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Vocabulary log (Unit 16, 17, 18, 19, 20)


Controversial Causing disagreement or We rarely see people talking
discussion. about controversial issues
on TV.
Compulsory If something is compulsory, Even he have to do the
you must do it because of a compulsory agreements.
rule or law.
Inherent Existing as a natural or basic Those are clearly inherent
part of something. differences between people.
Stereotype A set idea that people have That’s an old stereotype,
about what someone or clearly.
something is like, especially
an idea that is wrong.
Promoted To encourage people to like, Not only should it be
buy, use, do, or support allowed, but it should also
something. be promoted.
Awry Not in the intended way. When something goes awry
in the office we blame on
Lurk To wait or move in a secret Before I realized it, I saw a
way so that you cannot be shadow lurking and running
seen, especially because you fast, like wanting not to be
are about to do something seen.
Shift to cause something to move Since I try to shift him to
or change from one position change his opinions, I want
or direction to another, get it good.
especially slightly.
Infer to form an opinion or guess Unless what I infer is correct,
that something is true we’ll not have to pretend to
because of the information know everything.
that you have.
Parallel used to describe an event or I’ve never seen a parallel
situation that happens at the example anywhere I’ve
same time as and/or is been.
similar to another one.
Decrepit in very bad condition While they were selling a
because of being old, or not decrepit car, they had
having been cared for, or rejected by few purchaser.
having been used a lot.
Elude If something that you want While in the competence,
eludes you, you do not she still eludes him.
succeed in achieving it.
Oozing flowing slowly out of After he left the hospital, we
something through a small saw his head oozing a fluid
opening, or to slowly similar as blood.
produce a thick sticky liquid:
Dawned on If a fact dawns on you, you Before I was about to pay for
understand it after a period the shopping when it
of not understanding it. suddenly dawned on me
that I'd left my wallet at
Confrontation a situation in which people Seeing that it was about to
or groups with opposing get a confrontation, he
ideas or opinions disagree chose to flee.
Mitigate to make something less I was so worried about my
harmful, unpleasant, or bad. health, so to mitigate the
pain I took some pills.
Enhance to improve the quality, Because I wanted to
amount, or strength of enhance the quality of
something. education of my children, I
did changed them to another
Induce to persuade someone to do My teacher’s school wanted
something. to induce me improve my
writings, while my mom only
listen to what she says.
Vivid Vivid descriptions, I can remember names of
memories, etc. produce very people; however, I can’t
clear, powerful, and detailed remember as vivid,
images in the mind. moments of my childhood.
Core the basic and most Even if the experiences are
important part of something. the core for our memories,
the words are also an
important factor for our
Temperament the part of your character That he fits his parents
that affects your moods and temperament is obvious.
the way you behave.
Sole being one only; single. You can notice that he is a
sole child.
Niche position that is very suitable I wonder how did he felt the
for someone, especially one niche with those people.
that they like.
Compelling If a reason, argument, etc. is Is interesting how everyone
compelling, it makes you is compelling about what the
believe it or accept it director said.
because it is so strong.
Conscientious A person put a lot of effort Whether he is conscientious
into his work. about what he do is
something I believe.

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