A Study On Employee Retention Techniques of Company

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Employee retention is described as an organization's ability to prevent employee turnover, or the

number of employees who quit their employment voluntarily or involuntarily in a certain time
period.Employee retention was indeed a core factor in the information technology industry.
Finding a new employee is more expensive for an organization than maintaining an existing
employee. In every sector, organizations use a plethora of employee retention strategies to keep
their employees.This research, study the importance of employee retentionand the various factors
effecting the employees to continue in the organization and leave the organization. The objective
of the study was to find the various factors of retention and determining the gap between the
employee expectations and perceived reality. A study on howemployee engagement will
influence the employee retention is also carried out. Two structured questionnaires were
constructed based on the objectives of the study to collect the required data. Data collected from
samples of 90 and 95 individuals were analyzed. Descriptive research design was adopted for the
study and convenience sampling technique was used. The findings of the study show the factors
that encourage employees to continue in the organization and the factors which influence the
employees to leave the organization. Some of the main findings include identifying the
correlation between employee engagement and intention to continue in the organization. Further
to this, recommendations have been given based on the main findings including how to retain
employees and what factors to be more focused on by the organization. These recommendations
can help the IT firm to retain their employees.

Keywords:Employee retention, Factors of employee retention, Employee retention in IT sector,

Employee retention and Employee engagement.










SURVEY ......................................................................16

REVIEW .............................................................................................16

ANALYSIS ..........................................................................................................22

CARRIED ...............................................................................23

METHODOLOGY .................................................................................23

DESIGN ..................................................................................................23

SAMPLING ................................................................................................................

POPULATION ........................................................................................23
SIZE ..............................................................................................................23

TECHNIQUE ...........................................................................................23

COLLECTION ..................................................................................................24

INTRUMENTS .......................................................................................24


RESPONDENTS ...................................................................................25


INTERPRETATION ....................................30







RELIABILTY OF DATA………………………………….


QUESTIONAIRE ............................................41


CONCLUSION ........................................................................................48

STUDY: ........................................................................................48

CONCLUSION ...........................................................................................................





REFERENCES ............................................................................................................


Table 4.1 Reliability Statistics……..……………………………………………..…30

Table 4.2 Descriptive statistics of factors for Existing Employees…………………30
Table 4.3 Descriptive statistics of factors for Employees Leaving……………….…31
Table 4.4 Total variance explained for existing employees…………………………32
Table 4.5 Rotated component matrix for existing employees……………………….33
Table 4.6 Total variance explained for employees leaving………………………….34
Table:4.7 Rotated component matrix for employees leaving………………………..36
Table 4.8 Regression analysis………………………………………………………..37
Table: 4.9 Correlation between Employee engagement (Var 3) and Intention to stay
(Var 4)………………………………………………………………………………..38
Table 4.10 ANOVA (Age)...…………………………………………………………38
Table 4.11 ANOVA (Gender)………………………………………………………..39
Table 4.12 ANOVA (Marital status)…………………………………………………39
Table 4.13 ANOVA (Work experience in the current organization)………………...40

Figure 1.1 The 3 R’s OF EMPLOYEE RETENTION………………………………..12
Figure 1.2 Rethinking Retention Model………………………………………………13
Figure 1.3 Human capital theoretical framework……………………………………..21
Figure 3.1 Age (Existing employees).………………………………………………...25
Figure 3.2 Gender(Existing employees)..……………………………………………..26
Figure 3.3 Marital status (Existing employees).………………………………………26
Figure 3.4 Experience in current organization (Existing employees)………..………..27
Figure 3.5 Age (Employees leaving)…..……………………………………………...27
Figure 3.6 Gender (Employees leaving).……………….……………………………..28
Figure 3.7 Marital status (Employees leaving).………….……………………………28
Figure 3.8 Experience in current organization (Employees leaving)…..……………..29
Figure 4.1 Scree Plot for existing employees factor analysis…………………………32
Figure 4.2 Scree plot for employees leaving factor analysis...………………………..35


1.1 Employee Retention

Employee retention is a process in which employees are motivated to stay with the organization for as
long as possibleuntil the project is finished. It is beneficial for the organization as well as to the
employees. If they are displeased with their present employer or work, they will move on to the
next one. As a result, it is the employer's responsibility to retain the talented employees.
However, it is the challenging role of HR that has to be in accordance with the corporate goal.
This is a constant process of promoting and boosting employee performance by creating a
positive working environment and giving employees as many opportunities as possible. The role
of HR is to protect the vital resource i.e., talented and motivated employees who play a crucial
role in overall growth and success of any organization. Employee retention refers to a firm's
ability to maintain its employees. Employee retention may be described by a simple statistic; for
example, an 80 percent retention rate implies that a firm retained 80 percent of its employees for
a particular period. However, many individuals consider employee retention with the efforts
made by employers to keep employees on their employment. In this way, retention becomes a
strategy rather than a final outcome.

