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A Research Paper
Presented to
The Faculty of
Tubungan National High School
Brgy. Teniente Benito, Tubungan Iloilo

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the

Inquiry, Investigation and Immersion subject

Cindy T. Cabocillo
Fe R. Calzado
Sunshine T. Maderal
Trixcy Mae L. Poblacion
Donnabelle C. Ta-ala
April Mae T. Tagaro
Ardelyn T. Tagudinay
Joylyn T. Tagudiña
This study was conducted to find out the level of perception of the evaluators of the
White Gourd Melon Steamed Native Chicken as perceived by the evaluators as to aroma, color,
taste, texture and general acceptability. It also determined the significance difference in the level
of perception of the evaluators of White Gourd Melon Steamed Native Chicken. The evaluators
of this study where the ten (10) Culinary Students, ten (10) Culinary Art Teachers and ten (10)
CArenderia Owner of the Municipality of Tubungan. The data were gathered with the use of the
Five-Point Likert Scale and the Nine-Point Hedonic Scale questionnaire. Mean and standard
deviation were used for descriptive analysis while one-way anova was used to determine if
there is significant difference as aroma, color, taste, texture, and general acceptability as
perceived by the evaluators. All tests were set a 0.05% level of significant, the findings of the
study showed that White Gourd Melon (Benincasa hispida Cogn.) Steamed Native Chicken was
acceptable as to aroma, color, taste, texture and general acceptability. There is no significant
difference in the level of perception of the evaluators as to aroma, color, taste, and general
acceptability while there is significant difference as to its texture
Chapter 1

This chapter is divided into five different parts: (1) Background of the Study, (2) Statement
of the Problem and Hypothesis, (3) Significance of the Study, (4) Definition of Terms, and (5)
Delimitation of the Study.
Part One, Background of the Study, includes the basic information about the study. It also
indicates the importance and validity of the problem chosen for the study, the potential
contribution of the study, the need for the research, and the background information included in
the study.
Part Two, Statement of the Problem, provides specific questions that the researcher seeks
to answer. It also indicates the purpose of the study and specifically, it states both descriptive
and inferential questions.
Part Three, Significance of the Study, gives the people an idea on how relevant the study is
to other researchers. It also states the importance of the study, and the benefits to be derived
from the results of the study.
Part Four, Definition of Terms, defines the words for the purposes and clarity and
understanding. It includes conceptual definition and operational definition.
Part Five, Delimitation of the Study, identifies what are included in the study and the
boundaries of the study, the place and the time.


Chicken is the most common type of poultry in the world and their meat has been
variously adapted to regional tastes. And Ilonggos’ are well known for cooking sumptuous cuisines
in terms of using native chickens, we have known different kinds of cooking native chicken just
like frying, baking, grilling, barbecuing, boiling, and steaming, among others, depending on its
purpose. For many years, the native chicken production in Western Visayas has been a
common livelihood for many farmers. It provides them additional income as well as source of
protein. It serves as a form of savings or insurance for the farmers against periodic shortages as
well as for resource diversification.
Chicken meat and products are generally a very popular food commodity worldwide, as
chicken meat is characterized by low fat, low cholesterol content and high nutritional value (Choi
et al.,2011). Rural poultry farming using native breeds is being practised in many developing
and underdeveloped countries throughout the world. These native breeds of chickens are
playing an important role in rural poor and marginalised section of the people with respect to
their subsidiary income and also provide them with nutritious chicken egg and meat for their
own consumption. However, chicken meat has variety of methods or processes that people can
do. Philippine native chicken has been the main source of meat and eggs for Filipino farmers
(World Poultry, 2000 in Dusaran & Cabarles, 2005).
White gourd melon also known as Kondol and Benincasa hispida Cogn. It’s scientific
name. Balid is a rather coarse, wide-spreading, softly hairy, annual vine with branched tendrils
reaching a length of 4 to 8 meters. Leaves are rounded or kidney- shaped, 10 to 25 centimetres
diameter. The White Gourd belongs to the family of Cucurbitaceae and Benincasa hispida
Cogn. is its binomial name. It is recognized for its medicinal properties in Ayurveda System of
Medicine. It is also commonly known as Wax Gourd, Winter Melon, Green Pumpkin. It is not just
the fruit, which is useful, but its seeds and seed oil is equally useful. Ash gourd is easily
available throughout India (World Farmers, 2019).
The purpose of cooking is to make meat palatable, digestible, and microbiologically safe.
Meat products undergo many changes during cooking, such as weight loss, water holding
capacity, texture, color and aroma development (Mora et a., 2011). These changes are
dependent on protein denaturation and water loss. Additionally, the quality characteristic of
meat products is affected by the composition and characteristic of the muscle, cooking method,
and cooking time and temperature (Kim et al.., 2001; Lee et al.., 2005). Chicken is a lean, cost-
effective source of protein that has a place in any healthy diet. Steaming allows us to cook
chicken without using oil, which eliminates the need to add excess calories and fat. Steamed
chicken also cook quickly, so we can serve the meal on time (Styles, 2018).


