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Read the text and answer the questions.

1. What is probably the relationship between the writer and the receiver?
A. Pals.
B. Sisters.
C. Siblings.
D. Relatives.

2. “… nothing beats the laughter.”

The expression means that ….
A. Laugh will beat nothing.
B. They are always happy.
C. No one can hit them.
D. One will beat both.

Read the text and answer the questions.

I am an animal lover. So, I have a pet at home. My pet is a cat. Her name is
Ruby. She is so sweet and cute. She has blue bright eyes and can see in the dark.
She has sharp claws and teeth. She has four legs and a bushy tail. Her body is
completely covered with soft and beautiful fur. She likes milk and fish. But I also
give her cat food every day.
Ruby has become a very important member of our home. I like to play with
her. We both play together with the ball. When I go to the park, she climbs on the
tree. When I come back from my school, she jumps upon me and begins to walk
around me. She helps our family protect our home from rats. She is very charming
and attractive. She runs very fast. I am very happy to have Ruby as my pet. She is
my best friend.

3. The writer’s intention to write the text is to ….

A. explain the readers about how to take care a pet
B. tell the readers that the writer is an animal lover
C. introduce the writer’s cat named Ruby
D. retell the writer’s favourite animal

4. Based on the text, we know that Ruby has ….

A. blue bright fur
B. beautiful but rough fur
C. sharp claws and legs
D. four legs and a thick tail

5. “She helps our family to protect our home from rats.”

The word “our” refers to ….
A. Ruby’s home
B. The writer’s home.
C. Ruby’s family’s home.
D. The writer’s family’s home.

Read the text and answer the questions.

Last week was a terrible day for me. My cousin and I were playing football to
spend our holiday on a field. It is in front of someone’s house.
First, it was fun until I kicked the ball too strong, so the ball leaded to the window
and broke it. We were shocked. When we wanted to escape, suddenly, we all heard a
loud voice. After that, the owner of the house came out of the fence, he yelled at us.
We were very afraid of him, but we did not know what to do. Then, my cousin told us
to run. We all ran. Suddenly we heard something. Then, we knew that the home-owner
allowed his dog to chase us. We were struggling to run as fast as we could.
But, I fell, so the dog managed to capture me and bit my leg. It really hurt me.
Then the dog ran back into the house. My cousin took me to the doctor and told my
parents about it. The doctor examined my wound. She treated me and bandaged the
That is a terrible day for me. I promised I would not play football carelessly

Adapted from:

6. The text mainly talks about ….

A. the writer’s bad experience in playing football
B. the scaring experience when having run competition
C. the terrible day when chasing a scaring dog
D. the funny experience in playing football

7. What happened when they were playing football?

A. A dog ran toward the boys.
B. The writer hit the ball and it crushed a window.
C. Someone took his dog out and chased the writer.
D. A dog came to the boys and joined them playing football.

8. “We were struggling to run …”

The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. falling
B. escaping
C. attempting
D. running away

Read the text carefully and answer the questions.

Jamaican Ginger Beer

Ginger beer is a very popular beverage in Jamaica. This zingy drink goes well with
spicy jerk chicken.

● Gingerroot, chopped – ¾ to 1 pound
● Water – 2 quarts
● Sugar – 2/3 to ¾ cup
● Lemons or limes, juice only
1. Place the chopped ginger, 3 cups of the water and 2/3 cup of sugar in a blender and
puree well. Add more or less ginger to your taste.
2. Let set for at least 30 minutes or overnight to extract all the flavor.
3. Strain the liquid through a fine-meshed sieve and pour into a pitcher.
4. Add enough water to make 2 quarts. Stir in the lemon or lime juice and additional
sugar to taste.
5. For a bubbly beverage, puree the ginger with 2 to 3 cups of regular water, then use
club soda to bring the total amount of liquid up to 2 quarts.
6. Chill before serving.


9. What is the text about?

A. The process of serving ginger beer.
B. The benefit of drinking the ginger beer.
C. The way of making the Jamaican ginger beer.
D. The advantage of making Jamaican ginger beer.

