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A Study of Casing Treatment Stall Margin

improvement Phenomena'




General Electric Co.,

Aircraft Engine Group,
Cincinnati, Ohio

The results of a program of experimental and analytical research in casing treatments over
axial compressor rotor blade tips are presented. Circumferential groove, axial-skewed slot,
and blade angle slot treatments were tested at low speeds. With the circumferential groove
treatment the stalling flow was reduced 5.8 percent at negligible efficiency sacrifice. The
axial-skewed slot treatment improved the stalling flow by 15.3 percent; 1.8 paints in peak
efficiency were sacrificed. The blade angle slot treatment improved the stalling flow by 15.0
percent; 1.4 points in peak efficiency were sacrificed. These values are consistent with
previous experience at transonic speeds. The favorable stalling flow situations correlated
well with observations of higher-than-normal surface pressures on the rotor blade pressure
surfaces in the tip region and with increased maximum diffusions on the suction surfaces.
Annulus wall pressure gradients, especially in the 50 to 75 percent chord region, are also
increased and blade surface pressure loadings are shifted toward the trailing edge for
treated configurations. Rotor blade wakes may be somewhat thinner in the presence of good
treatments, particularly under operating conditions close to the baseline stall. Annulus wall
boundary layer profiles -'e only slightly influenced by casing treatment.

This paper reports on an investigation sponsored by the NASA Lewis Research Center under Contract
NAS3-15707, E.E. Bailey, Program Manager.

Contributed by the Gas l'urbine Division of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers for
presentation at the Gas Turbine Conference & Products Show, Houston, Texas, March 2-6, 1975.
Manuscript received at ASME Headquarters December 2, 1974.
Copies will be available until December I, 1975.

A Study of Casing Treatment Stall Margin
Improvement Phenomena


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Recent applied research (References 1 to were transonic. Transonic stages tend

7) had shown that compressor casing treatment to be designed with little or no camber
can substantially improve the stall characteris- in the tip region. They tend to have
tics of fan and compressor stages. Different heavy leading edge loadings just prior
casing treatment configurations had been identi- to stall as compared with subsonic de-
fied which provide either significant improve- signs.
ments in extending the stall line with some • The most successful casing treatments
penalties. The effectiveness of the treatment have 65 to 75 percent open area in the
is judged primarily by its ability to maintain nominal casing surface.
or increase the pressure ratio while decreasing • Treatment over the 20 percent of the
the weight flow below that obtained for a refer- meridionally projected rotor chord from
ence solid casing at the stall limit point. This either the leading or the trailing edge
stall limit point is defined as the point of is ineffective. Most, if not all, of
onset of rotating stall. The program described the benefits come from treating the
in Reference (1), for example, showed 7 percent center 60 percent of the chord projec-
improvement in stall margin for 2 points sacri- tion.
fice in efficiency, Reference (2) described • Some tip treatments have been observed
tests on a number of different treatment types. which lead to increased blade tip load-
Significant stall margin increases were obtained ing and pressure rise as compared with
with several of the treatments. The skewed slot a solid casing, as if the diffusion proc-
configuration gave 20.7 percent increase in stall ess were improved. The overall pressure
margin with a 7 point loss in efficiency. The rise of the stage may still appear to
blade angle slot and the circumferential groove remain constant during throttling of a
configurations gave a 17.5 and 13.5 percent in- stage in which the tip region picks up
crease in stall margin, respectively, with effi- load, if the strengthened tip results
ciencies as high or slightly higher than those in transferring the throttle response
obtained with the reference solid casing. to a hub region with a drooping charac-
The state-of-the-art with respect to casing teristic.
treatment at the beginning of the present program • Recirculation in grooves, slots, or
could best be expressed by a series of empirical plenums may serve to stabilize or delay
observations. The following list is a digest rotating stall. Some of the early cas-
of information contained in References (1) to ing treatment tests indicated that large
(7)• recirculation gives a substantial effi-
ciency sacrifice as compared with solid
• Most of the rotors on which casing casings.
treatment seemed beneficial encountered The various experimental programs (Refer-
instability in the form of a rotating ences (1) - ( 5)) had shown that the geometric
stall initiated at a critically loaded parameters associated with the configuration
rotor tip. designs could be quite critical. Only a few
• All of the stages on which attractive configurations of each type, chosen somewhat
casing treatment results had been found arbitrarily, had been investigated. It seemed
likely that a detailed investigation into the
2 Numbers in parentheses designate Refer- mechanisms and principles behind the beneficial
ences at end of paper. influences of casing treatment would lead to a

tip, flow out of a cavity may impinge on the
boundary layer, energizing it and delaying sepa-
ration. Flow into a cavity may serve as a bleed,
removing low energy fluid from a critical corner
boundary layer between a blade suction surface
and the annulus wall, delaying separation. Flow
into or out of a cavity may also dissipate an

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incipient vortex generation.
Casing treatments may increase the effec-
tive turbulence for flow close to the annulus
wall, leading to energized boundary layers and
increased flow stability. It should be noted
that airfoils with extreme leading edge loading
may be particularly susceptible to boundary layer
instability in the mid-chord region, and there-
fore are special candidates to respond to arti-
ficial stabilizing devices.

