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Expedited energy charging of water using natural

graphite flake for cool thermal storage

V. Kumaresan, K. S. Raghavan, M. P. Vikram & J. Iyyappan

To cite this article: V. Kumaresan, K. S. Raghavan, M. P. Vikram & J. Iyyappan (2021): Expedited
energy charging of water using natural graphite flake for cool thermal storage, Fullerenes,
Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, DOI: 10.1080/1536383X.2021.1879056

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Published online: 12 Feb 2021.

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Expedited energy charging of water using natural graphite flake for cool
thermal storage
V. Kumaresan, K. S. Raghavan, M. P. Vikram, and J. Iyyappan
Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering Guindy Campus, Anna University, Chennai, India


This study investigates the solidification characteristics of deionized water dispersed with natural Received 9 December 2020
graphite flakes (NGF), called micro-particle enhanced phase change material (MePCM), in two Accepted 18 January 2021
spherical capsules of ‘64 mm’ and ‘52 mm’ diameter. Heterogeneous nucleation factor of deionized
water reduces from 0.0531 to 0.0001 due to reduction in contact angle with addition of NGF.
Phase change material;
Thermal conductivity results show an enhancement of 25% in the MePCMs with 5 wt. % over the natural graphite flake;
base PCM and the enhancement is not proportional to increase in mass fraction of NGF. The pres- heterogeneous nucleation
ence of NGF in deionized water eliminates the subcooling and expedites the solidification rate. factor; subcooling; cool
The MePCM stores almost 94% of cool energy in a shortened duration compared to the base PCM thermal energy storage
in both capsules. In summary, the NGF can be a promising thermal enhancer to prepare the
MePCMs in large scale at an affordable cost for the cool thermal energy storage applications.

Nomenclature: d: Equivalent molecular diameter (m); D: Minimum value of experimental parame-

ters; f (h): Heterogeneous nucleation factor; k: Thermal conductivity (W m1 K1); m: Mass (kg); M:
Molecular mass (kg mol1); NA: Avogadro constant (mol1); r: Critical nucleation radius (m); r:
Radius (m); Rth: Thermal resistance (K W1); T: Temperature (K); t: Time (s); uD: Experimental
Abbreviations: CTES: Cool thermal energy storage; MePCM: Micro-particle enhanced phase
change material; NGF: Natural graphite flake; PCM: Phase change material; RTD: Resistance tem-
perature detector
Greek characters: DD: Deviation range of experimental parameters; DGv: Volumetric surface free
energy (kJ m3); Dh: Latent heat (kJ kg1); DT: Subcooling degree (K); h: Contact angle; c: Surface
energy (kJ m2); q: Density (kg m3)

1. Introduction reduce the mismatch between energy demand and supply.

Cool thermal energy can be stored either in a sensible or
Global energy demand has been increasing exponentially
latent form; first one with a lower energy storage density,
due to growth in population, rapid urbanization and indus-
storing and retrieving the energy in a non-isothermal man-
trialization, resulting in a multifold increase in the con-
ner.[2] These limitations can be overcome in the latent heat
sumption of fossil fuels. This causes severe environmental
deterioration, raising concerns on ozone layer depletion, glo- thermal energy storage systems using phase change materials
bal warming and climatic change. Strategic energy saving (PCM). Water is being utilized as a potential PCM in the
measures are to be developed and implemented in energy CTES applications, owing to its high solid to liquid thermal
intensive sectors such as transportation, electronic industry, conductivity ratio, latent heat and ease of handling.
chemical industry and buildings. Among these, buildings However, subcooling in water necessitates the working tem-
sector accounts 40% of the world’s total energy consumption perature of the evaporator in the chiller unit well below the
for different applications,[1] consuming nearly 45% of total phase change temperature of water. This increases the spe-
building energy by the HVAC system. A large portion of cific energy consumption by 3%–4% per unit temperature
this energy is consumed by the chiller unit in the HVAC drop in the evaporator.[3] Numerous studies on subcooling
system, designed to meet the peak cooling load that lasts behavior and solidification characteristics of water have been
few hours in a day. Different methods have been imple- reported with the dispersion of different nanometric par-
mented to minimize the energy consumption by downsizing ticles such as aluminum oxide,[4] titanium oxide,[5] copper
the chiller capacity, without compromising the thermal com- oxide,[6] carbon black,[7] graphene oxide nanosheets,[8] gra-
fort conditions in the building envelope. The integration of phene nanoplatelets[3] and multiwall carbon nanotubes.[9]
cool thermal energy storage (CTES) system with the chiller The results showed a significant improvement in thermal
unit is the most promising energy management method to conductivity and cooling rates, but the concerns regarding

