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By Peter R. Dumont,1 Member, ASCE, G. Edward Gibson Jr.,2 Member, ASCE, and John R. FIsh3
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ABSTRACT: It is widely accepted that poor scope definition is one of the leading causes of
project failure in the U.S. construction industry. Many owner and contractor companies un-
derstand this, however, they share the misconception that it is not economically feasible to
spend the time or money necessary to adequately define the scope of work early in a project's
life cycle. In other cases project participants are ignorant about the requirements for an ade-
quately defined scope of work. A tool called the project definition rating index (PORI) was
created to address these problems. The PORI is an easy-to-use, weighted checklist of 70 scope
definition elements allowing the user to measure and manage the level of scope definition as
project planning progresses. Results from 40 pilot projects will be presented showing that a
specific PORI point threshold provides some measure of confidence in project outcome. The
implications of this tool in the project scope management process will be explored. Conclu-
sions and recommendations about the PORI will be made for project management profes-

INTRODUCTION lems. It is a simple and easy-to-use checklist that

identifies and precisely describes each critical element in
The downsizing and decentralization of many owner
a project scope definition package. The PDRI allows a
engineering organizations has forever altered the way
project team to quickly analyze the scope definition
that industrial construction projects will be pursued in
package and predict factors that may impact project risk.
the future. With these organizational changes has come
It is intended to evaluate the completeness of scope def-
internal business fragmentation, loss of experience and
inition, specifically on industrial construction projects, at
institutional memory, and the need to use and rely on
any point prior to the time a project is considered for
outside consultants to perform many project functions
authorization to perform detailed design and construc-
within businesses. The market-driven need to incorpo-
rate more complex technology into projects, while re-
For the purposes of this tool, industrial construction
ducing cost and schedule, combined with the organiza-
projects may include, but are not limited to the following
tional changes mentioned makes effective project scope
types of facilities:
planning, definition, and control imperative. Yet, it is
often challenging to ensure that effective scope manage-
• OiVgas production facilities
ment will take place under these circumstances.
The project definition rating index (PDRI) is a revo- • Refineries
• Chemical plants
lutionary tool created under the guidance of the Con-
• Pharmaceutical plants
struction Industry Institute (CII) to help with these prob-
• Paper mills
'Presented at the 1996 Project Management Institute Annual Sem- • SteeValuminum mills
inars and Symposium held in Boston. MA (October). • Power plants
'Proj. Engr.. S&B Engrs. & Constructors Ltd., 7825 Park Place • Manufacturing facilities
Blvd.• Houston. TX 77087. • Food-processing plants
2Assoc. Prof.• Dept. of Civ. Engrg.• ECJ 5.2. Univ. of Texas at
• Textile mills
Austin. Austin. TX 78712-1076.
'Dir. Proj. Quality Controls. Procurement. and Service. Process
Services Inc .. P.O. Box 86810. Baton Rouge. LA 70879. This paper will highlight the importance of scope def-
Note. Discussion open until March 1. 1998. To extend the closing inition and its direct impact on project success, specifi-
date one month. a written request must be filed with the ASCE Man- cally focusing on how recent industry trends are chang-
ager of Journals. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for ing the traditional project environment. Too often
review and possible publication on May 12, 1997. This paper is part
of the Journal of Management in Engineering, Vol. 13, No.5. Sep-
communication breakdowns between primary stakehold-
tember/October, 1997 ©ASCE. ISSN 0742-597X197/0005-0054- ers along with poorly defined objectives result in projects
0060/$4.00 + $.50 per page. Paper No. 14967. that fall short of their cost, schedule, and operational