Theoretical Framework of the Study
The study was based on theory of innovation, optimization, and exploration (Singleton
2011). This theory defined as a production process that produces something called design and
in change in product offering, which means meaningfully improves the experience of a large
number of individual.

Conceptual Framework
The researchers aimed to determine the level of perception of balid in steamed native
chicken to establish the consumer’s acceptability after consumption. In this study, process
variables are present and these are to determine the level of acceptability of balid in steamed
chicken, manipulation of different proportions of chicken on balid and technique on steaming
chicken on white gourd melon without water.


Preparation of Evaluation of The level of

ingredients and students enrolled on acceptability of white
materials that are Tubungan National gourd melon
High School, steamed native
involved in White Gourd
Culinary Arts chicken as to aroma,
Melon Steamed Native Teachers and color, taste, texture,
Chicken. Carenderia owner in and general
the Municipality of acceptability.
Using Sensory Tubungan
Evaluation Sheet
employing Five-Likert
Scale and Nine Point
Hedonic Scale.


Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Study

The study followed the input process and output model. The input in the study showed
the preparation of ingredients and materials needed in balid steamed chicken. The process was
the evaluation of the selected students enrolled on Tubungan National High School, Culinary
Arts Teachers and Carenderia owner in the Municipality of Tubungan. The output of the study
was the acceptability of balid steamed chicken as to aroma, color, taste, texture, and general

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to develop a white gourd melon (Benincasa hisipida Cogn.) steamed
native chicken.
Specifically, this study oughts’ to answer the following questions:
1. What is the level of acceptability of the white gourd melon steamed native chicken as to
aroma, color, taste, texture, and general acceptability?
2. Is there a significance difference level of acceptability of the white gourd melon steamed
native chicken as to aroma, color, taste, texture, and general acceptability?

There is no significant difference in the level of acceptability of the white gourd melon
steamed native chicken as to aroma, color, taste, texture, and general acceptability.
Scope and Delimitation of the study
The study focused on white gourd melon (Benincasa hisipida Cogn. "Kondol") which
utilized as an alternative way of steaming chicken. This experimental study determined the level
of acceptability of the white gourd melon steamed chicken as to aroma, color, taste, texture,
and general acceptability. The white gourd melon was taken from Tubungan, Iloilo where plenty
of white gourd melon were grown. The evaluation of the Acceptability of White Gourd Melon
Steamed Native Chicken was conducted on second Semester SY 2019-2020.
The evaluators of this study were 10 Bread and Pastry Production students enrolled on
Tubungan National High School, 10 Culinary Arts Teachers and 10 Carenderia owner in the
Municipality of Tubungan.

Significance of the study

The results of the study will be of great benefits to the following:
Farmers. The farmers may generate more income with the help of this product. It will also
widen their knowledge in taking care of the native chicken breeds.
Community. It can help them provide nutritious food for their family. They also make it as a
source of income.
Carenderia Owner. It may give them additional recipe that could build up their small eatery.
Students. This study may serve as a guide and reference for the students undertaking similar
Local Government Unit. Can give asset to the municipality of Tubungan to be well known in
the field of planting White Gourd Melon and producing Native Chickens to invite tourists.
Teachers. May integrate additional knowledge in their teaching guide and laboratory works for
the process on how to improve and enrich the Steamed Native Chicken.
Future Researchers. They may get some information about steamed chicken on white gourd
melon as a basis for their research study.

Definition of terms
Acceptability. It means the quality of being satisfactory and able to agree to or approved
(Cambridge Dictionary 2018)
In this study, acceptability referred to the capability of steamed chicken on whited gourd
melon to be accepted in terms of aroma, color, taste, texture, and general acceptability.
Aroma. It refers to the distinctive, , intangible quality that is perceived by the olfactory
sense ( Your Dictionary, 2018)
In this study, aroma referred to the smell of the steamed chicken.
Color. It refers to the characteristics of human visual perception described through color
categories (Collins, 2017).
In this study, color referred to the outside appearance of the steamed chicken.
Taste.To sense the flavor of something that you are eating or drinking (Cambridge
Dictionary, 2018).
In this study, it referred to the blend of taste sensation evoked by substance in the mouth
as it is eaten.
Texture. It referred to the feel, or consistency of something when touched (Collins,
In this study, texture referred to the appearance of Native Chicken (Your Dictionary,
White gourd melon. It referred as a vine grown for its very large fruit, eaten as a
vegetable when mature (Zaini et al.,2011).
In this study, White Gourd Melon referred to the vegetable being used in this innovation.
Native Chicken. It is referred as birds which kept on farm for their egss ang meat (Collins
Dictionary, 2018).
In this study, Native Chicken referred to the main ingredient used in this recipe.


This chapter is divided into 3 parts:(1) Basic Concepts About Steaming, (2) White Gourd Melon
Concepts, (3) Related Studies.
Part one, Basic Concepts about Steaming, states the concepts and history of Steaming
Part two, White Gourd Melon Concepts, discusses the vitamins can be get
Part three, Studies, discusses the salient points of a previously conducted research on
awareness and public opinion on social media fake news.

