and com
17 years. Only one measurement per month was used. bined in the respective subsamples according to the
When an animal was weighed more than once per taxonomic level of comparison following [40]
month, the mean value was used for further analysis. and were then subjected to the same tests of
A conservative estímate of age at sexual maturity was normality and homoscedasticity. A model II nested
used to define adulthood in both sexes [see e.g. 32 and ANOVA with unequ al sample size, using
references therein]. Weights of individuals of noctur Satterthwaite's approxi mation, was performed to
nal species younger than 12 months old were dis obtain variance estimates of sexual dimorphism
carded, as were weights for individuals of diurna!spe within and among genera, fam ilies, and
cies younger than 24 months. Weights of wild-caught infraorders.
animals obtained within the first 3 months following A one-way ANOVA and a subsequent
arrival at DUPC were also discarded. In the case of comparison of means, using the GT2 method, were
females, a conserv ative estímate of gestation length, performed to compare the degree of sexual
based on data from the literature [32 and references dimorphism among Lemuriformes, Lorisiformes,
therein, 33-38] or unpublished data from DUPC, was and Tarsiiformes. Be cause the variates among
determined for each species. Subsequently , using families were heteroscedas tic, the nonparametric
the reproductiv e information in each individual file, Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA by ranks [41] was used
data from females during pregancy(ies) were also to evaluate the homogeneity in sexual dimorphism
ex cluded. among families and to perform ali pairwise
comparisons. The null hypothesis in ali tests
Sexual Size Dimorphism in Prosimians 135

was that there was no difference in sexual with no significant weight difference be
dimor phism between the respective subgrou ps. The tween the sexes, to one with significantly
signifi cance level in ali tests and the
larger females. The majority of species,
experimentwise error rate in ali multiple
comparisons were set at alpha = 0.05. nota bly lemurs, exhibited no significant
degree of sexual size dimorphism, howev er.
The mean weights and selected sample
Results statistics for males and females of 34 taxa,
based on the DUPC records, are presented
Sexual dimorphism in body weight in table 1. Data on body weights for 18
among prosimians ranged from species with additional taxa extracted from primary
significantly larger males through references are sum marized in table 2.
species None of the Kolmogo-

Table l. Body weights (g) 34 prosim ian at DUPC L

of taxa
Taxon Sex n Mean SE DSD

Loris tardigradus malabaricus m 10 192 7 177 207 99.5
f 8 193 8 175 21 1
Nycticebus pygmaeus m 7 462 17 420 503 122.9
f 5 376 18 325 427
Nycticebus coucang2 m 14 1,207 54 1,091 1,323 1o1.0
f 15 1, 195 61 1,064 1,325
Perodicticus pot to m 5 948 56 793 1,104 95.9
f 6 989 71 804 1, 173

Otolemur crassica udatus m 40 1,495 40 1,415 1,576 120.4
f 44 1,242 34 1,172 1,3 1 1
O. crassicauda tus argenta tus m 9 1,750 47 1,642 1,858 116.9
f 14 1,497 39 1,413 1,581
O. crassicaudatus crassicauda tus m 10 1,226 56 1,099 1,354 109.0
f 8 l , 125 59 986 1,263
O. crassicaudatits monteiri m 21 1,515 41 1,430 1,600 135.0
f 22 1,122 30 1,060 1,184
Otolemur garnettii m 17 1,2 12 48 1,1 1o 1,314 117.9
f 19 1,028 28 968 1,087
Galagoides demidovii m 4 81 5 64 98 1 17.4
f 8 69 2 64 73
Galago moholi m 25 181 4 172 190 1 16.8
f 20 155 4 147 163

(Table 1 continued nex t page.)

136 Kappeler

Table 1(continued)

Taxon Sex n Mean SE DSD


Cheirogaleu majo r m 3 575 73 260 889 129.8
s f 3 443 36 289 598
Cheirogaleus medius m 23 283 8 268 299 100.4
f 25 282 8 266 298
M irza coquereli m 10 307 6 294 320 101.7
f 9 302 14 27 1 333
M icrocebus murinus m 33 90 3 85 96 82.6
f 27 109 4 10 1 117

