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Was the first mention of both of these organisations in the United States.

I warned readers not

to be fooled by the feeling that the articles was far-fetched and I drew a parallel between my article and
the warning issued by the Bavarian government when the secret plan of the Illuminati fell into its hands.
We shall return to the Club of Rome and the role of the The Committee of 300 in U.S. affairs later herein.

Many of the predictions made in that 1981 article have since come to pass , such as the
unknown Felip
Gonzalez becoming prime –minister of Spain , and Mitterand being returned to power in France; the
down fall of Giscard D’ Estang and Helmut Schmidt , the return to power of Swedish nobleman and The
Committee of 300 member Olaf Palme ( who has since then been mysteriously murdTheered ) , the
nullifying of Reagan’s presidency and the destruction of our steel , auto and housing industries in terms
of the post-industrial zero-growth order handed down by the Committee of 300.
The importance of Palme lies in the use made of him by the Club of Rome to deliver technology to the
Soviet Union on the forbidden-list of the U.S. Customs, and Palme’s world-wide communication –
network employed to train the spotlight on the phony Iran hostage – crisis , while he shuttled back and
forth between Washington and Teheran in an effort to undermine the sovereign integrity of the U.S. and
place the phony crisis in the realm of a The Committee of 300 institution , viz., the World Court at The
Hague , Holland.
In what is in fact an open conspiracy against Goa and man , which includes enslaving the
majority of humans left on this Earth , after wars , plagues and mass – murder have done with them, is
not well hidden. In the intelligence-community , it is taught that the best way to hide something is to
place it in open view. As an example of the foregoing , when Germany wanted to hide its prized new
Messerschmitt fighter-plane in 1938, the air craft was put on display at the Paris Air Show. While secret -
agents and spices were collecting information from hollow tree-trunk and from behind loose bricks in a
wall, the information they sought was staring them right in the face.
The upper – level parallel secret government does not operate from dank basements and secret
underground chambers. It places itself in full view , in the White House , Congress and in the Number 10
Downing Street and the House of Parliament. It is akin to those weird and supposedly terrifying
“monster” films , where the monster appears with distorted features , long hair and even longer teeth,
growling and slavering all over the place. This is distraction , the REAL MONSTERS wear business-suits
(Collar and “Tie-Fighters” ) and drive to work on Capitol Hill in limousines.
These men are IN OPEN VIEW. These men are the servants of the One World Government – New
World Order. Like the rapist who stop the offer his victim a friendly ride, he does not LOOK like the
monster he is . If he did, his intended victim would run off screaming in fright. The same applies to
government at all levels. President Bush does not LOOK like a dutiful servant of the upper –level parral
government , but make no mistake about it, he is as much a MONSTER as are those horrors found in
Stop for a movement and consider how President Bush ordered the brutal slaying of 150,000
Iraqi troops, in a convoy of military vehicles carrying white flag , on their way back to Iraq under Geneva
Convention rules of agreed disengagement and withdrawal. Imagine the horror of the Iraqi troops
when , in spite of waving their white flags , they they were mowed down by American aircraft. In
another part of the front , 12,000 Iraqi soldiers were buried alive in trenches they occupied. Is that not
MONSTROUS in the truest sense of the word ? From where did President Bush get his order to act in this
MONSTROUS fashion? He got them from the Royal Institute for International Affairs ( RIIA ) who
received its mandate from the The Committee of 300 , also known as the “Olympians “.
As we shall see, even the “Olympians” do not hide their faces. Often times they put on a show
which could be likened to the Paris Air Show , even as conspiracy buffs spend their time in fruitless
searching in the wrong places and in the wrong direction. Note how the queen , Elizabeth II , performs
the ceremonial opening of the British Parliament ? There , in full view is the head of the Committee of
300. Have you ever witnessed the swearing – in ceremony of the United States President ? There in full
view is another member of the Committee of 300. The problem is only one of perception .
Who are the conspirators who serve the mighty all – powerful The Committee of 300 ? The
better – informed of our citizens are aware that there is a conspiracy and that the conspiracy goes under
various names such as the Illuminati , Freemasonry , the Round Table the Milner Group. To them the
CRF and the Trilaterals represent most of what they do not like in regard to domestic and foreign policy.
Some even know that the Round Table has a big input into United States affairs through the British
ambassador in Washington. The problem is that real hard information on the treasonous activities of
members of the invisible hidden hand ) Government is very hard to come by.
I quote the profound statement made by the Prophet Hosea (4:6) , which is found in the
Christian Bible:
“My people are destroyed for lack of [My] knowledge.”
Some may already have heard my expose of the foreign aid scandal , in which work I named
several conspiratorial organizations, whose number is legion. Their final objective was the overthrow of
the U.S. Constitution and the merging of this country , chosen by God as HIS country, with a Godless One
World-New World Order Government which will return the world to conditions far worse than existed in
the Dark Ages.
Let us talk about actual case histories, the attempt to communize and deindustrialize Italy. The
Committee of 300 long ago decreed that there shall be a smaller – much smallest – and better world ,
that is , their idea of what

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