Related Literature

Steaming History
Steaming is a moist heat cooking method. Although cooking occurs at a higher
temperature than in braising, stewing or poaching, steaming is one of the most gentle cooking
methods as food is not agitated by bubbling liquid during the process. We all know that steam is
water converted to its vapor state at the boiling point. Since the boiling point of water is 212° F
(100° C) at sea level, the highest temperature at which steam can cook food is 212°F/100°C.
As a cooking method, steaming was used as far back as the Palaeolithic Period.
Evidence has been found that the Aurignacian people of southern France, considered the first
“modern” humans in Europe, cooked foods by wrapping them in wet leaves, a steaming method
that is still used today (think tamales). While steaming is not a method that is very prevalent in
Western kitchens, many cultures rely heavily on steaming—China, India, and many North
African countries come to mind. The most viable notion that I have found to explain this is that
steaming requires little energy because it can be done with a relatively small amount of liquid.
In countries where both fuel for fires and water are hard to come by, steaming enabled people
to cook a lot of food relative to fuel and water, allowing them to make the most of their
Steaming is a method of cooking using steam. This is often done with a food steamer, a
kitchen appliance made specifically to cook food with steam, but food also be steamed in a wok.
In the American southwest, steam pits used for 5,000 years. Steaming is considered a healthy
cooking technique that can be used for many kinds of food. Steaming works by boiling water
continuously causing it to vaporize into steam; the steam then carries heat to the nearby food,
thus cooking the food. The food is kept separate from boiling water but has direct contact with the
steam, resulting in the moist texture to the food. This differs from double boiling, in which food is not
directly exposed to steam, or pressure cooking, which uses a sealed vessel.
The use of steam as a method of cooking dates back centuries to ancient China, where food
was steamed in reed or bamboo baskets. And although the Chinese are still using the bamboo
basket method – with fantastic results – the modern steam oven adapts to many different needs
and is of course, much more high technology. Steam cooking is also one of the oldest methods
of food preparation. In India, Modak, an ancient ritualistic food of rice flour dumplings filled with
sweetened grated coconut, is steam-cooked. Couscous, an African dish made of steamed
semolina, is referenced in the works of 14th century Moroccan traveler, Ibn Battuta. Steam
cooking has been used for decades by institutions ranging from schools to sports arenas to
produce large amounts of food quickly. This history has led many to believe that steam is simply
about volume. But myths are being dispelled, mentalities are evolving, and the future of steam is
bright. Many top restaurants around the country have discovered that steam cooking isn’t just
about cooking quickly; it’s about cooking well.

Effects of steaming
Effects of boiling and steaming cooking methods were studied on total polyphenols,
antioxidant capacity, and biogenic amines of three green bean varieties, purple, yellow, and
green. The vegetables gave good values both for antioxidant capacity and for phenolic content,
with the purple variety being the richest in healthful components. Both the heat treatments
affected the antioxidant properties of these vegetables, with boiling that reduced the initial
antioxidant capacity till 30% in the yellow variety, having the same trend for total polyphenols,
with the major decrement of 43% in the green variety. On the contrary, biogenic amines
significantly increased only after boiling in green and yellow variety, while purple variety did not
show any changes in biogenic amines after cooking. The steaming method showed being better
cooking approach in order to preserve the antioxidant properties of green beans varieties and to
maintain the biogenic amines content at the lowest level.

White Gourd Melon as Fruit Vegetable

The pulp of White Gourd is a rich source of vitamin B and C and is also an excellent
remedy for tape worms. With the help of Ash Gourd one can also get relief from symptoms
of morphine withdrawal In case of a burn, topical application of Ash Gourd pulp is also highly
beneficial. The White Gourd belongs to the family of Cucurbitaceae and Benincasa hispida
Cogn. is its binomial name. It is recognized for its medicinal properties in Ayurveda System of
Medicine. It is also commonly known as Wax Gourd, Winter Melon, Green Pumpkin. It is not just
the fruit, which is useful, but its seeds and seed oil is equally useful. Ash gourd is easily
available throughout India (World Farmers, 2019).
Winter Melon is the sole member of the Benincasa genus. It is known by different
common names like ash gourd, winter gourd and white gourd. Due to the fuzzy appearance
inside, they have also been termed as fuzzy gourd. This fruit is consumed worldwide and known
by regional names in Hindi, Tamil, Chinese etc. It has great viability as fruit and vegetable as
the entire plant can be consumed. China is one of the top consumers of this melon, especially
during celebrations (Home Remedies Guide, 2018).

