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Covered all topics

mentioned in Job

Gyas Ahmad
Senior Practice & Quality Mana
GOSI INTERVIEW Preparation as per JOB Description
Quality Management Interview

Public ‫عام‬
Table of Contents
1 Job description:...................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Understanding of how to shape and implement IT operating model..........................................1
1.2 Ensuring that quality is built in across the Implementation of IT product and service lifecycle in
Agile Environment...................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Ensuring that IT Practices, Processes and Procedures achieve intended outcome and follow the
ISO standards and met organization goals, compliances and regulations...............................................1
1.4 Ensuring lean is applied on IT Practices, Processes and Procedures by optimizing outcome
value, eliminating the waste as much as possible and automating as much as possible.........................1
1.5 Ensuring that IT Practices, Processes and Procedures is maintained and effective by evaluate
the KPIs compared to its targets..............................................................................................................2
1.6 Conducting and preparing quality assurance assessments, audit, and checks............................2
1.7 Identifying corrective actions and opportunities of improvement..............................................2
1.8 Developing and Improving IT Policies, Practices, Processes, Procedures and quality criteria......2
1.9 Conducting awareness sessions for IT Policies, Practices, Processes, Procedures, IT Standards
and IT best practices................................................................................................................................2
1.10 Maintaining Risk and compliance registers..................................................................................2
1.11 Managing IT Complains and identify the root cause and resolve it and provide
recommendations to avoid the occurrence of the complain...................................................................2
2 IT Operating Model..............................................................................................................................3
2.1 Key components of an IT Operating Model typically include:......................................................3
2.1.1 Governance Structure..........................................................................................................3
2.1.2 Processes and Procedures...................................................................................................3
2.1.3 Organizational Structure......................................................................................................3
2.1.4 Technology Architecture......................................................................................................3
2.1.5 Service Catalog.....................................................................................................................3
2.1.6 Performance Metrics...........................................................................................................3
2.1.7 Risk Management................................................................................................................4
3 How to Ensure that Quality is built in across the implementation IT Product & Service Lifecycle in
Agile Environment?.....................................................................................................................................5
3.1.1 1. Define Clear Acceptance Criteria:....................................................................................5
3.2 2. Implement Test-Driven Development (TDD):...........................................................................5
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3.3 3. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD):................................................5
3.4 4. Conduct Regular Code Reviews:..............................................................................................5
3.5 5. Emphasize Collaboration and Communication:.......................................................................5
3.6 6. Implement Quality Gates:........................................................................................................6
3.7 7. Focus on Continuous Improvement:........................................................................................6
3.8 8. Invest in Training and Skill Development:................................................................................6
4 How to make sure that IT Practices, Processes and Procedures achieve intended outcome and
follow the ISO standards and met organization goals, compliances and regulations in an IT Organization?
4.1 1. Establish Clear Objectives:.......................................................................................................6
4.2 2. Conduct Gap Analysis:.............................................................................................................7
4.3 3. Define Performance Metrics:...................................................................................................7
4.4 4. Implement Robust Governance Framework:...........................................................................7
4.5 5. Adhere to ISO Standards:.........................................................................................................7
4.6 6. Conduct Regular Audits and Assessments:..............................................................................7
4.7 7. Implement Continuous Improvement:....................................................................................8
4.8 8. Provide Training and Awareness:.............................................................................................8
5 How to Ensur lean is applied on IT Practices, Processes and Procedures by optimizing outcome
value, eliminating the waste as much as possible and automating as much as possible?...........................8
5.1 Optimizing Outcome Value..........................................................................................................8
5.2 Eliminating Waste........................................................................................................................9
5.3 Automating as Much as Possible.................................................................................................9
6 Ensuring that IT Practices, Processes and Procedures is maintained and effective by evaluate the
KPIs compared to its targets......................................................................................................................10
6.1 Define Relevant KPIs..................................................................................................................10
6.2 Set Targets.................................................................................................................................10
6.3 Implement Monitoring Mechanisms.........................................................................................11
6.4 Collect Data...............................................................................................................................11
6.5 Analyze Performance.................................................................................................................11
6.6 Identify Root Causes..................................................................................................................11
6.7 Take Corrective Actions.............................................................................................................11
6.8 Monitor Progress.......................................................................................................................11
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6.9 Communicate Results................................................................................................................12
6.10 Iterate and Improve...................................................................................................................12
7 Conducting and preparing quality assurance assessments, audit, and checks..................................12
7.1 Establish QA Framework............................................................................................................12
7.2 Identify Assessment Criteria......................................................................................................12
7.3 Schedule Assessments and Audits.............................................................................................13
7.4 Perform Assessments and Audits..............................................................................................13
7.5 Document Findings....................................................................................................................13
7.6 Analyze Results..........................................................................................................................13
7.7 Communicate Findings..............................................................................................................13
7.8 Implement Corrective Actions...................................................................................................14
7.9 Monitor Compliance..................................................................................................................14
7.10 Continuous Improvement..........................................................................................................14
8 How to Identify corrective actions and opportunities of improvement............................................15
8.1 Collect Feedback........................................................................................................................15
8.2 Review Incident and Problem Data............................................................................................15
8.3 Conduct Process Audits.............................................................................................................15
8.4 Monitor Performance Metrics...................................................................................................15
8.5 Perform Root Cause Analysis.....................................................................................................15
8.6 Benchmark Against Industry Standards.....................................................................................16
8.7 Seek Continuous Feedback........................................................................................................16
8.8 Review Customer Complaints and Feedback.............................................................................16
8.9 Engage Cross-Functional Teams.................................................................................................16
8.10 Stay Abreast of Industry Trends.................................................................................................16
9 ISO 20000-1:2018 Lead Auditor/Implementer..................................................................................17
9.1 Scope.........................................................................................................................................17
9.2 Leadership and Commitment....................................................................................................17
9.3 Planning.....................................................................................................................................17
9.4 Support......................................................................................................................................17
9.5 Operation...................................................................................................................................17
9.6 Performance Evaluation............................................................................................................17
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9.7 Improvement.............................................................................................................................18

