Globalization of Korea

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Globalization of Korea

After years of achieving massive industrialization through export-oriented

development, South Korea is now implementing another "winning" adjustment to
post-cold war world politics and the global market. This time, South Korea is a
multinational investor, setting up plants and opening up foreign markets. The
aforementioned growth in South Korea's foreign investment represents the initial
phase of globalization. The increase of numbers of foreigners in Korea has also taken
part in the globalization of the country. Domestic migration hasn’t been the cause of
unemployment in the country rather, a persistent labor shortage in the manufacturing
sector has arisen, especially for small businesses that often work as subcontractors
for larger businesses. The technology in this country had also evolved throughout
the years through the use of foreign expansion, as the Korean firms and businesses
invest in the foreign investments that gave an opportunity for their businesses to be
known globally. The trading system in Korea also expanded throughout the years.
One of the main buyers from the open and rule-based international trading system
was Korea. As one of the top trading nations in the world today, Korea wants to take
the lead in bringing the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) negotiations to a close
in order to keep the momentum going for more global liberalization. Also, Korea
ought to support the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) as a successful
regional association.

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