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10/31/23, 5:18 PM Electrical and Electronics Measurements Interview Questions and Answers - Electronics Post

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10/31/23, 5:18 PM Electrical and Electronics Measurements Interview Questions and Answers - Electronics Post

Electrical and Electronics and


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Answers (3)

Measurements Interview Electronics Instruments (1)

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Questions and Answers Answers (20)

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Q.1. What is measurement?
Logic Gates and Boolean
Algebra (10)
Answer: Measurement is essentially the act, or the Long Questions and
result, of a quantitative comparison between a given Answers (3)
MCQ (6)
quantity and a quantity of the same kind chosen as a
Microcontroller (1)
standard or a unit.
Multiple Choice Questions
and Answers (59)
Q.2. How are the performance characteristics of an Number System (1)
instrumentation system judged? Operational Amplifier (3)
Oscilloscopes (2)
Answer: The performance characteristics of an PCB (49)
instrumentation system are judged by how faithfully Popular (3)

the system measures the desired input and how Product Reviews (1)
Rectifier (1)
thoroughly it rejects the undesirable inputs.
Relay (2)

Q.3. What is tolerance? Is it a static characteristic of Resistors (5)

SCR (3)
measuring instrument?
Semiconductor (6)
Semiconductor Diode (7)
Answer: Tolerance is a term which is closely related to
Sequential Circuit (3)
accuracy and defines the maximum error which is to be
Short Questions (2)
expected in some value. Strictly speaking it is not a Short Questions and
static characteristic of measuring instrument. Answers (15)  2/14
10/31/23, 5:18 PM Electrical and Electronics Measurements Interview Questions and Answers - Electronics Post

Signal Processing (3)

Q.4. What is meant by loading effect?
Sinusoidal Oscillator (3)

Answer: The incapability of the system to faithfully Special Purpose Diodes (1)
Switching Circuits (2)
measure, re3cord or control the input signal
Tech (16)
(measurand) in undistorted form is known as loading
Tech Advice (1)
effect. Tech News (2)
Transistor (10)
Q.5. Why standard resistors use single layer coils? Triac (1)
Uncategorized (15)
Answer: Standard resistors make use of single layer
VLSI Design (5)
coils from the point of view of availability of maximum Voltage Regulator (11)
heat dissipation. Voltage Stabilizer (1)
Voltage Stabilizer (1)
Q.6. Enumerate the properties that must be had by the Waveform coding
techniques (2)
materials used in the manufacture of a standard
Zener Diode (1)

Answer: The materials to be used in the manufacture of

a standard resistance should have the properties of-
High resistivity. Small temperature coefficient. Greater
permanence. Low thermoelectric effects. Free from
effects of oxidation, moisture, acids etc.

Q.7. Why is it necessary to use four-terminal resistance

coils for low resistance standards?

Answer: In order to obtain uniform current distribution

through the cross section of the resistance material, the
current terminals should be at an appreciable distance
from the tapping points of the potential leads. That is
why the resistance coils for low resistance standards are
fitted four terminals – 2 current terminals and 2
potential terminals. 3/14
10/31/23, 5:18 PM Electrical and Electronics Measurements Interview Questions and Answers - Electronics Post

Q.8. Why is air always used as the dielectric in primary

capacitance standards?

Answer: Air is the only dielectric whose permittivity is

definitely known and is free from absorption and
dielectric loss.

Q.9. What are IEEE standards?

Answer: IEEE standards are slightly different types of

standards published and maintained by the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers with headquarters
in New York City. These standards are not physical
items that are available for comparison and checking of
the secondary standards but are standard procedures,
nomenclature, definitions etc.

Q.10. What is the difference between absolute error and

relative error?

Answer: Absolute error is equal to the difference of the

measured value and the true value of the measurand.
But relative error is equal to the ratio of absolute error
to the true value of the quantity under measurement.

Q.11. What is meant by resolution of an instrument?

Answer: The resolution of any instrument is the

smallest change in the input signal which can be
detected by the instrument. It may be expressed as an
actual value or as a fraction or percentage of the full
scale value.

Q.12. How do accuracy and precision differ from each

other?  4/14
10/31/23, 5:18 PM Electrical and Electronics Measurements Interview Questions and Answers - Electronics Post

Answer: Accuracy is defined as the degree of exactness

(closeness) of a measurement compared to the expected
(desired) value, whereas precision is a measure of the
consistency or repeatability of measurements, i.e.
successive readings do not differ. Precision is the
consistency of the instrument output for a given value
of input.

Q.13. What are systematic errors?

Answer: Systematic errors remain constant or change

according to a definite law on repeated measurement of
the given quantity. These errors can be evaluated and
their influence on the results of measurement can be
eliminated by the introduction of proper corrections.

