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Nama: Syifa Azzahra

Kelas: XII MIPA 2

Solar Eclipse

Solar eclipse is a natural phenomena that we rarely find it every years. Solar eclipse
happened cause the earth, moon, and sun where in parallel.
Solar eclipse occur cause sunlight to earth are blocked by the moon. So, the sun seen
dark if we see from the earth. The solar eclipse happpened shorter, maybe only one hour or
less from it.
Beside the phenomenon, solar eclipse divide into two, there are full solar eclipse and
half solar eclipse. Full solar eclipse is solar eclipse occur when the moon is blocked all the
sun, it make earth surface dark cause sunglight blocked by the moon. For the half solar
eclipse, solar eclipse happened when moon blocked the sun too. Not all, but only half part of
the sun. So, we can see that the sun have two part. One part is light and other part is dark.
Solar eclipse can happened whenever, maybe it full solar eclipse or half solar eclipse.
Even so, the solar eclipse rarely happened.

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