J. Manage. Eng., 1997, 13(5): 54-60

goals. It is apparent that the industry could benefit from dium level, and 18 with a low level. A comparison be-
a resource that improves performance in these areas by tween high and low preproject planning efforts for these
creating an "environment to win" for all project partic- projects revealed total potential cost and schedule per-
ipants. formance differentials as follows (Hamilton and Gibson
The PORI will be introduced as a resource to help 1996; Pre-Project 1994):
with this problem. It will be shown to be an effective
tool for preventing a poorly defined scope of work. The • A 20 percent cost saving with a high level of pre-
structure and format of the PORI will be explained along project planning effort
with a sample listing of the many benefits it can provide • A 39 percent schedule saving with a high level of
the project team. A brief synopsis of how the PORI was preproject planning effort
tested on 40 capital projects in order to validate its ac-
curacy and usefulness will be discussed. This will be Obviously, improvement in project predictability and
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followed by an explanation of how today's rapidly savings of this magnitude can have a significant impact
changing business environment, which has placed in- on a venture's outcome. Oue to its importance, preparing
creasingly rigorous pressures on project teams, further a scope definition package should receive a level of man-
reinforces the need in the U.S. construction industry for agement attention commensurate with its potential for
a tool like the PORI. Finally, this paper will conclude impacting project performance. The PORI provides
by describing how the PORI provides a structured ap- project team members with a structured approach for
proach to the project scope management process, thus developing a quality scope definition package.
facilitating better scope definition.
Most experienced industry participants recognize the
Project scope definition is the process by which importance of scope definition during preproject plan-
projects are defined and prepared for execution. The in- ning and its potential impact on project success. Until
formation identified during this process is usually pre- now, however, the industry has been lacking a practical,
sented in the form of a project scope definition package. nonproprietary method for determining the degree of
A scope definition package is a detailed formulation of scope development on a project. The PORI is the first
a continuous and systematic strategy to be used during publicly available tool of its kind. It allows a project
the execution phase of a project to accomplish the proj- planning team to quantify, rate, and assess the level of
ect objectives and fulfill the driving business need. This scope definition on industrial construction projects prior
package should include sufficient supplemental infor- to authorization for detailed design or construction. A
mation to permit effective and efficient detailed engi- significant feature of the PDRI is that it can be utilized
neering to proceed (Gibson et aI. 1995b). to fit the needs of almost any individual project, small
Success during the detailed design, construction, and or large. Elements that are not applicable to a specific
start-up phases of a project is highly dependent upon the project can be zeroed out, thus eliminating them from
completeness of the scope definition. Some construction the final scoring calculation.
industry officials consider lack of scope definition to be The PDRI consists of 70 elements in a weighted
the most serious problem on construction projects (Smith checklist format. The 70 elements are divided into three
and Tucker 1983). A poorly defined project can experi- main sections and 15 categories. A complete list of the
ence considerable changes that may result in cost over- sections, categories, and elements are given in Fig. I. In
runs and a greater potential for disputes. Inadequate addition, all elements are described in a detailed glos-
scope definition can lead to changes that may delay the sary, including required level of effort and checklists
project schedule, cause rework, disrupt project rhythm, (Gibson and Dumont I996b). This is significant because
and lower the productivity and morale of the workforce. it provides industry with a common and definitive un-
Previous research has shown that increased levels of derstanding of what constitutes complete definition of
scope definition during the early planning, or preproject each element.
planning, phase of a project can greatly improve the ac- The PDRI has been proven beneficial as a
curacy of cost and schedule estimates as well as the
probability of meeting or exceeding project objectives • Checklist that a project team can use for determin-
(Pre-Project 1995; Griffith and Gibson 1995; Hackney ing the necessary steps to follow in defining the
1992; Hamilton and Gibson 1996; Merrow 1988; Mer- project's scope
row et al. 1981). Specifically, research by CII investi- • Listing of standardized scope definition terminol-
gated the importance of preproject planning on capital ogy for use throughout the construction industry
projects and its influence on project success. This re- • Industry standard for rating the completeness of the
search concluded that higher levels of preproject plan- project scope definition to facilitate risk assess-
ning effort can result in significant cost and schedule ment, prediction of escalation, evaluation of poten-
savings. In particular this research effort studied 53 cap- tial for disputes, etc.
ital facility projects, 17 of which had been executed with • Means to monitor progress at various stages during
a high level of preproject planning effort, 18 with a me- the preproject planning effort