Chicken as Food Source

Chicken is the most common type of poultry in the world (FAOSTAT, 2017). Owing to
the relative ease and low cost of raising them in comparison to animals such as cattle or hogs,
chickens have become prevalent throughout the cuisine of cultures around the world, and their
meat has been variously adapted to regional taste. Chicken is sometimes cited as being more
healthful than red meat, with lower concentrations of cholesterol and saturated fat (American
Heart Association).
Chicken meat has been depicted in Babylonian carvings from around 600 BC. Chicken
was one of the most common meats available in the Middle Ages. For thousands of years, a
number of different kinds of chicken have been eaten across most of the Eastern Hemisphere,
including capons, pullets, and hens. It was one of the basic ingredients in the blancmange, a
stew usually consisting of chicken and fried onions cooked in milk and seasoned with spices
and sugar.
According to Lawler, (2012) chicken is the ubiquitous food, crossing multiple cultural
boundaries with ease. With its mild taste and uniform texture, chicken presents an intriguingly
blank canvas for the flavor palette of almost any cuisine. A generation of Britons is coming of
age in the belief that chicken tikka masala is the national dish, and the same thing is happening
in China with Kentucky Fried Chicken. Long after the time when most families had a few hens
running around the yard that could be grabbed and turned into dinner, chicken remains a
nostalgic, evocative dish for most Americans. When author Jack Canfield was looking for a
metaphor for psychological comfort, he didn’t call it “Clam Chowder for the Soul.”
Chicken is the touted as a quintessential choice for many healthy diets. It's paleo-
approved, keto-friendly and low in fat compared to other meats. But what is it specifically about
chicken nutrition experts love so much? There's a lot. Chicken is high in protein and relatively
low in calories. It's low in carbs, and it provides important nutrients like B vitamins and selenium
(Boyers, 2019).
In general, poultry products are perceived as healthy, nutritious, convenient, versatile
and inexpensive foods (Peterson et al. 2001; Yeung and Yee, 2002; Kennedy et al. 2004).
Additionally, recent food scares such as Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) in 1996 and
the 2001 Foot-and-Mouth (FMD) crisis have had a lasting negative effect on consumers’
perception of red meat and given a significant boost to poultry consumption (Kennedy et al.
2004). Yet, consumers are noticeably concerned about contamination in poultry products,
particularly meat (Yeung and Morris 2001). Approximately half of the consumer population
identified raw or undercooked poultry meat as the most important food source for foodborne
pathogens (particularly Salmonella and Campylobacter; FSA 2001). Nonetheless, even though
some consumers did express concerns regarding chemical contamination and residues in
poultry meat, it is usually considered to be safer than all other meat products (Yeung and Yee
2002; Kennedy et al. 2004).
Importance of Native Breeds for Rural Economy
Chickens in developing countries have more diverse use and benefits to household. The
use of native chicken in tropics varies from region to region and from community to community
within a region. In the tropics small land holders keep chickens for their socioreligious functions.
This is because the commitment of an individual/community to a particular spiritual being, deity
or season, and traditional and/or religious festivals is evaluated by the quality of the offering that
satisfies special morphological features of the chicken demanded by the receiver (D. S.
Tadelle,2003). Regardless of low output from native chicken in the tropics they can thrive and
produce with irregular supply of feed and water and with minimum healthcare. They are part of
balanced arming system and have vital roles in the rural households as a source of high quality
animal protein and emergency cash income and play a significant role in the sociocultural life of
the rural community. Though local chickens are slow grower and poor layers of small sized eggs
they are, however, ideal mothers and good sitters (D. S. Tadelle, 2003), excellent foragers, and
hardy and possess natural immunity against common diseases . The small body size of native
chickens is a desirable character in tropical and subtropical environment. One of the most
important positive characters of native chickens is their hardiness, which is ability to tolerate the
harsh environmental condition and poor husbandry practices (climate, handling, watering, and
feeding) without much loss in production (T.Dessie,T,et al,.2011).
Benefits associated with poultry consumption have been described by the available
literature on the effects of the intake of different types of foods on the progression of diabetes
(10 prospective studies, for a total of 190,000 subjects). A dietary pattern comprising a high
poultry intake, along with whole-grain cereals, fish, fruit, and vegetables, and a decrease in red
meat consumption, processed foods, starches, and simple sugars seems to be effective in the
management of the disease (Esposito K., et al., 2010)
Related Studies
Quality of meat from native chicken breeds compared to broiler meat The world
production of poultry meat is based on raising fast-growing broiler chickens, i.e. commercial
hybrids intended solely for meat production (Yang and Jiang, 2005). The intensive breeding
work together with optimised feeding and housing conditions have considerably shortened the
rearing period of fast-growing chickens, but a problem has arisen with the maturity of meat and
its sensory and technological quality (Bianchi et al., 2006; Kijowski and Kupińska, 2013). The
development of single-purpose production of chickens has marginalised dual-purpose
production, thus supplanting native chicken breeds. Today, with the growing demand for poultry
products from extensive systems, an opportunity arises to increase the importance of raising
native chicken breeds, which are particularly suitable for free range and organic farming
because of their good adaptation to the local conditions. This is confirmed by the experience of
many countries, in which native breeds of slow-growing chickens provide good-quality meat,
which is in increasing demand (Fanatico et al., 2005 a, b; Youssao et al., 2009; Smith et al.,
2012; Yin et al., 2013; Choo et al., 2014; Walley et al., 2015).
Consumer acceptance of meat is strongly influenced by the eating quality. Cooking
method has great impact on eating quality of meat, and energy consumption is important
parameter to consider while selecting the cooking method. Energy requirement for well-cooked
meats varies with cooking method, appliances and consumer behaviour. Energy consumption
reduction during meat cooking may have the influence on global energy requirement. This
article critically reviewed the effects on quality characteristics of meat and meat products by
different cooking methods. The different cooking methods including oven, frying, sous vide and
ohmic cooking are discussed in detail, and their effects on meat quality parameters such as
colour, tenderness, cooking loss, shrinkage and juiciness are also presented. Highlighting on
the role of cooking process on meat quality, energy requirement for cooking were identified.
Results show that there are specific areas in the region where the production of native chicken
predominates. The income of the native chicken growers is relatively low since native chicken
production is still a backyard family economic undertaking with limited marketable product
volume. Their breeders, mostly home grown, were mostly upgraded native chicken, followed by
Darag and Jolo. Native chickens are generally raised in free range. The usual feedstuffs
consisting of corn/cracked corn, rice bran, home mixed ration, filled/unfilled palay and rice/milled
rice were more or less the same for pullets, cockerels, hens and roosters but amount varies
depending on the stage of growth of chickens. These feeds are generally broadcast on the
ground. Higher incidence of mortality peaking in June was largely attributed to change in
climate, diseases and pests. The role of indigenous chicken in Philippine agriculture and the
entire economy is well-recognized. It will, to a large extent, remain a significant contributor to the
continuous supply of meat and eggs and extra income for many rural Filipino farmers. Its meat
is highly preferred by many Filipino consumers because of its distinct taste, leanness, and
pigmentation. As of 1996, more than 60 % of the total inventory of chicken in the Philippines
consist of the pure native and upgraded native chicken which are mostly raised under backyard
condition (Fanatico et al., 2005 a, b; Youssao et al., 2009; Smith et al., 2012; Yin et al., 2013;
Choo et al., 2014; Walley et al., 2015).
Demand for poultry meat was increasing every year that the projected demand will be
around 570,000 metric tons in 2005. The Filipino domestic per capita consumption of chicken
meat was also increasing from 3.33 kg in 1990 to 6.75 kg in 1998 (Dusaran & Cabarles, 2005).
For many years, the native chicken production in Western Visayas has been a common
livelihood for many farmers. It provides them additional income as well as source of protein. It
serves as a form of savings or insurance for the farmers against periodic shortages as well as
for resource diversification. In 2005, Dusaran and Cabarles conducted a study to determine the
status of native chicken production in Calinog, Passi City, and Barotac Nuevo, the top native
chicken producing local government units in Iloilo. On-the-spot-visit and interview were done to
collect the needed data.

