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The following should be written on the Right Hand Side of the record note book:

Standard Hydrochloric Acid Vs Sodium carbonate

To estimate the amount of Na2CO3 in 1L of the given solution. You are provided with M/20
solution of HCl.

A strong acid, HCl dissociates completely to give H+ ions and Cl− ions in water. Sodium carbonate,
Na2CO3 dissociates to give Na+ and CO32− ions in water.

2HCl(aq) + Na2CO3(aq) → 2NaCl (aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)

Apparatus required:
Burette, pipette, beaker, conical flask. funnel, phenolphthalein.

Burette solution: 0.1 M of HCl solution.
Pipette solution: 20 mL of Na2CO3 solution
Indicator: Methyl Orange
End point: Colour change from yellow to pale permanent pink colour
Molar mass of Na2CO3: 106 g/mol
Temperature: Room temperature

The molarity of Na2CO3 = ______ M.
The amount of Na2CO3 present in 1L of the given solution = _______ g/L.
The following should be written on the Left Hand Side:

Hydrochloric Acid Vs Sodium carbonate

Sl. No. Volume of Burette Reading, mL Volume Concordant Indicator

Na2CO3 mL Initial Final of Value mL
HCl mL
1. 20 0
2. 20 0

3. 20 0

Volume of standard HCl solution, V1 = _____ mL.
Molarity of standard HCl solution, M1 = _____ M.
Volume of unknown Na2CO3 solution, V2 = _____ mL.
Molarity of unknown Na2CO3 solution, M2 = _____ M.

M1V1a1 = M2V2a2
a1 =2; a2 = 1

M 1 V 1 a1 M 1 V 1
M 2= = = =¿ ¿
V 2 a2 2∗V 2

The amount of Na2CO3 present in 1L = Molar mass of Na2CO3 x Molarity = 106 x M2 = _______ g/L.

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