H apalemur griseus griseus m 10 939 44 839 1,040 105.3
f 9 892 43 794 990
Lemur catta m 24 2,705 70 2, 560 2,849 1o1 .0
f 16 2,678 71 2, 526 2,830
Lemitr corona tus m 11 1,7 12 80 1,534 1,89 1 101.5
f 8 1,687 88 1,478 1,895
Lemur fulvus m 60 2,39 5 37 2,32 1 2,470 99.9
f 47 2,397 46 2,304 2,489
Lemur fu lvus albifrons m 13 2,390 96 2, 18 1 2, 598 104.8
f 11 2,281 37 2,200 2, 362
Lemur fulvus collaris m 13 2,459 61 2, 327 2, 59 1 98.6
f 4 2,49 5 191 1,885 3, 104
Lemur fu lvus ful vus m 16 2,429 77 2,265 2,593 95.3
f 9 2,550 126 2,259 2,840
Lemur fulvus rufus m 11 2,450 61 2,322 2,597 99.8
f 17 2,456 81 2,284 2,627
Lemur fulvus sanfordi m 7 2, 1 1o 93 1,883 2,337 98.3
f 6 2,147 83 1,934 2,359
Lemur macaco m 23 2,403 61 2,276 2,529 96.6
f 20 2,487 56 2,369 2,604
Lemur macaco fla vifrons m 3 2, 32 1 1 1o 1,850 2,792 101.4
f 5 2,290 92 2,033 2, 546
Lemur macaco macaco m 20 2,41 5 69 2,271 2,559 94.6
f 15 2,552 60 2,423 2,68 1
Lemur mongoz m 14 1,682 73 1,525 1,839 101 .
f 13 1,658 65 1,517 1,800 4
Lemur rubri venter m 4 2,267 124 1,870 2,662 106.0
f 4 2, 139 1 16 1,769 2,510
Sexual Size Dimorphism in Prosimians 137

Table 1 (continued)

Taxon Sex n Mean SE

DSD Lemuridae (continued)

Varecia variega ta m 46 3,47 1 48 3,374 3,568 98.8
f 35 3,512 59 3,393 3,631
Varecia variegata rubra m 20 3,546 73 3,393 3,699 102.1
f 17 3,473 95 3,272 3,675
Varecia variegata variegata m 26 3,414 63 3,284 3,544 96.2
f 18 3,548 72 3,397 3,700

Prop ithecus verreauxi m 10 3,637 122 3,362 3,9 13 98.4
f 12 3,696 138 3,391 4,000
Prop ithecus verreauxi coquereli m 8 3,703 134 3,386 4,019 98.6
f 10 3,757 160 3,395 4, 118
Propith ecus verreauxi maj ori m 2 3,376 284 6,978 99.6
f 2 3,389 53 2,7 16 4,063
Prop ithecus tattersalli m 4 3,039 204 2,388 3,689 96.0
f 5 3,167 272 2,412 3,922

Daubentonia madagascariensis m 2 2,758 149 865 4, 541 107.2
f 2 2,573 227 5,457

Tarsius bancanus m 3 128 6 101 155 100.8
f 3 127 5 104 150
Tarsius syrichta m 10 134 3 126 142 114.5
f 17 1 17 2 113 121

Arithmetic means for each sex of each taxon were calculated from n individual means. The standard error of
the mean (SE), and the lower (Lt ) and upper (L2) 95 º/o confidence limits around the mean are presented as
well. The degree of sexual dimorphism (DSD) is expressed as the ratio of mean male weight/female weight X
1OO. The values of the members of respective subspecies were combined to obtain means for each sex of a
species if it contained two or more subspecies. The statistics for D. madagascariensis females are based
upon the mean female weight obtained from my own measurements and one datum in the literature [77].
Deviations from Kappeler [42] are due to increased sample size and/or rounding.
Combined data for two unidentified subspecies and their hybrids.
1 38 Kappeler

rov -Smirnov tests was significant, i.e. the 0.02). The overall heterogeneity was due to
variates in ali samples did not depart a significant difference between the
signifi cantly from a normal distribution. Lemuri formes and Lorisiformes
More over, the variances of male and (MSD 3,3o = 2.92; p 0.05). There was also
female weights were not significantly significant hetero geneity in the degree of
different from each other except in one sexual dimorphism among all eight
species (M irza co quereli: F = 5.28; p prosimian families (KW = 16.0; p 0.05),
0.05). In Ny cticebus pygmaeus , Tarsius but only the difference be tween two of
syrichta and all Galagi dae, males were them (Galagidae and Indridae) was
significantly larger than fe males. In statistically significant (KW = 20.3; p
M icrocebus murinus, on the other hand, 0.05; fig. 1). The nested ANOVA dis
females were the significantly larger sex. closed that most of the interspecific
In all other species, sex differences in variation occurred within genera (54.4 °/o)
bod y weight were statistically insignificant and among infraorders (26.4 º/o), but very
(table 3). The average degree of sexual di little among genera ( 15.6 °/o) and families
morphism was significantly different (6.6 °/o). How ever, this analysis did not
among lemurs, lorises, and tarsiers (F = rev ea!significant added variance at any
4.39; p = taxonomic leve!.

