Employee Relations Edlogix Software

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This research can be used to estimate influences on managerial and employee perceptions
of the employee relations. Both the strength and direction of union effects differ according to the
nature of the union and employer responses to it. Employee and employer perceptions of climate
differ according to the strength of the union, bargaining arrangements adopted, and managerial
attitudes to union membership.

Employee Relations are strongly associated with employees’ perceptions of union

effectiveness. To minimize conflicts from employees who feel they have been treated unfairly,
employers should promote: regular staff meetings in which employee complaints are discussed
and resolved; performance appraisals that allow employees to talk about their opinions; the

establishment of employee problem-solving procedures conducted by the employee relations

manager; and the implementation of mediation procedures conducted by neutral, unrelated third
parties for unresolved employee complaints.

When establishing the procedures, employers should consider developing formal

complaint forms, scheduling supervisory response times to ensure prompt resolution, and
determining the degree of formality in handling complaints. The mediation procedures are more
difficult to implement, since the third party presiding must be agreed upon by both employee and
employer, and because such procedures tend to solve immediate problems without resolving the
underlying causes of the problem. Internal complaint handling will improve employee morale,
strengthen intra company communications, and reduce the incidence of rumors within the

The present study is carried out to study the employee relations at Edlogix Software Solutions.

In current competitive era the success of an organization depends on the caliber of its
human resources. It is the quality of the people that determines the continued survival and growth of the
organization. As the organization grows, thought must be given for managing the relationships with the
employees as success of an organization largely depends on the sound relationship among employer –
employee. The relationship between employer-employees grows more complex and more critical every
year. An organization needs a strong array of resources to navigate the human resource.

Employee Relations can be defined as “The maintenance of employee/employer relationships that

contribute to satisfactory productivity, motivate employees and ensure healthy employee morale.
Among many ways to successfully manage employee relations, performance management and open
communication are key”.

Employee Relations is defined as “A broad term used to refer to the general management and
planning of activities related to developing, maintaining and improving employee relationships by
communicating with employees, processing grievances/disputes, etc”.

Employee Relations involves the body of work concerned with maintaining employer-employee
relationships that contribute to satisfactory productivity, motivation, and morale. Essentially, Employee
Relations is concerned with preventing and resolving problems involving individuals which arise out of or
affect work situations.

The Employer/ Employee Relations Unit serves as the equality aim of the Agency by establishing
and maintaining a fair and impartial labor relations program. The Unit is responsible for conducting
inquiries into grievances filed by staff. In conjunction with maintaining and tracking workplace injuries,
Employer/Employee Relations coordinates and monitors personnel health care coverage, retirement
benefits, and personnel transactions. Thus Employee – employer relations is that part of management,
which is concerned, with the manpower of the enterprise.

Every individual at the workplace shares a certain relationship with his fellow workers. They
need people to talk to, discuss ideas with each other and share their happiness and sorrows. An individual
cannot work on his own, he needs people around. It is essential that people are comfortable with each
other and work together as a single unit towards a common goal. Let us find out why employee relations
are important in an organization:

1. There are several issues on which an individual cannot take decisions alone. He needs the
guidance and advice of others as well.
2. Work becomes easy if it is shared among all. A healthy relation with your fellow workers would
ease the work load on you and in turn increases your productivity.
3. The organization becomes a happy place to work if the employees work together as a family. An
individual tends to lose focus and concentration if his mind is always clouded with unnecessary
tensions and stress.
4. An individual feels motivated in the company of others whom he can trust and fall back on
whenever needed. One feels secure and confident and thus delivers his best.
5. Healthy employee relations also discourage conflicts and fights among individuals. People tend to
adjust more and stop finding faults in each other.
6. A healthy employee relation reduces the problem of absenteeism at the work place. Individuals
are more serious towards their work and feel like coming to office daily.
7. It is wise to share a warm relation with your fellow workers, because you never know when you
need them. You may need them any time.
8. It is essential that employees are comfortable with each other for better focus and concentration,
lesser conflicts and increased productivity.

1. To study the importance of employer-employee relation.

2. To study the employer – employee relations in the organization.

3. To study its impact on the performance of the employees.

4. To Suggest the different steps for making employer – employee relation effective if there is any

5. To safeguard the interest of employee and management by securing the highest level of mutual
understanding and goodwill among all the sections.

Research Methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem.

Research – Meaning and Definition:

Research is an art of scientific investigation. The advanced learner’s dictionaries of

current English lay are down the meaning of research as, “a careful investigation (or) inquiry
especially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge”. Redmen and Mary define
research as a “systematic effort to gain knowledge”...

Research Design:

A research design is purely and simply the framework or plan for a study that guides
the collection and analysis of data. Generally a research design is a blue print of the research that
is to be followed in completing the study.

It is descriptive research type are those, which are concerned with describing the
characteristics of a particular individual or of a group, where we cannot control the variables

Sampling Design:
Population : 200 Members

Sampling Unit : Employees

Sample Size : 50 nos.

Sampling Procedure : Simple Random Sampling (probability sampling)

Methods of Data Collection:

There are two types of data collection

1. Primary data

2. Secondary data
Primary data

 Primary data is personally developed data and it gives latest information and offers much greater
accuracy and reliability.

 There are various sources for obtaining primary data i.e., Mail survey, personal interview,

 Field survey, panel research and observation approach etc.

 The study is dependent on primary data to a maximum extent, which is collected by way of
structures personal interview with customers.

Secondary data

Secondary data is the published data. It is already available for using and its saves time.
The mail source of secondary data are published market surveys, government publications
advertising research report and internal source such as sales, sales records orders, customers
complaints and other business record etc. the study has also depended on secondary data to little
extent, which is collected through internal source.