Employee turnover is a sign of underlying issues that have not been handled, which may include low
employee morale, a lack of a future career, a lack of recognition, poor employee management
relationships, and a number of other concerns. A lack of satisfaction and dedication to the
business might also drive an employee to leave and seek new alternatives. Pay does not always
play as large a role in inducing turn-over as is typically believed. In a business setting, the goal
of employers is usually to decrease employee turnover, thereby decreasing training cost,
recruitment cost and loss of talent and organizational knowledge. By implementing lessons
learned from key organizational behavior concept, employer can improve retention rates and
decrease the associated cost of high turnover. However, this isn’t always the case. Employers
may approach "positive turnover," in which they attempt to keep only employees who are high
1.2Importance of Employee Retention
 Recruiting and onboarding new employees takes time and is more inconvenient when combined
with severance charges. Furthermore, unskilled employees might degrade the performance of
your client experience, resulting in revenue loss. An effective retention plan will save your
company time and money.It helps in building enthusiasm and responsibility with company’s
methodologies andobjectives.
 When valuable employees go, their colleagues struggle. Morale may be improved by effective
retention measures. When employee morale is strong, the work environment becomes more
positive. Employees pick up on positivity and believe their organization is a great place to work.
Employees who are happy with their jobs are more likely to stay and become strong advocates
for their employers.
 Tenured employees have better levels of productivity and engagement. Long-term employees
have had more time to develop their skills, can complete jobs in less time, and are more
dedicated to the company's success. According to research, high levels of engagement contribute
to improved productivity and higher work quality. Employees notice and perform better when
you focus on engagement and retention.
 Employees are happier when retention is made a priority. Employee satisfaction is associated
with high engagement, and high engagement results in improved customer service. Furthermore,
employees that have been with their organization for a long time may address complex
challenges to increase client satisfaction.
 It is important to retain employees in theorganization as it helps in building a very strong
relationship between employees and employer where two way promises and commitment are
understood and fulfilled.
 When your company is in need of talent, recruiting may be disruptive and time exhausting. You
may invest more time in strategic efforts that improve the employee experience and decrease
turnover if you spend less time recruiting and onboarding new personnel.It enhances fulfilment
level of the workers which will in turn expand the efficiency level of their representatives.
 Employee retention plays an important role in developing positive attitude towards the
organization. It also helps in increasing organizational trust in employees and accordingly
1.33R’s of Employee Retention

To retain employees and maintain high levels of satisfaction, every organization must adopt each
of the three R's of employee retention.
 Respect
 Recognition
 Rewards
 Respect is appreciation, special regard, or special attention shown to others. Respect, as
illustrated by the pyramid, is the cornerstone for retaining your employees.
 Recognition and rewards will have little effect if you do not respect employees. Recognition is
described as "special notice or attention" as well as "the act of clearly perceiving." Many
retention and morale issues arise as a result of management's failure to pay attention to people's
requirements and responses.
 Rewards are the extra benefits you provide in addition to the essentials of respect and recognition
that make it worthwhile for employees to work hard, care, and go above and beyond the call of
duty. While rewards are only a minor part of the retention equation, they also are significant.