Meat Cooking
Eating quality of meat is mainly affected by applied cooking method. The quality
characteristics of meat products change considerably depending on the type and intensity of the
heat treatment applied. Distinctive heat transfer media has been utilized for meat cooking which
incorporates dry heat methods, moist heat methods or microwave cooking. The choice of
appropriate cooking techniques relies on the type of meat, the amount of connective tissue, size
and shape of the meat. The different cooking methods commonly used for meat preparation are
discussed below. The articles of food which are to be steamed are prepared in exactly the same
manner as for boiling. Many puddings, some meats, and some vegetables are considered
better if cooked by steam, and in as much as the process of cooking is a very slow one, there is
no fear of the food being destroyed by too fierce a heat, as the temperature in steaming never
reaches beyond 212 degrees F. Fish, meat and poultry cooked by steam are as a rule tender,
full of gravy and digestible. By steaming, watery vegetables are made drier, tough meats are
softened and made tender; whilst farinaceous mixtures and puddings develop a totally different
flavor than when baked or fried.
Heat and Mass Transfer During Meat Cooking
Heat and mass transfer in meat products is a complex phenomenon affected by multiple
physics involving energy transport, mass transport, fluid flow dynamics and mechanical
deformation. Differences in temperature and moisture levels between the air and the product
can cause moisture evaporation from the product surface. As the product surface dries, internal
moisture transport towards the product surface can occur. Meat cooking environments are
diverse and cooking conditions may vary over time. Hence, heat and mass transfer rates are
influenced by multiple parameters including oven temperature, product load, airflow velocity,
type of heating medium, and type of products (e.g. shape, dimensions, and thermal properties).
In the last two decades, computer modelling of heat transfer has gained special attention in the
meat industry as it is a practical resource to estimate meat safety quantitatively (Bisceglia et al.)
evaluated the temperature and water content dependency on cooking process time of meat
samples. Finite elements software COMSOL multi-physics was used to simulate the process,
and the model predicted transient temperature and moisture distributions inside the sample and
transient cooking yield of meat samples during cooking was also predicted.(Obuz et al.)
developed a mathematical model to predict temperature and mass transfer of cylindrical beef
roasts cooked in a forced air convection oven. The model predicted the cooking time with high

Health Benefits
Aside from being a “frugal” cooking method, steaming is also a very healthy cooking
method. First, since food is cooked by direct contact between steam (conduction) as well as the
movement of the hot vapor through the food (convection), no fat is needed to conduct the heat.
Often, just a squirt of lemon juice is all you need to add to a steamed dish (Healthline Media,

Lowers Cholesterol
When cooking meats such as lamb or pork, steaming removes the fat from the meat so it
can be easily discarded whereas conventional cooking methods such as grilling, baking or
frying, cook the fat into the meat. Getting rid of the fat makes the meat lower in calories and
lower in cholesterol. Also, steaming removes the need for cooking oil or fat, which results in
lighter and healthier meals (Healthline Media, 2005).

