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Produre for sub-division

-Filling the searth form with personal details and signs.

-Acquire the consent form before carrying out the activity.

-Measure the whole parcel of land and sign approval of owners how it is going to be sub-divided as per
the agreement of the propretor or proprepretors.

Requirements for transfer.

: 2 passport coured of the transferor.

: 2 passportb of trasferor.

: both Id.

:KRA pins.

process for Partion.

1. Search { application of search}=ID/passport,KRA pin

2. Land control board{application of consent of land board}

3. Get the mutation form from the licenced surveyor and come in tripplets.

4. Phisical planning -planning is done in the sub-county by the approved assistant.

5. Issuing of new numbers-issuied according to the details from the proprietors.

-The mutation form is returned to the land registry for registration.

Requirements to succed a parcel of land

~Official search [from Land Registry]

~Death contitilates of the proprietor.

~Letter from the area chief indicating the benefficiaries of the deceased.


Types of deeds in kenya.



Survey Process and Tittling

-Official search .


-Land contol board.


-Issurance of new number.

-Physical planning.


procedure of locating a beacon.

:Configure your beacons.

:Add a ground plan and plot your beacon on the ground plan.

Physically place your beacons to correspond with the exact position of the marker.

Components of a tiitle deed.

-Has the symbol kenya Logo.

-Has the land registration Acts [No. 3 of 2012 section 108]

-Has also the registraion land Act[chapter 300] Reapled.

-Has tittle number in reference to District,locality and number.

-Has area approximation in Hectares.

-Official name.

-Sealed stamp.

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