Table 2. Summary of selected previously publish ed prosi mian weigh ts 1

Taxon Sex n Mean Range DSD Ref.

Arctocebus calabarensis m 2 318 1 06.7 78
f 9 298 -
Galago elegantulus 39 300 270-360 - 29
293 223-350 79
Galago matschiei - 210 1 96-225 79
Galago senegalensis - 206 1 12-300 79
Galagoides alleni 17 260 1 88-340 29
- - 314 200-445 79
Galagoides thomasi - 99 55-1 49 - 79
Galagoides zanzibaricus m 12 1 59 1 50-167 1 1 80
f 14 1 36 128-145 6.9
M icrocebus ruf us m 23 50 35-70 102.0 74
f 5 49 41-63
Phaner f urcif er - 3 460 350-600 81
Allocebus trichotis2 m 2 92 75-98 l 82
f 2 85 78-90 08.2
Sexual Size Dimorphism in Prosimians 139

Table 2 ( continued)

Taxon Sex n Mean Range DSD Ref.

H apalemur aureus3 m 1 1,245 l 05.9 83
f 1 1,175
m 3 1,613 1,540-1,660 107.5 84
f 1 1,500
Hap alemur simus m 2 2,1 50 165.3 77, 83, 85
f 1 1,300

A vahi laniger laniger4 m 4 1,033 83 78.5 84
f 4 1,316 95
Avahi laniger occidentalis m 3 853 97.5 77, 85
f 1 875
Indri indri m 1 4,600 (sick) 73.6 77, 84
f 1 6,250
Propithecus diadema edwardsi 5 m 8 5,633 123 95.5 84
f 6 5,895 152

Da ubentonia madagascariensis f 1 2,800 - 77, 85

Lepilemur mustelinus6 m 2 617 103.9 86
f 5 594
Lep ilemur rufica udatus ro 2 764 600-900 90.4 77, 81,
f 4 845 607-995 85

Tarsius bancanus m 21 128 109.4 87
f 16 117

Mean body weights, the lowest and highest reported values (range), and the sample size for these 19 pro
simian species were extracted from the literature. Whenev er data for both sexes were available, the degree
of sexual dimorph ism (DSD) was calculated as in table 1.
Not included in analyses in Kappeler [42].
Due to the discrepancy between available weights, these 2 samples were not combined, and this species
was not included in the interspecific comparisons, although the DSD is similar in both samples.
4 The value of the eastern subspecies was used in the interspecific comparisons. The standard error of the
mean is presented instead of the range.
5 The standard error of the mean is presented instead of the range.
6 Males and females were confused in Kappeler [42].
140 Kappeler

Table 3. Intraspecific of male and female body weights 1

Taxon DSD t d.f. p

Loris tardigradus 99.5 0.10 16 NS
Nycticebus pygmaeus 122.9 3.40 10 < 0.01
Nyticeb us coucang 101.0 0.15 27 NS
Perodicticus p otto 95.9 0.50 9 NS

Galago moholi 116.8 3.74 43 < 0.001
Galagoides demidovi i 1 17.4 2.79 10 < 0.05
Otolemur crassicaudatus 120.4 4.86 82 <
Otolemur ga rnettii 117.9 3.40 34 0.001
< 0.01

Cheirogaleus maj ar 129.8 2.1 6 4 NS
Cheirogaleus medius 100.4 0.38 46 NS
Mirza coqueref i2 101.7 0.33 17 NS
M icrocebus murinus 82.6 4.06 58 <
Hap alemur griseus 105.3 0.76 17 NS
Lemur catta 101 .0 0.04 38 NS
Lemur corona tus 1o1 .5 0.2 1 17 NS
Lemur ful vus 99.9 0.02 105 NS
Lemur macaco 96.6 1.00 41 NS
Lemur mongoz 101.4 0.24 25 NS
Lemur rubriventer 106.0 0.74 6 NS
Varecia variega ta 98.8 0.53 79 NS

Indrid ae
Propithecus verreauxi 98.4 0.30 20 NS
Prop ithecus tattersalli 96.0 0.36 7 NS
Propithecus diadema edwardsi3 95.5 1.35 12 NS
Ava hi laniger laniger4 78.5 2.25 6 NS