Preserves the fiber, colour and flavour of vegetables

By steam-cooking, the vegetables are kept as close to their natural raw state as
possible, whilst still heating through thoroughly. This not only prevents the vegetables from
turning into a mash or purée, but it also allows them to retain their original colour, taste, juices
and freshness. If you want to add some aromatic flavour to the food, you can add herbs and
spices to the water (Healthline Media, 2005).

Retains the vitamins and minerals

Many of the vitamins and minerals found in vegetables are lost with some conventional
methods of cooking. Steaming ensures that vitamins such as vitamin B, riboflavin, thiamine,
niacin, biotin, B12, pantothenic acid and vitamin C, as well as minerals such as calcium,
phosphorous, potassium, and zinc are retained. Steaming is one of the best cooking methods
for preserving nutrients, including water-soluble vitamins (Healthline Media, 2005).
With the known nutrients and healthful benefits of White Gourd Melon and Native
Chicken has, it is in light that this study was conducted. An information driven campaign to
establish and give better opportunity for White Gourd Melon and native chicken to be
recognized not just a prominent species but as good alternative dishes.

This chapter presents the research method, evaluators of the study, materials and
instruments, data gathering procedures, and data processing techniques.

Research Method
Experimental method of research was employed in conducting the study. This method
provides systematic and logical steps for answering the questions. According to (J.P.Chaplin,
1998) as cited in the Failaman (2001) believes that the experimental studies represent the most
valid approach to the problem both physical and theoretical and it was a technique of
discovering the information through experiments.

Evaluation of the Study

The evaluators of the study are Tubungan National High School students, Culinary Arts
teachers in Municipality of Tubungan and Carenderia owners. The distribution of evaluators was
presented in Table 1. TNHS students was chosen through convenience sampling while
purposive sampling for Culinary Arts Teachers and Carenderia Owner.
Table 1.Profile of the Evaluators
Evaluators N Percentage
TNHS Students 10 33.33%
Culinary Arts Teachers 10 33.33%
Carenderia Owner 10 33.33%
Total 30 100%
The table 1. Presents the profile of evaluators, it is composed of TNHS students, Culinary Arts
teachers in Municipality of Tubungan and Carenderia owners.

Materials and Instrumentalities

This study used the evaluation sheet imploring the Nine-Point Hedonic Scale to
determine the evaluators general acceptability of the Balid (Benincasa hisipida Cogn.)Steamed
Native Chicken and Five-Likert Scale to determine the evaluators acceptability of the Balid
Steamed Native Chicken as to aroma, color, taste, texture and general acceptability.
The ingredients used in making Balid Steamed Native Chicken are:
1 whole Native Chicken
1 whole Balid
Minced Onion
Minced Garlic
Minced Ginger
Black Pepper
The tools and utensils in preparation of Balid Steamed Native Chicken are knife, chopping
board, bowl, calderon and tong.

Data gathering procedure

The following are the steps in determining the acceptability of Balid in Steamed Native
Chicken. This experimental study was composed of five phases:

Phase I Preparation of tools, utensils and equipment

Phase II Preparation of the Balid
Phase III Preparation of Native Chicken
Phase IV Cooking of Native Chicken in Balid
Phase V Evaluation of finished product

Phase I Preparation of tools, utensils and equipment

Knife, chopping board, pot, measuring spoon, and fork. Stove for cooking the Native
Phase II Preparation of the Balid
a) Washed the Balid in the running water
b) Slice the top portion of balid
c) Remove the seeds and set aside.
Phase III Preparation of Native Chicken
a) Remove all the organs of the native chicken
b) Washed it thoroughly in the running water
c) Put all the stuff inside of the native chicken like lemon grass, onions, garlic, ginger and
d) Put the native chicken inside the scraped balid
Phase IV Cooking of Native Chicken in Balid
a) Place the cooking pot on the local stove
b) Put the balid with native chicken inside
c) Let it cook for more than 2 hours
d) Tests its consistency until its totally cooked
e) Cool for 5 minutes. Serve with rice.
Phase V Evaluation of finished product

When the reject Steamed Native Chicken was done, the finished product was evaluated
by TNHS students was chosen randomly, purposively chosen the Culinary Arts teachers and
Carenderia owner to evaluate the Steamed Native Chicken. The evaluators were given the
sensory evaluation sheet to answer where their perception of the finished product was

Data processing technique

The data gathered where tallied, tabulated and analysed. The gathered data were
computed using the different statistical tools. These tools were follows:
The MEAN was utilized to determine the general perception of the evaluators on the
balid in steamed chicken as to aroma, color, taste, texture, and general acceptability.
ANOVA. To find out the significant difference on the level of acceptability of evaluators
of white gourd melon steamed native chicken as to aroma, color, taste, texture, and general

This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of data gathered. The results are
presented in two parts; Descriptive Data Analysis and inferential data analysis
Part one, descriptive data analysis, presents the mean and standard deviation of the
perception of the respondents as to White Gourd Steamed Native Chicken.
Part two, Inferential Data Analysis, presents the result of anova to determine the
significant difference that existed in certain characteristics.

