DLP One-Half and One-Forth

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
School division of Tarlac Province
Gerona North District
Magaspac Elementary School
S.Y 2023-2024



A. Recognize ½ of a whole
B. Write fractions as ½ and ¼ of a whole.
C. Explain the importance of sharing one’s blessings


A. Topic: visualize and draws the whole region or set given its 1⁄2 and or 1⁄4
B. References: Mathematics-unang baitang
C. Materials: Power point presentation, chart

Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities

Magandang buhay, Mabuting tao! Magandang buhay mabuting tao!

a. Prayer

Let us start our day with a prayer. Amber Amber: Let us bow our head and let us pray.
kindly led the prayer.

b. Greetings

Good morning class. Good morning Ma’am, Good morning classmates.

How are you this morning? We are fine
That’s good to hear. I’m fine too.

You may now take your seat. Thank you, Ma’am,

c. Checking of the attendance

Who is absent today?

Very good! None Teacher

d. Review

Before we go further let us do a recap of

our discussion yesterday. What was our
topic yesterday? It’s all about Fraction teacher

Very Good!
e. Drill

Who want to tell me what fraction

name is this?

1. 1/5
2. 5/9 Teacher one-fifth
3. 3/7 Five- ninth
4. 10/9 Tree-seventh
5. 2/4 Ten-ninth
Two-forth Teacher!
Very Good!

f. Motivation

What do you see in the picture? Teacher, it is a boy and girl sharing their food!

Very good! Me! Teacher Rhenz!

Who among you is like the boy who

shares her "baon" to others?

Very good! Me Teacher!

Who among you gives paper to your


Very Good as well! Happy, Teacher!

What do you feel when sharing what you

have to others?

Wow! Very good!

Note that the boy is giving half of her

sandwich to the girl.

B. Developing Activities

a. Presentation

When their sister heard them, Ali can

be seen crying when Ana and Ali are
discovered in the living room. When
asked why the Sister was crying, Ali
replied that Ana had a larger share of
their parents' PASALUBONG bibingka
and she had a smaller one.

Okay class what can you say about Ana The Pasalubong that their parents gave them was
and Ali? not divided properly, Teacher!

Very Good!

So now we were going to cut the

Bibingka equaly

Look at the Bibingka it is equal divided Yes Teacher!


b. discussion

Show math man’s farm

How will Math man separate 8 fruits for
the 4 children? Would you like to guess
how many will each child get?

Write it on your Show-Me-Board Call four

pupils in front. Have hem stand in a row.
Give each pupil one fruit at a time until
all the fruits were given.
Yes teacher
Does each child have the same number
of fruits?
What is ¼ of 8? Exactly! Who guessed it

Check the pupils’ guess. Award the

guavas to those who had guessed
itright.Do the same procedure in
separatingthe other fruits in the farm
like: 20bananas, 12 mangoes, 16 atis

Fraction are equal parts or pieces of

something larger or a whole
Teacher ½!
Look at the picture we have biscuit, what
fraction is this?

Very good!

it is divided into two

¼ Teacher!

How about the chocolate?


It is divided into four.

I will give you a paper and we will divide

it into one-half and one-fourth

Are you ready kids? Yes Teacher!

Now cut your paper in to one half. and

raise your hand if your finish, everyone Yes Teacher!
made it?

Very good!

And now cut into one-fourth.

Raise your hand if you’re finish ( everyone says I’m done Teacher!)


Now give our self a ANG GALING CLAP

c. Application


Have the pupils act out the situation and

demonstrate how each set of objects can
be separated into fourths.

1. Math man has 12 bananas. He wants

to Share them equally among his 4
friends. How many does each of his
friends receive? What is ¼ of 12?

2. Math man has 16 okras. He wants to

give equal number of okras to four
mothers. How many will each mother
get? What is ¼ of 16?

3. Math man has 20 atis. His 4 classmates

want to have an equal number of atis.
How many will each of his friends get?
What is ¼ of 20

Group activity

d. Generalization

If you really listen to our topic today

It’s all about one-half and one-fourth, Teacher!
what do we learn?

Very good!

Always remember Fractions are

important because they tell you what
portion of a whole you need, have, or
-A fraction names a part or parts of a
whole that is divided into equal parts.
When the whole is divided into 2 equal
parts, each part is called 1/2 or one-half.
When the whole is divided into 4 equal
parts, each part is called ¼ or one-fourth.

a. Separate the group of objects into fourths and box the correct answer.
1. ¼ of 12 = _____
2. ¼ of 8 = _____
3. ¼ of 16 = _____
4. ¼ of 14 = _____
5. ¼ of 10 = _____

b. Draw the sets and separate them into four. Write the answer in circle.

Prepared by:

Student – Teacher


Cooperating Teacher

Approved by:


School Principal

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