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1 Job description:

1.1 Understanding of how to shape and implement IT operating model.

1.2 Ensuring that quality is built in across the Implementation of IT product
and service lifecycle in Agile Environment.
1.3 Ensuring that IT Practices, Processes and Procedures achieve intended
outcome and follow the ISO standards and met organization goals,
compliances and regulations.
1.4 Ensuring lean is applied on IT Practices, Processes and Procedures by
optimizing outcome value, eliminating the waste as much as possible and
automating as much as possible.
1.5 Ensuring that IT Practices, Processes and Procedures is maintained and
effective by evaluate the KPIs compared to its targets
1.6 Conducting and preparing quality assurance assessments, audit, and
1.7 Identifying corrective actions and opportunities of improvement.
1.8 Developing and Improving IT Policies, Practices, Processes, Procedures
and quality criteria.
1.9 Conducting awareness sessions for IT Policies, Practices, Processes,
Procedures, IT Standards and IT best practices
1.10 Maintaining Risk and compliance registers
1.11 Managing IT Complains and identify the root cause and resolve it and
provide recommendations to avoid the occurrence of the complain

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Job Requirement:

 Bachelor’s degree or equivalent Information and computer systems.

 8+ Years of work experience as a Senior IT QA and Process analyst or similar role
 ISO 20000-1:2018 Lead Auditor/Implementer
 ITIL4 Managing Professional
 COBIT 2019 Design and Implementation
 familiarity with scaled Agile framework like SAFe.
 CMMI Practitioner or above is preferable.

Additional Requirement:

 ISO 9001-1:2015 Lead Auditor/Implementer

 Certified Green/Black belt Lean Six Sigma

2 IT Operating Model
An IT Operating Model is a framework that defines how an organization's IT department operates to
deliver value to the business. It encompasses various components, including processes, structures, roles
and responsibilities, technologies, and governance mechanisms. The IT Operating Model aligns IT
activities with business objectives, enabling efficient and effective delivery of IT services and solutions.

2.1 Key components of an IT Operating Model typically include:

2.1.1 Governance Structure

Defines decision-making authority, roles, and responsibilities within the IT organization.

