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Industries can be classified into private sector, public sector, joint

sector and co-operative sector on the basis of ownership.

Private sector - these industries are owned and operated by an
individual or a group of individuals. Eg. Reliance Industries limited,
Infosys Technologies ltd.
Public sector - these industries are owned and operated by the
government for the people.
Eg. Hindustan Aeronautics Limited and Steel Authority of India
Joint Sector - these industries are owned and operated by the
government and an individual or a group of individuals.
Eg. Maruti Udyog Limited,
Co-operative Sector - these industries are owned and operated by the
producers and suppliers of raw materials, workers or both.
Eg. Anand Milk Union Limited, Sudha Dairy.

The factors affecting the location of industries are capital, labor,

transport, water, land, market, raw material, power. Industries are
situated in places where all these factors are satisfied.

The industrial system also consists of inputs, processes and outputs.

The inputs can be the raw materials used, capital invested, labour and
other infrastructure.
The processes include a wide range of activities that convert the raw
materials into something of more utility and value.
The outputs are the final product and the profits earned by selling
the product.
Example. For the shirt you wear, the inputs can be cotton, labour,
factory and transport cost. The processes involve, ginning, spinning,
weaving, dyeing and printing. The final product is the shirt u’re
wearing and the profits gained form it.

(a) Industrial regions emerge when a lot of industries are

situated close to one another and share the benefits of their
Major industrial regions of the world tend to be in the temperate
areas near sea ports and especially near coal fields.
(b) Industrial regions in India-
Hugli region, Vishakapatnam-guntur belt, Chotanagpur industrial
belt, Mumbai pune cluster, Thiruvantapuram-kollam industrial
region, Ahmedabad-Baroda, Gurgaon-Delhi-Meerut, Bangalore-Tamil
Nadu regions.

(a) Industrial disasters usually occur due the technological

failure or irresponsible handling of hazardous material.
(b) One of the worst industrial disasters occured in Bhopal, on
3rd december, 1984 at 00.30 am.
It was a technological accident in which huge amounts of Methyl
Isocyanate along with Hyd

Article 22 of the constitution nd criminal law gurantee to every

arrested individual the following fundamental rights -
- The right to be informed due to why they are being arrested,
interropgated or detained.
- The right to be presented in front of the magistrate within 24
- The right to not be ill-treated or tortured during the custody.
- Confessions made during interropgation cannot be used as evidence
against the accused in the court.
- A boy under 15 yrs of age and women cannot be called just for

On important function the police play is investigating any complaints

of the commission of a crime.
- An investigation includes recording statements from witnesses,
gathering all kinds of evidence.
- On the basis of this investigation they are required to form an
- If they believe the accused person is guilty they then fill out
and file a chargesheet in the court for a trial.
- It is not the job of the police to decide whether the accused is
guilty or not, that is done by the judge.

The judge is like an umpire in a cricket match.

- they conduct the trial impartially and sees all the evidence.
- The judge hears all the witnesses and sees all the evidence
gathered by the prosecution and the defence.
- The judge decides whether the accused person is guilty or not
based on all the accounts form witnesses and the evidence
- If the accused is convicted of the crime the judge pronounces a
sentence, the sentence can be jail or fine or both, all with
accordance to the law.

Public prosecutor
- In court the public prosector represents the interests of the
- The role of the public prosecutor begins once a chargesheet is
filed by the police in the court, they have no job in the
investigation of the crime.
- The prosecutor must conduct the prosecution on behalf of the
- As an officer of the government, the prosecutor must act
impartially and present the full and material facts, witnesses
and evidence in the court during the trial to enable the court to
decide the case.

After a person is arrested it is the court of law that decides whether

the person is guilty or not.
Our constituition states that every individual charged of an offence
must be given a fair trial.
Whether a person is innocent or guilty, it is the judge who decides
The rule of law, means everyone on the land must work in accordance
with the law, including the police, whose investigations must abide by
the law with full respect to human rights,
The supreme court has laid down guidelines the police must follow
during investigations. The person detained should have any harm
inflicted on them during the whole procedure. While keeping a person
detained or during interrogation, the police are not allowed to beat,
torture of shoot the accused even for petty offences.

Fair trial-
A fair trial has the following requirements.
- The police should carry out and investigation after the lodging
of a FIR.
- After they have formed an opinion and beilive the accused is
guilty, they prepare a chargesheet and submit it to the court. A
copy of the same is also given to the accused.
- The judge holds an impartial open court trial in front of all the
witnesess, defence and prosecutor.
- The statements of the witnesses are recorded, cross examined and
all evidence collected is presented.
- If the accused does not have money to hire a lawyer, the judge
must provide them with one.
- The defence is given full opportunity to plead the case on behalf
of the accused.
- Article 21 of the constitution guarantees the right to life. A
person’s life or liberty cannot be taken away unless following a
reasonable and just legal procedure.
- Article 21 ensues a fair trial by the constitution.

- First information report
- It is with the registration of an FIR the police start and
- The law states that it is compulsory for and officer to record an
FIR whenever a person gives information about a cognizizable
- This information can either be given orally or in writing.
- A FIR includes the date time of the event, description of the
event, place of the event and the name of the accused and
witnesses if it is known also the basic facts of the offence.
- The FIR also states the name and address of the complainant.
- There is a legal format by which a FIR should be filed that must
be followed and it should be signed by the complainant.
- The complainant also has the right to receive a free copy of the

D.K. Basu guidelines.