Source: https://meetatroam.com/2017/03/3-rs-retaining-great-employees/
It is important to determine the particular techniques for implementing the three R's, but in
general, respect should be the most important component.
Without it, recognition and rewards appear empty and have little – or no – effect. The magic is
genuinely in the combination of the three. When applied, the "3 R's" technique results in lower
turnover and the following advantages:
• Increased productivity
• Less absenteeism
• Improved work atmosphere (for both employees and employers)
• Increased revenues
Furthermore, an employer who follows the three R's will establish a difficult-to-leave workplace,
one that is renowned for having more to offer employees than other employers. It becomes into a
difficult-to-leave workplace, with a waiting list of candidates for any position that becomes

1.4Rethinking Retention Model

It's time to rethink retention. It appears that turnover solutions are as simple as tweaking co-pays
for employee's health insurance, but unfortunately retention is more vexing and much more

Figure 1.2 Rethinking Retention Model

Source: https://c-suiteanalytics.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Book-Excerpt-Rethinking-Retention.pdf
The foundation of retention is built on three fundamental principles.
Employees leave employment just because they can. Even in a weak economy, workplace
demographics provide people with far too many career options. Stay away from the dead end of
basing retention solutions on exit surveys and other reasons you feel workers depart. Create a
proactive solution that you can control instead.
Employees stay because they receive something unique from the employer. What
distinguishes the organization from others? Identify it and build recruiting, training, and all other
procedures on what makes the organization unique.
Supervisors form unique connections that influence employee retention or turnover.
Supervisory relationships are unique levers that have a significant impact on employee’s
decisions to stay or go. Some employees stay because of their superiors, while others leave
because of them.
The following tactics will assist in improving retention, productivity, and all other critical
Hold managers accountable for meeting retention targets. Supervisors will not achieve any other goal
if they lose their best performers, thus hold them accountable and provide them with "skin in the
game" for retention. Improve supervisors' ability to develop trust with their teams.
Communication, acknowledgment, and progress all lag behind trust.
To close the back door, narrow the front doorway. New hires must be consistent with who you
are, your jobs, values, and standards, and they must show their want to remain. Employees' first
90 days should be structured. Because first impressions affect how long employees will remain,
early actions must be structured to show your organisation in both positive and truthful ways.
Review policies to ensure they promote retention. Remove the dust from the previous decade's
thinking and push the rules toward retention. Calculate the cost of turnover to make retention a
business concern. Money is more powerful than numbers and percentages. Drive retention from
the top down, because executives have the most influence on achieving retention targets.

1.5 Theoretical Review

• Human Capital Theoretical Framework
Training and development are frequently cited as a key organisational strategy that influences
both employee retention and human capital growth. Different economists understand the word
"human capital" in various ways. The majority of them agree that human capital is made up of
skills, abilities, experience, and knowledge. Human capital is the intangible resource of skill,
effort, and time that employees bring to their jobs. Gratton and Ghoshal (2003) describe human
capital as intellectual capital, social capital, and emotional capital, as indicated in figure 3.
According to the organization's resource-based view (RBV), competitive advantage is dependent
on valuable, rare, and difficult-to-imitate resources.Human capital is such a valuable resource
that it is one of the most critical factors of an organization's success in today's competitive
environment. As a result, in order to cultivate valued values, many employers have moved their
attention from financial capital to intellectual capital.
Human Capital Consists of the Intellectual, Social and Emotional Capital of Individuals and

Figure 1.3 Human capital theoretical framework

Source: https://www.atlantis-press.com/article/11009.pdf
Employee retention: As human capital is so important to an organization's success, more and
more firms have realized the need of retaining exceptional employees. Employee retention is a
crucial and essential issue for all kinds of companies. Employee retention first appeared on the
corporate landscape in the 1970s and early 1980s. Successful employee retention aids in the
preservation of knowledge inside an organisation. When an employee departs the company, a
knowledge gap is created. Furthermore, if talented individuals leave in large numbers, the
organisation will suffer considerable losses, such as decreased organisational performance.In
order to preserve human capital, organisations must investigate why people leave and develop
employee retention strategies.
Training: Training may increase the value of an organization's human capital stock. Human
capital investments, particularly in employee training, are becoming increasingly vital for
organisational success. Training has several established advantages. Training increases staff
productivity by, for example, reducing waste, accidents, and absenteeism. Employers must focus
on excellent training rather than empowerment to increase employee job performance. The most
specific advantage of training and development is that it is best viewed as an incentive to
improve employee retention, particularly for those who want to grow in their careers.