CONTACT V. Kumaresan Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering Guindy Campus, Anna University,
Chennai 600025, India.
ß 2021 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

energy consumption during nanoparticles synthesis, thermal Table 1. Specification of NGF and PVP.
stability, material cost and availability are yet to Parameter NGF PVP
be addressed. Formula C (C6H9NO)n
Molecular weight 12.01 g mol1 111.14 g mol1
Natural graphite flake (NGF) is an allotrope of carbon, Density 1800 kg m3 1200 kg m3
containing the stacked sheets of carbon atoms with a hex- Diameter 50–800 lm –
agonal crystal structure.[10–13] Fascinating features of NGF Thickness 1–150 lm –
Melting temperature 3654–3697  C 150  C
such as inherent high thermal conductivity, high specific
surface area, self-lubrication and low density have received
much attention as a suitable thermal conductivity enhancer charging in the MePCM are explored for the CTES
in thermal energy storage applications.[14] Liu et al.[15] applications.
reported an improvement in the thermal conductivity of
paraffin by 58.6% and 41.4% with 2 wt. % of graphene and
2. Experimental methods
exfoliated graphite sheet respectively, as a result of a larger
lamellar structure of graphene compared to exfoliated graph- 2.1. Preparation of MePCM
ite sheet. Results of Wang et al.[16] showed a subcooling
elimination in OP10E/water emulsion with nano-graphite at A new kind of MePCM is prepared with de-ionized (DI)
a concentration greater than 2 wt. %. Thermal conductivity water as the PCM and NGF as the additive via the two-step
of the emulsion was augmented by 111.8% and exhibited a method. The hydrophilic properties of NGF are advanta-
higher cooling rate with the addition of nano-graphite. Kim geous for interfacial adhesion with any base material, but
et al.[17] analyzed the thermal conductivity of basalt fiber/ the adsorption of airborne hydrocarbon contaminations with
reinforced epoxy with NGF and reported an enhancement exposure to ambient transforms the NGF into hydrophobic.
of 252% with 40 wt. %. The phonon transfer between the Considering this, a polymer surfactant, polyvinyl pyrrolidone
matrix provided the efficient heat transfer paths for improv- (PVP) is taken as the surfactant for increasing the stability
ing the thermal conductivity. According to Zhou et al.,[18] of the suspension. The NGF with 99% purity (Sigma
dispersion of modified expanded graphite in magnesium Aldrich, India) and PVP (SRL Scientific, India) are used as
chloride hexahydrate resulted in an abrupt reduction of sub- received and their specifications are given in Table 1.
cooling and an increase in thermal conductivity of 7.7 folds Initially, the required mass of NGF and PVP (20 wt. % of
than the base PCM. Al-shannaq et al.[19] performed experi- NGF) is weighed in a precision electronic balance (Wenser,
mental studies on the phase change behavior of water and PGB 200) and it is then mixed with a known volume of
organic PCM (PureTemp4) in a spherical capsule coated base PCM. This mixture is subjected to magnetic stirring for
with graphite. A remarkable reduction in both freezing and 15 min, followed by probe sonication for 30 min at 20 kHz.
melting times was observed through the accelerated nucle- The heat generated during the sonication is dissipated by
ation of PCM. However, the PCM entrapped inside the placing the mixture in a water bath at 20  C. Following the
graphite pores suppressed the free convective currents dur- above steps, MePCMs are prepared with the different NGF
ing the melting process. Cheng et al.[20] developed a theoret- mass concentrations of 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% and 5% and kept
ical model with inclusion micromixing process of idle for 72 h to study their stability. The NGF settles at the
heterogeneous constituents for attaining the optimal thermal bottom of the container after 2 h and therefore the MePCMs
conductivity of the composite. Based on their results, are prepared afresh under two different sonication times of
expanded graphite was considered as a suitable additive ‘60 min’ and ‘90 min’. The stability of MePCM has not
because of its favorable microstuture paramentes such as improved for the sonication time ‘60 min’, while no visible
aspect ratio, specific surface area and equivalent thickness. precipitations are noticed in the MePCM sonicated for
Thermal conductivity enhancement of 16 times was reported ‘90 min’, as illustrated in Figure 1. After ensuring the stabil-
by Li et al.[21] in n—eicosane/expanded graphite composite ity, the size of dispersed NGF is measured using a scanning
with 30 wt. %. This enhancement resulted from the loading electron microscope (Hitachi S3400N). The random overlap-
of base PCM in the pores of expanded graphite, which pro- ping of NGF results with an increase in size, as the concen-
vided the interconnected pathways for continuous ther- tration varying from 1 wt. % to 5 wt.% as shown in Figure
mal transport. 2(a) and 2(b).
As inferred from the literature review, the carbonaceous
particles have been utilized as a promising thermal conduct-
2.2. Contact angle measurement
ivity enhancer in many PCMs, but no studies have been
reported on the phase change characteristics of water dis- In this study, the contact angle of MePCM is measured
persed with NGF. In this study, the main focus is to prepare using a goniometer (Kyowa Interface Science, DMe 211)
water based composite with NGF, called micro-particle that works based on the sessile drop method. Firstly, a
enhanced phase change material (MePCM) and investigate known volume of MePCM (2 lL) is taken in a syringe and
its solidification characteristics in two different sizes of injected out at a controlled flow rate on a borosilicate glass
spherical capsule. Effects of NGF addition on thermal con- substrate. The droplet is captured by a camera system, after
ductivity, nucleation and solidification characteristics of its spreading from initial to equilibrium position on the sub-
water are studied and the advantages of partial energy strate. The images are processed for obtaining the contact