Research Instrument:
Questionnaire was used to conduct the survey among 100 employees which
includes open-ended and closed ended questions

For this survey personal interview method was used for collecting primary data. This survey was
conducted by face to face interview with employees and found to be best suited to collect the
primary data for this project.

The study is an analysis on the Employee Relations followed by the human resources management
with special reference to the organization.

1. To enhance the economic status of workers.

2. To reduce conflict of the organization.
3. To make good relation with subordinates.
4. To develop relation with other.
5. To participate in decision making.
6. To extent and maintain organizational welfare.
7. To mitigate the demands of employees' & to harmonize employee welfare.
8. To protect the interests of the employees by following the code of discipline.

1. The objective of the study is to understand the employee relations at Edlogix Software

2. Due to the limited sample size, the facts relabeled in the study may not generalize.

3. While calculating the percentages, approximations are made to the nearest figures, for
convenience in understanding.

4. The analysis is based on employees’ opinion at the time of survey. Suggestions and
conclusions are based on the limited data.

5. Due to time constraint the detailed information cannot be collected, but many efforts are
taken to collect the actual information.

6. The lack of clear guidelines often results in confusion in the workplace.


Employee Relations Definition and Overview

Employee Relations is defined as “A broad term used to refer to the general management and
planning of activities related to developing, maintaining and improving employee relationships by
communicating with employees, processing grievances/disputes, etc”.

Employee Relations involves the body of work concerned with maintaining employer-
employee relationships that contribute to satisfactory productivity, motivation, and
morale. Essentially, Employee Relations is concerned with preventing and resolving problems
involving individuals which arise out of or affect work situations.

Advice is provided to supervisors on how to correct poor performance and employee

misconduct. In such instances, progressive discipline and regulatory and other requirements must be
considered in effecting disciplinary actions and in resolving employee grievances and appeals.
Information is provided to employees to promote a better understanding of management's goals and
policies. Information is also provided to employees to assist them in correcting poor performance, on or
off duty misconduct, and/or to address personal issues that affect them in the workplace. Employees are
advised about applicable regulations, legislation, and bargaining agreements. Employees are also
advised about their grievance and appeal rights and discrimination and whistleblower protections.

An individual spends his maximum time at the workplace and his fellow workers
are the ones with whom he spends the maximum hours in a day. No way can he afford to fight
with his colleagues. Conflicts and misunderstandings only add to tensions and in turn decrease
the productivity of the individual. One needs to discuss so many things at work and needs the
advice and suggestions of all to reach to a solution which would benefit the individual as well as
the organization.
An employee must try his level best to adjust with each other and compromise to his best extent
possible. If you do not agree to any of your fellow worker’s ideas, there are several other ways to
convince him. Sit with him and probably discuss with him where he is going wrong and needs a
correction. This way he would definitely look up to you for your advice and guidance in future.
He would trust you and would definitely come to your help whenever you need him. One should
never spoil his relations with his colleagues because you never know when you need the other
person. Avoid using foul words or derogatory sentences against anyone. Don’t depend on lose
talk in office as it spoils the ambience of the place and also the relation among the employees.
Blame games are a strict no no in office.

Employee Relationship Management (ERM)

“Employee relationship management” is a term that refers to relationship development and

management between employers and their employees. There are a lot of different issues that can
affect employee satisfaction, which has a direct result on employee productivity and overall
corporate culture. Employee relationship management can be driven by using employee surveys
to directly engage your employees in the issues that are most important to them.

People in organisations interact with each other during work, formally and officially as well as
socially and informally. During the course of interaction, relationships develop, which are
invisible connecting links, coloured by emotions of love, hate, repulsion, respect, fear, anxiety
and so on. These are usually mutual but not necessarily reciprocal. If A hates B, it does not
follow that B hates A. It is possible that B loves A and even sympathizes with his thoughts.

Relationships imply feelings for each other. They may be positive (friendly, wanting to be close)
or negative (unfriendly, wanting to be distant). Relationships always exist between interacting
persons. There is no neutral point. Indifference is not neutral. Indifference tends to be negative.

Relationships influence behaviors at work. Expectations of each other, perceptions of the

intentions of either, distributions of assignments, readiness to conform or to rebel, enthusiasm to
contribute, etc., are to some extent outcomes of these relationships. Attitudes and motivations
influence, and are influenced by, the nature of these relationships.
Employees are among an organization’s most important audiences with the potential to be its
most effective ambassadors.

Employee Relations are practices or initiatives for ensuring that Employees are happy and are
productive. Employee Relations offers assistance in a variety of ways including employee
recognition, policy development and interpretation, and all types of problem solving and dispute

Once there was a time when “Employee Relations” meant labor relations everywhere around the
world. Negotiate. Orchestrate. Dictate. HR professionals helped negotiate collective bargaining
agreements. The provisions of that contract defined the relationship between management,
unions, and workers.

Today, Employee Relations is a much broader concept. It involves maintaining a work

environment that satisfies the needs of individual employees and management. Improving
employee morale, building company culture, conveying expectations.

An effective employee relation involves creating and cultivating a motivated and productive
workforce. People are generally motivated from within, but what can you do to help foster the
type of environment where employees thrive, enabling your company to outperform the

“Employee Relations” starts with determining the type of workplace the company wants. It starts
by considering what the company wants its employees to say about working for the company. In
a competitive market, it is important to that employees don’t feel that they might be treated more
fairly elsewhere. After all retention is one of the major functions of HRM.

By considering what the company wants employees to say about working for it gives shape to the
company’s culture. The company culture conveys organization’s core values to its employees,
customers, vendors, and community.

In addition to the workplace climate, the company also considers the types of processes or
systems it wants to employ within the workplace to support the company culture and enhance the
working relationship that exists between the company and its workforce. Such systems could
include communications, policies, training, and development.
Also, an essential step in building effective Employee Relations is to evaluate the human,
financial and other resources available that reinforce the values and guiding principles the
company wants echoed throughout the organization. For example, what type of supervisors and
managers does it believe can bring out the best in people and projects?