10. What would probably happen if the second step is not done properly as stated in the
A. The ginger will be smoother if it is set for twenty minutes.
B. The ginger beer will be thicker if we set it in ten minutes.
C. The drink will be less flavored if it is set less than 30 minutes.
D. The beverage will not be sweeter if it is set more than a night.

11. What kitchen utensil is mostly used in doing step 4?

A. A ladle.
B. A whisk.
C. A spatula.
D. A knife.

Read the text and answer the questions.

The Ringin Anom Kingdom, that is led by King Aryo Seto, is one of the ancient
kingdoms located in Ngawi, East Java. He had a daughter named Putri Kemuning. She
always smelt fragrant. But one day, she got strange illness. Her body smelt bad. No one could
cure her illness.
One day, Prabu Aryo Seto got a whisper that her daughter could be cured by eating
Sirna Ganda leaves which grows in a cave at the Mount Arga Dumadi. The cave was guarded
by a powerful dragon.
Then, the king made a contest. Whoever could pick the leaves would get a prize. If a
man, he would be married to Putri Kemuning, but if a woman, she would be the relative of
Putri Kemuning. Hearing the contest, a man named Jaka Budug attended it. He was called
Jaka Budug because he got smelt bad and itchy skin all over his body.
After a few days, he reached the cave. He struggled against the dragon until his sword
scratched the dragon and caused the blood spurted all over Jaka Bedug’s body. Surprisingly,
his body became clean from the itchy and did not smell bad anymore. He rushed to pick the
Sirna Ganda leaves and took them to the Kingdom. Princess Kemuning ate the leaves and
amazingly, she recovered from her illness. Knowing it, the king kept his promise to marry
Princess Kemuning with Jaka Budug.
12. Put a thick (√) in the correct statements based on the text.
Putri Kemuning smelt fragrant. The king could cure his daughter.
√ Putri Kemuning got a strange illness. She could be cured by consuming the leaves
of Sirna Ganda.
Jaka Budug got smelt bad and itchy He should eat Sirna Ganda leaves to cure his
skin. illness.
√ Jaka Budug killed the dragon and the He could be recovered from his skin illness.
blood spurted all over Jaka Budug’s

13. From the text we know that Jaka Budug was ….

A. tough
B. generous
C. desperate
D. distressed

14. From the text we may learn that ….

A. where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved
B. optimism is the faith that leads to achievement
C. beauty has a lot to do with characters
D. be sincere with your compliment

Read the text and answer the questions.

Created and adapted from

15. What is probably the relationship between Elle and Bryan?

A. Classmates.
B. Teammates.
C. Siblings.
D. Pals.

16. Put a thick (√) in the correct statements based on the text.
√ Elle has the conversation with Bryan at school
√ The dialog takes place before the class is over
Elle is talking to Bryan at her house
Bryan has a conversation with Elle at the canteen

Read the text and answer the questions.

Ruwatan ceremony for dreadlocked children is the main festival in Dieng culture
festival. Some other agendas are held in this festival but the ruwatan ceremony is the most
attractive of them. It is held annually in the slopes of Mount Sindoro and Sumbing, Central
Java. This ceremony aims to ward off bad luck for the children and the surrounding
community. Ruwatan comes from the word ruwat which means to get rid of bad luck.
Children who have shaved dreadlocks will bring fortune.
Dreadlocked children are believed to be descendants of their ancestors, namely Kyai
Kolodete. In ancient times, Kyai Kolodete vowed not to take a bath and cut his hair if the
village he led had not prospered. After his village prospered, Kyai Kolodete shaved his hair
which had become dreadlocks.
Dreads in children grow naturally and are considered a bearer of misfortune in the
future. To overcome this, a ruwatan ceremony is held by shaving the dreads. The ruwatan
procession begins with praying, washing the heirlooms that will be brought during the
carnival of dreadlocked children. Then near the Maerokoco spring or Sedayu spring, the
ceremony is carried out.
17. What is the topic of the text?
A. The bad luck of having dreadlocked kids in Dieng.
B. The method on how to treat the dreadlocked children.
C. The origin of ruwatan ceremony in Mount Sindoro and Sumbing.
D. The ruwatan ceremony for dreadlocked kids in Dieng culture festival.