Figure 1. Preparation process of MePCM.

Figure 2. SEM images of dispersed NGF (a) 1 wt. %, (b) 5 wt. %.

angle according to the equation, tan h2 ¼ HR , where, H— performed at each temperature condition to ensure the
height of the droplet and R—radius of the droplet on the repeatability of the measured data.
substrate. The aforesaid procedure is repeated thrice for
each sample to ascertain the repeatability of the data and
2.4. Description of experimental system
their average is considered for evaluating the heterogeneous
nucleation factor. Figure 3 illustrates the schematic arrangement of the test
facility for studying the solidification behavior of MePCM,
consisting of a chiller unit (Siskin Instruments, RCC 700,),
2.3. Thermal conductivity measurement
temperature bath, heating element and data logger (Agilent,
It is essential to explore the effects of NGF addition on the 34972 A). An aqueous mixture of ethylene glycol (60:40 by
thermal conductivity of the MePCM, as it mainly influences volume) is filled in the temperature bath and brought to
the rate of energy stored and retrieved during the phase 7  C using the chiller unit. The output of heating element
change process. Thermal conductivities of the MePCMs are is regulated through a proportionate temperature differential
measured at 10  C, 20  C and 30  C, using a KD2 pro ther- controller (PTDC) according to bath temperature and a
mal analyzer (Decan Devices Inc., USA) The analyzer has a mechanical stirrer is used for maintaining the temperature
needle probe sensor with an inbuilt heating element that uniformity. The prepared MePCM is poured into a spherical
works based on the transient inline source method. A borosilicate glass capsule of ‘64 mm’ diameter (Case 1) with
known volume of MePCM (25 ml) is poured into a cylin- a wall thickness of 1 mm. To accommodate the volume
drical glass container and the sensor is inserted at the cen- expansion of MePCM during the solidification, the capsule
ter. This container is placed in a thermally insulated is filled up to 80% of its volume and three resistance tem-
rectangular chamber of 7 l capacity, filled with an aqueous perature detectors (RTD) are located at different locations in
mixture of ethylene glycol (60:40 by volume) as the coolant. each capsule; from the center at 12 mm, 24 mm and 32 mm
The coolant mixture is circulated through a refrigerated–cir- for ‘Case 1’ while 9 mm, 19 mm and 26 mm for ‘Case 2’ as
culator (Poly Science, AD7R 20), bringing the temperature shown in Figure 3. The capsule with MePCM is placed in
of MePCM to the required test condition. The thermal con- the temperature bath at 7  C. Transient temperature varia-
ductivity measurement is subsequently carried out for 90 s tions of the MePCM are continuously measured every ‘10 s’
(30 s each for equilibrium, heating and cooling time). For from the initial condition of 30  C till the solidified MePCM
every MePCM sample, three experimental trials are attains 4  C. Similar experiments are performed in a

Figure 3. Schematic arrangement of the test facility.

spherical borosilicate glass capsule of 52 mm size (Case 2) Table 2. Uncertainty results.