The company should also make certain from the start that employees are not in counter
productive work environments where work is more arduous than it needs to be. Is the workplace
compliant with employment law? A major source of frustration for employees is the feeling that
they were treated unfairly. Good liability management tools are necessary to ensure that the
company avoids unnecessary confrontations, time wasters and costly legal battles

Traditionally Employee Relations programs were centered around labor union relations. Today,
Employee Relations does not necessarily involve unions. However, it does involve cultivating the
leadership style and workplace practices that help make union organizing activities a less
attractive option for employees.

Establishing workplace and management principles set the stage for fostering a successful work
climate and establishing your company’s culture. Effective Employee Relations is about
establishing processes that address and nurture that culture.

Employees in such organisations develop attitudes very different from those in another
organisation that does not make any such distinction and is more secular in its policies. These
different attitudes will be reflected in their behaviours outside the organisation and will either
strengthen or weaken the social fabric. An organisation in which authority is highly centralised
and does not allow its people enough discretion, will develop among its people tendencies for
dependency and inability to take responsibility. These tendencies are handicaps in their roles as
parents or citizens. The extent of concern shown for the effect of working conditions on
employees’ health has an impact on the society, not merely in terms of general health and costs
on medical care, but also in terms of the kind of activities that the members of the society
participate in.
When an organisation is sensitive to its impact on society, and responds to the society’s concerns,
it is said to be socially responsive. On the contrary, if it is concerned only with its own purposes
and ignores the impact that it has on society, it is said to be socially not responsive.

Relationships also contribute to stress and conflicts at work, which in turn, affect quality of work
life of individuals as well as the quality of organizational outputs, measured in terms of customer
satisfaction, competitive advantage, innovation, and so on.

Some of the core issues that can be controlled with effective employee relationship management

1. Communication – Open communication both amongst your employees and between the
employees and the management team is imperative. When employees feel that they can’t be
heard, they may become frustrated, leading to lowered employee morale. Lowered morale
can result in lowered productivity and an uncomfortable, or even hostile, work environment.
Employee surveys can give you a thorough understanding of how your employees feel about
communication in your work environment.

2. Conflict management – When problems arise, it is important to understand how to handle

them. This is a fundamental aspect of employee relationship management. Sometimes those
conflicts occur between employees and employers. EmployeeSurveys.com can provide you
the necessary tools to help you negotiate and manage conflicts in your business.

3. Employee growth – Employees that feel they are only required to put in their hours and go
home will do just that. Employees that feel they can become a valuable asset based on their
work, as well as their ability to provide important ideas, offer input, and perhaps pursue
growth opportunities within the company, will create a positive atmosphere within the
corporate culture.

4. Focusing on employee relationship management can have profound effects on how your
business operates. Conducting employee surveys is a useful tool towards reaching a
beneficial level of employee relationship management because they provide an opportunity
for candid feedback and analysis that isn’t achievable in typical business communication.
Important Issues in Employee Relationship Management

Employee Relation is a much broad concept. It is one of the most important function of the
management that is take care by HR department. ER department takes care of employee
grievances, employee recognition, and boosting the morale of employees to make the working
environment more healthy, live and at the same time fulfills the management’s expectations and
maintain the work culture and ethics.

Employee has many issues within the organization that contributes below given conflicts so
organization needs to focus on Employee Relations :-
1. Hinders work productivity and quality.

2. Frequent absenteeism.

3. Unhealthy relationship with the employer or immediate boss and colleagues.

4. Lack of concentration on work.

5. Frequent breaks, or long break hours.

6. Coming frequently late to office.

7. High attrition rate.

8. Hostile environment on floor.

9. Not meeting deadlines

10. Poor target achievement.

11. Disinterest in the job profile.

12. Need’s promotion.

13. Need’s Salary hikes, bonus and other incentives.

14. Discrimination and Favoritism among employees.

15. Dissatisfaction with the work and organization.

Thus due to above given issues the work suffers a lot, company has to bear loss and it creates
unhealthy work environment which is neither beneficial to management nor the employees.
Types of Relationship within the Organization

Relationship influences behavior at work place. People interact with each other formally,
informally, officially and socially that may leads to love, hate, respect, disrespect, fear,
insecurity, anxiety among each other. Attitude and perception differs from person to person and it
leaves impact on the relationship if the message is miss communicated.

An effective Employee Relation involves making work culture, employer & employee
relationship, employee & employer relationship an employee & employee relationship more
healthy by motivating and raising their morale by giving positive feedback, monetary benefits,
challenging work environment, gift vouchers, holidays trips, education concession, and
recognition in front of all the staff members. The employee should feel their importance in the
organization and not be treated as machine. Employees Idea’s, suggestion, feedback and they
should also be included in decision making which can help the management to have varied

Relationship influences behavior at work place. People interact with each other formally,
informally, officially and socially that may leads to love, hate, respect, disrespect, fear,
insecurity, anxiety among each other. Attitude and perception differs from person to person and it
leaves impact on the relationship if the message is miss communicated.

An effective Employee Relation involves making work culture, employer & employee
relationship, employee & employer relationship an employee & employee relationship more
healthy by motivating and raising their morale by giving positive feedback, monetary benefits,
challenging work environment, gift vouchers, holidays trips, education concession, and
recognition in front of all the staff members. The employee should feel their importance in the
organization and not be treated as machine. Employees Idea’s, suggestion, feedback and they
should also be included in decision making which can help the management to have varied

Functions of Employee Relationship Management

Following are the Important Functions of Employee Relationship Management

To creates healthy and balanced relationship within the organization as well as among the
employer & employees.

