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Module 1: Basic Concepts of Arts 1.

Motivated (Functional):
Architecture, weaving,
● What is art? – art is a highly diverse
range of human activities engaged in
2. Non-motivated (Non-functional):
creating visual, auditory, or performed
Painting, sculpture, literature, music,
artifacts. Art is a creative activity that
and theatre arts.
expresses imaginative or technical skills.
● ART’s original classical definition was The Common Functions of Art
derived from the latin word “ars”
1. Personal Function - Arts are vehicles
(meaning “skill” or “craft”).
for the artists’ expression of their
● The oldest documented forms of art are
feelings and ideas.
visual arts. Art can be classified as Visual
2. Social Function - It influences social
Art, Literary Art, or Performing Art.
behavior, It seeks or tends to
influence the collective behavior of a
Visual Art - arts that meet the eye
people. When it addresses aspects
and evoke emotion through an
of (collective) life as opposed to one
expression of skill and imagination.
person's point of view or experience.
Such as painting and drawing,
3. Spiritual Function - The designs of
sculpture, printmaking, photography
religious structures tells so many
and installation art.
things about the culture of the
Literary Art – something in the form
4. Educational Function - regarded as
of writing or stories that have artistic
'time off for good behavior' or as
and cultural value that displays the
'therapy'" and how the ease and
beauty of speech and language to
carefreeness of the arts are
convey certain meanings.
supposed to bring joy and a sense of
Performance Art – a time-based art
5. Political Function - Often they serve
form that typically features a live
to record important historical
presentation to an audience or to
events, or reveal the ideals of
onlookers and draws on such arts as
heroism and leadership that the
acting, poetry, music, dance, and
community would want the young to
painting. It is often recorded on
video and by means of still
6. Physical Function - Works of art that
are created to perform some service
Module 2: Nature and Functions of Arts have physical functions like vases,
benches, chairs, etc.
Nature of art – a creative activity that
expresses imaginative or technical skill. Module 3: Historical Foundations of Arts
Classification of Arts According to Stone Age (30,000 BC – 2500 BC)
- The Stone Age was the era of cave extremely dramatic style of their work,
painting. reflected in lighting techniques and
- Well known pieces include the Lascaux subject matter.
Cave in southwestern France,
Neoclassical (1750 – 1850)
- Venus (or Woman) of Willendorf-
thought to represent fertility, - Neoclassicism in the arts is an aesthetic
attitude based on the art of Greece and
Mesopotamian (3500 BC –539 BC)
Rome in antiquity, which invokes
- Many stone sculptures and narrative harmony, clarity, restraint, universality,
reliefs, including the stele upon which and idealism
Hammurabi’s Code is carved,
Romanticism (1780 – 1850)
- Writing was invented around this time
period, by the Sumerians. - Romantic art emphasizes individualism,
emotion, natural beauty, and even
Egyptian (3100 BC -30 BC)
political ideologies.
- Busts and statues of royal figures were a
Realism (1848 – 1900)
major part of Egyptian art as well, which
has many of its own unique artistic - Realist tradition was popular in visual
periods. art of the late 19th century for its
attempt to represent scenes of everyday
Greek and Hellenistic (850 BC –31 BC)
life truthfully and without
- Hellenistic Greek art was one of idealism embellishment or illusion.
and perfection, which was reflected
Impressionism (1865 – 1885)
greatly in the era’s architecture and
sculptures. - Impressionism might have been one of
the first purely aesthetic art periods, a
style focused on capturing a visual
Early and High Renaissance (1400 – 1550) phenomenon rather than an intensely
political or religious one.
- The word “Renaissance” is a French
term meaning rebirth, which is exactly Fauvism and Expressionism (1900 – 1935)
what the Renaissance movement was.
- Fauvism and Expressionism were
- Music, art, science, philosophy, and
introduced with harsh colours and flat
other schools thrived during this era
surfaces (Fauvism) and emotionally
disturbing forms.
Baroque (1600 – 1750)
- Baroque artists like Rembrandt and
Caravaggio were well known during this
Cubism, Futurism, Supremativism,
time for the tense, moody, and
Constructivism, De Stijl (1905 – 1920)
- This era saw shapes, abstract objects, Expression
and highly deconstructed renders of
- It is the ability to convey meaning. It
landscapes and other things used as a
involves low level skills such as spelling,
means of expression,
punctuation, capitalization, and
Dada and Surrealism (1917 – 1950) grammar, but also high-level
composition skills such as planning,
- Elements of dreams and the
organization, determining content, and
subconscious were explored with this
revision to express information
style, as well as wartime horrors.