2.1.2 Processes and Procedures

Establishes standardized workflows and practices for IT service delivery, project management, change
management, incident management, etc.

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2.1.3 Organizational Structure
Outlines the hierarchy, reporting lines, and roles within the IT department, ensuring clarity of
responsibilities and accountability.

2.1.4 Technology Architecture

Defines the IT infrastructure, systems, platforms, and tools used to support business operations and
deliver IT services.

2.1.5 Service Catalog

Describes the portfolio of IT services offered to internal and external stakeholders, along with
associated service levels and pricing.

2.1.6 Performance Metrics

Establishes key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of
IT operations and service delivery.

Performance management in an IT organization involves tracking and evaluating various key

performance indicators (KPIs) to ensure that IT services and systems are meeting business needs
effectively and efficiently. Here are some common KPIs used for performance management in IT

 Service Availability: Measures the percentage of time that IT services are available and
accessible to users without interruption.
 Mean Time to Repair (MTTR): Tracks the average time taken to restore IT services after an
incident or outage occurs.
 Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF): Measures the average time interval between system
failures or incidents impacting service availability.
 Incident Resolution Rate: Evaluates the percentage of incidents resolved within the defined
service level agreement (SLA) timeframe.
 Change Success Rate: Measures the percentage of changes implemented successfully without
causing service disruptions or incidents.
 Service Level Agreement (SLA) Compliance: Assesses the organization's adherence to SLAs for
various IT services, including response times, resolution times, and uptime targets.
 Customer Satisfaction: Surveys or feedback mechanisms to gauge user satisfaction with IT
services, support, and overall experience.
 IT Costs vs. Budget: Compares actual IT expenditures against budgeted costs to ensure financial
efficiency and accountability.
 User Productivity Metrics: Tracks metrics related to user productivity, such as system response
times, application performance, and downtime impact on business operations.

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 Capacity Utilization: Measures the utilization levels of IT infrastructure resources (e.g., servers,
storage, network bandwidth) to ensure optimal resource allocation and avoid over-provisioning
or underutilization.
 Mean Time to Detect (MTTD): Measures the average time taken to detect IT incidents or
abnormalities, indicating the organization's ability to identify issues promptly.
 Employee Performance and Development: Tracks employee performance, skills development,
and training completion to ensure a capable and motivated IT workforce.
These KPIs provide insights into the performance, reliability, efficiency, and effectiveness of IT services
and operations, helping IT leaders make data-driven decisions, prioritize improvements, and
demonstrate value to the business.

2.1.7 Risk Management

Identifies and manages IT-related risks to ensure the security, reliability, and compliance of IT systems
and data.

Overall, the IT Operating Model provides a structured approach to managing IT resources, processes,
and capabilities to support the organization's strategic goals and objectives. It serves as a blueprint for
aligning IT activities with business needs and driving continuous improvement in IT service delivery and

3 How to Ensure that Quality is built in across the implementation IT

Product & Service Lifecycle in Agile Environment?
Ensuring that quality is built into the implementation of IT products and services throughout the Agile
environment requires a proactive approach and adherence to certain practices. Here are several strategies to
achieve this:

3.1 1. Define Clear Acceptance Criteria:

 Collaborate with stakeholders to establish clear acceptance criteria for each user story or feature during
sprint planning.
 Ensure that acceptance criteria are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
3.2 2. Implement Test-Driven Development (TDD):

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 Adopt TDD practices where developers write automated tests before writing the code to ensure that
the code meets the specified requirements.
 Run automated unit tests frequently to validate that the code functions as expected and meets the
acceptance criteria.
3.3 3. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD):
 Implement CI/CD pipelines to automate the build, test, and deployment processes.
 Integrate automated testing into the CI/CD pipeline to identify and address defects early in the
development lifecycle.
3.4 4. Conduct Regular Code Reviews:
 Conduct regular peer code reviews to identify potential issues, ensure adherence to coding standards,
and promote knowledge sharing among team members.
 Use code review tools and practices to provide feedback on code quality, maintainability, and
3.5 5. Emphasize Collaboration and Communication:
 Foster a culture of collaboration between development, testing, and operations teams.
 Encourage open communication and frequent interactions to clarify requirements, address concerns,
and ensure alignment on quality goals.
3.6 6. Implement Quality Gates:
 Define quality gates at key stages of the Agile development process to ensure that only high-quality
code is promoted to subsequent environments.
 Use automated tools and metrics to enforce quality gates and prevent the propagation of defects.
3.7 7. Focus on Continuous Improvement:
 Regularly review and reflect on the Agile process to identify areas for improvement.
 Conduct retrospective meetings after each sprint to discuss what went well, what could be improved, and
action items for enhancing quality in future iterations.
3.8 8. Invest in Training and Skill Development:

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 Provide training and mentorship to team members on Agile practices, testing techniques, and quality
assurance methodologies.
 Encourage continuous learning and skill development to empower team members to contribute
effectively to quality initiatives.
By implementing these strategies and fostering a culture of quality throughout the Agile environment,
organizations can ensure that quality is built into the implementation of IT products and services at every
stage of the lifecycle.

4 How to make sure that IT Practices, Processes and Procedures

achieve intended outcome and follow the ISO standards and met
organization goals, compliances and regulations in an IT

To ensure that IT practices, processes, and procedures achieve their intended outcomes and align with ISO
standards while meeting organizational goals, compliance requirements, and regulations, organizations can
follow these steps:
4.1 1. Establish Clear Objectives:
 Define clear objectives and expected outcomes for each IT practice, process, and procedure based on
organizational goals, ISO standards, and relevant regulations.
 Ensure alignment with the organization's mission, vision, and strategic objectives.
4.2 2. Conduct Gap Analysis:
 Perform a comprehensive gap analysis to assess the current state of IT practices, processes, and
procedures against ISO standards, organizational goals, and regulatory requirements.
 Identify areas of non-compliance, inefficiencies, and gaps that need to be addressed.
4.3 3. Define Performance Metrics:

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 Define key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to measure the effectiveness, efficiency, and
compliance of IT practices, processes, and procedures.
 Ensure that KPIs are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) and aligned
with organizational objectives and ISO standards.
4.4 4. Implement Robust Governance Framework:
 Establish a governance framework that defines roles, responsibilities, and accountability for managing IT
practices, processes, and procedures.
 Ensure clear ownership and oversight of IT governance activities, including compliance monitoring and
risk management.
4.5 5. Adhere to ISO Standards:
 Ensure that IT practices, processes, and procedures are designed and implemented in accordance with
relevant ISO standards, such as ISO/IEC 27001 for information security management or ISO/IEC 20000
for IT service management.
 Align documentation, workflows, and controls with the requirements of ISO standards to facilitate
compliance and certification.
4.6 6. Conduct Regular Audits and Assessments:
- Conduct regular internal audits and assessments to evaluate the effectiveness, compliance, and
performance of IT practices, processes, and procedures.
- Identify areas for improvement and corrective actions to address deficiencies and enhance alignment with
ISO standards and organizational goals.
4.7 7. Implement Continuous Improvement:
- Foster a culture of continuous improvement by soliciting feedback from stakeholders, monitoring
performance metrics, and identifying opportunities for optimization.
- Implement corrective and preventive actions to address root causes of non-compliance, inefficiencies, and
deviations from ISO standards.
4.8 8. Provide Training and Awareness:

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- Provide training and awareness programs to educate employees about the importance of adhering to IT
practices, processes, and procedures in achieving organizational goals and complying with ISO standards.
- Ensure that employees understand their roles and responsibilities in maintaining compliance and
contributing to the success of IT initiatives.

By following these steps, organizations can ensure that their IT practices, processes, and procedures achieve
their intended outcomes, adhere to ISO standards, and support organizational goals while meeting
compliance and regulatory requirements.

5 How to Ensur lean is applied on IT Practices, Processes and

Procedures by optimizing outcome value, eliminating the waste as
much as possible and automating as much as possible?