J. Manage. Eng., 1997, 13(5): 54-60

I. BASIS OF PROJECT DECISION G9. Mechanical Equipment List
G10.Line List
A. Manufacturing Objectives G11 .Tie-in List
A 1. Reliability Philosophy G12.Piping Specialty Items List
A2. Maintenance Philosophy G13.1 nstrument Index
A3. Operating Philosophy H. Equipment Scope
B. Business Objectives H1. Equipment Status
B1. Products H2. Equipment Location Drawings
B2. Market Strategy H3. Equipment Utility Requirements
B3. Project Strategy I. Civil, Structural, & Architectural
B4. Affordability I Feasibility 11. Civil I Structural Requirements
B5. Capacities 12. Architectural Requirements
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86. Future Expansion Considerations J. Infrastructure

B7. Expected Project Life Cycle J1. Water Treatment Requirements
88. Social Issues J2. Loading I Unloading I Storage
C. Basic Data Research & Development Facilities Requirements
C1. Technology J3. Transportation Requirements
C2. Processes K. Instrument & Electrical
D. Project Scope K1. Control Philosophy
D1. Project Objectives Statement K2. Logic Diagrams
D2. Project Design Criteria K3. Electrical Area Classifications
D3. Site Characteristics Available vs. Req'd K4. Substation Requirements I Power
D4. Dismantling & Demolition Requirements Sources Identified
D5. Lead I Discipline Scope of Work K5. Electrical Single line Diagrams
D6. Project Schedule K6. Instrument & Electrical Specs.
E. Value Engineering
E1. Process Simplification III. EXECUTION APPROACH
E2. Design & Material Alternatives
Considered I Rejected L. Procurement Strategy
E3. Design for Constructability Analysis L1. Identify Long Lead I Critical
Equipment & Materials
II. FRONT END DEFINITION L2. Procurement Procedures and Plans
L3. Procurement Responsibility Matrix
F. Site Information M. Deliverables
F1. Site Location M1.CADDI Model Requirements
F2. Surveys & Soil Tests M2.Deliverables Defined
F3. Environmental Assessment M3.Distribution Matrix
F4. Permit Requirements N. Project Control
F5. Utility Sources With Supply Conditions N1. Project Control Requirements
F6. Fire Protection & Safety Considerations N2. Project Accounting Requirements
G. Process I Mechanical N3. Risk Analysis
G1. Process Flow Sheets P. Project Execution Plan
G2. Heat & Material Balances P1. Owner Approval Requirements
G3. Piping & Instrumentation Diags. P2. Engr. I Constr. Plan & Approach
(P&ID's) P3. Shut Down I Turn-Around
G4. Process Safety Management (PSM) Req'mts.
G5. Utility Flow Diagrams P4. Pre-Commissioning Turnover
G6. Specifications Sequence Requirements
G7. Piping System Requirements P5. Startup Requirements
G8. Plot Plan P6. Training Requirements

FIG. 1. Project Definition Rating Index (PORI) Sections, Categories, and Elements

• Tool that aids in communication between owners the performance of past projects, both within their
and design contractors by highlighting poorly de- company and externally, in order to predict the
fined areas in a scope definition package probability of success on future projects
• Means for project team participants to reconcile
differences using a common basis for project eval-
• Training tool for companies and individuals
throughout the industry The elI research team that developed the PDRI was
• Benchmarking tool for companies to use in eval- formed in 1994 to produce effective, simple, and easy-
uating the completeness of scope definition versus to-use scope definition tools so that owners and contrac-