1. To foster’s work culture that is live, challenging and dynamic.

2. To boost the confidence, morale level, encourages employees to give their 100%.

3. To brings out inner potentials, creativity and make employees come out with new
innovative ideas and opinions.

4. To treat all the employees fairly without any discrimination and favoritism.

5. To develops more coordination and better communication to avoid conflicts in the


6. To encourage employee participation in decision making, seminars, learning and culture


7. To makes employees more responsible and focused towards their task and make them feel
their importance and their contribution towards the organization.

8. To make employees more productive, efficient, skilled and proficient in their work.

9. To help employees to be more flexible so that they are ready to take extra additional
responsibilities as an when need arises.

10. To maintain work culture where employees feel that work place is their Second Home
which is stress free, with better infrastructure and other additional facilities like Gym,
food courts, music while having coffee in rack room.

11. To maintain health of employees by providing free medical facilities, health check ups on
regular basis so that they feel that special attention and care is given to them.
Advantages of Good Employee Relationship

1. It maintains harmony at the work place.

2. It maintains healthy relationship among all the staff, boss and colleagues.

3. It reduces absenteeism.

4. It reduces attrition rates.

5. It can retain more talented employees.

6. It reduces cost on training due to low attrition rate.

7. It improves moral level of employee’s and makes them more responsible.

8. It increases quality and productivity of work.

9. It encourages more creativity, new innovative techniques and ideas from employees.

10. It can meet deadlines and 100% target before and on time.

11. Management and Employee’s both are satisfied.

12. It enhances optimum utilization of all the given resources.

13. Better Time management and its utilization.

14. Reduces unnecessary cost on hiring employees from outside as it can get good talent from
within the organization.

15. It makes employees stress free, enthusiastic, more focused towards the work and
management’s expectations.
16. When work culture is good, employees are excellent, quality is outstanding it attracts
more client’s, new business, challenging projects and more profits to the organization.

How to Maintain Good Employee Relations

1. Following are the ways to maintain better and healthy employee relation:-

2. Have one to one session in a month where employees can come out with their personal
and professional problems.

3. Give positive feedback in front of all the staff members for the excellent job done.

4. Employee’s can be rewarded by giving monetary rewards, gift vouchers.

5. Regular health check ups should be conducted and concession can be given to certain
limit for him/her and family.

6. Movie tickets can be given where one can enjoy with their family on weekends.

7. Once in 6 months free holiday tour tickets can be given to chill.

8. Employer can keep party and dinner for the staff members once in a month so that it
makes the bond more strong.

9. Marriage Anniversary / Birthday cards and gifts can be given to the employee. He /She
should be given permission either to take leave and spend quality time with his family on
that special day.

10. If employees work extra hours overtime should be paid or bonus can be given for hard

11. Should arrange staff picnics.

12. Life insurance, health insurance should be given for their safety.

13. Recreational facilities should be given like free beauty parlor for male and female
employees, free juice to keep them healthy, free breakfast, education allowance for
him/her and children.

14. Seminars should be conducted to increase their knowledge and inner potentials.

15. Transport facilities can be given during rains when its really hard for them to cope and
reach on time.

16. Annual event should be conducted where employee’s can participate and show their talents.

17. Welfare activities can be conducted on weekends.

18. Discounts coupons can be given on shopping during Diwali or other festival time.

19. Free t-shirt with company’s logo or jackets can be given to employees in a year.

20. Internal job promotion should be encouraged so that employee get opportunity to grow
within the organization.

21. Soft skill training should be conducted on regular basis to make employee’s more
confident, skilled and proficient in their work.

22. Low cost or free meals can be given to employee’s.

23. Loan facility.

24. Club membership.

25. Credit cards.

26. Health Club.

27. Club facilities.

28. Scholarships.

29. Maintenance of House Accommodation.

30. Meals passes.

31. Writing personal notes about good performance to the employees.

32. Can provide flexible working hours.

33. Reward with books, CD, photo frame, magazines.

34. Certificates can be given for excellent performance.

Internal & External Factors influencing employee relations

Internal factors that can impact employee relations are as follows:

1. Employees could be going for the same promotion and so can become over competitive with
each other.

2. One staff member may not feel another member of the team is pulling their weight.

3. The interaction between the boss and their staff is crucial to employee relations.

4. The stress of hitting targets and deadlines.

External factors that can impact employee relations are as follows:

1. Staff can have relationships outside of work.

2. Staff could fall out after a night out.

3. Following different sports teams can affect how employees may interact with each other at

4. Past history between employees outside of work could impact their working relationship.
The best and most successful businesses have a very content workforce that
all pull in the same direction. Therefore it is crucial that a business identifies any issues that can
impact employee relations as soon as possible. If a team does not seem to be gelling then a
manager may send them all off to a team building exercise course. This is done to try and form a
bond between staff members which it is then hoped will lead to better productivity from a happier
workforce. Many companies will spend millions on human resources and team building
workshops as they believe the long-term benefits outweigh the initial investment.

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Our Services

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Company have developed and use in Intranet projects:

 Document management systems

 Inventory register
 Messaging systems
 Staff directories
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Web Development
Web development is no longer just about publishing your brochure on the Internet. Web-based
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The Company offer development of a large variety of Internet-based products:

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The Internet is the perfect way to begin, or enhance a business. Many companies would like to create a
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Company have developed, have attractive and functional front-end solutions.

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Edlogix Software Solutions will prepare your site for prime positioning in the most important search
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You can also benefit from the company's offshore search engine optimization expertise in creating your
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The Company's SEO outsourcing services include:

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- Keyword research

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Content Management
One of the company's specialties is to develop web sites that allow clients to post their own site updates.
The site visitors quickly lose patience with a poorly performing web site and especially with out-of-date
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a simple web site or complex online newspaper portal or e-commerce site is driven by content.