5.1 Optimizing Outcome Value

 Conducting regular user feedback sessions to prioritize features and enhancements based on customer
needs and preferences.
 Implementing agile methodologies like Scrum or Kanban to deliver incremental value to customers
through iterative development cycles.
 Utilizing data analytics to analyze user behavior and preferences, informing product roadmap decisions
and feature enhancements.
 Establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of IT initiatives in achieving
business objectives.
 Collaborating with cross-functional teams to align IT projects with organizational goals and strategic
 Investing in user experience (UX) design to create intuitive and user-friendly software applications that
meet user expectations and requirements.

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5.2 Eliminating Waste
 Conducting regular reviews of IT processes and workflows to identify and eliminate inefficiencies,
bottlenecks, and unnecessary steps.
 Implementing lean principles such as value stream mapping to visualize and analyze end-to-end
processes, identifying areas of waste and opportunities for improvement.
 Standardizing hardware and software configurations to minimize variability and reduce the risk of
compatibility issues and system failures.
 Consolidating IT infrastructure and resources to eliminate duplicate systems, reduce maintenance costs,
and improve resource utilization.
 Implementing automated monitoring and alerting systems to proactively identify and address issues
before they impact users or business operations.
 Streamlining procurement processes and vendor management to reduce administrative overhead,
negotiation time, and costs associated with purchasing IT goods and services.

5.3 Automating as Much as Possible

 Deploying self-service portals and knowledge bases for common IT service requests such as password
resets, account provisioning, and software installations.
 Implementing robotic process automation (RPA) to automate repetitive, rule-based tasks such as data
entry, file processing, and report generation.
 Utilizing configuration management tools to automate the deployment and configuration of IT
infrastructure, applications, and services.
 Implementing continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines to automate the
build, test, and deployment processes for software applications.
 Leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms to automate data analysis,
anomaly detection, and decision-making processes.
 Adopting DevOps practices to automate collaboration, communication, and integration between
development, operations, and quality assurance teams.

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By implementing these examples of lean practices, IT organizations can optimize outcomes, eliminate waste,
and automate repetitive tasks to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and deliver greater value to their

6 Ensuring that IT Practices, Processes and Procedures is maintained

and effective by evaluate the KPIs compared to its targets
Ensuring that IT practices, processes, and procedures are maintained and effective involves establishing key
performance indicators (KPIs) and regularly evaluating them against predefined targets. Here's how you can
achieve this:

6.1 Define Relevant KPIs

Identify KPIs that align with the objectives of each IT practice, process, or procedure. These KPIs should be
measurable, relevant, and directly linked to desired outcomes.

6.2 Set Targets

Establish realistic targets or benchmarks for each KPI based on industry standards, organizational goals, or
historical performance data. Targets should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound

6.3 Implement Monitoring Mechanisms

Put in place systems and tools to monitor KPI performance in real-time or at regular intervals. This may
involve deploying IT service management (ITSM) tools, performance monitoring software, or custom

6.4 Collect Data

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Ensure accurate and timely collection of data related to KPIs. This may involve aggregating data from various
sources such as IT systems, user feedback, performance reports, and service metrics.

6.5 Analyze Performance

Regularly analyze KPI data to assess performance trends, identify areas of improvement, and pinpoint any
deviations from targets. Use statistical analysis, trend analysis, and comparative analysis techniques to gain

6.6 Identify Root Causes

Investigate any deviations or discrepancies in KPI performance to determine underlying causes. This may
involve conducting root cause analysis, process audits, or performance reviews with relevant stakeholders.

6.7 Take Corrective Actions

Develop action plans to address identified issues or gaps in performance. Implement corrective actions such
as process improvements, resource reallocation, training initiatives, or technology upgrades as needed.

6.8 Monitor Progress

Continuously monitor the effectiveness of corrective actions and their impact on KPI performance. Adjust
strategies or interventions as necessary to stay on track towards achieving targets.

6.9 Communicate Results

Keep stakeholders informed about KPI performance through regular reporting and communication channels.
Share insights, trends, and progress updates to maintain transparency and accountability.

6.10 Iterate and Improve

Foster a culture of continuous improvement by using KPI data and feedback to refine processes, optimize
practices, and drive organizational excellence over time.