Pop Art (c. 1950s CE - 1960s CE)
- The movement was inspired by popular
- It is the ability to produce and simulate
and commercial culture in the western
novel objects, peoples and ideas in the
world and began as a rebellion against
mind without any immediate input of
traditional forms of art.
the senses. Imagination is the ability to
form a mental image of something that
is not perceived through the five senses.
Module 4: Art Appreciation, Creativity,
Imagination and Expression Creativity
- It is a phenomenon whereby something
new and somehow valuable is formed.
The created item may be intangible
- is the knowledge and understanding of (such as an idea, a scientific theory, a
the universal and timeless qualities that musical composition, or a joke) or a
identify all great art. physical object (such as an invention, a
- printed literary work, or a painting).
Creativity can also be equated with
Why Art Appreciation is Important?
innovation. Innovation in its modern
- It is a good way to understand the meaning is "a new idea, creative
history behind the work, and the period thoughts, and new imaginations in form
from which the piece originated. Artists of device or method".
often reflect the problems that they
face, and the issues of the society in
their work. By analyzing and putting
ourselves in the mind of the artist, we
can better study how differently society
functioned then, compared to now. We
can empathize and relate to the
Module 5: Visual Elements of Arts and
problems they faced on a personal level.
THE VISUAL ELEMENTS OF ART - Natural Pattern: often based on the
inspiration we get from observing the
natural patters that occur in nature.
- is the foundation of all drawings. It is - Man-Made Pattern: used for both
the first and most versatile of the visual structural and decorative purposes.
elements of art.
- (1) curved lines suggest comfort and
ease. (2) Horizontal lines suggest - Is the surface quality of an artwork – the
distance and calm (3) Vertical lines roughness or smoothness of the
suggest height and strength (4) Jagged material from which it is made.
lines suggest turmoil and anxiety. - Optical Texture: an artist may use skillful
painting technique to create the illusion
of texture.
- Can be natural or man-made, regular or - Physical Texture: An artist may paint
irregular, flat 2 or solid 3 dimensional, with expressive brushstrokes whose
symbolic, colored, patterned or texture conveys the physical and
textured. Etc…. emotional energy of both the artist and
- The perspective of shapes: the angles subject.
and curves of shapes appear to change - Ephemeral Texture: this is a third
depending on our viewpoint. The category of textures who fleeting forms
technique used to describe this change are subject to change like clouds,
is called perspective drawing. smoke, flames, bubbles and liquids.
- Is the lightness or darkness of a color. - Is the physical volume of a shape and
The tonal values of an artwork can be the space that it occupies. It can be
adjusted to alter its expressive representational or abstract.
- Can be modelled (added form), carved
- Is the visual element that has the (subtracted form) and constructed
strongest effect on our emotions. We (build form). It can be created from
use color to create the mood or sculptural materials like clay, wax,
atmosphere of an artwork. plaster, wood, stone, concrete, cast and
constructed metal, plastics, resins, glass
and mixed media.
- Is made by repeating or echoing the
elements of an artwork to communicate
a sense of valance, harmony, contrast - Constructs the illusion of 3d in 2d media
and mood. by a skillful manipulation of the visual
Module 6: Principles of Art Pattern
PRINCIPLES OF ART - is the uniform repetition of any of the
elements of art or nay combination
- Essentially a set of criteria which are
thereof. Anything can be turned into a
used to explain how the visual are
pattern through repetition.
arranged in a work of art.
- is created by movement implied through
- Refers to the visual weight of the
the repetition of elements of art in a
elements of the composition. It is a
non-uniform but organized way.
sense that painting feels stable and
“feels right”.
Balance can be achieved in 3 different
- Symmetry, in which both sides of a
composition have the same elements in
the same position, or the two sides of a
- Asymmetry, composition is balanced
due to the contrast of any of the
elements of art.
- Radial symmetry, elements are equally
spaced around a central point.
- Is the difference between elements of
art in a composition, such that each
element is made stronger in relation to
the other.
- Is when the artist creates an area of the
composition that is visually dominant
and commands the viewer’s attention.
- Is the result of using the elements of art
such that they move the viewer’s eye
around and within the image.

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