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Bekasi, November 2022

Subject: Job Application

Mr / Mrs Leader
In place

Yours faithfully,
Based on the information I have obtained that the company that you lead is in need of
employees, therefore I the undersigned :

Name : Arif Wibowo

Place/Date. Born : Bekasi/ July 19, 1993
Gender : Male
Religion : Islam
Last Education : S-1 Industrial Engineering
GPA : 3.53
Address : Jl. H Ledang No. 27 RT/RW 003/003 Sepanjang Jaya, Rawalumbu,
Bekasi City

Hereby submit an application to Mr / Ms, may you consider me to be an employee in the

company that Mr / Mrs lead. Currently I am used to working using a computer, I can also
work independently or in a team, prioritizing honesty in my work. With my educational
background, I believe I can contribute to the company that you lead.
For your consideration, I also attach:
1. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
2. Photocopy of ID card
3. Recent 3x4 photo
4. Copy of Last Diploma
5. Photocopy of Transcript of Values
6. Photocopy of Paklaring
7. Photocopy of training certificate

Thus I convey this job application letter, I really hope to join the company that Mr / Mrs lead.
Thank you for your attention.
Yours faithfully,

Arif Wibowo

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