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● You have not completed any of these tasks 0

● You have demonstrated limited technical skills. 1-2

● Your Clock solution is not complete.

● You have listed the basic steps in your plan needed to create a Clock solution
● You have demonstrated some technical skills. 3-4
● Your Clock solution is complete and is is adequately presented.
● You were able to state changes made to your Clock solution.

● You have created a list, in the form of a step by step plan which your peers would be able to
follow. 5-6
● You have demonstrated a good level of technical skills .
● Your Clock solution is complete and is well presented.
● You were able to state one change made to the Clock solution

● You have outlined a logical plan and resources required to make a Clock solution, which your
peers would be able to follow. 7-8
● You have demonstrated an excellent level of technical skills.
● Your Clock solution was very well presented.
● You were able to list changes made to your Clock solution.
Creating a solution - this means :

You can follow a plan to make a product (or prototype) to a

good level of accuracy and neatness

Before you start to make anything, you need to think about what the product is going to look like. You
should never go to the workshop to make a product without an accurate drawing and list of materials

You also need to consider :

● Tools required
● Specialist machines required
● Skills required
● Safety to be observed

TOP TIP : You are often better off, making something quite simple to a high quality, than a more complex
product badly. Of course, the product must function and meet the design specifications.

But, this stage of the design cycle should demonstrate a good level of technical skills, which is difficult
to evidence, if your product is too complicated, badly made or unfinished.
Learning Task 9 : Creating the solution : i. constructs a logical plan, which outlines the efficient use of time and resources, sufficient
for peers to be able to follow to create the solution
Glue gun Write the feedback from friends and
family about whether your plan is
Plywood (3p)
Cultural clock easy to follow:
Acrylic paint
Paint brush
5. Start painting the ● Gehna: I understand the plan
Laser cutter
main parts of the and its very clear and
Round edge file
clock - beware of understandable it's also very
Sharpie marker
different colours, easy and safe to follow. Well
Stuck-on numbers
done Kaylee !
1. Save all your separate shadows, and
decorations in your design highlights Clock mechanism
for scale printing on 2D
design ● Netra: It's a very well detailed
plan with specific instructions
10. Stick in the stuck-on numbers that is very simple to follow.
on your clock. Make sure to stick
them as symmetrical as possible.
6. Once you’re done painting, start ● Ayesha: Your plan is very
sticking the parts together with a organized, easy to understand
2. Measure the parts you want to glue gun. Be careful not to glue too and follow.
print out on 2D design and adjust thick or thin.
11. Outline the separate
the sizes if needed
parts with a Sharpie to ● Alessa: It’s a well explained
make it look more plan with clear instructions. It is
dimensional. presented in a neat and
organised way with different
7. Cut a hole in the center of the
clock, and place the hands of the shapes, numbers, and arrows
clock. Adjust the hands if needed to to indicate the steps.
show the accurate time
● Tilly: The plan is detailed. The
plan is clear and taking
3. Laser cut the
parts you want to
paint with a laser 12. Make sure all the precautions into hand has also
cutter. parts are stuck in been mentioned. It’s organised
properly and neatly. neatly with clear boxes.
Get rid of the
8. Once you’re done, leftover glue parts if
start filing the edges needed. ● Kai: It is a very specific and
with different files to detailed plan. Also I think it is
make it look neater very clear.

4. Once you laser cutted the DONE

pieces, you can start painting them
with acrylic paint.

9. Make the edges neater with

Learning Task 10 : Creating the solution : ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution

Accuracy, neatness and attention to detail, are essential if you intend to produce a high quality product. In the text box below, highlight what
precautions, procedures or checks you undertook, to ensure you ended up with a high quality product. Include photographs where
PIC OF FINISH CLOCK, LABELS, (”here's my numbers, it went well. ___
went wrong.. i should've ___”)
Learning Task 10 : Creating the solution : ii. demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solution

Accuracy, neatness and attention to detail, are essential if you intend to produce a high quality product. In the text box below, highlight what
precautions, procedures or checks you undertook, to ensure you ended up with a high quality product. Include photographs where
PIC OF FINISH CLOCK, LABELS, (”here's my numbers, it went well. ___
went wrong.. i should've ___”)
I made sure to use the glue gun neatly and accurately to ensure that the glue wasn’t too thick
to overlap. I also tried my best to paint with different colours and shades to make it more

These are pictures of my numbers. As you can see,

the numbers are not aligned, and some numbers
are further/more tilted than others.

The gradiency and painting of my clock went quite

smooth and well, but I could use more different colours
rather than sticking with one shade.