- The officers carrying out the arrest, invesigation must wear
clear, accurate and visible name tags along with designations.
- A memo of the arrest should be prepared. It must include the date
and time of the arrest. It should be attested by atleast of of
the arrested’s family member or relative. The memo should also by
counter-signed by the arrested individual.
- The person arrested, detained or interrogted has the right to
call a family, relative, friend or a well wisher.
- When a friend or family lives out of town, the place of arrest
and venue should be informed to them by the police within 8-12

Staple food in tropical and sub-tropical regions.
Alluvial-clayey soil which retains water
High temperature, high humidity and rainfall.
Grown in India, Japan, Sri lanka and Eqypt.
With good climate, 2-3 crops can be grown in west bengal and

Requires moderate temperature, rainfall during growing and bright
sunshine during harvest.
Well drained loamy soil
Grown in canada, USA, russia, india, australia, Ukraine.

Coarse grain which can be grown on less fertile or sandy soils.
Require high to moderate temperature, low rainfall and adequate
rainfall grown in India, China, Nigeria, Niger.
Moderate temperate, rainfall and humidity.
Grows in well drained fertile soils.
Grown in Canada, North Ameria, Mexico, Brazil, China, India.

High humidity, hight temperature, light reainfall and 210 frost-free
days and bright sunshine,
Grown on black and alluvial soils.
Egypt, china, Brazil, India, pakistan, USA.

High humidity, high raifall high temperature.
Alluvial soils.
Tropical areas.
India and bangladesh.

Warm and wet climate. Well drained loamy soils.
Hill slopes.
Columbia, Brazil, India.

Gentle slopes, cool climate well distributed high rainfall throughout
the air for the growth of its tender leaves.
Well drained loamy soils.
Large number of labour is required.
Sri Lanka, India, China, Kenya.
In 1873 phule wrote a book gulamgiri meaning slavery.
- About 10 yrs ago the american civil war had ended, bringing an
end to slavery in america.
- Phule dedicate dthis book to the people who had fought against
black slavery in America, thus establishing a relation between
the condition of lower castes in India and black slaves in
- Phule extended his criticism of caste discrimination to all forms
of inequality.
- He was worried abt the plight of upper-caste women, the plight of
the laboureres, and the humiliations the untouchables had to

The brahmo Samaj . 1830 . Raja Ram Mohun Roy . Calcutta . forbade
embers against all ideals of worship and sacrifice . werent allowed to
criticize other religions . looked critically at the ideals of
hinduism and christanity, at both negative and positive parts.

Young Bengal . 1820s . Henry Louis Vivian Derozio . Hindu college .

calcutta . promoted radical idea in his students and encouraged them
to question all authority . his led the Young Bengal Movement which
attacked traditions and customs and fought for women’s education and
freedom of though and expression.

Ramakrishna Mission . 1897 . Swmai Vivekanada . Calcutta . named after

his guru Ramakrishna Parmanhansa . stressed the idea of salvation
through social work and slefless action.

Prarthana Samaj . 1867 . Atmaram Paduranga ( and keshav Chandra Sen).

fought against all of the shit . believed all of humanity should
follow one god and worship only one god . drew up upon Hindu and
Cristian texts.

Aligarh Movement . 1875 . aligarh . Sayyid Ahmed Khan . The

institutions offered modern education including western science to
muslims . had a major impact of educational reform.
The singh Sabha Movement . 1873 Amritsar . 1879 Lahore . reform group
in the sikh community . dealt with abolishing all caste distinctions,
superstitions and practice that were considered non-sikh . they
promoted modern education with sikh teachings .

B.R. Ambedkar was born into a Mahar family. While growing up he also
faced caste discrimination. He wasn’t allowed to sit with his
classmates or drink the same water. After finishing school he got a
fellowship from U.S. where he went for high studies. He returned to
india in 1919 with more knowledge and opinion on the caste system. He
wrote extensively about the uppercaste power in contemporary society.

Ambedkar started temple entry movements in 1827. He and a group of

other dalits entered temples and outraged the priests when the drank
water from the same tap.
He led 3 such movements through 1827 - 1835. His aim was to make
people see the power of caste prejudice in society.

The non-brahman movement.

- The non-brahman movement was started in the early 20th century
when people from the lowercastes has acquired acces to education,
wealth and influence.
- They worked on Phule’s claim that aryans were invaders of the
subcontinent and that the lCs and the untouchables are the tru
children of the land.
- E.V. Ramaswamy NAicker or Periyar came from a middle class
family . he had been ascetic in early life and studied sanskrit
- Later he joined the congress. But left in anger and disgust when
he found out that the seating arrangements were according to
caste distinctions. That is, the uppercaste were seated further
away from the lowercastes.
- Convinced that LCS had to fight for dignity he found the self
respect movement.
- He argued that the untoubles were the original upholders of tamil
and dravidian culture which had been subjugated by the aryans or
brahmans. He felt that all religious authorities saw caste
distinctions as god given.
- Therefore the untouchable had to free themselves of religion in
order the abolish the caste system.

- Periyar also spoke very critically of hindu scripture.

- Especially the codes of manu, the ancient lawgiver and other like
mahabharata, Bhagavad gita and Ramayana.
- He claimed that these had been written inorder to ensure that the
brahmans were superior and held power over the inferior castesand
the domination of men over women.

All this of course, did not go unchallegend. The speeches, writings

movements caused for some thinking and selfcriticism among nationalist
uppercaste leaders. Orthodox hindus and brahmins also founded
asscoiations of their own to uphold caste distinctions and traditions.
The founded the brahman sabha, sanatan dharma sabha to show that all
this had sanction in early hindu scripture.

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