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By following these steps, IT organizations can ensure that their practices, processes, and procedures remain
effective and aligned with strategic objectives, ultimately driving improved performance and value delivery.

7 Conducting and preparing quality assurance assessments, audit,

and checks.
Conducting and preparing quality assurance assessments, audits, and checks in an IT organization involves
systematic evaluation of processes, practices, and deliverables to ensure compliance with standards,
requirements, and best practices. Here's how you can effectively carry out these activities:

7.1 Establish QA Framework

Develop a comprehensive quality assurance framework that defines the scope, objectives, methodologies,
and criteria for assessments, audits, and checks. This framework should align with industry standards,
regulatory requirements, and organizational goals.

7.2 Identify Assessment Criteria

Define clear criteria and standards against which the quality of IT processes, products, and services will be
assessed. These criteria may include performance metrics, regulatory compliance, customer requirements,
and industry benchmarks.

7.3 Schedule Assessments and Audits

Plan and schedule regular assessments and audits at predefined intervals or milestones throughout the IT
project lifecycle. Ensure that assessments are conducted by qualified personnel with relevant expertise and
independence from the processes being assessed.

7.4 Perform Assessments and Audits

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Conduct thorough evaluations of IT processes, practices, and deliverables according to the established criteria
and methodologies. Use a combination of techniques such as document reviews, interviews, observations,
and testing to gather evidence and insights.

7.5 Document Findings

Document findings, observations, and recommendations resulting from assessments and audits in a
structured manner. Maintain detailed records of assessment reports, audit findings, non-conformities,
corrective actions, and follow-up activities for accountability and traceability.

7.6 Analyze Results

Analyze assessment and audit results to identify trends, patterns, areas of improvement, and potential risks or
deficiencies. Use data analysis techniques such as root cause analysis, trend analysis, and comparative
analysis to derive insights and prioritize actions.

7.7 Communicate Findings

Communicate assessment and audit findings to relevant stakeholders, including project teams, management,
and clients. Present findings in clear, concise, and actionable reports that highlight strengths, weaknesses, and
opportunities for improvement.

7.8 Implement Corrective Actions

Develop and implement corrective action plans to address identified non-conformities, deficiencies, or areas
for improvement. Assign responsibilities, set deadlines, and track progress towards resolution to ensure
timely and effective remediation.

7.9 Monitor Compliance

Establish mechanisms for ongoing monitoring of compliance with quality standards, policies, and procedures.
Regularly review and validate adherence to established criteria through spot checks, follow-up audits, and
performance metrics.

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7.10 Continuous Improvement
Foster a culture of continuous improvement by leveraging insights from assessments, audits, and checks to
drive process enhancements, innovation, and organizational learning. Encourage feedback, collaboration, and
knowledge sharing to sustain quality improvements over time.

By following these steps, IT organizations can effectively conduct and prepare quality assurance assessments,
audits, and checks to ensure the delivery of high-quality IT products and services that meet stakeholder
expectations and business objectives.

8 How to Identify corrective actions and opportunities of

Identifying corrective actions and opportunities for improvement in an IT organization involves systematically
reviewing processes, practices, and performance to pinpoint areas that require remediation or enhancement.
Here's how you can effectively identify corrective actions and opportunities for improvement:
8.1 Collect Feedback
Gather feedback from various stakeholders, including employees, customers, and partners, regarding their
experiences, challenges, and suggestions for improvement. Utilize surveys, interviews, focus groups, and
feedback mechanisms to solicit input.
8.2 Review Incident and Problem Data
Analyze incident and problem management data to identify recurring issues, root causes, and trends. Look for
patterns of failures, service disruptions, or inefficiencies that may indicate underlying problems requiring
corrective action.

8.3 Conduct Process Audits

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Perform regular audits of IT processes, procedures, and workflows to assess compliance with standards,
policies, and best practices. Evaluate process effectiveness, efficiency, and alignment with organizational
objectives to uncover areas for improvement.