with a wall thickness of 1 mm, positioned with three RTD as Parameter Uncertainty (%)
shown in Figure 3. For every MePCM sample, the experi- Temperature ±1.50
mental trials are repeated twice in each capsule to ascertain Contact angle
Volumetric surface free energy
the repeatability of the data. Critical nucleation radius ±9.34
An uncertainty analysis associated with temperature, con- Thermal conductivity ±5.22
tact angle, volumetric surface free energy, critical radius of
nucleation and thermal conductivity is carried out by calcu- Table 3. Nucleation parameters of MePCMs.
lating the deviation in the measurements using Eq. (1), NGF (wt. %) Contact angle f (h)
s ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2  2  2  2 0 43 540 0.053114
DD1 DD2 DD3 DDn 1 21 120 0.003360
uD ¼ þ þ þ ::::::::::::: þ 2 17 180 0.001516
D1 D2 D3 Dn  0
3 14 48 0.000817
(1) 4 10 180 0.000194
5 9 120 0.000124
where ‘D’ and ‘DD’ denote the minimum value and devi-
ation range of experimental parameters, respectively. The
evaluated uncertainty values are presented in Table 2.
Table 4. Solidification duration of the MePCMs.
rs–r1 (min) rs–rc (min)
rs –r2 (min)
3. Results and discussion Mass fraction (wt. %) Case 1/Case 2
3.1. Nucleation analysis of MePCMs 0 23/11.5 58/30 73/53
1 20.5/9.5 52/27.6 63.5/46.5
Dispersion of solid particles or other impurities in the base 2 17.5/8.3 48.3/25.5 62/41.8
3 14.8/7.1 41/22 55.8/40.5
PCM can effectively reduce the nucleation barriers, provid- 4 12.3/6.4 35.3/19 49.6/35.5
ing the favored interfacial sites for the heterogeneous nucle- 5 9.5/5.2 32.5/17 48/33
ation. The following major parameters are evaluated as
a high temperature driving force for the onset of solidifica-
Critical nucleation radiusðrÞ ¼ (2) tion. The critical nucleation radius of the base PCM is calcu-
DGv lated as 8.6 nm, which is in accordance with the results of
Surface free energy per unit volume ðDGv Þ Zhang et al.[23] and the ice embryos grow steadily, when
r  r. Looking at Table 3, the lower contact angle of
qs  Dh  DT
¼ (3) MePCM compared to base PCM indicates a high surface
Ts wettability due to decrease in the surface tension. The
Heterogeneous nucleation factor, f ðhÞ equivalent molecular diameter of the base PCM is calculated
2 as 0.38 nm from dPCM ¼ 0:1ðNA pq 6M
Þ1=3 , given by
ð2 þ cos hÞð1  cos hÞ Corcione, [24] l
where ‘M’ ¼ molecular mass of water (kg
¼ (4)
4 mol1), ‘NA’¼ Avogadro number (mol1) and ‘ql’ ¼ liquid
where ‘qs’—solid density (kg m3), ‘Dh’—latent heat (kJ density (kg m3). The NGF which is several fold larger in
kg1), DT—degree of subcooling (K), Ts—solidus tempera- size than the base PCM molecules, attracts a large number
ture (K), ciw—interface free energy of ice-water ¼ 0.023 J of PCM molecules toward itself, thereby decreasing the sur-
m2.[22] The volumetric surface free energy of base PCM is face tension of MePCM. This effect is predominant with
7640.2 kJ m3, as a result of high degree of subcooling. This increase in concentration of NGF consequently lowering the
contributes to thermodynamic and kinetic barriers, requiring heterogeneous nucleation factor of the MePCM compared to

Figure 4. Thermal conductivity of MePCMs.