Descriptive Data analysis

To determine the perception of the evaluators on White Gourd Steamed Native Chicken
as to aroma, color, taste, texture, and general acceptability the researchers computed the mean
scores and the corresponding standard deviation.
Table 2 shows the perception of the three evaluators for White Gourd Steamed Native Chicken
as to aroma, color, taste, texture, and general acceptability. For teachers with M=3.30; Sd= 1.06
and for students with M=3.10; Sd= 1.10 was both described as “Balid Aroma”, while on
carenderia owner with M=3.60; Sd= 0.84 was described as “Moderately Balid Aroma”. As to
color, teachers with M=3.90; Sd= 0.57, students with M=4.00; Sd= 0.00 and carenderia owner
with M=3.70;Sd= 0.83 all were described as “Dark White”. As to taste, teachers with M=4.20;
Sd= 0.92, students with M=4.10; Sd=0.88, and carenderia owner with M=4.40; Sd= 0.97 all
were described as “Moderately Delicious”. As to texture, teachers with M=3.60; Sd=1.17 and
students with M=3.50; Sd= 0.53 both were described as “Moderately Smooth while on
carenderia owner with M= 4.60; Sd=0.70 was described as “Extremely Smooth”. As to general
acceptability, teachers with M= 8.00; Sd= 0.82 and students with M= 7.60; Sd= 0.97 both were
described as ”Liked Very Much” while on carenderia owner with M=8.50;Sd= 0.53 was
described as “Liked Extremely ”.
Table 2.
Respondents Sensory Evaluation
Teachers Result
Characteristics M Sd Description
Aroma 3.30 1.06 Balid Aroma
Color 3.90 0.57 Dark White
Taste 4.20 0.92 Moderately Delicious
Texture 3.60 1.17 Moderately Smooth
General Acceptability 8.00 0.82 Liked Very Much
Students Result
Characteristics M Sd Description
Aroma 3.10 1.10 Balid Aroma
Color 4.00 0.00 Dark White
Taste 4.10 0.88 Moderately Delicious
Texture 3.50 0.53 Moderately Smooth
General Acceptability 7.60 0.97 Liked Very Much
Carenderia Owner Result
Characteristics M Sd Description
Aroma 3.60 0.84 Moderately Balid Aroma
Color 3.70 0.82 Dark White
Taste 4.40 0.97 Moderately Delicious
Texture 4.60 0.70 Extremely Smooth
General Acceptability 8.50 0.53 Liked Extremely

Inferential Data analysis

The significance of the difference in this investigation was derived by using the One-Way
Anova for dependent samples.
Table 3. The One-Way Anova results White Gourd Melon Steamed Native Chicken as to aroma,
color, taste, texture, and general acceptability.
Table 3 shows that there were no significant difference existed in the perception of the
evaluators of White Gourd Melon steamed Native Chicken as to aroma, color, taste and general
acceptability while there is significant difference in terms of texture with the P-value of 0.013
lower than 0.05 level of significance which led to a decision to reject the null hypothesis.

Characteristics M Sig. Description

Color 3.333 0.543 Not Significant
Taste 3.867 0.505 Not Significant
Texture 4.233 0.762 Not Significant
General 3.900 0.013 Significant
Acceptability 8.033 0.054 Not Significant

Chapter 5 gives the description of results. It comprises of four parts: (1) Summary of the
Findings, (2) Conclusions, and (3) Recommendations.
Part One, Summary, contains a brief presentation or synopsis of the basic areas of the
investigation including the findings of the study.
Part Two, Conclusions, presents the inferences drawn from the results of the study.
Part Three, Recommendations, offer suggestions in terms of the findings and
conclusions of the study.

Summary of the findings

The result of the Sensory Evaluation of the evaluators as to different category showed
that as to aroma of the White Gourd Melon Steamed Native Chicken both teachers and students
with “Balid Aroma”, while on carenderia owner was described as “Moderately Balid Aroma”. The
color were “Dark White” by the three evaluators. The taste was perceived as “Moderately
Delicious” by the three evaluators. The textures for both teachers and students were
“Moderately Smooth” while on carenderia owner was described as “Extremely Smooth” by the
evaluators. The general acceptability of White Gourd Steamed Native Chicken was perceived
as ”Liked Very Much” by the teachers and students evaluator while on carenderia owner was
described as “Liked Extremely ”by the evaluators.

Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were made:
The teacher and student evaluators liked very much the white Gourd Melon and liked extremely
by carenderia owner evaluator.
White Gourd Melon can be a potential ingredient in steaming chicken which is delicious
especially for those who are health conscious and children.

