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To install the environment for RPO192, follow these steps:

1. Download and Install Java Development Kit (JDK):

o Go to the Oracle website (


o Accept the license agreement and download the JDK appropriate for your operating

o Run the downloaded installer and follow the instructions to install the JDK.

2. Download and Install NetBeans IDE:

o Go to the NetBeans website (

o Download the latest stable release of NetBeans IDE with Java SE.

o Run the downloaded installer and follow the instructions to install NetBeans.

3. Configure NetBeans:

o Open NetBeans IDE.

o Go to "Tools" -> "Java Platforms".

o Click on the "Add Platform" button and navigate to the directory where you installed the

o Select the JDK and click on the "Next" button.

o Review the platform settings and click on the "Finish" button.

4. Create a New Java Project:

o Go to "File" -> "New Project".

o Select "Java" from the categories list and choose "Java Application" as the project type.

o Click on the "Next" button.

o Enter a project name and specify a project location.

o Select the JDK you configured earlier and click on the "Finish" button.

5. Write and Run Java Code:

o In the "Projects" tab, expand your project and open the main Java class file.

o Write your Java code in the editor.

o Click on the green "Play" button or go to "Run" -> "Run Project" to run your code.

That's it! You have successfully installed and set up the environment for NetBeans for Java beginners.
Now you can start writing and running Java code in NetBeans.

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