2 Meridional boundary layer control. The

meridional boundary layer control mechanisms,
in contrast to the incipient two-dimensional
T7?l boundary layer separation mechanisms, disregard
considerations of stability of the two-dimensional
TII flow around a blade. Attention is given instead
to the pressure difference across a flow barrier
which produces a force component in the axial
direction. The cavities may serve to damp the
Fig. 1 General Electric Co. low speed research fluctuation of the moving rotor pressure field
compressor with circumferential groove casing in a way to stabilize the annulus wall boundary
treatment windows partially installed layer. The flow barriers between casing treat-
ment cavities may even interfere with a tendency
toward flow reversal in the annulus wall boundary
substantial further improvement in the observed
performance. The present program (Reference (8)) 3 Compliant wall absortion of pressure
was undertaken to make such a detailed investi- disturbances. It is clear that a small "blob"
gation. Analytical modeling of the flow patterns of high pressure fluid impinging on a solid wall
in the casing treatment cavities was carried out will have its velocity component perpendicular to
in conjunction with the experimental program. that wall brought suddenly to rest, resulting
A specific objective of the present Casing in an amplification of the high pressure, The
Treatment program was to explore the relevance of same high pressure blob impinging on the separa-
a series of possible mechanisms which had been tion surface between the freestream and a stag-
suggested as possible explanations for the manner nant cavity will find that the contents of the
in which casing treatment works to extend stable cavity give way. The high pressure disturbance
operating ranges. The mechanisms which seemed is then reflected as a low pressure disturbance.
worthy of exploration fell into a number of Thus the separation surface between an essentially
groups: stagnant cavity and the free-stream flow is com-
pliant to local disturbances, serving as a damper
1 Suppression of incipient separation on them where a solid wall would act as an ampli-
inherently two-dimensional cascade effects. fier.
This mechanism about the influence of a casing The resources available for the present
treatment on the stability of a compressor rotor program promised to permit detailed examination
is based on the premise that stalling starts with of many blade surface, annulus wall, and cavity
an instability in the two-dimensional or quasi- flow characteristics. A suitably planned program
two-dimensional flow around the blade tip air- could yield much new information on the correla-
foils. Thus if a critical corner boundary layer tion between these detailed characteristics and
develops on the suction surface near the blade the overall performance.


Table 1 Blade Geometry for Low Speed. Research

Compressor Casing Treatment Phenomena Investiga-
Inlet Guide
Vanes Rotor Stator

Number of Blades 40 54 53

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Radius Ratio 0.7 1.0 0.7 1.0 0.7 1.0
Camber (deg.) 21.5 34.5 41.7 23.1 32.6 31.6
Stagger (deg.) 13.2 21.9 16.4 43.4 29.9 41,,
Solidity 1.5 1.5 1.88 1.31 1.85 1.30
Thickness/Chord 0.1 0.1 0.13 0.045 0.04 0.12

Aspect Ratio: 1.5 1.96 1.94

or d
Tip Clearance/Chord 0.016

Mean Line A4K6* Circular Arc Circular Arc

Profile 63 Series 65 Series 65 Series

Dunavant, J.C.; Cascade Investigations of a Related Series of 6-Percent-Thick--
Guide-Vane Profiles and Design Charts, NACA TN3959, May 1957.

EXPETIS^TTAL RESOURCES some of these results are reported. in Reference

(9). Tuft explorations and performance measvre-
Low Speed Research Compressor Facili merits had shown that the design was subject to
The General Electric Low Speed Research stalling of the rotor tip. It was, 'therefore,
Compressor (LSRC) is designed to provide quanti- expected to be a good showcase for the stabi1=:z;.n
tative and qualitative aerodynamic data on axial influence of casing treatments on the rotor `; J e
flow compressor stages, it is ideally suited flow. The stage consisted of inlet guide Ja e
for the exploration of phenomena in which viscous rotor and stator. Blade design geometrYr is
effects, characterized by Reynolds ntimber, play in Table 1.
a predominant role but where compressibility ef-
fects, characterized by Poach number or density Casing Treatment
ratio, are relatively unimportant. Even though Transparent removable casing windows were
the blade tip speed employed is low (80 meters used over the rotor for the various casing treat-
per second maximum), the large tip diameter (152.5 ment configurations. Testing with plain -casing
cm) allows testing with blade chord Reynolds windows provided a baseline fc:r comparison.
numbers of about 500,000. This is sufficiently Three casing treatment configurations included
high to be above any critical value known for circumferential grooves, axial- skewed slots,
compressor stages and, in fact, is higher than and blade angle slots. All three carfig.:ra ione
many smaller engines encounter during altitude were centered over the rotor tip and covered
operation. The large diameter also makes possible approximately 70 percent of the axial projection
the study of small scale phenomena, such as of the rotor tip section. A photograph of the
secondary flows, without the need for extreme various treatment configurations is shown in
miniaturization of instrumentation. A photograph Fig. 2. More information about the freatmint
of the LSRC is shown in Fig. 1. The details of geometry is given in Table 2.
the facility and its operation are presented in
Reference (8). Instrumentation
The instrumentation used to obtain overall
Test Compressor performance was common to all configurations
The test compressor selected for the Casing and consisted of total pressure rakes, flow arFl,
Treatment program was a 0.7 radius ratio single- and stream static pressure traverse probes, cas-
stage compressor which had been tested as a four- ing and hub static pressure taps, ?B-CK microphones
stage assembly. The four-stage assembly had for recording time varying static pressures, hot
been tested extensively, including various per- film anemometers, wet and dry bulb thermometer,
turbations on stagger, solidity, and clearance; barometer, strain gage torquemeter and an eloc-