Tarsius bancanus 100.8 0. 14 4 NS
Tarsius syrichta 1 14.5 4.89 25 <

1 After testing for normality and homoscedasticity, a Student's t test was performed to compare the mean
weights of males and females in each species. The t value, the number of degrees of freedom and the
significance level are presented along with the degree of sexual dimorphism (DSD).
Results of a modified t test for unequal variances [39].
Raw data from Glander et al. [84]; based on measurements of wild animals. N ote that , compared to
Kappeler [42], sex difference is no longer significant.
Raw data from Glander et al. [84]; based on measureme nts of wild animals.
Sexual Size Dimorphism in Prosimians 141

rarity , both in captivity and in the wild, and

E 120
sorne estimates of sexual dimorphism will
•· . .-: hence become more accurate in the future
110 .• . :

- more data become available. This point is

..,_ . .•.-•: .. .
...,,, ' ·' ···· '
- •'. ·•
(ij •
;:'.) 100 '
well illustrated by P. diadema edwardsi.
Whereas the preliminary analysis of a small
9 sample indicated that females of this species
Q) are significantly larger [42], the sex differ
ence in the present, somewhat larger sample,
is no longer significant.
Although prosimian and anthropoid pri
Fig. l. Mean degree of sexual dimorphism in body
weight (male weight/female weight X 100), based on mates exhibit similar overall variety in the
the respectiv e species means, along with the standard direction of sexual dimorphism, anthropoids
error of the means for each prosimian family. Ind: as a group are nev ertheless significantly
Indridae, Lep: Lepilemuridae, Lem: Lemurid ae, more dimorphic on average [42]. Only in
Che: Cheirogaleidae, Lor: Lorisidae, Dau :
this sense are prosimians a group with rela
Daubentonidae, Tar: Tarsiidae, Gal: Galagidae.
tively little dimorphism. This difference be
tween the two primate suborders may be a
correlate of the marked difference in average
size between them. A positive correlation
Discussion between body size and sexual dimorphism
has been documented in many groups of
Prosimian primates can now be seen to birds and mammals [16, 17], including an
exhibit more variety in sexual dimorphism thropoid primates [2, 3]. This so-called al
than was prev iously thought. Recognition of lometric effect explains interspecific dif
this is largely due to an increase in sample ferences in sexual dimorphism as a non
size, with respect to both the number of spe selected, correlated response to evolutionary
cies and the number of indiv iduals within changes in absolute body size [7, 27]. Al
species included in this study. Moreover, the though body size in prosimia ns is not corre
use of carefully sifted data obtained predo m lated with sexual dimorphism [42], it may
inantly from a single source has probably nev ertheless constrain its expression to sorne
also contribu ted to a more reliable picture of extent, because anthropoids in the prosim
sexual dimorphism in prosimians. ian size range fail to exhibit an allometric
Although the data presented in this study effect as well, and are not significantly more
carne predominantly from captive animals, dimorphic than prosimians [42]. However ,
and therefore exceed the weights of wild the recently extinct subfossil lemurs, which
individuals to different extents , the degree of included gorilla-sized species, apparently <l id
sexual dimorphism is not significantly af not exhibit marked size dimorphism either
fected by this [Kappeler, in prep.], suggesting [43, 44], suggesting that the constraint on
that males and females do not respond dif dimorphism in extant prosimians may be of
ferently to conditions in captivity. Small a phylogenetic, rather than allometric na
sample size for certain species reflect their ture.
142 Kappeler