the base PCM. For instance, the heterogeneous nucleation

factor of MePCM with 5 wt. % NGF is 0.00014 against the
base line case of 0.053114 that shows a substantial reduction
in the excess free energy. Therefore, the presence of NGF
accelerates the nucleation rate and eliminates the subcooling
of MePCM even at a minimal concentration. The nucleation
rate of MePCM depends on size, surface area and the num-
ber of particles that influence the formation of ice embryos
on the NGF surface. Nucleation of base PCM on the surface
of NGF is quite difficult to evaluate experimentally, as it
involves complexity in the measurement of contact angle
between the base PCM molecules and NGF surface.
Fortunately, this contact angle can be determined from the
studies of Zhang[25] based on measured contact angle data
as given below; Figure 5. Transient temperature variation of the MePCMs (a) Case 1, (b) Case 2.
qffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffi  
ci d cw d
cw cw d
þ cw d
 1 cos hwNGF  ci
cos hiNGF ¼ (5)
ci w
NGF and filling the gap between the flakes by the base PCM
where hiNGF —contact angle between ice and NGF, ci d ¼ molecules result in thermal conductivity enhancement.
0.033237 J m2, ci ¼ 0.081972 J m2, cw d ¼ 0.022261 J m2, Evidently as shown in Figure 2(a) and 2(b), the size of
cw ¼ 0.074289 J m2.[26] The contact angle between ice and agglomerates becomes larger with an increase in concentra-
NGF is evaluated as 65 for hwNGF ¼ 86 .[27] This wettabil- tion, which provides the high surface area for heat conduc-
ity behavior of water increases the probability of forming tion in the MePCM. At the same time, this enhancement is
more nucleation sites on the NGF surface, accelerating the not proportional to the increase of NGF concentration due
heterogeneous nucleation process. to directional variation in thermal conductivity and random
orientation of the NGF flakes. Looking at Figure 4, thermal
conductivities of the MePCM show a temperature independ-
3.2. Thermal conductivity of MePCM
ency similar to other carbonaceous particles, indicating the
Figure 4 shows the enhanced thermal conductivity of absence of ‘Brownian motion’. Generally, the presence of
MePCMs, defined as kMePCM kPCM , at the tested temperature PVP weakens the effective thermal conductivity of the
conditions. As observed, the MePCM exhibits a thermal MePCM, as a result of narrowing the surface area for heat
conductivity augmentation of 11% (0.63 W m1 K1) and transfer by adsorption of PVP molecules on the NGF sur-
25.3% (0.7 W m1 K1) over the base PCM (0.56 W m1 face. This decrement is predominant at a higher mass frac-
K1) with NGF loading of 1 wt. % and 5 wt. %, respectively, tion of PVP, which lowers the efficacy of high conductive
at 30  C. This enhancement is attributed to the formation of NGF in the MePCM. In view of the above, a suitable
NGF agglomerates, forming the chain structures to provide method is to be developed for the preparation of the
the additional heat conductive paths. High thermal conduct- MePCMs without the surfactant for achieving the maximum
ivity and aspect ratio, self-lubrication characteristics of the thermal conductivity enhancement.

