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All newly admitted students of the University of Ghana are required to undertake a medical
examination. The purpose of the examination is to identify some common conditions that can
affect your academic work. The information provided below will guide you through the Student
Medical Examination (SME) processes.

Stage One: - Medical Investigations (insert link)

1. Login with their Student ID and PIN,
2. Make payment of the medical investigation fees (Ghȼ500.00),
3. Complete the online Medical Questionnaire,
4. Book for the laboratory and radiological investigations,
5. Report at the Reception at the SME Centre for verification of payment and undergo
laboratory and radiological tests on the appointed date and time, and
6. Book to see a Medical Officer for the physical examination and evaluation. (Students will
be reminded via SMS and / or email of the date to present at the SME Centre for the
physical examination).

Stage Two: - Physical Examination

1. Report at the Reception at the SME Centre for physical examination on the appointed date
and time,
2. Front Desk personnel will confirm booking and direct students to the Nurses Station for
biophysical measurements and visual acuity tests,
3. The Medical Officer will make a determination of the fitness of the student and discuss
results of all the investigations conducted with student, and
4. Copies of medical investigations will be made available to students via email.

Please do not miss out on this exercise. Failure to do so will result in your inability to register
for your second year courses.

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