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Rev. Dr. Bonnie M. Russell
Doctor of Shamanistic Theology Sacred Services

Certification Requirements:
1. Make an herbal remedy.
For this assignment, our client is presenting with digestive issues, inflammation, vertigo (dizziness),
frequent headaches and general fatigue.
Look through the Herb Guide (Materia Medica) for herbs that address the issues you wish to treat, then
decide upon the best
delivery option.
The easiest answer is usually the best, and safest, approach. We want an herb, or combination of herbs,
that will address the symptoms. Now we want to administer the remedy in the most efficient manner
available to us. Since our client has systemic issues that aren’t related to a specific body part, we want to
get the medicine inside the body orally.
How will you treat your client? With what herb(s) and which method of delivery?
For certification, I'll need a photo and description of your remedy.
2. Scenario Essays – use everything you have learned, and all that you know about your personal gifts, to
answer the three essay questions at the end of week five.
3. Three client studies – See three clients and make notes during the sessions. Using the “Debriefing form”,
write down the things you ‘saw’ in their physical bodies, and in their energy fields, any messages from
Spirit, etc. Then write down the recommendations you gave to them to improve their situations.
Note: To protect the privacy of your clients, use their initials on the notes you turn in.
4. Write your Thesis - What does being your own shaman mean to you? Let me know that I have
accomplished my goal of challenging your perceptions about reality. Do you have a newfound sense of
empowerment? I want you to tell me the impact this course has had on you, and the impact it will have
on your future decisions. Your thesis can be as long or short as it needs to be to convey your
understanding of the material.
When you have these four things completed, email them to then watch your
email for my notes and your certificate.

PLEASE include your name the way you want it to appear on your certificates!!!!!
(If you send your assignments as Bobby Jones, your certificates will read Bobby Jones. If you want them to
say Robert A. Jones you will need to spell that out for me.)

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