Reaction Paper

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Reaction Paper

The video about advanced interaction is focused on various interaction devices and
understanding different interaction elements. When the internet was invented, the emergence of
new types of devices advanced our interactions with others, including communication,
information transfer, and more. The internet enables us to connect with each other seamlessly.
As an IT student, the devices used in interaction are familiar to me. I primarily use a computer
with a GeForce graphics card, hard disk drive (HDD), and an AMD Ryzen 5 processor.
Additionally, I have input devices such as a webcam for online classes, a keyboard, mouse, and
sometimes a controller for gaming during free time. Output devices like a printer, speakers, and
monitors are also part of my setup.I also learned that despite advancements in interactions,
there are still limitations, such as storage channels and graphics bounds. I can personally relate
to these limitations, particularly in graphics, as my PC struggles with gaming when multiple
windows are open, causing lag.To overcome these limitations, upgrade components like the
graphics card, RAM, HDD, and more. Network capacity is also mentioned, and I can relate to
slow network issues when multiple users are connected to the router. After watching the video, I
conclude that it emphasizes the advancements in interaction devices and elements while
acknowledging the existing limitations and proposing solutions for improvement.

After watching the interaction framework, at first, I was kind of confused. However, after the
examples were given, I finally understood it. Now, I can also provide an example. For instance,
a microwave. I know this is not typically considered an interaction framework, but as far as I
comprehend from the video, let's imagine a microwave as a user interface, and the process of
heating food as the user interaction.The user interface, in this case, comprises the physical
buttons and dials on the microwave, representing the means for users to interact with the
appliance similar to the power button on a PC, as demonstrated in the video. Moving on to
feedback, the display panel and audible signals offer feedback to the user. For instance, the
display may show the remaining cooking time, and a beep may indicate when the cooking
process is complete.

After watching the video on Interaction Elements, I learned that troubleshooting output devices,
such as printers or monitors, involves checking both hardware and software. So, the next time
my output devices aren't working properly, I will examine both aspects to effectively address any
issues.I also grasped the concept that spatial relationships fall under control display
relationships. The explanation using the example of a mouse made it easy for me to understand
how spatial mappings work. For instance, dragging the mouse to the left corresponds to the
cursor moving left, and similar actions apply to scrolling down or dragging down the scroll panel.
The video also shed light on latency, clarifying its meaning. Despite having some prior
knowledge due to the term itself ("LATE"), the video provided a deeper understanding. For
instance, using controllers such as Bluetooth in phones may introduce latency, especially when
playing online games with a slow internet connection.
The mental methods and metaphor examples were intriguing, such as the desktop, bug,
browsing, cookies, and the cloud—all concepts now related to the computer world. Modes,
represented by buttons on devices like the home button or on/off logo in monitors and PCs,
were explained, showcasing how pressing them triggers specific actions.The video touched on
the mobile context, referring to touchscreens, and highlighted features like dragging,
swiping/sliding, multi-touch, and turning the device left or right (accelerometers), commonly
seen in racing games. Finally, the discussion on newer technology, such as organic LCDs, was
fascinating. Seeing my classmate fold his phone really amazed me, as it showcased the
advancements in technology. Witnessing the capability to fold a cellphone without damaging its
internal components makes me excited to see more innovations in the next 10 years.

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