flow calculation with vorticity constant along
streamlines suggested that the flow might move
into the axial-skewed slot cavity along the down-
rotation wall, acorss the cavity and outward
along the up-rotation wall, with near-stagnant
conditions at depths greater than 80 percent of

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the cavity width below the lip. The flow pat-
terns of such predictions provided guidance in
designing experiments to measure the flow patterns
within the cavities.


Overall Performance
Nany investigators had shown that wall
treatments may improve stall margin, prior to
Fig. 2 Baseline, circumferential groove, and this program. However, almost without exception,
axial-skewed slot casing treatment windows their experience had been gained on transonic
stages. Thus a fundamental question needed to
be answered:
tronic tachometer. Two rotor blades were fitted
with blade surface static pressure taps. Detailed Could an influence of wall casing treat-
quantitative measurements of the flow within the ment on compressor performance, and es-
treatment cavities were made with steady-state and pecially on the limit to the stable
dynamic instrumentation. operating range set by stall, be found
in a vehicle where compressibility ef-
ANALYTICAL FLOW MODELING fects are insignificant?

Several analytical models for flow patterns This question was quickly answered affirmatively:
in and around the casing treatment cavities were the stable operating range of this test axial
constructed and used. An incompressible, invis- compressor stage is extended by casing treatment,
cid, two-dimensional flow model for the flow in at approximately Mach number 0.11. Additional
a circumferential groove casing treatment cavity, testing at one-half of this nominal Mach number
with constant total pressure relative to a moving level showed almost the same effects. Thus com-
blade row and freestrean static pressure d.strib- pressibility effects, such as cavity resonance,
uted from blade to blade according to a cascade are not required in order for casing treatment to
prediction, was synthesized using an analogy to be effective.
the classical "wavy-wall problem." The results Overall performance of the various casing
of this analysis showed that the blade-to-blade treatment configurations, based on casing static
rotor tip static pressure gradients should induce pressure rise, is compared with that of the base-
significant radial flows in and out of the groove line configuration in Fig. 3. Qualitative be-
and could produce a radial outflow or suction haviors are similar to those reported previously,
effect over blade tip region. This analysis pre- for example in References (2) and (4). A conven-
dicted influences of the groove depth on the tional circumferential groove treatment gave a 6
radial flows which are roughly proportional to percent improvement in stalling flow with virtually
the stall line improvement found in Reference no sacrifice in peak efficiency. An axial-skewed
(5). A flow model was also developed for longi- slot configuration gave a 15 percent improvement
tudinal flow in slots driven by an applied static in stalling flow with 1.8 points sacrifice in peak
pressure field using numerical finite difference efficiency. A blade angle slot configuration gave
field solutions for two-dimensional incompressible 15 percent improvement in stalling flow with 1.7
flow. The Navier Stokes equations with the as- points sacrifice in peak efficiency.
sumptions of classical Poiseuille theory were An overall comparison of performance and
used to predict a viscous flow pattern for the stall characteristics of the various configura-
grooves; this model predicted that the freestream tions emphasizing salient features is presented
velocity would penetrate only a small fraction in Table 3. The baseline configuration and the
of the distance to the bottom of the groove. in circumferential groove configuration exhibited
another model, the results of an incompressible substantially the same work input. The blade-

Table 2 Casing Treatment Geometry
Circumferential Axial Skewed Blade Angle
Groove Slots Slots

al Extent of Treatment/Axial
rojected Chord 0.706 0.706 0.706

ity Depth/Cavity Width 2.86 3.00 2.66

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ity Width/Land Width 2.33 2.33 2.59

n Area/Total Area 0.70 0.70 0.72

ity Depth/Blade Spacing 0.286 0.286 0.286

t Angle (relative to rotor tip

tagger angle) N.A. -43.4° +100

t Angle (relative to radial

irection) N.A. 60° 0°

Table 3 tverall Performance and Stall "hac ci; -

istic Comparisons Among the Casing 'fre
Baffled Baffled
Circumferential Axial-Skewed Blade Angle
Baseline Grooves Slots Slots

