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Transfer MIC results to batch characteristics

Create characteristic

Create class and assign characteristic in class

Assign class to material and assign 1 inspection type in qm view
01 inspection type assigned

Now create MIC with reference to batch characteristic

System will create mic as reference characteristic
Quantitative data will be automatically taken from characteristic
Now assign this MIC in inspection plan of material

Now to run this scenario make sure you have made configuration setting at plant level as
Now when GR will be done for material inspection lot will be generated and stock will be in

If we check stock in MMBE

Display batch –
Currently no values maintained for batch characteristic.

Now From QA32 do result recording and usage decision

In result recording we will maintain results for all MIC

Here we have maintained 1.35 value for carbon content mic which is linked to batch

Now do usage decision and do stock posting

After doing UD we can check batch characteristic MIC results will automatically copied to
batch characteristic

Display batch –

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