8.4 Monitor Performance Metrics

Track key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics related to IT service delivery, quality, and customer
satisfaction. Monitor deviations from targets or benchmarks to identify performance gaps and trigger
corrective actions as needed.
8.5 Perform Root Cause Analysis
Investigate incidents, failures, and deviations from expected outcomes to determine their underlying root
causes. Use techniques such as fishbone diagrams, 5 Whys analysis, and fault tree analysis to systematically
identify and address root causes.
8.6 Benchmark Against Industry Standards
Compare IT processes, practices, and performance against industry standards, frameworks, and benchmarks
such as ITIL, COBIT, and ISO standards. Identify areas where the organization falls short or could benefit from
adopting best practices.
8.7 Seek Continuous Feedback
Establish mechanisms for ongoing feedback and improvement, such as suggestion programs, innovation
forums, and improvement workshops. Encourage employees to proactively identify and propose ideas for
enhancing processes and practices.
8.8 Review Customer Complaints and Feedback
Analyze customer complaints, feedback, and satisfaction surveys to identify recurring issues, pain points, and
areas for enhancement in IT services and support. Prioritize actions based on the impact on customer
experience and satisfaction.
8.9 Engage Cross-Functional Teams

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Collaborate with cross-functional teams representing different areas of the organization to gain diverse
perspectives and insights into process inefficiencies and improvement opportunities. Foster a culture of
collaboration and shared ownership of improvement initiatives.

8.10 Stay Abreast of Industry Trends

Stay informed about emerging technologies, industry trends, and best practices in IT service management and
delivery. Attend conferences, workshops, and training sessions to learn from industry experts and benchmark
against leading organizations.

By leveraging these approaches, IT organizations can effectively identify corrective actions and opportunities
for improvement, leading to enhanced operational efficiency, service quality, and customer satisfaction.

9 ISO 20000-1:2018 Lead Auditor/Implementer

ISO 20000-1:2018 is the international standard for IT service management systems (ITSMS). It provides
requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an effective IT service
management system within an organization. Achieving certification to ISO 20000-1 demonstrates an
organization's commitment to delivering high-quality IT services and meeting the needs and expectations of
its customers. Here's an overview of the key aspects of ISO 20000-1:2018:
9.1 Scope
Define the scope of the ITSMS, including the boundaries, applicability, and exclusions of the services covered
by the standard.
9.2 Leadership and Commitment
Top management must demonstrate leadership and commitment to the ITSMS by establishing a quality
policy, defining roles and responsibilities, and ensuring adequate resources are allocated.
9.3 Planning
Develop a plan for implementing and maintaining the ITSMS, including setting objectives, defining processes,
and identifying risks and opportunities.
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9.4 Support
Provide the necessary resources, competence, awareness, communication, and documented information to
support the operation and effectiveness of the ITSMS.
9.5 Operation
Establish, implement, and control the processes needed to deliver IT services in accordance with the
organization's service requirements, including service planning and delivery, incident and problem
management, change management, and service continuity management.

9.6 Performance Evaluation

Monitor, measure, analyze, and evaluate the performance of the ITSMS and IT services against defined
objectives and requirements, and take action to address any deficiencies or opportunities for improvement.
9.7 Improvement
Continually improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the ITSMS and IT services through corrective actions,
preventive actions, and management reviews.

To achieve ISO 20000-1:2018 certification for your organization, you will need to:
 Establish a project team and designate a project manager responsible for overseeing the implementation
 Conduct a gap analysis to assess the organization's current practices against the requirements of ISO
 Develop and implement documented processes and procedures to address any gaps identified during the
gap analysis.
 Provide training and awareness sessions to ensure that employees understand their roles and
responsibilities within the ITSMS.
 Implement performance measurement and monitoring mechanisms to track the effectiveness of the
ITSMS and IT services.

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 Conduct internal audits to evaluate compliance with ISO 20000-1 requirements and identify areas for
 Prepare for and undergo an external audit conducted by a certification body to assess compliance with
ISO 20000-1 standards.
 Address any non-conformities identified during the external audit and take corrective actions as
 Maintain and continually improve the ITSMS to ensure ongoing compliance with ISO 20000-1

By following these steps and implementing the necessary processes and controls, your organization can
achieve ISO 20000-1:2018 certification and demonstrate its commitment to delivering high-quality IT

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