Stalling Throttle
Position (Counts) 112.2 100.5 83.5 84.5

Change in Stalling Flow from

Baseline --- -5.8 -15.3 -15.0

Change in Pressure Rise at

Baseline Stall Throttle from
Baseline --- +1.8 +4.9 +3.1

Change in Work Coefficient at

Baseline Stall Throttle from
Baseline --- 0 +4.9 +3.8

Change in Peak Efficiency from

Baseline --- 0 -0.018 -0.014

Change in Peak Pressure Rise

from Baseline --- +3.7 +7.8 +5.7

angle slot configuration, and the baffled axial- cavity width which is less than the blade thick-
skewed slot configuration showed progressively ness
increasing work inputs. Comparisons of the radial profiles of total
Several variations in the circumferential and static pressure and of flow angle show that,
groove treatment configurations were tested. except near stall, the various casing treatments
Grooves over the entire center 73 percent of the have very little influence on the profiles. At
blade axial projection contributed to the stalling the near-stall condition, however, the circumfer-
flow improvement. Still more improvement could ential groove treatment shows a small tendency
be achieved by inserting a few partitions to toward a higher total pressure than the baseline
restrict the circumferential flow in the grooves. in the outer 30 percent of the annulus. Both
Removal of the mid-length baffles from the axial- slot configurations (the axial-skewed slots and
skewed slots produced a small improvement in the blade angle slots) show substantially higher
stalling flow with serious efficiency loss. A total pressure than the baseline in this outer
blade angle slot configuration with a cavity 30 percent of the annulus. This high total pres-
width substantially greater than the blade thick- sure represents a flow shift, such that total
ness gives more favorable performance than a pressures in the hub region should be reduced.


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ANGLE Fig, 4 Typical photographs of flow-visualization
tufts in axial-skewed slots

Fig. 3 Overall performance of the various casing left to right, In the upper or upstream cavity
treatment configurations. Dashed lines indicate the flow does seem to be in at the downstream end
baseline performance for comparison and out at the upstream end. In the lower cavity
the flow near the bottom is from both ends toward
the center. At mid-depth of this cavity some of
Ooue hutton dues appear in the hub region, the flow appears directed toward the end wall.
but the mean dtrnashc pressure appears to increase, Reference (8) gave a larger selection of photo- that the extra tip loading has come graphs of these tufts, which made a regular pat-
at. the expense of increased rotor wake tern seem imrrobable.
The longitudinal flow pattern with flow in
at the downstream end and out at the uustream
tO ow Visualization Dv Knittinx Yarn Tufts end was also a pre-test favorite for the wide
The Low Speed ttesearch Compressor with its blade angle slots. Two representative photograohs,
trausoarent casings over the rotor blading pro- with the tufts near the cavity face and near the
vided an opportunity to explore the flow patterns cavity bottom, are shown in Fig. 5. Unfortunate-
the treatment cavities. If the flow pat- ly it has not been possible to capture very much
torus for each i;pe of cavity are characteristic, of the impression given by the tufts in a photo-
patterns Snap rovde clues to the ways in graph. Live study of the tufts did show a pre-
which these cav ties twprove flow stability and dominant flow out of the upstream ends of both
stall cuvyin. Taft surveys were made within each cavities (forward and aft of the baffle). Flow
tyre of cmuitp, along the aft end of either cavity usually ap-
Two simple flow patterns in axial-skewed peared in a direction counter to rotor rotation,
ot cavities seemed to he the most likely possi- Flow near the fore-and-aft center of the cavity
ilou might be pr edominantly longi- was in almost all directions, forward, aft, or
tudinal, driven by the circumferential average radial from the freestream into the cavity. The
pressure field of the compressor, Flow would variations were clearly not related to blade aas-
nter the. cavity at the downstream or high pres- sage. Observation of the tufts included a search
sure end, Progress counter to the freestreom flow for a regular pattern, such as would be expected
direction along the cavity bottom, and return to in response to a rotating stall cell: no such
the free stream at the upstream or low pressure pattern was identified.
nJ. Jr, the flow might he mostly circuif'cren- Tuft observations of the flow in circumfer-
na2, being scooped into the cavity by the Pip ential grooves showed a dominant flow along the
of the partition between cavities and returned grooves in the direction of rotation. There were
toward the free stream along the opposite wall, suggestions of small transverse and radial com-
a sort of roller-bearin 5r 1 situation, The actoal ponents, but without a sufficiently clear defini-
flow was not siuple, Time variations were tion to justify reporting.
a: 5. "_ale too beg to be related to blade cas- Lluch of the appearance of random timing of
sage, integral revolutions, or passage of rotat- flow directions in the wide blade angle slots
Lug stall cells, Fig. shows two tppsical photo- was suppressed in the narrow version. The flow
are One of the, tuft behavior. Free stream flow diP, appear to be generally from the freestream
s from to to bottom; rotor blade travel is from sate the cavity over the downstream half and font



C WU M^E R UN eAl ACAL S$.&veL) -. .