The parts of my clock were cut out well with the laser cutter.
Next time, I will try to place the parts properly and try to make
it exactly as I planned online.
I used a variety of colours to ensure that it looks dimensional
and colourful. This is so people would catch it more

The diameter of the clock is 35cm, the radius being somewhere around 16-17cm. The depth of the clock will be 3cm. The
numerals will each be around 3 cm long. The feathers will be around 5cm long.
Learning Task 11 : Creating the solution : iii. follows the plan to create the solution, which functions as intended and is presented

In the boxes below, produce a STORYBOARD showing the key stages of manufacture. The top box should have a photograph and the lower
box a brief annotation, describing what is actually taking place and the tools/equipment being used. Duplicate this slide, if required

I was saving all my I had Mr Felix to help These were all the These were all the This was the preview I started painting the
seperate parts on 2D me laser cut my clock, parts I laser cutted parts I laser cutted of what it would look separate parts of my
design so I can print it because it was too from my clock. I cut from my clock. I cut like and where the design with a
out and laser cut it. complicated to them in separate parts them in separate parts parts would go. paintbrush one by one
manually cut it. so I can paint each so I can paint each as I find it easier that
one easier. one easier. way then to do it all at

Process of me I decided to make this Process of me paining Process of me paining Process of me paining I was done painting
painting my seperate part a little bit ombre other parts - painting other parts - painting other parts - painting my main parts, and
parts with purple. with new tools and with new tools and with new tools and this is what it would
different shades/tones different shades/tones different shades/tones look like (not glued
of colours of colours of colours yet)
Learning Task 11 : Creating the solution : iii. follows the plan to create the solution, which functions as intended and is presented

In the boxes below, produce a STORYBOARD showing the key stages of manufacture. The top box should have a photograph and the lower
box a brief annotation, describing what is actually taking place and the tools/equipment being used. Duplicate this slide, if required

I was glueing my clock I was glueing my clock Progress of the parts This is me sticking in This is me sticking in After sticking the clock
parts together to parts together to stuck already. numbers to my clock numbers to my clock mechanism, this is my
assemble them with a
assemble them with a with glue gun, as we with glue gun, as we final design clock. I
glue gun. We had to be
glue gun and very careful using a glue were unable to print were unable to print did not have the time
gun as we wouldn’t want it the numbers from my the numbers from my to file it and smooth
to overlap. clock. clock. the edges using
Learning Task 12 : Creating the solution : iv. explains changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution.
When you manufacture a product, there are often times when you need to modify or make small changes. This could be required because of
an error in the original design or a change which makes the manufacturing process a bit easier or faster. Maybe you couldn’t source an
appropriate part or component.

If you did make any changes (from your final design idea), highlight what changes you made in the text box below You may want to include
- My idea to add flowers and leaves to the clock failed.I had to
remove the flowers from my online design as I found it hard to
laser cut and paint. This was a complex design, so we had to
remove some parts from it.

- I had to change the font of the numbers as I was unable to

laser cut them. They were also different colours since I was
unable to paint stuck on numbers. I also couldn't adjust the size
and colour of the hands, since the colour and size of the hands
came with the clock mechanism.

- There was not as much decoration and shades of colours like

my original design. I was not skilled at painting different
highlights so most of the pieces are the same shade. There
was also not much gradiency as painting gradients with acrylic
are not easy. I also couldn’t use the exact colours I used,
Side by side screenshot of design (Crit B), and finished product. next to it, write (I had to change this bc___.. this didnt work bc ____.. my idea of _____ failed so..)
meaning that some colours look different from my online
(Compare it)
- I did not place some of the parts right, and a lot of them were
I put too much detail on my online clock, and was unable to do it traditionally. Next time, I will think
misplaced. I had to change the placement of things because it
twice about what I’m capable to do and improve from my mistakes. I will not make the design so
was hard to place them accurately.
complex, as it is very timetaking and requires a lot of skill. I’d keep track of my schedule as this
design was a little bit rushed. Whenever I make a design, I will think about the time, skill, and
- There are a lot of leftover glue gun parts that I haven’t cleaned
aspect. I will also add more layers to make it look more dimensional instead and not 2D.
in my final design.
In conclusion, a lot of things were changed, and I will be careful on my small details and values.
- As you can see, the placement of the numbers were not
● Final clock is less detailed than my online one
symmetrical and was instead tilted or lower/higher than the
● Colours were painted instead of printed
other. Using stick on numbers wa not a good idea, as the clock
● Different tones of colours
wont function well without accurate placements of numbers.
● No flowers and leaves added (because it was too complicated)
● Numbers painted with acrylic instead of drawn on
- In conclusion, I would say the idea of me painting the whole
● Online design having more quality overall
clock failed as I wasn’t very skilled, and failed to add a lot of
shadows and highlights. I would print it out and make it 3d next
time with more layers and more aspect.
Pics of clock from diff angles

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