3.3 Time–temperature curves of MePCM

Solidification characteristics of the MePCMs for ‘Case 1’ and
‘Case 2’ are discussed from the results of temperature pro-
files to explore its potential application. Figure 5(a) depicts
the transient temperature variation of the base PCM at the
center of the capsule in ‘Case 1’at Tsurr ¼ 7  C. As seen
from the figure, the base PCM undergoes a subcooling of
5.4  C in a metastable liquid region and subsequently, the
nucleation gets initiated instantaneously. The latent heat
released during phase change from liquid to solid raises the
temperature of subcooled PCM for attaining its solidus tem-
perature. The onset of solidification occurs at 1.4  C in the
base PCM, taking a solidification duration of 73 min
between ‘rs–rc’. The PCM near the surface is solidified at a
faster rate due to its negligible thermal resistance, but the
heat transfer is hindered as a result of increase in thermal
resistance offered by the growing ice thickness. As could be
noticed from the figure, adding NGF to the base PCM does
not have a significant effect in the liquid sensible cooling
region, owing to the suppression of natural convection
effects. Astonishingly, the complete elimination of subcool-
ing is observed in the MePCM with 1 wt. %. NGF through
the creation of more nucleation sites. The solidification dur-
ation between ‘rs–rc’ is 48 min for the MePCM with 5 wt. %,
exhibiting a reduced duration of 34% compared to base
PCM. The major factors contributing to the above men-
tioned reduction are thermal conductivity enhancement and
sub cooling elimination with the presence of NGF. In the
solid sensible cooling region, the MePCM with the max-
imum mass fraction of NGF attains 4  C in 2.5 min against
the baseline case of 6.8 min.
Results of the solidification experiment for ‘Case 2’ are
plotted in Figure 5(b) to compare the effects of capsule size Figure 6. Solidification time at different locations in (a) Case 1, (b) Case 2.
on solidification characteristics of the MePCM. As perceived,
the base PCM undergoes to a lower subcooling by 2  C
compared to ‘Case 1’, due to the reduction in the capsule in Figure 6(a) for ‘Case 1’, the time taken to solidify 53.5%
size. However, the base PCM remains in a meta-stable liquid of the base PCM volume between ‘rs–r2’ is 33.5% of total
state for a prolonged duration, delaying the onset of solidifi- solidification duration, as a result of accelerated mode of
cation by 27% in comparison with ‘Case 1’. It can be energy charging with a meager thermal resistance. The grad-
ascribed to a relatively smaller surface area, inhibiting the ual increase in thermal resistance of the solidified mass as
heat transfer at a given temperature driving potential. given in Eq. (6), diminishes the accelerated mode of energy
Realizing this undesirable delay, attempts are being made for charging between ‘r2–r1’, solidifying 40.5% of volume in
minimizing the duration by improving thermal conductivity 43.5% of total duration.
of the capsule material through the passive methods, which
rc  r1
are under progress. The base PCM shows a faster charging Rth ¼ (6)
rate than ‘Case 1’, possibly due to lower conductive resist- 4pkice rc r1
ance offered by the PCM in the smaller capsule. For the where kice—thermal conductivity of solid ice in W m1 K1.
MePCM with 5 wt. %, the solidification duration is short- As the inward solidification proceeds further from ‘r1’, the
ened by 38% compared to base PCM with synergistic effects conductive thermal resistance attains 1.84  C W1, hindering
of NGF and short heat conduction path in a smaller size the heat transfer significantly. On analyzing the data, only
capsule. As shown in Figure 5(b), subcooling elimination is 6% of the base PCM volume is solidified in the remaining
observed in all the MePCMs similar to ‘Case 1’. 23% of the total solidification duration in a decelerated
mode. It is observed that the MePCMs exhibit a similar
mode of charging as that of base PCM, but with an appre-
3.4. Mode of energy charging
ciable reduction in the solidification duration. For the
Temperature profiles of the MePCMs at three different loca- MePCM with 5 wt. %, the charging prevails for 9.5 min
tions in the spherical capsules are used for analyzing the between ‘rs–r2’ in a shortened duration of 61.5%, compared
mode of energy charging during the solidification. As shown to the base PCM. This reduction can be attributed to the

Table 5. Cost comparison of additives.

Additive Particle size Mass fraction (%) Subcooling reduction (%) Cost per grama (USD)
Aluminum oxide 433 nm 0.2 70 4.0
Multi wall carbon nanotube[9] 25–82 nm 1.2 21 2.0
Copper oxide[6] 37–59 nm 0.1 100 6.5
Graphene oxide nanosheets[20] 60 nm 0.05 69 140
Graphene nanoplatelets[3] 8 nm 1.2 64 15
Graphene oxide nanosheets[22] 132 nm 0.1 74 140
Graphene oxide nanosheets[8] 52 nm 0..03 20 140
Natural graphite flake (Present work) 1–2 lm 1 100 0.05
Source: Sigma Aldrich, USA and Cheap Tube, USA.

presence of high conductive ice molecules between the flakes the low nucleation energy barrier, subcooling elimination,
and on the surface of NGF, providing the efficient heat per- enhanced thermal conductivity, partial charging in an accel-
colation path. Further, charging of the MePCM bound erated mode and low cost of NGF will make MePCM as the
between ‘r2–r1’ takes 23.1 min, storing a cumulative cool potential energy storage material in the CTES applications.
thermal energy of 94% in a shorter duration of 32.5 min,
against the baseline case of 58 min. Considering the above, it
is suggested to turn off operate the chiller unit during the Acknowledgments
decelerated mode of charging, storing only 6% of cool ther- The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Technology
mal energy. From the volume solidified results for ‘Case 2’ Mission Division (Grant No. DST/TMD/MES/2K16/98), Department of
as illustrated in Figure 6(b), the MePCM smaller capsule Science and Technology, New Delhi, Government of India.
size provides a higher energy storage rate, owing to shorter
heat conduction path. Perceiving the data in Table 4, the Disclosure statement
solidification of base PCM between ‘rS–r1’ takes 30 min for
storing 96% of cool thermal energy, while it is 17 min is by No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
the MePCM with 5 wt. %. It is construed that, the energy
storage per unit volume is at a faster rate in the smaller Funding
spherical capsule than the larger one, accelerating it further
in the MePCM with the presence of NGF. Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science
and Technology.
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monly used additives in the PCM based applications, par-
ticularly water as the base PCM. For that, the present results
are compared with the published data, in terms of subcool- References
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