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Fig, 6 Casing treatment influence on cumulus
Pig, 5 Typical photographs of flow-visualization wall static pressure distribution
tufts in wide blade angle slots

slope regions provides a convenient reference

the cavity to the mainstream at the upstream end. for the treatment configurations. The first
The pattern was clear enough to encourage an ef- slope, in the steeper pressure gradient region,
fort to measure a dynamic pressure of the velocity increases with increasing back pressure. The
along the cavity. Neither orientation of a total terminal slope decreases with increasing back
pressure probe showed a pressure significantly pressure, as if increasing severity of the wall-
different from the static pressure at the bottom stall damages the ability of the boundary layer
of the cavity. farther downstream to sustain a gradient, but
w thout completely preventing further pressure
Annulus Wall Static Pressure Distribution rise,
The time average static pressure distribu- As has been discussed previously, the intro-
tion along the annulus wall over the rotor tips duction of the circumferential groove casing
seemed to change when casing treatments were used. treatment makes little difference to the overall
Fig. 6 summarizes the measurement of static pres- pressure rise of the stage at any flow level.
sure on or near the nominal casing radius. Data Rotor pressure rise in this treatment configura-
were taken upstream and downstream of all cavi- tion is also close to the baseline observations.
ties. Data for the circumferential grooves wore Most of the grooves show little transverse pres-
taken on the freestream surfaces of the lands sure difference. The pressure rise is concentrated
between the grooves and on the side walls of the in jumps across the thickness of the lands be-
grooves near the groove faces Data for the tween grooves. Terminal pressure gradients at
blade angle slots were taken on the freestream each flow level are similar to those demonstrated
surfaces of the lands between the slots. Pres- during the baseline test. In the steep pressure
sures were measured at various locations around gradient region, however, the land surface pres-
the axial-skewed slots; those presented on Fig. sure corresponds to the pressure at similar axial
6 were taken on the portion of the slant wall of positions in tue baseline case, whtle the ATerafe
the cavity open to the freestream, close to the eresseec over the groove faces is substantially
freestream surface. below the baseline pressure at the groove center-
Approximately half of the static pressu r e line. It seems as if the surface pressure on the
rise along the annulus wall of the baseline con- downstream groove wall, which is lower than the
figuration at the critical near-stall condition freestream pressure at the same axial position,
occurs in the first one-third of the rotor axial calls for a boundary layer bleed flow into the
c:e3icn. ?h tjsueh ie P this pe-ssuu cavity. Then the wall bovndary layer may start
rise at all flow levels is in the form of two fresh on each land. The circumferential groove
nearly linear rises separated by a slope discon- configuration, tested at the stall limit flow
tinuity, as if a wall-stall situation terminates level of the baseline configuration, shows a sub-
the rapid leading edge rise and limits subsequent stantially lower initial gradient than the base-
rise to a lower level. At the more open throttle line, and a later transition point between gradi-
settings a lightly loaded leading edge region ents. Both gradients at the circumferential
contributes little to this pressure rise history. groove near-stall point are similar to the gradi-
Idealization of the wall pressures as two constant ents of the baseline configuration at its near--


R P1a

i VilocuY;POIOR 3 ...

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b. 3% SPAN 7_^

N( _...

t.a oD2o4o-66,8 l.0 00.2oSt ,o5I,0

U2 0.4 CC 3
Fig, 8 Velocity measurements (hot film anemometer)
Dig, 7 Casing treatment influence on blade sur-
in open circumferential grooves, Dashed lines
face pressure distribution. Data at baseline
denote mean absolute circumferential velocities
stall throttle setting. Solid curves give base-
from cascade predictions
line reference

stall point. such that wall stall does not limit the pressure
Overall pressure rise of the blade angle rise, In the upstream or forward cavity the data
slot configuration at the baseline near-stall presented are higher than those farther down in
point was 2 percent of the reference dynamic the cavity for open throttle conditions. Near
pressure (based on tip speed) greater than the stall the situation reverses and the pressures
baseline configuration (Fig. 3). The rotor pres- deeper in the cavity are much higher than those
sure rise was 3 percent greater at all comparable close to the free stream. On the average, the
test points, open throttle as well as near stall. forward cavities also appear to be pumping the
This apparently represents a slight loss in pres- interface pressures up to a high level. Reference
sure recovery in the stator; the loss may be with- (8) contains a more detailed presentation of these
in the data resolution. The concept of a steep results.
initial gradient and a discontinuous slope change All of the casing treatments appear to im-
to a terminal gradient seems applicable to this prove the ability of the trailing edge region to
configuration. The terminal gradient, however, support adverse annulus wall pressure gradients.
remains considerably steeper than the correspond- Wall pressure rises are delayed in the presence
ing levels for baseline and circumferential groove of treatment and the leading edge region is un-
configurations, until throttling pushes the flow loaded, There may be a correlation between the
below the baseline stall limit. Under open throt- process of throttling until the unloaded leading
tle conditions the extent of the lightly loaded edge region disappears and the leading edge pres-
leading edge region is substantially greater than sure gradient reaches a limiting level, and the
for either the baseline or the circumferential location of the stage stall point.
groove configuration.
Data from the axial-skewed slots close to Blade Surface Pressures
the freestream have been included on Fig. 6. The Some effects of the casing treatments on
rotor pressure risen the axial-skewed slot con- the detailed aerodynamic performance of the rotor
figuration is also higher than the baseline rotor blading were also found in pressures measured on
pressure rise at the same flow level. The overall the blade surfaces. Provisions were made for
pressure rise increases a smaller amount. Static measuring these surface pressures at 3, 8, and
pressures in the downstream or aft cavity are 17 percent span from the casing wall. Since the
higher than those at similar axial positions for nominal clearance was set at 0.8 percent of the
the baseline case. Pressures deeper into the span, the 3 percent span surface pressures may
cavity are somewhat lower, and are comparable to be influenced by tip leak age flows. Two objec-
the baseline values, The average over the cavity- tives in studying blade surface pressures were
freestrean interface appears to be above the base- fundamental: to see whether casing treatments
line level. Thus the cavity flow pattern may be would affect the sparwise distribution of blade
"pumping up" the effective pressure near mid-rotor- loading and to see whether the pressure distribu-
chord to a level close to the rotor exit pressure, tions might reflect changes in boundary layer