Edlogix Software Solutions content management systems solutions provide customers with an easy-to-
use means to update their sites with current information. It’s just a matter of clicking buttons, typing and
pasting text. Your website gets updated as soon you submit the updates!

The Company's content management system will enable the customers to:

 Maintain the web site without any programming skills

 Update the site content when and where you need it
 Manage your site content from any browser

Give your users a reason to return to your site! With a content management system behind your site, you
can keep it fresh by publishing regular information updates.


Edlogix Software Solutions' Vision is to build brand Value by innovating to deliver consumer
value and customer leadership faster, better and more completely than its competition. This
Vision is supported by two fundamental principles that provide the foundation for all of our
activities: Organizational Excellence and Core Values. Attaining this Vision requires superior
and continually improving performance in every area and at every level of the organization.
Edlogix Software solutions performance will be guided by a clear and concise strategic statement
for each business unit and by an ongoing Quest for Excellence within all operational and staff
functions. This Quest for Excellence requires hiring, developing and retaining a diverse
workforce of the highest caliber. To support this Quest, each function employs metrics to define,
and implements processes to achieve, world-class status.


The mission of Edlogix Software Solutions is to provide results-oriented advertising, public

relations, and marketing designed to meet our client's objectives by providing strong marketing
concepts and excelling at customer service. The Company seeks to establish a long lasting
partnership with our clients.

The Company desire to measure success for its clients through awareness, increased service, or
other criteria mutually agreed upon between the agency and the clients. The Company is
committed to maintaining a rewarding environment in which The Company can accomplish our


1. Age of the Respondent

Table 1: Respondent’s Age

S.No. Age No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 <=24 8 16%
2 25-28 18 36%
3 29-32 22 44%
4 >33 2 4%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary Data

Figure 1: Respondent’s Age




Source: Primary Data


The above graph illustrates that majority of the respondents i.e. people are in the age group of 29-32 years.
Eight respondents in the survey are less than or equal to 24; 18 persons are in the age between 25-28 years; and
only 2 persons are aged about 33 years.
2. Since how many years have you been working with the organization

Table 2: Since how many years have you been working with the organization

S. No Work Experience No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 0-1 Years 2 4%
2 1-2 Years 10 20%
3 3-5 Years 18 36%
4 5 Years & Above 20 40%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary Data

Figure 2: Since how many years have you been working with the organization

0-1 Years
1-2 Years
5 Years & Above 40%

3-5 Years

Source: Primary Data


The above graph shows that majority of the respondents (40%) are with an experience of more than 5 years and
36% are 3 - 5 years of experience. 10% of the respondents are with 1-2 years experience. The study
reveals that all the respondents are well experienced, so they are well capable of assessing the quality of
their work life in the company.

3. The people here are pleasant and co-operative to work in your organization
Table 3: The people here are pleasant and co-operative to work in your organization

S. No Years No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 30 60%

2 Agree 12 24%
3 Neutral 3 6%
4 Disagree 3 6%
5 Strongly Disagree 2 4%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary Data

Figure 3: The people here are pleasant and co-operative to work in your organization

DisagreeStrongly Disagree
6% 4%


24% Strongly agree

Source: Primary Data


The above graph illustrates that 60% of respondents strongly agree that the people are pleasant and
co- operative to work in the company, 24% of respondents agree, 6% are neutral ,6% disagree and
4% strongly disagree with the above statement.

4. The benefits offered here are fair and reasonable

Table 4: The benefits offered here are fair and reasonable

S.No. Option No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 20 40%

2 Agree 10 20%
3 Neutral 12 24%
4 Disagree 5 10%
5 Strongly Disagree 3 6%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary Data

Figure 4: The benefits offered here are fair and reasonable

Strongly Disagree

Strongly agree



Source: Primary Data


The above graph illustrates that 40% of respondents strongly agree that the benefits offered in the
company are fair and reasonable , 20% of respondents agree, 24% neutral, 10% disagree and 6%
strongly disagree with the above statement.

5. Do you think that the job allocated to you is according to your qualification?

Table 5: Do you think that the job allocated to you is according to your qualification?

S.No. Option No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 14 28%

2 Agree 22 44%
3 Neutral 12 24%
4 Disagree 2 4%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary Data

Figure 5: Do you think that the job allocated to you is according to your qualification?

Strongly Disagree
Disagree 0%
Strongly agree
Neutral 28%


Source: Primary Data


The above graph illustrates that 28% of respondents strongly agree that that the job allocated to
employees is according to their qualification, 44% of respondents agree, 24% are neutral and 4%
disagree with the above statement.

6. Does your supervisor provide feedback and guidance?

Table 6: Does your supervisor provides feedback and guidance

S.No. Option No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 31 62%

2 Agree 10 20%
3 Neutral 6 12%
4 Disagree 2 4%
5 Strongly Disagree 1 2%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary Data

Figure 6: Does your supervisor provides feedback and guidance

Disagree Strongly Disagree
4% 2%


20% Strongly agree

Source: Primary Data

Of the 50 sample chosen, The above graph illustrates that 62% of respondents strongly agree that the supervisor
provides feedback and guidance to the employees, 20% of respondents agree,12% are neutral
,4% disagree and 2% strongly disagree with the above statement.

7. Do you believe that workers participation equally contribute towards

the better relationship between worker and Management & it increases

Table 7: Better relationship between worker and Management & it increases


S.No. Option No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 24 48%

2 Agree 14 28%
3 Neutral 8 16%
4 Disagree 2 4%
5 Strongly Disagree 2 4%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary Data

Figure 7: Better relationship between worker and Management & it increases


Strongly Disagree
Disagree 4%
Strongly agree


Source: Primary Data


The above graph illustrates that 48% of respondents are strongly agree that workers participation
equally contribute towards the better relationship between worker and Management & it increases
productivity, 24% of respondents agree, 6% are neutral ,6% disagree and 4% strongly disagree with
the above statement.

