Nmap Commands

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threader3000 - github tool for sacnning

nikto tool for scanning

nmap (ip address)

nmap -Pn (Ip) = if packets are blocking
nmap -Pn -p- (ip) = to list all the ports open on the system
nmap -Pn (ip) -p 1-65535 = to list the number of ports want
nmap -Pn -sV (ip) = to know the version of the server running
nmap -Pn -sC (ip) = to get details about the port
nmap -Pn -v (ip) = to knwo what the namp is scanning and ho much
packets are trasnfered
nmap -PS (ip) = halfr scan
nmap -A (ip) or nnmap -Pn -A = agressive scan

u can add -ox after the command to store the output and to convert to html
xsltprox (file nam) -o (file name).html

nmap for ddos ports scaning

nmap -Pn --script http-slowloris --max-parallelism 400 192.168.15

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