characteristics. grooves and static pressures on the side walls
Representative surface pressure distribu- and bottom of the groove implied similar time
tions are presented in Fig. 7. Only minimal average velocities. The analytical modeling in-
spanwise variations were found with the solid vestigations had related the flow in the grooves
and circumferential groove casings. These two to the mean absolute swirl velocity of the free-
configurations seemed to show nearly identical stream flow outside of the grooves. This mean
swirl velocity was predicted to rise from CFO per-

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pressure distributions within the experimental
resolution. Close to the tip, in the trailing cent of rotor tip velocity in the plane of the
edge region, the circumferential groove configura- upstream groove to 60 percent of rotor tip veloc-
tion exhibits slightly higher pressure difference ity opposite the downstream groove. The mean
across the blade, by virtue of a little more velocities were expected to increase slightly
pressure surface diffusion. This observation is with throttling. Fig. 8 shows a comparison of
presumably related to the correspondingly in- the velocities measured in the center groove with
creased annulus wall pressure gradient. this prediction. The measured velocities are ap-
Both the axial-skewed slot configuration proximately two-thirds of the freestream predic-
and the wide blade angle slot configuration tion close to the groove face and vary linearly
showed conspicuously high pressure surface pres- with depth into the groove, dropping to a level
sures close to the blade tip. Some of the local that is roughly half the freestream level at 80
pressures are higher than the relative total percent depth. Beyond 80 percent depth a bound-
pressure; therefore they are incompatible with ary layer profile may be found. A fully laminar
conventional two-dimensional cascade aerodynamics. analysis had predicted that effective penetration
Subsequent investigation revealed no reason, such of the freestream velocity into the cavity should
as damage to the measurement system, to discredit stop at a depth approximately two-thirds of the
the high level of the pressure readings. The groove width. A fully turbulent analysis had
high pressures could be explained as the effect predicted that the velocity level should remain
of flow coming out of the cavity with zero abso- above 90 percent of the free stream velocity for
lute swirl (blade angle slots) or swirl opposite at least 85 percent of the groove depth. Neither
to rotor rotation (axial-skewed slots). This the fully laminar nor the fully turbulent hypo-
type of flow could have a higher total pressure thesis predicts the experimental influence of
relative to the rotor than the free-stream flow groove depth on the effectiveness of treatments.
which has acquired pre-swirl in passing through Some typical time variations of the groove
the inlet guide vanes. If the high pressure re- velocities in the middle groove are shown on
gion on the pressure surface serves as a source Fig. 9. Measurements were taken with a "diagonal
of energizing fluid for the blade wakes, a subse- X array" instrument, having two perpendicular
quent upstream interaction may stabilize the suc- sensing elements at 4-5 deg to the longitudinal
tion surface boundary layer. Unfortunately the axis of the groove. Outputs of the two elements
measurement of rotor blade wakes, carried out for were coupled electronically so that one signal
the baseline and circumferential groove configura- would display the velocity component along the
tions, was not repeated for the slot configura- groove, and the second signal, the depthwise com-
tions. ponent. Two such instruments were used, one near
the groove wall on the upstream side, the other
Cavity Velocity Measurements near the downstream wall, expecting that the
Since the tuft observations gave only depthwise components would show the presence of
qualitative indications of the flows in the helical flow. The oscillograms of Fig. 9 show
various cavities, efforts were made to measure traces for five different rotor revolutions, at
the flow with both steady-state and transient arbitrary time intervals. The longitudinal com-
instruments. The tuft observations provided ponents exhibit the general character of the
guidance on what to look for. Consideration predictions with constant total pressure in a
was also given to searching for flow patterns frame moving with the rotor. The velocity in-
predicted by the analytical flow modeling, even creases steadily during the time period between
when the tuft observations failed to show these blade passages and drops sharply as the blade goes
patterns. by. The fluctuation amplitudes, however, are only
The velocity measurements for the circum- about one-half the predictions. Measured depth-
ferential grooves were the most successful. Hot wise velocity components are rather small. They
film anemometers were used effectively to measure seem too small to account for altered blade ele-
both time average velocities and transient fluc- ment characteristics. No evidence was seen at
tuations. Measurements of total pressure in the any throttle setting in the stable operating re-