8. Does the Management provide full information regarding the business &
developmental achievement of the company?

Table 8: Management provide full information regarding the business &

developmental achievement of the company

S.No. Option No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 25 50%

2 Agree 10 20%
3 Neutral 12 24%
4 Disagree 2 4%
5 Strongly Disagree 1 2%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary Data

Figure 8: Management provide full information regarding the business &

developmental achievement of the company

Strongly Disagree
Disagre 2%

Strongly agree 50%


Source: Primary Data


The above graph illustrates that 50% of respondents strongly agree that the Management provide full
information regarding the business & developmental achievement of the company, 20% of
respondents agree, 24% are neutral, 4% disagree and 2% strongly disagree with the above statement.
9. Do you think workers involvement in productivity helps to solve the grievances of employees in
an efficient manner

Table 9: Workers involvement in productivity helps to solve the

grievances of employees in an efficient manner
S. No Option No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 22 44%

2 Agree 14 28%
3 Neutral 10 20%
4 Disagree 2 4%
4 Strongly Disagree 2 4%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary Data

Figure 9: Workers involvement in productivity helps to solve the grievances of

employees in an efficient manner.

Strongly Disagree
Disagree 4%

Strongly agree


Source: Primary Data


The above graph illustrates that 44% of respondents are strongly agree that Workers involvement in
productivity helps to solve the grievances of employees in an efficient manner, 28% of respondents
agree, 20% are neutral, 4% disagree and 4% strongly disagree with the above statement.
10. Are you satisfied with Leave Structure of your organization?

Table 10: Leave Structure Of The Company

S. No Option No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 28 56%

2 Agree 8 16%
3 Neutral 10 20%
4 Disagree 4 8%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary Data

Figure 3: Leave Structure Of The Company

Disagree Strongly Disagree

8% 0%


Strongly agree


Source: Primary Data


The above graph illustrates that 56% of respondents are strongly agree that they are satisfied with
Leave Structure of your organization, 16% of respondents agree, 20% are neutral , and 8% disagree
with the above statement.
11. Management is flexible and understands the importance of balancing my work and personal life?

Table 11: Management is flexible and understands the importance of balancing my

work and personal life?

S.No. Option No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 30 60%

2 Agree 10 20%
3 Neutral 5 10%
4 Disagree 3 6%
5 Strongly Disagree 2 4%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary Data

Figure11 : Management is flexible and understands the importance of balancing my

work and personal life?

Strongly Disagree
Disagree 4%

Agree Strongly agree

20% 60%

Source: Primary Data


The above graph illustrates that 60% of respondents are strongly agree that the Management is
flexible and understands the importance of balancing their work and personal life, 20% of respondents
agree, 10% are neutral , 6% disagree and 4% strongly disagree with the above statement.

12. Are people treated well in the organization

Table 32: People treated well in the organization

S.No. Option No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 26 32%

2 Agree 12 24%
3 Neutral 8 16%
4 Disagree 4 8%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary Data

Figure 42: People treated well in the organization

Disagree Strongly Disagree

8% 0%

Strongly agree


Source: Primary Data


The above graph illustrates that 52% of respondents strongly agree that the people treated well in the
organization, 24% of respondents agree, 16% are neutral and 8% disagree with the above statement.
13. Overall satisfaction at the workplace?

Table 43: Overall satisfaction at the workplace

S.No. Option No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 34 68%

2 Agree 10 20%
3 Neutral 4 8%
4 Disagree 2 4%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary Data

Figure 53: Overall satisfaction at the workplace

4% Strongly Disagree


Strongly agree 68%

Source: Primary Data


The above graph illustrates that 68% of respondents strongly agree that they are Overall satisfied at the
workplace, 20% of respondents agree, 8% are neutral and 4% disagree with the above statement.
14. Are you satisfied with the working hours provided by the organization

Table 14: Working hours provided by the organization

S.No. Option No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 20 40%

2 Agree 16 32%
3 Neutral 10 10%
4 Disagree 4 8%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary Data

Figure 64: Working hours provided by the organization

Disagree Strongly Disagree 8%


Strongly agree

Source: Primary Data


The above graph illustrates that 40% of respondents strongly agree that they are satisfied with the
working hours provided by the organization, 32% of respondents agree, 20% are neutral and 8%
disagree with the above statement.
15. You feel that your organization is a “great place at work?

Table 15: organization is a “great place at work

S.No. Option No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 32 64%

2 Agree 12 24%
3 Neutral 4 8%
4 Disagree 2 4%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary Data

Figure 15: organization is a “great place at work

4% Strongly Disagree


Strongly agree 64%

Source: Primary Data


The above graph illustrates that 64% of respondents strongly agree that they feel their organization is
a “great place at work, 24% of respondents agree, 8% are neutral and 4% disagree with the above
16. Are you satisfied with Employee welfare in your organization

Table 16: Employee opinion regarding employee welfare

S. No Option No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 14 28%

2 Agree 16 32%
3 Neutral 14 28%
4 Disagree 4 8%
5 Strongly Disagree 2 4%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary Data

Figure 76: Employee opinion regarding employee welfare

Strongly Disagree
Disagree 4%
8% Strongly agree



Source: Primary Data


The above graph illustrates that 28% of respondents strongly agree that they are satisfied with
Employee welfare in their organization, 32% of respondents agree, 28% are neutral, 8% are disagree
and 4% strongly disagree with the above statement.
17. My direct supervisor makes sure I have clear goals to achieve.

