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Pakistan Association of Cognitive Therapies

Research Ethics Board (REB)
Composition, Purpose, Functions, and Responsibilities
The Institutional Review Board of Pakistan Association of Cognitive Therapists (PACT) will be
called Research Ethics Board (REB). It will be referred to as REB shortly.
Research Ethical Board is to review, monitor, approve and provide oversight for research
involving biological organisms including human subjects or animals to ensure that it is
conducted in an ethical and responsible manner. All the research proposals submitted for
research grant or submitted to be published in the proposed journal (IMPACT) will be
thoroughly evaluated, assessed by the REB to process further. The REB will also keep a periodic
check on the already approved ongoing research projects at least annually or before publication
of every issue of IMPACT.
Functions of the REB

1. Reviewing research proposals involving human and animal subjects. The REB should
meet at least once quarterly in 2 nd week of January, April, July, and October every year.
However, additional meetings can be convened by the REB in consultation with Chair
REB. Attendance of regular members is essential for reviewing of research proposals.
However, the quorum of REB meeting is 5 members including REB Chair.
2. Assessment and reviewing of research proposals and research projects according to
ethical standards and protocols of PPA/APA etc.
3. Ensuring that informed consent procedures or other ethical standards are clear and
participants are fully informed of the nature and implementation of the research, potential
risks, and their rights according to PPA/APA.
4. Determining the level and severity level of risk involved in the research and whether it is
justified by the potential benefits to the society or humanity.
5. Ensuring that participant privacy and data confidentiality are protected throughout the
research process and they are also informed about publication of the results and their
applicability and benefits to the society.
6. Special attention and steps of the researchers will be monitored in studies involving
vulnerable populations, such as children, physically and mentally handicap, mentally
retarded, prisoners, and individuals with limited decision-making capacity. Special
attention to gender related issues is also required.
7. Maintaining of records of all those submitted research papers, proposals, the protocols
made by the board and decisions of the board taking place time to time.
8. Ensuring transparency in the research process and board decisions which are necessary
for promoting public and the organizational trust in research.

9. Hearing ethical issues from investigators/researchers and to give advice for resolving
those issues.

Note: The REB members should report any attempts of undue influence to the PACT President.
The functions above apply to both regular members and alternate members.

The composition of the REB will be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure that the composition
meets the PACT requirements. This review will be conducted by the REB Chair and President
PACT. REB Chair will be accountable to the President regarding all the matters of REB
members and record. President can suggest changes in the REB composition or addition of new

The following will be the composition of REB: (five members committee, law, technical
expertise (psychiatrist and psychologist).
1 Dr. Alam Zeb Khattak PhD Psychology In Charge REB Chair
2 Mudasir Abdullah PhD Psychology Scholar Coordinator Research Convener
Grants and Funding
3 Dr. Muhamma Saif Ullah Cl. Psychologist Scientific
Qureshi PhD Psychology Member
4 MBBS/FCPS Psychiatrist Scientific
5 Ibrar Ullah LLM Legal Member
6 MBBS/FCPS GP /Community Medicine Non-
Specialist Scientific
7 Abdur Rehman PhD Social Worker Non-
Scholar/Professional Scientific
Social Worker ANF Member
8 Hafsa Iqbal MPhil Psychology / International Member Non-
working as Cl Scientific
Psychologist in Dubai Member
9 Aurang Zeb Khan PhD Scholar in Disaster Lay member (Member of Non-
Mehsud Management the Sample Population) Scientific

Composition Policy

 The REB should have at least six members with varying backgrounds to promote complete and
adequate review of research undertaken by the PACT. Selection of the members for the
paper/proposal meeting will be done according to the area of the research.

 The scientific, and non- scientific, members will be selected by In-charge REB for a term of 3
years. The members may resign if they find themselves unable to fulfill their responsibilities.
The In-charge REB may remove a member if they find the member unable to perform his/her
responsibilities. (include a condition, one cannot remove the member without a solid reason like
not attending meetings or performing their tasks)
 The REB should have diversified membership in terms of both gender, race and area of
 The REB should have members representing more than one profession.
 At least one member should have primary concerns in scientific areas.
 At least one member should have primary concerns in nonscientific area.
 At least one member is not otherwise affiliated with the PACT. The officials mentioned at 5 to
11 should be outside PACT.
 At least one member represents the perspective of research participants.

Note: The Individuals who are responsible for business development are prohibited from serving
as members or ex-officio members on the REB and from carrying out day-to-day operations of
the review process.


REB Chair

The REB Chair is responsible for:

 Providing leadership and guidelines to the REB members when required and also amend the
rules and regulations of REB time to time when necessary.
 Conducting convened REB meetings and distribution of the responsibilities and to take updates
from all members regarding their position.
 Reviewing minor deviations and/or other events that qualify for review by expedited procedures
 Assisting with investigations/audits of investigators
 Reviewing and signing correspondence related to REB
 Ensuring that REB members with a conflict of interest are not present for the discussion and vote
on the research where he/she has a conflict
 Conducting review of REB minutes and keep an eye over the record of REB.
 Selecting new REB members in consultation with President PACT (optional for the in-charge or
 Assisting with the annual evaluation of the REB activities and identification of all those areas or
shortcomings which needs amendments or development.

REB Member Responsibilities

REB members are responsible for:

 Attending monthly REB meetings and participating in the review of research papers or proposals
submitted for research grants.

 Completing human subjects research training (discuss/ HEC?)

 Conducting and/or assisting with review of research by expedited procedures or standards
 Serving on REB sub-committees as needed
 Working with investigators to resolve issues related to REB review
 Maintaining current knowledge of applicable regulations, laws, and institutional policies related
to ethical issues in research.
 Participating in discussions of issues related to the review of human subjects’ research including
policy development

Note: IRB members should report any attempts of undue influence to the President PACT.

The responsibilities above apply to both regular members and alternate members.

Evaluation of the REB

REB Chair

All the activities of the REB Chair which are performed on behalf of PACT is evaluated by the
President PACT. The REB Chair receives a copy of his/her evaluation at the end of every year.

REB Members

REB members are evaluated on an annual basis by the REB Chair and President PACT. REB
members receive a copy of their evaluation at the end of every year.

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