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Fig, 10 Influence of casing treatment on rotor
Fig. 9 Hot film anemometer measurements of two- blade wakes
dimensional flow in circumferential grooves at
6 percent depth into cavity from face
plane perpendicular to the radial stem of the
traversing probe, provided a means for measuring
gion, of any systematic velocity fluctuations to rotor blade wakes and annulus wall boundary lay-
indicate the passage of rotating stall cells. ers at the same time. Fig. 10 shows typical re-
Time varying velocities measured in the groove sults of the attempt to measure blade wakes.
nearest the leading edge were similar in character With the sensing elements located at the same
to those in the middle groove. In the groove spanwise position as the tip blade surface pres-
nearest the trailing edge the velocities were sure taps, the anemometer signal for the base-
somewhat erratic without evidence of response line configuration indicated a highly turbulent
to the passage of blades. Both of these grooves flow condition, masking the passage of the rotor
appeared to be important to the compressor flow blades. Some of the turbulence intensity seemed
stability. to be suppressed by the circumferential groove
Hot film anemometers were also used to treatment, so that a velocity fluctuation at
measure flow velocities in the axial-skewed slots. blade passing frequency appears clearly in the
The instruments were chosen to search primarily signal. More comparisons of anemometer output
for circulation in the longitudinal plane of the from the two configurations signals may be found
slot. Velocity fluctuations were conspicuously in Reference (8). In some of these comparisons,
random and there was no evidence of correlation the casing treatments appear to have destabilized
with either blade passing frequency or passage the flow patterns.
of rotating stall cells. Many velocities were Unfortunately, the turbulent nature of the
measured in the range 40 to 50 percent of the anemometer output signals from the first two
rotor tip velocity, comparable to the absolute configurations was allowed to discourage the
free stream velocity. Velocities in the neighbor- investigation. These measurements were not re-
hood of 20 percent of rotor tip velocity were also peated for any of the slot configurations. After
measured a significant proportion of the time. conclusion of the experimental program it became
Flow directions were as widely scattered as in the apparent that measurement of the wakes for these
tuft observations. configurations would have been a valuable com-
Total pressure probes were inserted in the panion to the measurement of the high blade sur-
narrow blade angle slots, where tuft observations face pressures.
indicated a dominant longitudinal velocity, and The annulus wall boundary layers were meas-
the measurements were compared with the static ured with the same apparatus as the rotor blade
pressure measured on the cavity bottom. Total wakes. The PJ '1Z anemometer outputs are displayed

pressure was close to static pressure for probe on a digital voltmeter and the probe is rotated
orientation in either direction. for null output of the transverse component.
The mean flow angle may then be read mechanically.
Measurement of Rotor Blade Wakes and Annulus Wall Through the normal operating range of the stage,
Boundary Layer Profiles as demonstrated in the baseline configuration,
Under the hypothesis that casing treatments little variation was found in the profiles. All
delay the onset of stall by energizing suction profiles compare closely with a 1/7th power
surface boundary layers and inhibiting separa- model using 7 percent span as the profile-free-
tion, it seemed desirable to measure rotor blade stream match point. One exception to the general-
wakes. "Perpendicular X-array" hot film anemom- ity of this profile was found. Close to the
eters with the sensing elements located in a actual stall points of the slotted configurations

the wall boundary layer at rotor exit was much boundary layer profiles.
thinner than in the normal operating range. An- The test results from the circumferential
nulus wall boundary layers were also measured groove configuration suggest that interactions
upstream of the rotor and found comparable to a between cavity flows and freestream flows are not
1/7th power model with 10 percent span as the very important. Inserting partitions which inhibit
match point to freestream. circumferential flow made the treatment system
slightly more effective at delaying the onset of

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DISCUSSION stall but required noticeably more work input
to produce the same flow and pressure rise than
The effort to choose among two-dimensional the open groove configuration. The trailing edge
cascade flow characteristics, meridional or an- grooves showed no evidence of flow exchange with
nulus wall boundary layer characteristics, inter- the freestream. Averaging the peak transverse
action of cavity flow with freestream flow, or velocities measured near the groove faces on the
compliant wall absorption of pressure disturbances forward and aft sides of the groove (Fig. 9)
as the most important feature of the casing showed the maximum velocity in or out of the
treatment effect provides a convenient basis for groove is about 5 percent of blade speed, or 10
discussion. Some aspects of the experimental re- to 12 percent of the mean circumferential flow
sults favor each of these features: some aspects velocity. Since the effort to correlate stall
do not seem to correlate with any one of these margin improvements with flows in and out of the
features. One may, of course, conclude that dif- circumferential grooves was not successful, the
ferent features are critical to the success of chief alternative hypothesis, concerning compliant
the different types of treatment. interface absorption of pressure disturbances,
The quasi-two-dimensional cascade charac- seems to hold a favored position. The observa-
teristic clearly can be modified by the presence tions about the effect of partitions on efficiency
of treatment. Fig. 3 shows that the stage pres- suggest that the fluid in the grooves may act
sure rise at given flow levels near baseline stall like a moving belt, reducing effective tip clear-
is increased. Under normal operating line condi- ance.
tions the pressure rises for all the configura- Substantial velocities (up to 40 percent
tions are identical. The blading behaves, there- of blade speed) were measured in the axial-skewed
fore, as if increasing angles of attack normally slots. These influence freestream flow patterns,
lead to gradually increasing flow separation, such at least with respect to blade surface pressures.
that the pressure rise component of blade force The cavity velocities were erratic in magnitude
fails to rise as rapidly as the work input compo- and direction and do not encourage use of a
nent. In the presence of casing treatments, es- steady-state flow model to describe the treatment
pecially the slot types, the separation is sup- influence. There was no evidence of correlation
pressed and the pressure rise component increases between the cavity velocities and any rotating
in proportion to the work input component, to a stall patterns.
substantially higher angle of attack. The concept The high blade surface pressures also ap-
of separation inhibition also plausibly describes peared in the blade angle slot configuration.
delay of a catastrophic flow breakdown, or stall, However, since the tuft observations showed highly
to higher angles of attack. Data in Reference erratic flow directions in the cavities, no attempt
(8) indicate 1.5 to 2 deg increase in stalling was made to measure their magnitude.
angle of attack for the circumferential groove The evidence of this investigation conrirmed
configuration, 4 to 5 deg increase for the axial- previous deductions that downstream-upstream re-
skewed slot configuration. It was hoped that circulation has an important bearing on the stage
rotor blade wake measurements would confirm the efficiency, in this respect, testing with an in-
change in two-dimensional separation characteris- creased number of cavity baffles, and with shallow-
tics, These measurements showed some evidence er slots, would have improved understanding of
of change, but not in a form to encourage a the contribution of the recirculation to flow
definite conclusion. stability as well as energy dissipation. While
Positive evidence of the role of annulus observers have found that shallow circumferential
wall boundary layer characteristics may be found grooves are inferior to grooves with substantial
in the distribution of wall static pressures. depth, there have been no similar investigations
Adverse wall static pressure gradients are larger published comparing efficacies of either axial-
in the trailing edge region with treated casings. skewed or blade angle slots having depths com-
The treatment configurations do not, however, parable to the width, rather than three times
seem to produce significant changes in the wall depth or greater as in this investigation and