Table 17: Supervisor makes sure to have clear goals to achieve

S.NO Option No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 10 20%

2 Agree 18 36%
3 Neutral 11 22%
4 Disagree 6 12%
5 Strongly Disagree 5 10%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary Data

Figure 17: Supervisor makes sure to have clear goals to achieve

Strongly Disagree Strongly agree

10% 20%


Source: Primary Data


The above graph indicates that 56% of the total respondents agree that direct supervisor makes sure to have
clear goals to achieve, 22% are neutral and 22% disagree to the statement.
18. My direct supervisor listens to my ideas and concerns

Table 18: Direct supervisor listens to employee ideas and concerns

S.NO Option No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 10 20%

2 Agree 17 34%
3 Neutral 13 26%
4 Disagree 4 8%
5 Strongly Disagree 6 12%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary Data

Figure 18: Direct supervisor listens to employee ideas and concerns

Strongly Disagree Strongly agree

12% 20%

26% Agree

Source: Primary Data


The above graph indicates that 54% of the total respondents agree that their direct supervisor listens to their
ideas and concerns, 26% are neutral and 20% disagree to the statement.
19. Knowledge and information sharing is a group norm across the organization

Table 19: Knowledge and information sharing is a group norm across the organization

S.NO Option No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 14 28%

2 Agree 14 28%
3 Neutral 13 26%
4 Disagree 5 10%
5 Strongly Disagree 4 8%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary Data

Figure 19: Knowledge and information sharing is a group norm across the organization

Strongly Disagree
Strongly agree
Disagree 28%


Source: Primary Data


The above graph indicates that 56% of the total respondents agree that knowledge and information
sharing is a group norm across the organization, 26% are neutral and 18% disagree to the statement.
20. Employees consult each other when they need support

Table 20: Employees consult each other when they need support

S.NO Option No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 12 24%

2 Agree 16 32%
3 Neutral 10 20%
4 Disagree 7 14%
5 Strongly Disagree 5 10%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary Data

Figure 20: Employees consult each other when they need support

Strongly Disagree
10% Strongly agree


Source: Primary Data


The above graph indicates that 56% of the total respondents agree that employees consult each other when
they need support, 20% are neutral and 24% disagree to the statement.
21. Individuals appreciate the personal contributions of their co-workers.

Table 21: Individuals appreciate the personal contributions of their co-workers

S.NO Option No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 18 36%

2 Agree 13 26%
3 Neutral 11 22%
4 Disagree 3 6%
5 Strongly Disagree 5 10%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary Data

Figure 21: Individuals appreciate the personal contributions of their co-workers

Strongly Disagree
Strongly agree

Neutral 22%


Source: Primary Data


The above graph indicates that 62% of the total respondents agree that individuals appreciate the
personal contributions of their co-workers, 22% are neutral and 16% disagree to the statement.

22. Disagreements are not taken personally

Table 22: Disagreements are not taken personally

S.NO Option No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 13 26%

2 Agree 12 24%
3 Neutral 10 20%
4 Disagree 8 16%
5 Strongly Disagree 7 14%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary Data

Figure 22: Disagreements are not taken personally

Strongly Disagree
14% Strongly agree


20% 24%

Source: Primary Data


The above graph indicates that 50% of the total respondents agree that roles disagreements are not taken
personally, 20% are neutral and 30% disagree to the statement.

23. Do you feel valued as an employee?

Table 23: Employees value

S.NO Option No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 10 20%

2 Agree 18 36%
3 Neutral 11 22%
4 Disagree 6 12%
5 Strongly Disagree 5 10%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary Data

Figure 23: Employees value

Strongly Disagree Strongly agree

10% 20%


Source: Primary Data


The above graph indicates that 56% of the total respondents agree that employees are valued in the
organization, 22% are neutral and 22% disagree to the statement.

24. Individual initiative is encouraged in the company

Table 24: Individual initiative is encouraged in the company

S.NO Option No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 10 20%

2 Agree 13 26%
3 Neutral 12 24%
4 Disagree 6 12%
5 Strongly Disagree 9 18%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary Data

Figure 24: Individual initiative is encouraged in the company

Strongly Disagree Strongly agree

18% 20%



Source: Primary Data


The above graph indicates that 46% of the total respondents agree that individual initiative is encouraged in
the company, 24% are neutral and 30% disagree to the statement.

25. Management sets high standards for us to achieve.

Table 25: Management sets high standards for us to achieve

S.NO Option No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

1 Strongly agree 10 20%

2 Agree 5 10%
3 Neutral 14 28%
4 Disagree 11 22%
5 Strongly Disagree 10 20%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary Data
Figure 25: Management sets high standards for us to achieve

Strongly Disagree Strongly agree

20% 20%



Source: Primary Data


The above graph indicates that 42% of the total respondents disagree that management sets high
standards for us to achieve, 28% are neutral and 22% agree to the statement.



 Majority (84%) of respondents agree that the people are pleasant and co-operative to
work in the company

 60% of respondents strongly agree that the benefits offered in the company are fair and

 72% of respondents strongly agree that that the job allocated to employees is according to
their qualification.

 82% of respondents agree that the supervisor provides feedback and guidance to the
 72% of respondents agree that workers participation equally contribute towards the better
relationship between worker and Management & it increases productivity.
 70% of respondents strongly agree that the Management provide full information regarding the
business & developmental achievement of the company.
 72% of respondents agree that Workers involvement in productivity helps to solve the
grievances of employees in an efficient manner.
 72% of respondents agree that they are satisfied with Leave Structure of the organization.
 Management is flexible and understands the importance of balancing their work and personal
 76% of respondents strongly agree that the people treated well in the organization
 88% of respondents agree that they are Overall satisfied at the workplace.
 72% of respondents trongly agree that they are satisfied with the working hours provided by the
 88% of respondents strongly agree that they feel their organization is a “great place at work.
 28% of respondents strongly agree that they are satisfied with Employee welfare in their
organization, 32% of respondents agree, 28% are neutral, 8% are disagree and 4% strongly
disagree with the above statement.
 56% of the total respondents agree that direct supervisor makes sure to have clear goals to
achieve, 22% are neutral and 22% disagree to the statement.