J. Manage. Eng., 1997, 13(5): 54-60

tors could better achieve business, operational, and owner and contractor companies to two workshops. At
project objectives (Pre-Project Planning Tools: PDRI each workshop the participants were asked to weight
and Alignment, in press, 1997). The team's objective each element in importance based upon their own ex-
was to quantify preproject planning efforts, specifically perience. A total of 38 weighted score sheets resulted
scope definition, and correlate them to the predictability from the workshops.
of achieving project objectives. Its goal was to develop The weighting process is fairly complex and beyond
a tool for measuring project scope development that the scope of this paper. Suffice it to say that each of the
would be based on industry best practices. This tool 38 weighted score sheets were based on a standard
would consist of a weighted index of critical scope def- project that the respondent, or respondent team, had re-
inition elements and be titled the project definition rating cently completed. The respondent scored each element
index (PORI). based on the impact that it would have on the total in-
In order to achieve its objective, the research team stalled cost of the facility in question in terms of level
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began by examining past research in project scope de- of definition. Each score sheet then was normalized to
velopment. J. W. Hackney (1992) pioneered one of the 1,000 points and averaged. Statistical tests were per-
first attempts to quantify and define the specific elements formed looking at standard deviation, skewness, and kur-
required for proper scope definition. Although his work tosis of the individual elements, and adjustments were
is excellent it has not been widely accepted, perhaps due made. This input was used to determine the individual
to its complexity. Apart from Hackney's work, however, element weights. These weights comprise the PORI
the research team found the industry lacking in a non- score sheet that can be found in a separate document
proprietary method for benchmarking the level of pre- entitled PDRI:Project Definition Rating Index, Industrial
project planning effort or the degree of scope develop- Projects (Gibson and Oumont 1996b). Additional infor-
ment on a project. From these findings the research team mation on this research methodology can be found in
realized that its primary challenge was to develop a sim- Gibson and Oumont (l996a).
ple and easy-to-use tool for project scope development. The weighted PORI score sheet is used to evaluate the
This tool must identify and precisely define each critical level of completeness of the project scope definition.
element in a scope definition package and allow a project Each of the 70 elements is subjectively evaluated by key
team to quickly predict factors impacting project risk. project stakeholders based on its level of definition ver-
To develop a detailed list of the required elements sus its corresponding description. Summing the individ-
within a good scope definition package the research team ual element evaluations and their corresponding weights
utilized four primary sources: the expertise of the re- leads to a single PORI score for the project, which can
search team, an extensive literature review, documenta- range from zero to 1,000. The lower the total score, the
tion from a variety of owner and contractor companies, more well defined the project. Higher weights signify
and a separate workshop of project managers and esti- that certain elements within the score sheet lack adequate
mators. Initial topic categories were obtained from Hack- definition and should be reexamined prior to project au-
ney, previous ell work, and through using the team's thorization.
internal expertise. This preliminary list was expanded
using scope development documentation and best prac- Validating PDRI
tices from 14 owner and contractor companies. Through Although the PORI weights were based upon the ex-
affinity diagramming and nominal group techniques, the pertise of 54 experienced project managers and estima-
list was further refined and agreement reached regarding tors, the document is opinion based and, therefore, was
exact terms and nomenclature of element descriptions. tested on actual projects to verify its viability as a tool.
Once this was completed a focus group of six individuals Forty validation projects ranging in authorized sizes
representing one owner and three engineering/construc- from $1,000,000 to $635,000,000 were scored with the
tion companies who had not seen the approach previ- PORI. Together these projects represent greater than $3.3
ously was held to "fine tune" the list of elements and billion in authorized cost. The types of projects included
their descriptions. This list, which forms the basis fo the chemical, petrochemical, refining, gas production, power
PORI, was presented earlier in Fig. 1. Oue to the need plants, and manufacturing facilities. Each was con-
for brevity the detailed element descriptions are not in- structed between 1988 and 1995. A PORI score was
cluded in this document. computed for each project based upon the level of def-
inition at project authorization prior to detailed design
Element Weighting and construction. (Note that all of these projects were
The research team hypothesized that all elements were scored "after the fact.")
not equally important with respect to their potential im- A success rating based upon cost performance, sched-
pact on overall project success. Therefore, each element ule performance, percentage design capacity attained at
needed to be weighted relative to the others. Higher six months, and plant utilization attained at six months
weights were to be assigned to those elements whose also was computed for each project. This success rating
lack of definition could have the most seriously negative had been used in previous research regarding preproject
effect on project performance. planning (Hamilton and Gibson 1996).
To develop credible weights the research team invited A statistical analysis revealed that the PORI score and
54 experienced project managers and estimators from 31 project success variables were linearly rated with a co-