that of Reference (2). Additional useful data For example, the influences of reducing the depth
on all the configurations might be obtained by of slot-type cavities, and of aiding more baffles,
running comparative tests at different inlet do deserve investigation.
guide vane flow deflections so as to alter the
mean absolute freestream swirl levels driving the
cavity flows. REFERENCES

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CONCLUDING REMARKS 1 Bailey, E. E., and Voit, C. H., "Some
Observations of Effects of Porous Casing on Oper-
The most significant results of this in- ating Range of a Single Axial Flow Compressor
vestigation may be summed up in a few concluding Rotor," NASA TM X-2120, Oct.- 1970.
remarks: 2 Osborn, W. M., Lewis, G. E., and Heidel-
berg, W., "Effect of Several Porous Casing Treat-
1 The beneficial effects of casing treat- ments on Stall Limit and on Overall Performance
ments as stall inhibitors are not dependent on of an Axial Flow Compressor Rotor," NASA TN B-
high Mach numbers or cavity resonances. 6537, Nov. 1971.
2 Casing treatments often increase rotor 3 Moore, R. D., Kovich, G., and Blade,
and stage pressure rises near stall as if incip- R. J., "Effect of Casing Treatment on Overall
ient separations are being suppressed. and Blade Element Performance of a Compressor
3 Casing treatments increase annulus wall Rotor," NASA TN D -6538, Nov. 1971.
pressure gradients in the trailing edge region, 4 Tesch, W. A., "Evaluation of Range and
as if wall stall effects are being suppressed. Distortion Tolerance for High Mach Number Tran-
4 Velocity components in circumferential sonic Fan Stages: Task IV Stage Data and Per-
grooves are primarily longitudinal, at a level formance Report for Casing Treatment Investiga-
close to the mean circumferential velocity in tions," NASA CR 72862, May 1971.
the freestream. These velocities may contribute 5 Bailey, E. E., "Effects of Grooved
to an effective moving wall and a reduced effec- Casing Treatment on the Flow Range Capability of
tive clearance, Velocity components into and out a Single-Stage Axial-Flow Compressor," NASA TM
of the grooves seem insufficient to interact with X-2459, Jan. 1972.
the freestream flow. 6 NASA -Lewis Research Center Technical
5 Pressure surface pressures on the rotor Staff, Aircraft Propulsion, Proceedings of Con-
blades close to the tips are substantially higher ference, NASA SP259, Nov, 18, 1970.
in the presence of axial-skewed slot or blade 7 Brent, J, A., "Single Stage Experimental
angle slot treatments than in the baseline con- Evaluation of Compressor Blading with Slots and
figuration, and may be higher than the freestream Vortex Generators," NASA CR- 72793, March 1972.
relative total pressure, This situation may 8 Prince, D. C., Jr., Wisler, D. C., and
explain the improved flow stability. Hilvers, D. E., "Study of Casing Treatment Stall
6 Velocity components in axial-skewed and Margin Improvement Phenomena," NASA CR- 13 4 55 2 ,
blade angle slots are highly random, and do not March 1974.
seem to correlate with systematic effects such as 9 Smith, L. H., Jr., "Casing Boundary
the blade surface pressures and the operating Layers in Multistage Axial Flow Compressors,
range extensions. Contribution to Flow Research in Blading,"
7 Further investigations are needed to Dzung, L. S., ed., Elsevier, Amsterdam, Nether-
refine understanding of casing treatment behavior. lands, 1970.


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