18. Put a thick (√) in the correct statements based on the text.
The only agenda of Dieng Festival is ruwatan ceremony.
√ Ruwatan ceremony is held to throw the bad luck away from the kids.
√ Dreadlock kids are supposed to the children of Kyai Kolodete.
Dreadlocked children can be found in every place in Central Java.

19. The dreadlocked children must shave the dreads because …..
A. they want to get the gift from their parents by cutting their hair
B. they promised the villagers to cut their hair in adolescence
C. it is believed that the dreads bring misfortune in the future
D. they believe Kyai Kolodete will give them prizes

Read the text and answer the following questions.

I see your monsters, I see your pain
Tell me your problems, I'll chase them away
I'll be your lighthouse, I'll make it okay
When I see your monsters, I'll stand there so brave
And chase them all away

In the dark we, we, we stand apart

We, we never see that the things we need
Are staring right at us

You just wanna hide, hide, hide

Never show your smile, smile
Stand alone when you need someone
It's the hardest thing of all

That you see are the bad, bad, bad memories

Take your time and you'll find me….

20. The writer of the song lyric plays a role as a ….

A. loyal follower
B. true motivator
C. helpful partner
D. powerful leader

21. The expression “I'll be your lighthouse” means that the writer ….
A. is someone who will always stand apart
B. will be someone who can give her a way out
C. can be the one who always stays away from her
D. might be the right person who makes her brave

Read the text carefully and answer the questions.


22. Put a thick (√) in the correct statements based on the text.
√ Both texts describe the physical appearances of the lost pets.
Both texts mention the last location where the pets were seen.
√ The pet owners would give a reward to people who find the pets.
From both texts, we get information about the gender of the pets.

23. What is the purpose of writing the texts?

A. To inform people about their contacts.
B. To tell about the price of their pets.
C. To get their lost pets back.
D. To introduce their pets.

Read the text carefully and answer the questions.

How to Change the Language of Your Chrome Browser
You can set Chrome to show all settings and menus in the language you want. This option
is only available on Windows computers.
1. On your computer, open Chrome.
2. At the top right, click More, then click Settings.
3. At the bottom, click Advanced.
4. Then, click Languages.
5. Next to the language you would like to use, click More. (If the language is not listed,
you can add it by clicking Add languages.)
6. Then, click Display Google Chrome in this language. This option is only available
on Windows computers.
7. Restart Chrome to apply the changes.

24. The text explains … to us.

A. the steps to change the language of the Chrome browser
B. how to change Chrome browser in Windows computer
C. the way to change the setting of the Chrome browser
D. how to change the theme of the Chrome browser

25. What should we do if we cannot find the language we want to use?

A. Click Display Google Chrome.
B. Click Add languages.
C. Click More Setting.
D. Click Languages.

26. Why should we restart the Chrome?

A. To shut down the computer.
B. To change the Chrome browser.
C. To see the display of the browser.
D. To check whether our setting is done.
Read the text carefully and answer the questions. (number 27-29)

27. Put a thick (√) in the correct statements based on the text.

Tiara sent the picture of her homework to Felina.

√ Tiara suggested Felina to do her homework by herself.
√ Felina was not sure that she could do her homework.
Felina must help Tiara to keep her spirit.

28. What is probably the relationship between Tiara and Felina?

A. Classmates.
B. Schoolmates.
C. Siblings.
D. Cousins.
Read the text carefully and answer the questions. (Number 29-31)
Once a fox was roaming around in the dark. Unfortunately, he fell into a well. He tried
his best to come out but all in vain. He had no other alternatives. So, he had to remain there
until the next morning. The next day, a goat came that way. She peeped into the well and saw
the fox there. The goat asked, “What are you doing there, Mr. Fox?”
The sly fox replied, “I came here to drink water. It is the best I have ever tasted. Come
and see for yourself.” Without thinking even for a while, the goat jumped into the well,
quenched her thirst, and looked for a way to get out. But just like the fox, she also found
herself helpless to come out.
Then the fox said, “I have an idea. You stand on your hind legs. I’ll climb on your head
and get out. Then I will help you come out too.” The goat was innocent enough to understand
the fox’s trick. She did as the fox said and helped him get out of the well.
While walking away, the fox said, “If you had been intelligent enough, you would never
have got in without seeing how to get out.”