 54% of the total respondents agree that their direct supervisor listens to their ideas and
concerns, 26% are neutral and 20% disagree to the statement.

 56% of the total respondents agree that knowledge and information sharing is a group
norm across the organization, 26% are neutral and 18% disagree to the statement.

 56% of the total respondents agree that employees consult each other when they need
support, 20% are neutral and 24% disagree to the statement.

 62% of the total respondents agree that individuals appreciate the personal contributions
of their co-workers, 22% are neutral and 16% disagree to the statement.

 50% of the total respondents agree that roles disagreements are not taken personally, 20%
are neutral and 30% disagree to the statement.

 56% of the total respondents agree that employees are valued in the organization, 22% are
neutral and 22% disagree to the statement.

 46% of the total respondents agree that individual initiative is encouraged in the company,
24% are neutral and 30% disagree to the statement.

 42% of the total respondents disagree that management sets high standards for us to
achieve, 28% are neutral and 22% agree to the statement

According to survey conducted, the organization should concentrate aspects suggested by

employee. The following are the improvements that the organization should make for employee

 There should be permanent display of welfare measures at main departments, such that
each will know about the welfare measures

 The motivational schemes should be developed, for motivating the employee

 Educational facilities should be improved

 Proper labeling of departments should be needed

 Recreational facilities should be improved

 Some more benefits should e provided for women employers

 A neat, clean and peaceful environment of the organization helps in maintaining

satisfaction and enthusiasm to perform work among the employees

 The process of availing special welfare facility is very lengthy and hence it can be availed
by following simple process

 Sanctioning time of special welfare facility should be reduced.

 New facilities should be added to the existing ones by early action taken by management.

 Medical reimbursement should also be continued after the retirement


The nature of employment relations makes it difficult for managers to pursue effective long-term and
strategic approaches. On the one hand, managers view their employees as valued assets whose
cooperation and consent is deemed essential to achieving organizational objectives. On the other hand,
managers also have to exercise control over the workforce, exploiting and discarding them as necessary.

The development of sophisticated HRM, and the use of high commitment management practices,
portends a transformation in the management of employment relations. The need to exercise control over
employees, as well as gain their cooperation, is an important contradictory feature of the management of
employment relations.

Employee Relations is a leading international academic journal focusing on the importance of

understanding and merging corporate, management and employee needs
achieve optimum performance, commitment and effectiveness, addresses research, practice and ideas
about relationships between employments. Today's turbulent business environment makes increasing
demands on managers and workforces, as competitive standards rise and expectations of individuals
increase. Managers must respond positively to changes in contemporary workforce attitudes if they are to
get the performance levels they need.


 Rollinson, D. and Dundon, T.(2007) Understanding employment relations

Maidenhead : McGraw-Hill Higher Education

 Human Resource Management by P.Subbarao

 Human Resource Planning (HRP) by V.S.P.RAO

 Dr. C. B. Gupta, Human Resource Management, Sultan Chand& Sons, Educational Publishers,
New Delhi.

 Kothari C.R research Methodology-Methods and techniques (2ndedition)-new age International

(pvt) Limited.









1. Age of the Respondent

a. <=24 b. 25-28

c. 29-32 d. >33

2. Since how many years have you been working with the organization?

a. 0-5 Years b. 5-10 Years

c. 10 to 15 Years d. More than 15 Years

3. The people here are pleasant and co-operative to work in your organization

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral

d. strongly disagree e. Disagree

4. The benefits offered here are fair and reasonable.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral

d. strongly disagree e. Disagree

5. Do you think that the job allocated to you is according to your qualification?
a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral
d. strongly disagree e. Disagree

6. My supervisor provides me with feedback and guidance

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral

d. strongly disagree e. Disagree

7. Do you believe that workers participation equally contribute towards the

better relationship between worker and Management & it increases


a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral

d. strongly disagree e. Disagree

8. Does the Management provide full information regarding the business & developmental achievement
of the company.?

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral

d. strongly disagree e. Disagree

9. Do you think workers involvement in productivity helps to solve the

grievances of employees in an efficient manner.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral

d. strongly disagree e. Disagree
10. Are you satisfied with the leave structure in the organization?

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral

d. strongly disagree e. Disagree

11. Management is flexible and understands the importance of balancing my work and personal
a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral

d. Strongly disagree e. Disagree

12. Are people treated well in the organization?

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral
d. strongly disagree e. Disagree

13. Overall satisfaction at the workplace?

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral

d. strongly disagree e. Disagree

14. Are you satisfied with the working hours provided by the organization?

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral

d. Strongly disagree e. Disagree

15. You feel that your organization is a “great place at work?

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral

d. Strongly disagree e. Disagree
16. Are you satisfied with Employee welfare in your organization?

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral

d. strongly disagree e. Disagree

17. My direct supervisor makes sure I have clear goals to achieve

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral

d. strongly disagree e. Disagree

18. My direct supervisor listens to my ideas and concerns

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral

d. strongly disagree e. Disagree

19. Knowledge and information sharing is a group norm across the organization

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral

d. strongly disagree e. Disagree

20. Employees consult each other when they need support

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral
d. strongly disagree e. Disagree

21. Individuals appreciate the personal contributions of their co-workers.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral
d. strongly disagree e. Disagree
22. Disagreements are not taken personally
a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral
d. strongly disagree e. Disagree

23. Do you feel valued as an employee?

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral
d. strongly disagree e. Disagree

24. Individual initiative is encouraged in the company

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral
d. strongly disagree e. Disagree

25. Management sets high standards for us to achieve.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral
d. strongly disagree e. Disagree

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