Q.14. What is the expression for probable error if the

reading of measurement follows Gaussian distribution?

Answer: The probable error is given as r = 0.6745σ,

where σ is the standard deviation.

Q.15. What for are null type instruments mainly used

and why?

Answer: The null type instruments are more accurate

and highly sensitive as compared with deflection type
instruments, and therefore, are more suitable for
calibration purposes.

Q.16. What are the various effects of electric

current/voltage, upon which the principle of operation
of electrical measuring instruments is based? 5/14
10/31/23, 5:18 PM Electrical and Electronics Measurements Interview Questions and Answers - Electronics Post

Answer: The effects utilized in the manufacturing of

electrical instruments are magnetic, heating, chemical,
electrostatic and electromagnetic effects.

Q.17. What are the essential qualities which the

materials used for control springs must possess?

Answer: The essential qualities, for materials used for

springs, are that they should be non-magnetic, proof
against mechanical fatigue and in particular of low
resistivity and low temperature coefficient specially
when it is used as lead for current flowing to the
moving elements.

Q.18. When is the instrument said to be dead beat?

Answer: When the degree of damping is such that the

pointer rises quickly to its deflected position without
oscillations, the damping is said to be “critical” and the
instrument is said to be dead beat.

Q.19. How does eddy current damping torque vary with

the variation in the velocity of the moving element?

Answer: The damping torque varies linearly with the

variation in velocity of the moving element provided
that the strength of the magnetic field is constant.

Q.20. How does eddy current damping torque vary with

the radial position of the poles relative to the axis of
the disc?

Answer: Damping torque decreases with the movement

of the magnet towards the edge of the disc and becomes 6/14
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zero when the centers of the poles are at the edge of the

Q.21. Why in some instruments, the end of the pointer

is flattened and a strip of mirror glass is fitted below the
graduated scale and behind the pointer?

Answer: In precision instruments, the end of the

pointer is flattened and a strip of mirror glass is fitted
immediately below the graduated scale and behind the
pointer. The mirror assists the observer in positioning
his eye so that it is directly above the pointer, when the
pointer and its image coincide. Thus error in reading
due to parallax avoided.

Q.22. What is the difference between an ammeter and a


Answer: Ammeter is a low resistance indicating

instrument while the voltmeter is high resistance one.

Q.23. Why should an ammeter be of very low


Answer: Ammeter, which is connected in series with the

circuit carrying the current under measurement, must
be of very low resistance so that the voltage drop across
the ammeter and power absorbed from the circuit are as
low as possible.

Q.24. Why should a voltmeter be of very high


Answer: Voltmeter, which is connected in parallel with

the circuit across which the voltage is to be measured,  7/14
10/31/23, 5:18 PM Electrical and Electronics Measurements Interview Questions and Answers - Electronics Post

must be of very high resistance so that the current

flowing through the voltmeter and the power absorbed
from the circuit are minimum possible.

Q.25. How can an ammeter be changed in to a


Answer: An ammeter of low range can be converted

into a voltmeter by connecting a high resistance in
series with it provided the current through the series
combination is within the range of the ammeter when
connected across the voltage under measurement.

Q.26. What happens when an ammeter is connected

across the circuit?

Answer: If an ammeter is connected in parallel to the

circuit like a voltmeter, a very high current will flow
through it which will produce such an excessive heat
that the insulation of the wire carrying the current will
be destroyed. The wire may itself melt away. Thus the
instrument will get damaged.

Q.27. What happens when a voltmeter is connected in

series with the circuit?

Answer: If a voltmeter is connected in series with the

circuit, the circuit resistance will become too large and
consequently a very small current will flow through it.
The instrument will however, read almost the same emf
acting in the circuit.

Q.28. Can the same moving iron instrument can be used

for both dc and ac measurements? 8/14
10/31/23, 5:18 PM Electrical and Electronics Measurements Interview Questions and Answers - Electronics Post

Answer: Yes, the same moving iron instrument can be

used for both dc and ac measurements because it has a
square law response.

Q.29. Why is eddy current damping not possible in

moving iron instruments?

Answer: Eddy current damping is not possible in

moving iron instruments because of presence of
permanent magnet required for each purpose would
affect the deflection i.e. the reading of the instrument.

Q.30. How is controlling torque provided in PMMC


Answer: In PMMC instruments, controlling torque is

provided by two phosphor bronze hair springs, either
helical or spiral coiled in opposite directions normally
equal in strengths.

Q.31. How is dynamometer type instrument used as an

ammeter for measurements of small currents?

Answer: For using a dynamometer type instrument as

an ammeter for measurements of small currents, its
moving and fixed coils are connected in series.