J. Manage. Eng., 1997, 13(5): 54-60

TABLE 1. Summary of Cost, Schedule, and Change Order Downsizing
Mean Performance versus Authorization Estimate for Another trend emerging in the industry is the down-
Project Definition Rating Index (PORI) Validation Projects
sizing of owner companies and the elimination of in-
PORI Score house detailed design capabilities. With this downsizing
<200 >200 Difference has come the loss of many experienced personnel as well
Performance (%) (%) (%) as the institutional memory and expertise required for
(1 ) (2) (3) (4) sufficient project planning. Younger, less experienced
Cost -5 +14 19 engineers now are being asked to prepare scope pack-
Schedule -I +12 13 ages without adequate mentoring or a structured ap-
Change orders +2 +8 6
(n = 20) (n = 20) - proach to give them guidance.
Much of the responsibility for detailed design is now
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being assumed by engineering and construction contrac-

efficient of determination (R 2 ) of 0.39 between the two tors. Contractor-led project definition is prevalent on
(Pre-Project Planning Tools: PDRI and Alignment, in roughly one-third of all projects today, whereas 20 years
press, 1997). A low PDRI score represents a project def- ago, it rarely occurred (Merrow and Yarossi 1994). How-
inition package that is well defined and, in general, cor- ever, contractors often are not capable of taking on the
responds to an increased probability for project success. responsibility of effectively leading the definition phase
Based on the analysis of the validation projects, the of a project. This often results in projects with poor cost,
research team found that a trend existed between low schedule, or operational performance. It is apparent that
PDRI scores and high project success levels. Table 1 contractors could benefit from a tool such as the PDRI
shows the difference in subgroup means between that would provide a detailed checklist for determining
projects that scored less than 200 (out of 1,000 total the necessary steps to follow in defining a project scope
points) and those that scored greater than 200. (For ex- as well as a means to evaluate their performance peri-
ample, a cost performance of "-5%" indicates that the odically throughout the process.
mean of final project cost for the 20 projects scoring 200
and below was 5% less than the cost estimate at author- Multiple Small Projects
ization.) The 200 point cutoff was used because it was The age of the megaproject has probably passed.
a logical break in the data set and also corresponded to Many of the companies surveyed by the CII research
projects that met most of their authorization objectives. team while developing the PDRI indicated that they are
Note the significant 19% difference in cost perfor- allocating more of their capital funds towards the con-
mance and the 13% difference in schedule. The sample struction of multiple small projects. As one project man-
set of validation projects is relatively small, however the ager commented, "I have 50 small projects for every
magnitude of these numbers confirms the conclusion that large project. The PDRI is a great tool for large projects,
better scope definition can correlate to savings in terms but small project management is where I really need
of both time and money. Although not shown the stan- help." The answer is, the PDRI is well suited for small
dard deviations for the "less than 200" group were projects also. In just a short amount of time (approxi-
much smaller as well, indicating less variation. mately two hours or less) a PDRI evaluation of a project
The PDRI alone will not ensure successful projects can highlight the most important elements that must be
but, if combined with sound business planning, team addressed before project execution is authorized (Gibson
alignment, and good project execution, it can greatly im- et al. 1995a). Identifying the critical few elements that
prove the probability of meeting or exceeding project can directly impact performance is paramount on small
objectives. projects. Currently several owners and contractor com-
panies are successfully pursuing unique methods of scal-
ing down the PDRI for use on small or discipline-spe-
Reduced Cycle Times cific projects.
In today's rapidly changing business environment it is
becoming increasingly important for companies to re- INTEGRATING PORI WITHIN PROJECT SCOPE
duce project cycle times in order to get products to the MANAGEMENT
market sooner. Although it is not the ideal situation,
owners often feel that market demand or other pressures The PDRI can significantly improve execution of the
warrant authorization of projects with underdeveloped project scope management phase of the project life cy-
definition. Pushing a project into the field prematurely cle. This phase is shown pictorially in Fig. 2 as devel-
can adversely affect the accuracy of cost and schedule oped by the Project Management Institute (PMI). The
estimates. However, if owners decide to proceed with PDRI can be integrated easily into this phase as a tool
projects that have poorly defined scopes, the ability to for planning, developing, and verifying project scope. It
quickly and accurately predict factors that may impact provides an industry approved "road map" that can as-
project risk becomes more critical. The PDRI can help sist a project team towards reaching or exceeding its
the project team identify and focus on the few major objectives. Specifically, the PDRI can help improve
elements (those with higher relative weights) that will completion of the five major subprocesses of scope man-
have the greatest ability to influence project success. agement: initiation, scope planning, scope definition.