The differences in sexual dimorphism vincing explan ation for the evolution of
among higher taxonomic units are particu sexual dimorphism. Cheverud et al. [58]
larly interesting in light of the evolutionary and Leutenegger and Cheverud [59] hav e
history of prosimians and may illuminate argued that phylogenetic constraints are
such possible phylogenetic constrain ts of di primarily responsible far the degree of sex
morphism. There is now convincing ev i ual dimorphism in extant primates . The ar
dence that the Lemuriformes and Lorisi gument that a modern primate is dimor
farmes together constitute a monophyletic phic because its ancestor was dimorphic
group [45-48], but the exact phylogenetic <loes not prov ide a causal explanation of
relationships among the members of these the origins and functions of sexual dimor
two groups is still subject to heated debate phism, but represen ts merely a description
[45, 48-53]. Irrespective of their ancestral of the same problem at a different level.
relationships , the average degree of sexual Morover, Leutenegger and Cheverud 's con
size has necessarily diverged in the two clusions may hav e been affected by meth
groups. lf the ancestral species was sexually odological problems , including arbitrary as
dimorphic, or if the lemuriform radiation sumptions about the magnitude of phyloge
represents the descendants of a colonization netic distances among hierarchically nested
of Madagascar by galago-like ancestors,
taxa [60-62].
either average male size decreased and/or
The large amount of intrageneric
average female size increased among the Le
v ariance in body weight dimorphism
muriformes. The Adapidae , a group of sex
found in pro simians indicates that there
ually dimorphic Eocene primates [1 1], have
is no significant influence of phylogenetic
been suggested by sorne authors as a group
inertia on sexual dimorphism. This <l oes
containing the possible an.cestors of the ex
not mean that phylo genetic inertia <loes
tant lemurs and lorises [46, 54], although
not exist, but rather that sexual dimorphism
sorne authors disagree [55, 56]. This could
may not be a good exam ple to illustrate
indicate that the common ancestor of Lemu
this problem, because it may not be a direct
riformes and Lorisiformes was sexually di
target of selection. More like ly, sexual
morphic. If, on the other hand, the ancestral
dimorphism is the result of natural and
species was monomorphic , or the mainland
sexual selection acting on body size in
lorises descended from a cheirogaleid-like
both sexes separately [5, 63]. However,
ancestor, the degree of sexual dimorphism of
inter specific differences in mean body size
the former group must have increased over
among prosimian species were also most
time. The choice between these two possibil
pro nounced among genera and not
ities remains open.
among higher taxonomic levels, as would
Although inform ation about patterns of
be ex pected under the 'phylogenetic
sexual dimorphism above the species lev el
inertia hy pothesis' [42].
is potentially instructive in identifying di
Among prosimia n species with signifi
rectionality of evolutionary change, and an
cant weight dimorphism , one is of particu
important prerequisite for statistically
lar interest . In grey mouse lemurs (M . mu
sound comparative analyses [57], so-called
rinus) females were significantly larger than
phylogenetic inertia cannot prov ide a con-
males. The size difference between the
sexes in M icrocebus has recently been cor-
Sexual Size Dimorphism in Prosimians 143

roborated independently, using skull length morphic M . rufus might together provide a
as size variate [64]. Such 'reversed sexual good test case [73-75].
size dimorphism' is relatively unusual for Significantly larger males were found
mammals [5], and has not previously been only among the non-Malagasy prosimians.
demonstrated statistically for any primate Bushbabies (Galagidae) were the most di
species [but see 65]. Larger body size in morphic group in this respect. Significant
female mammals continues to be a puzzle weight dimorphism in favor of males is
to evolutionary biologists [5, 15, 66], and it usually explained as a result of intrasexual
cannot be explained easily for this species selection [2, 14, 17]. The intensity of intra
either. Most explanations of significantly sexual selection is assumed to increase with
larger female body size in mammals have increasing v ariance in lifetime reproductive
centered around an advantage in fecundity success among males. If intrasexual selection
that larger females are supposed to obtain was indeed the prime cause for the evolution
through natural selection [5, 15, 66-68], of larger male size, then male bushbabie s
but a size reduction of males, favored for should experience a greater v ariance in life
example by intrasexual selection [69], time reproductive success than lemur males.
would provide an equally likely explanation This line of reasoning assumes that male
[42, 63]. reproductive success is positively related to
The lack of male-biased sexual dimor body size. Alternatively, the costs of large
phism among Malagasy primates is associ body size, such as increased risk of starva
ated with the phenomenon of female social tion and heat loss for example, m ay be eval
dominance, suggesting a relation to selective uated differently by natural selection in the
forces affecting the behav ioral and physio two groups. Howev er, far too little is
logical strategies of males and females [12, presently known about the mating systems
13, 70-72]. Howev er, other factors besid and other factors determining lifetime repro
es size are obviously important in ductive success of these prim ates to test this
determining sex effects on dominance. In explanation [13, 76].
the monomor phic ringtailed lemur (L.
eatta) , for example, females invariably
dominate males [70], whereas in the
Acknowledgmen ts
equally monomorphic red fronted lemur (L.
fulvu s rufus) sex has no consistent effect This study would hav e been impossible without
on the outcome of agonistic interactions the num erous primate tech nicians at the DUPC who
[71]. Detailed comparisons of the collected the majority of the presented data over the
last 17 years. 1am also indebted to Drs. Ken Glander,
socioecology and physiology of closely
Kay Izard and Pat Wright for contributing sorne of
related species of similar average body size their own unpublished data. Special thanks to Drs.
but with different degrees of sexual dimor Jorg Ganzhorn and Carel van Schaik for many stimu
phism might help to identify sorne of the rel lating discussions, and to Drs. Peter Klopfer, Robert
evant selective forces that shaped the evolu Martín, Louise Roth and Henry Wilbur for many
tion of sexual size dimorphism and sex helpful comments on the manuscript. This work was
supported by a Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation
dif ferences in behavior. M . murinus, with Dissertation Award. This is Duke University Primate
sig nificantly larger females, G. demidovii, Center publication No. 507.
with significantly larger males, and the
144 Kappeler

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