Q.32. Why are the rectifier instruments indispensable

for measurements in communication circuits?

Answer: The rectifier instruments are indispensable for

measurements in communication circuits since because
of their very high sensitivity, the power required for
their operation is small enough to be within the
capacities of the circuit.  9/14
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Q.33. What do you understand by ammeter shunt?

Answer: An ammeter shunt is merely a low resistance

that is placed across the coil circuit of the instrument in
order to measure fairly large currents.

Q.34. Name the materials usually used for ammeter


Answer: Manganin for dc circuits and constantan for ac


Q.35. How do instrument transformers differ from

power transformers?

Answer: The main difference between instrument and

power transformers is that the instrument transformers
are required to transform relatively small amounts of
power because their only loads, called burdens,
constitute the delicate moving elements of

Q.36. What do you understand by the term ‘burden’ of a


Answer: The product of voltage and current on the

secondary side, when the CT is supplying the
instrument with its maximum rated value of current, is
known as rated burden and is expressed in volt-

Q.37. What is meant by term compensation and why is

it done?

Answer: The accuracy of a CT may be improved, at least

with respect to transformation ratio, by modification of 10/14
10/31/23, 5:18 PM Electrical and Electronics Measurements Interview Questions and Answers - Electronics Post

the ratio of turns. Correction can be made by a small

reduction in secondary terms. The transformer so
corrected may be marked as compensated.

Q.38. Why in a CT design the reluctance of the

magnetic path and magnetic flux density are kept low?

Answer: The CT is designed with a view to minimize the

current ratio and phase angle errors and for small
errors it is necessary to keep magnetizing and energy
components of exiting current small. Magnetizing
component of the exciting current is made small by
keeping reluctance of the magnetic path low while the
energy or power loss component of exciting current is
made small by employing relatively low values of flux

Q.39. What is the effect of change in power factor of

secondary burden on the ratio and phase angle errors of
a PT (Potential Transformers)?

Answer: A change from unity to a lagging power factor

of secondary burden tends to increase ratio error but to
decrease the phase angle.

Q.40. Why is not an ordinary electrodynamometer

wattmeter suitable for measurement of power in low
power factor circuits?

Answer: ordinary electrodynamometer wattmeter is not

suitable for measurement of power in low power factor
circuits owing to –

Small deflecting torque on the moving system even

when the current and pressure coils are fully  11/14
10/31/23, 5:18 PM Electrical and Electronics Measurements Interview Questions and Answers - Electronics Post

Introduction of large error due to inductance of
pressure coil at low power factor.

Q.41. What is the need of providing copper shading

bands on the pressure coil magnet of induction type

Answer: In order to cause the resultant flux in shunt

magnet to lag in phase by exactly 90 degree behind the
applied voltage, one or more copper rings, known as
copper shading bands are provided on one limb of the
shunt magnet.

Q.42. In what respect 3-ammeter method is superior to

3-voltmeter method of power measurement in a single
phase ac circuit?

Answer: The drawbacks of 3-voltmeter method in

comparison to 3-ammeter method are –

Even small errors in measurement of voltages may

cause serious errors in the value of power
Supply voltage higher than normal voltage is

Q.43. Why is the use of aluminium disc preferred over

copper disc in energy meters?

Answer: An aluminium disc is usually preferred to a

copper disc in order to have resistance per unit weight

Q.44. What is creeping in motor type energy meters? 12/14
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Answer: In some energy meters, the disc continues

rotating when the potential coils are excited but with
no load current flow. This defect is known as creeping.

Q.45. What is the effect of bringing the shading band

nearer to the disc on the speed of the disc?

Answer: The speed of the disc will decrease.

Q.46. Why is the speed of the rotating disc in energy

meter kept as small as possible?

Answer: The full load speed of the rotating disc in

energy meter is kept as small as possible so that the self
braking action is reduced to minimum.

Q.47. How is moving-magnet type transducer superior

to moving-coil velocity pick up?

Answer: Moving-magnet type devices are simple,

robust and inexpensive and provide a sufficient high
voltage output as they permit a quite lot of windings.
Another advantage is that the connection to the leads
does not suffer any motion so maintenance
requirements are negligible.

Q.48. How can the range of vibrating reed frequency

meter be doubled?

Answer: The range of vibrating reed frequency meter is

doubled by polarizing its reed.

Q.49. On what principle does Weston frequency meter

operate? 13/14
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Answer: Weston frequency meter is a moving iron

instrument which operates on the principle of variation
of impedance in an inductive circuit with the variation
in supply frequency.

Q.50. Why is moving iron power factor meter is less

accurate than dynamometer type?

Answer: Moving iron power factor meter is less

accurate than dynamometer type because of
introduction of error owing to the losses in the iron
parts of the instrument.

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