J. Manage. Eng., 1997, 13(5): 54-60

Project Scope

Initiation Scope Planning Scope Definition Scope Scope Change
Verification Control

FIG. 2. Project Scope Management OvervIew (Project Management Institute 1996)

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scope verification and scope change control. The follow- regarding the need for additional information in the
ing discussion includes ideas for using the PORI to fa- scope package. This is important because often
cilitate successful completion of each of these subpro- owner companies are not aware of the level of def-
cesses: inition necessary for contractors to successfully
complete the project. Finally, it can be used as one
1. Initiation. The PORI can help define the overall indicator in making the decision of whether to au-
project requirements for developing and assem- thorize the project for detailed design and construc-
bling the project team. It can help all stakeholders tion.
involved in the project understand its scope defi- 5. Scope change control. When used effectively, the
nition requirements. The PORI also can be used in PORI forces good scope definition. Therefore,
developing a baseline for understanding the current when scope changes occur the affected areas can
level of project definition. This, in tum, can assist be identified more easily. The PORI allows the
in creating the project charter. project, team to refocus effort during project exe-
2. Scope planning. The PORI can help the project cution on any elements that were not well defined
team determine which elements are the most criti- early on, perhaps due to time or financial con-
cal in the project scope package. The hierarchy of straints, and take action to improve their definition.
PORI sections, categories, and elements can form It also provides a basis for "lessons learned" dur-
the basis of a work breakdown structure (WBS) for ing future endeavors.
proper scope planning. The PORI also can assist in
developing project milestones, standardizing ter- CONCLUSIONS
minology (either between owners and contractors The PORI is an easy-to-use tool that can greatly im-
or between multiple owners involved in joint-ven- prove scope management efforts on industrial construc-
ture operations) and in communication with con- tion projects. Poor scope definition has been shown to
sultants. The ultimate results of scope planning will be one of the leading causes of project failure in our
be a scope management plan and a scope state- industry. The PORI, when implemented effectively, can
ment. greatly improve the probability of project success by re-
3. Scope definition. The PORI provides a structured ducing the potential for failure due to poorly defined
approach to project scope definition. Detailed ele- scopes. Although it was developed for use on industrial
ment descriptions in a checklist format help ensure construction projects the writers feel that similar tools
that each appropriate element is adequately ad- can be created for other project management applica-
dressed. The PORI can be used to score the com- tions. For information on how to develop one for other
pleteness of the project scope package during the business needs, see the methodology outlined in Gibson
planning process in order to measure progress, as- and Dumont (l996a). The writers also recommend that
sess risk, and redirect future effort. It also can assist companies should consider incorporating the PORI as a
in assigning work responsibilities to the scope def- standard tool to assist in their scope development and
inition WBS. management processes.
4. Scope verification. PORI scores reflect the quality The PORI can benefit both owner and contractor com-
and completeness of the project scope package. panies. Owner companies can use it as an assessment
Analysis of these scores can facilitate risk assess- tool for establishing a comfort level at which they are
ment by highlighting the project's weak areas. It willing to authorize projects. Contractors can use it as a
can provide a benchmark for comparison against means of identifying poorly defined project scope defi-
the performance of past projects in order to predict nition elements. The PDRI provides a means for all
the probability of future success. Project evalua- project participants to communicate and reconcile dif-
tions can be conducted by both owners and con- ferences using an objective tool as a common basis for
tractors either separately or together to ensure a fair project scope evaluation. Any company wishing to im-
assessment and a "meeting of the minds" among prove performance on their industrial construction
all stakeholders. The detailed element descriptions projects will find the PDRI to be a simple, effective, and
in the tool provide an objective basis for discussion powerful tool.

