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Organization No. Scheme Audit Type Audit No.

FSC 00024 HACCP Renewal

GMP+ 2020 Surveillance and



Address: Jl. Cut Nyak Dien, Kelurahan Bangsal Aceh, Kecamatan Sungai

Audit Date(s): 30 - 31 Januari 2024

Audit Objectives: To determine company condition related to HACCP certification and
focused on GMP/SSOP, HACCP principles, HACCP plan and current
activities of HACCP implementation
Scope (Category): Manufacture of CPKO and PKE
(Receiving, Storing, Pressing, Storing Final Product, and Loading)
Manufacture of RBDPO and PFAD, RBDPOlein, and Stearin
(Receiving, Degumming, Bleaching, Deodorization, Filtration,
Cristalization, Fractination, Storing Final Product, and Loading)
Sector Code: 2
Not Applicable -
Audit Team: Vidyana P. (ATL)
Vini Virdiana Mulideas (auditor)
Relevant  Organization Policy and Objectives (Quality, Environmental, Safety &
Documentation: Health, Food, Product, Information Security, etc).
 Manual and Procedures.
 Other related documents to ensure the effectiveness of planning,
Operation and control of its processes.
 Records.
Facilities:  Room for opening & closing meeting & report writing.
 Personnel concerned with audit subject.
 Management representative to provide overall assistance.
 Any other facilities necessary as organization’s requirements.
Report Distribution: 1. Organization to be audited (original)
2. Audit Team (copy)

Audit Team Leader

……………………...... Vidyana P. 24 Jan 2024

(Signed) (Name) (Date)

Sucofindo ICS FRM 3.12

Issue 04 Rev. 4
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Detail of Audit Plan

Date/Time Functions / areas / Department / activities to be audited (include Auditor(s)
related requirements)
30/01/2024 1st Day
09.00 Opening Meeting All
Food Safety Team
Management commitment, Leadership, Awareness, Communication,
Resources Availability
Organisasi (Identitas, Struktur, Penetapan Tim HACCP/Tim
Keamanan Pangan dan Penetapan Ruang Lingkup, Deskripsi Produk
Akhir, Tujuan Penggunaan dan Pengguna, Diagram Alir, dan
Konfirmasi Diagram Alir di Lapangan)
Prinsip HACCP: Identifiksai Bahaya, Analisa Bahaya, Penetapan
CCP, Penetapan Batas Kritis dan Validasinya, Pemantauan CCP,
Penetapan Tindakan Korektif, Validasi Rencana HACCP dan
Prosedur Verifikasi, Dokumentasi dan Rekaman, Pelatihan
Bagian 7 - Pengendalian operasi: Deskripsi produk dan proses,
Aspek kunci Cara Higiene yang Baik (CHB), Air, Dokumentasi dan
rekaman, Prosedur penarikan (recall) – penarikan produk pangan
yang tidak aman dari pasar
GMP+ 2020
4. The Context of The GMP+ Certified Company
4.1 Compliance with Feed Legislation and This Standard
4.2 Understanding the Needs and Expectation of Interested Parties
4.3 Determining the Scope of the Feed Safety Management System
Feed Safety Management System

5. Leadership
5.1 Commitment of the Top Management
5.2 Feed Safety Policy (Feed safety policy content/ Communicating
feed safety policy)
5.3 Responsibility (Top Management’s Responsibility /
Responsibilities of the Feed Safety Team Leader/
Responsibilities of the Validation Team Responsibilities of the All
persons involved)
09.30 GMP+ 2020 VD
6. Planning
6.1 FSMS Objectives (Changes on the FSMS)
9. Assessment of the FSMS Performance
9.1 Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis and Assessment
9.2 Internal Audit
9.3 Management Review
10. Improvement
10.1 Deviations and Corrective Actions

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10.2 Continuous Improvement

Update of the FSMS
12.00 Break
13.15 GMP+ 2020 VD
8. Operation
Operational planning and control (8.1); Requirements for products and
services (8.2); Customer communication (8.2.1); Determination of
requirements for products and services (8.2.2); Review of the
requirements for products and services (8.2.3); Changes to
requirements for products and services (8.2.4)
Control of externally provided processes, products and services (8.4);
General (8.4.1); Type and extent of control (8.4.2); Information for
external providers (8.4.3);
Production and service provision (8.5); Control of production and
service provision (8.5.1); Identification and traceability (8.5.2);
Property belonging to customers or external providers (8.5.3);
Preservation (8.5.4); Post-delivery activities (8.5.5); Control of
changes (8.5.6); Release of products and services (8.6); Control of
non-conforming outputs (8.7).
Bagian 8 - Informasi produk dan kesadaran konsumen: Identifikasi
lot dan ketertelusuran, Informasi produk, Pelabelan produk, Edukasi
13.15 Melanjutkan kegiatan audit sebelumnya VVM
17.00 End of audit day 1

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Date/Time Functions / areas / Department / activities to be audited (include Auditor(s)

related requirements)
31/01/2024 2nd Day
09.00 HACCP CXC 2020 VD
Bagian 4 - Pelatihan dan kompetensi: Kesadaran dan tanggung
jawab, Program pelatihan, Arahan dan supervise, Pelatihan
Bagian 6 - Higiene pribadi: Status kesehatan, Penyakit dan cedera,
Kebersihan pribadi, Perilaku pribadi, Pengunjung dan orang lain dari
luar bangunan
GMP+ 2020
7. Support
7.1 Resources (General/People/Infrastructure/ Work environment/
Management of suppliers)
7.2 Competence
7.3 Awareness
7.4 Communication (General/External Communication / Internal
7.5 Documented Information (General/Creating and Updating)
7.6 Control of Documented Information
09.00 Bagian 5 - Pemeliharaan bangunan, pembersihan dan disinfeksi, VVM
serta pengendalian hama: Pemeliharaan dan pembersihan, Sistem
pengendalian hama, Pengelolaan limbah
Bagian 9 - Transportasi: Umum, Persyaratan, Penggunaan dan
12.00 Break
13.15 Reporting VD, VVM
15.00 Closing Meeting All
17.00 End of audit
Note: control of document and records. Monitoring of achieving quality objective, analysis data,
and improvement will be audited at each area

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