29. “If you had been intelligent enough, you would never have got in without seeing how to
get out.” (The last paragraph) The utterance means that ….
A. the fox thanked goat for his help
B. the fox mocked the goat for being foolish
C. the goat helped the fox because he was intelligent
D. the goat was happy to see the fox walking away

30. Put a thick (√) in the correct statements based on the text.

√ The goat was so foolish and easy to trick.

The fox was too smart and kind to be a friend.
The goat was intelligent enough to solve the problem.
√ The fox was cunning, and he tricked the goat to save himself.

31. What can we learn from the story?

A. We should help each other to get the best solution.
B. We should think first before doing something.
C. We should make friends with smart people.
D. We should appreciate someone’s help.
Read the text carefully and answer the questions.
Frogs are small animals that can Toads are small animals often confused
jump very well. They have smooth skin with frogs. Toads, however, have dry, rough
and long legs. skin and short legs.
Frogs are found throughout the Toads can be found in all but the coldest
world except in very cold places. They parts of the world. They live on both land and
are most common in rain forests. Frogs water. However, toads generally spend more of
can live in water or on land. Most frogs their time on land than they do in the water.
spend most of their lives in water. Toads have squat, plump bodies. They do
A frog has smooth, moist skin and not have tails. They range from about 2.5 to 25
big, bulging eyes. Its hind legs are more centimeters long. Their skin is usually
than twice as long as its front ones. Most brownish olive, often with some darker spots.
frogs have webbed back feet to help Toads are active mainly at night. They
them leap and swim. spend the day underground or hidden under
A frog catches prey by flicking out leaves or stones. In the winter most toads enter
its long, sticky tongue. Most frogs eat a state of inactivity called hibernation. Some
insects and worms. Some also eat other toads are inactive during hot and dry weather
frogs, rodents, and reptiles. as well.

32. What is the most suitable topic of the fifth paragraph of each text?
A. Habit.
B. Habitat.
C. Life cycle.
D. Distribution.

33. Put a thick (√) in the correct statements based on the text.

Both frogs and toads spend their time in water.

Frogs’ skin is as dry as toads’ skin.
√ Toads have shorter legs than frogs.
√ Both frogs and toads do not live in a very cold place.

34. Frogs look like toads … they have smoother skin.

A. because
B. since
C. but
D. if

Read the text carefully and answer the questions. (Number 35-36)

35. Which statements go to the infographic? Put a thick (√) in the correct answers.
√ All turtles have plastic waste in their stomach.
Half of the numbers of seals are polluted by plastic waste.
More than 10% of seabirds are safe from plastic pollution.
√ Plastic waste is the source of marine pollution which causes marine animals’

36. From the text, we can conclude that …

A. Marine animals will reduce if people throw plastic waste in the river flowing to the
B. More than fifty percent of whales will be safe if they do not live in the ocean.
C. There will be more marine animals die if people recycle their plastic waste.
D. People can save more dolphins if theyonly catch them using fishing nets.
Read the text carefully and answer the questions. (Number 37 and 38)

37. After reading both texts carefully, parents will most probably ….
A. mix both products for their teenagers
B. keep the medicines in the refrigerator
C. prepare both medicines on the dining table
D. choose product B for their toddlers when necessary

38. Which statements best describe the products? Put a thick (√) in the correct answers.
√ Both products contain similar relievers.
Both products have the same form and taste.
√ Both products should be kept away from children.
Both products are consumed by drinking them.

Read the text carefully and answer the questions. (Number 39-40)
39. Why does the ads designer use the image below?

A. To promote a good health equipment with money back guarantee.

B. To inform people that the equipment can be a great gift idea for disabled people.
C. To convince people that the equipment can help them walk in an upright position.
D. To persuade people to order the equipment now to get the cheaper price.

40. Who will be probably most interested in reading the advertisement above?
A. A mother who wants to teach her toddler to walk.
B. People who has problem with their weight.
C. The elderly who need walking assistance.
D. Women who like an original product.

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