Based on the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations are given:
Farmers may utilize their extra products and generate more income with the help of this
native poultry product and White Gourd Melon.
Community may encourage utilizing this recipe which are healthy for their children and
abundant in the local area of in the farm. This recipe could be used in preparing meals and can
be eaten with prepared other foods.
Carenderia Owner can have an additional menu to be sold in the market. This will
increase their profit.
Students enrolled in culinary could use this study to improve their knowledge and skills
in terms of utilizing and promoting the recipe of White Gourd Steamed Native Chicken in the
market to produce income in the school and home.
Local Government Unit can give asset to the municipality of Tubungan to be well known
in the field of planting White Gourd Melon and producing Native Chickens.
Teachers may integrate additional knowledge in their teaching guide and laboratory
works for the process on how to improve and enrich the Steamed Native Chicken.
Future Researchers were able to use this kind of study to their experimental research.
It is recommended that replication of this study should be conducted in other district and using
other vegetables locally available.
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Appendix A
Permit to Conduct the Study

Republic of the Philippines

Tubungan National High School
Tubungan, Iloilo
January , 2020

Good Day!
We are recently working on our research study entitled “Balid (Benincasa ) in Steamed Native
Chicken” partial fulfilment to the

In connection with this, we would like to ask permission in your good office to allow us to
conduct an evaluation survey for our research study among Culinary Arts Teachers, Students of
Tubungan NHS and Carenderia owner in the Municipality of Tubungan.

Your full support and cooperation are very much appreciated.

Very Truly Yours,

Cindy Cabocillo
Fe Calzado
April Mae Tagaro
Donnabelle Ta-ala
Trixcy Mae Poblacion
Sunshine Maderal
Joylyn Tagudiña

Research Adviser


Appendix B
Letter to the Respondents
Republic of the Philippines
Tubungan National High School
Tubungan, Iloilo
Dear Evaluator:

Good Day!
We are conducting a study entitled “Balid (Benincasa ) in Steamed Native Chicken” as a
requirement for the Technical-Vocational Livelihood Track. In this regard, may we respectfully
ask your kind cooperation to accomplish the sensory evaluation sheet of this study.
Rest assured that the information you furnished will be kept confidential.

We would greatly appreaciate your invaluable support.

Thank yu very much.

Very Truly Yours,

Cindy Cabocillo
Research Group Representative


Research Adviser


Appendix C
Sensory Evaluation Score Sheet


Sensory Evaluation Sheet
Please indicate your answer by checking the appropriate box. Rest assured that all
answer will be kept confidential and will be used only in this paper.

Culinary Teachers Culinary Students Carenderia Owner

Instruction: Please evaluate the product by checking the appropriate characteristics in terms of
aroma, color, taste, texture, and general acceptability of the sample.

Items Evaluation Ratings

5. strong balid aroma __________________
4. moderately balid aroma __________________
3. balid aroma __________________
2. slightly balid aroma __________________
1. no balid aroma __________________

5. very dark white __________________
4. dark white __________________
3. white __________________
2. light white __________________
1. very light white __________________

5. extremely delicious __________________
4. moderately delicious __________________
3. delicious __________________
2. slightly delicious __________________
1. not delicious __________________

5. extremely soft __________________
4. moderately soft __________________
3. soft __________________
2. slightly soft __________________
1. not soft __________________

General Acceptability
9. liked extremely __________________
8. liked very much __________________
7. liked moderately __________________
6. liked slightly __________________
5. either liked or disliked __________________
4. disliked slightly __________________
3. disliked moderately __________________
2. disliked very much __________________
1. disliked extremely __________________

Appendix D
Anova Result

Characteristics M Sig. Description

Color 3.333 0.543 Not Significant
Taste 3.867 0.505 Not Significant
Texture 4.233 0.762 Not Significant
General 3.900 0.013 Significant
Acceptability 8.033 0.054 Not Significant
Appendix E
Nine point Hedonic Scale and Five-Point Likert Scale
Nine-Point Hedonic Scale and Five-Point Likert Scale
The Nine-Point Hedonic Scale was used in the evaluation of the finished product. Five-
Likert Scale was used to determine the perception of Balid in Steamed Native Chicken as to
aroma, color, taste, texture and general acceptability.

Aroma Scale

strong balid aroma 4.50-5.00

moderately balid aroma 3.50-4.49
balid aroma 2.50-3.49
slightly balid aroma 1.50-2.29
no balid aroma 1.00-1.49


very dark white 4.50-5.00

dark white 3.50-4.49
white 2.50-3.49
light white 1.50-2.29
very light white 1.50-2.29


Extremely delicious 4.50-5.00

Moderately delicious 3.50-4.49
Delicious 2.50-3.49
slightly delicious 1.50-2.29
not delicious 1.50-2.29

extremely soft 4.50-5.00
moderately soft 3.50-4.49
soft 2.50-3.49
slightly soft 1.50-2.29
not soft 1.50-2.29
General Acceptability

liked extremely 8.21-9.00

liked very much 7.23-8.20
liked moderately 6.34-7.22
liked slightly 5.45-5.33
either liked or disliked 4.75-5.44
disliked slightly 3.67-4.76
disliked moderately 2.78-3.66
disliked very much 1.81-2.77
disliked extremely 1.00-1.80
Procedure of White Gourd Melon Steamed Native Chicken
During Evaluation

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