Uts English V

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Dikerjakan Untuk Memenuhi Niai Tengah Semester Pada Mata Kuliah Inggris
Preparation 1.


Octavia chandra dewi, S.S.,M.Hum


Dini panca tri utami 10121459

C10 – Manajemen




1. There are 5 main types of pronous.
Mention 3 (three) bof them and give at least 5 (five) examples each !
1.1 Personal pronouns
• she uses a motorbike to go to school
• I thought the money belonged to him
• I will get married next month
• he will go on holiday next year
• the apple belonged to him
1.2 Relative pronouns
• he looked for someone who sold flowers
• the clothes whom I wore today were nice
• I will sell the car I that bought 12 years ago
• The shoes which I wore yesterday is new
• I know that movie
1.3 Indefinite pronouns
• all my money is gone
• he borrowed some books from the library
• You can choose any outfit you like
• none wants to play with you

2. Create 2 (two) sentences combining irregular plural nouns & irregular

a) the balloons were flying in the air
b) the run every morning to stay fit

3. Create your own sentences using auxiliary BE,DO,HAVE :

a) he is waiting for an invitation
b) I did research
c) she had studied before the exam

4. Create 2 (two) sentences using modal auxiliary :
a) can I borrow your money
b) he will arrive tonight

5. Write 5 (five) keys and their patters as the way to master the 16 tenses !
• Simple past = V1 (-s/-es)
• Present continuous = to be + v1-ing
• Present perfect = have/has + v3
• Past perfect = had + v3
• Simple future = will + v1

6. Create your own sentences using active tenses :

a) Past continuous tense : he was wearing clothes

b) Future perfect tente : I will have finished the assignment this


7. Change the active sentence you have made in number (6) into passive !
a) Past continuous tense : a clothes were being worn by him
b) Future perfect tente : the assignment will have been finished by me
this afternoon.

8. Choose the correct form using subject-verb agreement !

a) Before the curriculum (was/were) revised in 2022, it (is/has) said
that statistics (has/have) been a subject in digitech university since
b) In a chess competition, the player with the white pieces always
(move/moves) first.
c) (do/does) each of the trees in the 200 hectares state land
(produce/produces) sweet fruits for us this year ?

9. Create your own sentences using conjuctions
a) 1 coordinate conjuction : I want to eat fried rice or fried
b) 1 subordinate conjuction : After Dini graduated, all the families
felt happy

10. Create your own sentences in :

• Coumpound sentence : Zara is sick but she still goes
to school
• Complex sentence : Before taking the practical
exam, the students made an industrial visit

• Coumpound-complex sentence : because I have to pick up my

brother, I will come after lunch

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