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1. (a) Dayanand Saraswati

2. (a) false
(b) True
3. (a) Brahmo Samaj
(b) Gulamgiri)
4. (a) Independence day
(b) WW2

5. (i)

6. The first governor general of India was C. Rajgopalachari. He was popularly known as Rajaji.
He was a member of the Interim government in 1946.

7. People were leaving villages to go to cities due to the new job opportunities. There were jobs
in factories and at municipalities.
Due to the rapid expansion of cities, more labour was required.
There were roads to be laid, buildings constructed, drain to be dug etc. all this required
bricklayers, coolies, sewage claners, digger, cleaners etc.
People from villages, usually the poor and lowercaste or untouchables moved to cities and took
these new jobs.
SOme even moved to mauritius, trinidad, Assam and Indonesia to work at plantations. Eventho
work there was hard, it was an opportunity to escape from the clutches uppercaste landoweners
had on their lives and the daily humiliation they faced.

8. Gandhiji called for a Satyagraha in 1919 against the Rowlatt Act passed by the government.
This new act curbed the freedom of expression and increased police powers. Gandhi,
Mohammed ali jinnah and others felt this act was oppressive. They demanded for the right to
expression and described the act as devilish and tyrannical.
On April 6th 1919, Gandhi asked the people to observe this day as aa day of peaceful protest
against the rowlatt act. Satyagraha sabhas were made, hartals and displays were organized.
This turned out to be the first all india struggle against the british government. The british
oppressed this brutally, eventho it was largely restricted towards the cities.
This act tried to ensure that the hindus and Muslims participating were unified in the struggle.

9. 200 years ago, the condition of women and girl’s-

- Their rights to property were extremely limited.
- If a girl was educated, people believed in the future she would become a widow.
- Girls couldn’t leave the houses.
- They had virtually no access to education.
- They were married off at early ages.
- a woman was praised if she jumped into the funeral pyre of her husband, instead of
becoming of widow. Women who did this, either by choice or forcefully were called sati,
meaning virtuous lady.

- The mUslims realized that they would always remain as a minority and will always have
to play second fiddle in any democratic structure.
- After the congress failed to mobilize the masses in 1930, the league gained their social
- In 1946, the british cabinet sent 3 men to India, in order to determine the political
framework of free India. They suggested that india remain united and constitute itself of
loose confederation and allow the muslim community a bit more autonomy. This failed to
convince the muslims and the Congree and the league fought over the specific details.
- The League decided mass agitation was the only way their demands could be fulfilled.
On 16th august 1946, the followed direct action day. That day riots broke out in calcutta
and thousands were killed.
- The mass agitation also spread to other parts of northern India by march 1947
- Finally - pakistan was born.

a. Punjab
b. Poona
c. Champaran


12. All of the above

13. Detention
Public prosecutor
14. True

15. I

Union Carbide setup its factory in India mainly for cheap labour.
- They wages they have the pay to workers in the U.S. is comparatively higher than the
wages payed to Indian workers.
- They don’t have the worry about additional costs, such as housing facilities cause they
are fewer. They company can save costs and earn higher profits.
- They can get longer work hours for lower wages,

The UC plant in West Virginia (USA) has a proper detection system. They had computerised
warning and monitoring systems which were in place. Whereas in the plant in Bhopal they relied
on manual gauges and human senses to detect gas leaks.
The safety evacuation system was also acc. To plans in the U.S. but nonexistent in Bhopal.

Separation of power is a key feature of the constitution. This means that no other branch of the
government, the legislature or the executive can interfere with the work of the judiciary.the
courts are not under the government and don’t work on there behalf.
a. The courts has the job of resolving disputes between 2 state gov. Main gov and state
gov. 2 people or people and the gov.
b. As the final interpreter of the constitution, the court can strike down laws they might find
un-adhering to the constitution. This is termed as judicial review.
c. Every citizen has the right to approach the court if they believe their fundamental right
has been violated. HAKIm sheikh.

19. According to the Article 22 of the constitution and Criminal Law, every arrested person has
the fundamental right to-
- Know the reason due to why they are being arrested.
- The right to call and inform a relative or a friend.
- The right to not being ill-treated, injured or tortured while detainment.
- The right to be presented in front of a magistrate within 24hrs
- A boy under 15yrs of age and women cannotbe called to the police station just for


20. Skachi
21. Pharmaceuticals.
22. A true
B. false

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