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Continuing Education Programme

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi


I ........................................................................................., participant of online CEP Programme

……………………........................................................................................................................... do hereby
undertake that as a participant:

1. I will not give or receive aid in examinations; that I will not share or receive unpermitted help in-class
work, in preparation of reports, or in any other work that is to be used by the instructor as the basis of
grading; and

2. I will adhere to the fee payment schedule of the programme as shared in the Offer letter.

3. I will do my share and take an active part in seeing that others, as well as myself, uphold the spirit and letter
of the Honour Code.
I realise that some of the cases of misconduct which are regarded as violating the Honour Code include:
✓ Copying from another's examination paper or allowing another to copy from one's own paper.
✓ Unpermitted collaboration.
✓ Plagiarism.
✓ Revising and resubmitting a marked quiz or examination paper for re- grading without the
instructor's knowledge and consent.
✓ Giving or receiving unpermitted aid on take-home examinations/ assignments.
✓ Representing one's own work, the work of another, including information on the internet.
✓ Giving or receiving aid on an academic assignment under circumstances in which a reasonable person
should have known that such aid was not permitted; and
✓ Committing a cyber-offence, such as, breaking passwords and accounts, sharing passwords, electronic
copying, planting viruses, etc.
✓ The institute promotes a safe and efficient climate by enforcing behavioural standards. All Participants
must uphold academic integrity, respect all persons and their rights and property and the safety of
others, etc.
✓ Participants should treat others as they would like to be treated, with dignity and respect at all times.
✓ Participants should take responsibility for their behaviour and their impact on others. Participants
should consider and respond to the needs of others, ensuring communications with others are
considerate and respectful.
✓ Participants are not permitted to audio or video record lectures in classrooms or actions of other
Participants, faculty, or staff without prior permission.

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Continuing Education Programme
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
✓ Participants are not permitted to provide audio and video clippings of any activity on the campus to the
media without prior permission.
✓ Participants accessing the online sessions/material should not post recordings or any such content to
any public or private platform/forum without permission.
✓ Participants are expected to use social media carefully and responsibly. They cannot post derogatory
comments about other individuals from the Institute on social media or indulge in any such related
✓ Sexual misconduct (i.e., sexual harassment, sexual violence) is never tolerated. All Participants must
act to ensure a working and learning environment free from these behaviours.
If there is a case against a Participant for a possible breach of the code of conduct, then a committee will be formed
to recommend a suitable disciplinary action that shall inquire into the alleged violation and accordingly suggest the
action to be taken against the said Participant. The committee may connect with the Participant to ascertain the
misconduct and suggest one or more of the following disciplinary actions based on the nature of the misconduct. A
copy of the disciplinary action may be shared with the current employer.

✓ WARNING- Indicating that the action of the said delinquent Participant violated the Code and any
further acts of misconduct shall result in severe disciplinary action.
✓ RESTRICTIONS -Reprimanding and Restricting access to the programme for a specified period.
✓ EXPULSION - Expulsion of a Participant from the programme permanently.
✓ MONETARY PENALTY- This may also include suspension or forfeiture of the programme fee.
✓ SUSPENSION- A Participant may be suspended for a specified period, which will prohibit participating
in Participant-related activities, classes, evaluation, etc. Suspension may also be followed by possible
dismissal and additional penalties.
✓ Ineligibility to reapply for admission to the Institute for three years and
✓ Withholding the certificate for the programme studied or work carried out.

I accept that any act considered an Honour Code violation will invite disciplinary action.

Date...................................... Participant's Signature ..............................


Mobile:……………………. Address:……………………………………


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