J. Manage. Eng., 1997, 13(5): 54-60

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS and alignment during pre-project planning." Proc., PMI '95 Conf.,
The writers would like to thank the Construction In- Hackney, J. W. (1992). Control & management of capital projects,
dustry Institute for supporting this research investigation. 2nd Ed., McGraw-Hili Inc., New York, N.Y.
Hamilton, M. R., and Gibson, G. E. (1996). "Benchmarking pre-
They would also like to especially thank the members
project planning effort." J. Mgmt. in Engrg., ASCE, 12(2),25-33.
of the Front End Planning Research Team for their ef- Merrow, E. W. (1988). Understanding the outcomes of megaprojects:
forts. Peter Dumont was formerly a graduate student at a quantitative analysis of very large civilian projects. RANDIR-
The University of Texas at Austin. 3560-PSSP. The Rand Corp., Santa Monica, Calif.
Merrow, E. W., Phillips, K. E., and Myers, C. W. (1981). Understand-
ing cost growth and peTj'ormance shortfalls in pioneer process
APPENDIX. REFERENCES plants. RANDIR-2569-DOE. The Rand Corp., Santa Monica, Calif.
Gibson, G. E., Jr., and Dumont, P. R. (1996a). Project definition rating Merrow, E. W., and Yarossi, M. E. (1994). "Managing capital
projects: where have we been-where are we going?" Chern.
Downloaded from by Northeastern University Library on 01/30/24. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

index (PDRI) for industrial projects. Cll Res. Rep. 113-11. Constr.
Industry Inst., Austin, Tex. Engrg., 101(10), 108-111.
Gibson, G. E., Jr., and Dumont, P. R. (1996b). PDR1: project definition Pre-project planning: beginning a project the right way. (1994). Publ.
rating index, industrial projects. Const. Industry Inst. Implementa- 39·1, Const. Industry Inst., Univ. of Texas at Austin, Austin, Tex.
tion Resour. 113-2. Constr. Industry Inst., Austin, Tex. Pre-project planning handbook.. (1995). Special Publ. 39-2, Constr.
Gibson, G. E., Jr., Dumont, P. R., and Griffith, A. E (1995a). "Pre- Industry Inst., Univ. of Texas at Austin, Austin, Tex.
project planning tools." Proc., Constr. Industry Inst. Annu. Conf., Project Management Institute. (1996). A guide to the project manage-
Constr. Industry Inst., Austin, Tex. ment body of knowledge. Project Management Institute. Upper
Gibson, G. E., Kaczmarowski, J. H., and Lore, H. E. (1995b). "Pre- Darby, PA.
project-planning process for capital facilities." J. Constr. Engrg. Smith, M. A., and Tucker, R. L. (1983). An assessment ofthe potential
and Mgmt., ASCE, 121(3),312-318. problems occurring in the engineering phase of an industrial
Griffith, A. E, and Gibson, G. E., Jr. (1995). "Project communication project. Rep. to Texaco, Inc. Univ. of Texas at Austin, Austin, Tex.


J. Manage. Eng., 1997, 13(5): 54-60

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