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Amazon starts selling cashier-less technology
The online retail giant Amazon will start selling its cashier-less technology to
any store or retail outlet that wants it. The software is called "Just Walk Out". The
software means stores do not need any cashiers. Shoppers simply scan a smartphone app
when they arrive at a store and then put their shopping in their bag and... just walk out
of the store. The software automatically calculates the cost of the customer's shopping
and charges the cost of their shopping to the customer's Amazon account. The new
software will allow customers to have their credit card or other payment card deducted
instead. Amazon has been using the software for the past two years in its own Go
Grocery stores.
The Just Walk Out software will reduce the amount of employees a store needs.
Instead, the store will need to put hundreds of small cameras on the ceiling. The
cameras link to software that detects what customers have put into their bag. The
software then bills the customer and issues a receipt online. An industry expert expects
Amazon to make a lot of money from selling the software to other stores. Many stores
want to remove one of the biggest things customers complain about - slow checkouts.
Amazon said the software will allow store staff, "to focus on more valuable activities".
However, a retail expert worries that, "there will be fewer jobs as automation comes in".
Building Knowledge of Vocabulary (Matching) (5 point)
Paragraph 1
1. giant ….. A. A store offering things for sale.
2. retail ….. B. A very, very large company or organization.
3. outlet ….. C. A person handling payments and receipts in a store, bank,
or other business.
4. cashier ….. D. Finds out the total or amount of something using maths.
5. calculates ….. E. The sale of goods to the public in relatively small
….. F. Took away something from another thing.
….. G. Let happen.

Paragraph 2 (5 point)

1. employee ….. A. The top part of the inside of a room or building.
2. ceiling ….. B. A piece of paper that shows that you have paid for
3. detects ….. C. A worker in a company or organization.
4. bills ….. D. Finds out; senses.
5. receipt ….. E. Say you are unhappy about something.
….. F. Charges someone some money for goods or services.
….. G. The use of robots or machines in a system that makes or
does something.
No. Revisi : 00 2 dari 3 No. Dokumen : IT-TEL/RM/AKA/007 Tanggal Terbit : 22 Oktober 2017

Nilai: ……

PART B MATCHING: Match the following synonyms from the article. (10 point)
1. Start ….. A. sends out
2. Called ….. B. price
3. Calculates ….. C. specialist
4. Cost ….. D. number
5. Deducted ….. E. named
6. Amount ….. F. take away
7. Link ….. G. subtracted
8. Issues ….. H. begin
9. Remove ….. I. connect
10. Expert ….. J. works out


today's today's dirty
wheels silent like
than can already
faster tell to
itself easy there
this experimental ever
from even maybe

The Car of the Future ?

This car is the opposite of cars; cars are noisy
and , this one is and clean. Today's cars have ,
this one does not. It moves a snail, but much faster a snail !
This car will use electric energy, not petrol or gasolene; it will have batteries
that be recharged instantly from chargers in the road. It will also be
very drive.
In fact, you won't need to drive it; it will drive . You will just need
to the computer: "Go to X" and the car will go . Also, it will
reach X very quickly, much than today's cars. It will also be very safe and
A lot of the technology exists, but it is very . Already today
scientists are developing new materials for the surface of roads: In fifty
years now, perhaps sooner, some new roads will capture solar energy :
they will store energy under the road, and some cars will be able to use it.
However you probably won't drive a "snail car", if you're
under 20 today. This, perhaps, is the car of the year 2100, the car that your
grandchildren will drive.
No. Revisi : 00 3 dari 3 No. Dokumen : IT-TEL/RM/AKA/007 Tanggal Terbit : 22 Oktober 2017

Nilai: …

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