 Psychological Contracts Theoretical Framework

According to a study of the research, there are a variety of probable psychological variables that
explain why excellent training helps secure better employment. Psychological contract theory is
one of the most significant.
Psychological contract: A Social Exchange Point of View: Understanding the dynamics of
psychological contracts in work may aid in the development of the social exchange theory, which
is the foundation of psychological contract theory. The social exchange theory is a foundation for
understanding work relationships since it asserts that a party provides a benefit to another party,
resulting in social duties felt by the other party; the other party frequently reciprocates to fulfil
this responsibility.
Organizational commitment is defined as a predictor of turnover since it is vital for employee
retention. It is regarded as a psychological condition about the employee's connection and shows
if the employee want to remain a part of the organisation. It is the most commonly utilised since
it consistently related to retention. The more the employee's sense of access to training, the
greater his or her emotional commitment. A highly devoted employee demonstrates loyalty since
they want to stay in the organisation longer than less committed employees who work harder to
attain corporate goals.

1.6 Motivation for study

I could see that there is rapid increase in the employer turnover rates in the IT sector. An
effective employee retention program/strategy can play a vital role inattracting and retaining
talent, as well as in decreasing turnover and its associated costs. All of these positively contribute
to the productivity and overall performance of the organization.It is more preferred to retain a
quality/talented employee than to hire and train a replacement employee.In today’s competitive
environment, it is important for organizations to focus on the employee retention strategies by
finding out the various factors influencing the employees to leave the organization. This made
me to choose this area for my project.
1.7 Problem identification
There is no doubt that employees are the biggest asset to any organization.High attrition rate is a
cause of concern as it can impact the organizational performance unfavorably. Even if the
company succeeds in attracting and developing the talent, the efforts will go in vain, if the
employees leave the organization. Post pandemic many employees started switching the
companies and the attrition rate is quite high in IT industry. Over the past one year the attrition
rate in Indian IT industry has increased from 7.5% to 17%.Devising effective employee retention
strategies requires organizations to understand both why employees leave organizations and why
they stay. The companies have to understand the factors that drive employee retention and
accordingly formulate various strategies in order to retain the talent.

1.8 Objectives of the study

The purpose of this study is:

1. To determine the factorsthat encourages employees to retain in the organization.

2. To determine the relationship between predicting variables and outcome variable i.e Intention
to stay.

3. To find out the factors that influence employees to leave the organization.

4. To examine the relationship between employee engagement and employee retention.

5. To determine the association between demographic variables and intention to continue with



2.1 Literaturereview

1. William A. Brown, Carlton F. Yoshioka (2003) “Mission Attachment and Satisfaction as Factors
in Employee Retention”.Detailed research on satisfaction factors that influence the employee
retention for short term and long term employees.What we don't know is how the company can
entice additional part-time employees to regard the company as a viable career option. If these
people believe in the mission and want to help, why won't they be content with their work
experiences in general? Are you thinking about joining the company as a career? According to
the findings, Compensation is one issue that employees may consider when deciding whether or
not to work for the company. Low pay, as a corollary argument, ensures that those that stay are
committed to the organization's mission. They stay because they believe they can make a
difference in the community and are ready to forego hefty pay packages to do so. Full-time
employees, unfortunately, communicate their feelings. that take precedence over that belief; if
they are to stay, it is because they are happy with their employment and their income in general
This is amplified when the length of employment is considered (that is, tenure). Long-term
employees (those who have worked for the company for at least eighteen months) indicated
slightly greater levels of mission attachment than those who had only been with the company for
a short time.
2. Michael O. Samuel, Crispen Chipunza (2009) investigated the extent to which identified
intrinsic and extrinsic motivating variables affected employee retention and turnover in both
public and private sector organisations. The study's objectives were to identify and establish the
key intrinsic and extrinsic motivational variables used by selected public and private sector
organisations in retaining their employees; determine the extent to which the identified intrinsic
and extrinsic motivational variables influence employees' retention and turnover in the selected
organisations; and make recommendations to management of the selected organisations. The
study used a cross-sectional survey research approach to investigate the extent to which chosen
motivating variables impact employees' decisions to stay or leave an organization. Finally,
management in the private sector should foster goal-setting techniques and job autonomy in task
execution by employees. This will give a more objective means of performance evaluation,
present employees with difficult job possibilities, and encourage them to be more inventive and
self-sufficient in the execution of their responsibilities.
3. Dr.S. Poongavanam (2015), explained the need for employee retention and the relation between
employee expectations and perceived reality by addressing various factors. First and foremost
keeping the talent employee is essential to the company and gives better results to the
organization. It identifies the HR factor includes selection, remuneration, recognize and reward,
training and career development, challenging opportunity, leadership behavior, company culture
and policies and satisfactory work environment were discussed to establish relationships to
organization commitment and intent to stay for a long time in the organization. Finally, retention
predictors such as age, gender, educational qualification and industry highlighted in relation to
influence on organizational commitment.
4. Fatma Jaupi, ShyqyriLlaci (2015) did a study on the Impact of Communication Satisfaction and
Demographic Variables on Employee Engagement. Employee engagement research studies are
intriguing to examine in light of other aspects that may influence, such as the function of
leadership and various styles that are more correlated and linked. One of the study's weaknesses
could be that the communication techniques in the organizations are relatively recent, given that
Albania's private sector was liberalized after 1991. Newly introduced communication methods
must be refined further before being regarded a well-structured and solid foundation. Horizontal
communication, or informal communication, requires more investigation.
5. BodjrenouKossivi, Ming Xu, BombomaKalgora (2016) did a study on determining the factors of
employee retention. Employees are an organization's most precious asset. Their importance to
organizations necessitates not just attracting the greatest individuals, but also retaining them for
the long term. This paper examines the findings of previous studies undertaken by various
researchers in order to determine the elements that influence employee retention. Development
possibilities, remuneration, work-life balance, management/leadership, work environment, social
support, autonomy, training, and development were all examined in depth in this study. The
study came to the conclusion that more research into employee retention is needed to better
understand this complicated topic of human resource management.
6. Dr. K. Balaji Mathimaran& Prof. Dr. A. Ananda Kumar (2017) “Employee Retention Strategies
– An Empirical Research.” This is a study on intrinsic and extrinsic motivational variables that
can enhance retention and reduce the high rate of employee turnover in various organizations.
Human resources have an abundance of channels and possibilities at their disposal. The most
difficult task that businesses face today is not only managing but also retaining these resources.
Securing and maintaining talented people is critical in every business since employee knowledge
and skills are critical to a company's capacity to compete economically. Another problem that
firms face nowadays is consistently delighting their employees. Considering the relevance and
sensitivity of the retention issue to any company, the research study attempts to analyze the
different extant literature and research work on employee retention and the factors impacting
employee retention and job satisfaction among employees.
7. Priya Sahni and Ashish Mishra (2018)did a study on Employee retention techniques to
understand the designing of retention strategies by focusing on the factors that influence the
process.With the increasing necessity for organizations to retain their best workers in the face of
competition, the review study's findings imply that certain characteristics are critical in
influencing individuals' decisions to quit or remain in a company. Training and development,
recognition/reward for good performance, a competitive wage package, and job security are
examples of such variables. Only a thorough mix of intrinsic and extrinsic motivating elements
can improve retention and reduce employee turnover in our varied organizations.
8. Dr. Sangita Ulhas Gorde (2019) did a study on importance of employee retention, employee
turnover in organizations and the effects. Employee retention techniques were emphasized in this
research. Employees are the organization's most valuable asset. Employee satisfaction should be
prioritized by management in order to keep skilled and dedicated personnel in the business.
Determine the causes of employee turnover and work to reduce them. The goal of this study is to
demonstrate how important staff retention is in today's world, and if businesses are not aware of
the issue and do not take prompt action, what consequences await and how they will influence
the organization and the industry.
9. M.S.Kamalaveni , S.Ramesh , T.Vetrivel (2019) did a study on holistic view concerning the
practices and strategies adopted by organizations to retain committed and talented workforce
globally.This study aims to add to a comprehensive understanding of the practices and strategies
used by businesses throughout the world to retain dedicated and talented employees. In this
competitive environment, engaging and retaining employees in the twenty-first century
workforce is the most challenging task for HR professionals. Almost every firm nowadays is
driven by technology, yet human resources are required to carry out the tasks enabled by
technology. As a result, human resources represent the organization's vital energy for survival,
growth, and development. A HR manager's problem in a changing environment is to keep
employees in an organization for the long term.
10. Bassam Shafiq Hasan Aburub (2020) did a study on employee retention and engagement
solution. As per this paper employees bring value to the corporation, every company must regard
them as ends rather than means to an end. The study then demonstrates how an organisation may
find, retain, and engage people. The purpose of the paper was to determine how employees felt
about employee retention and engagement, as well as solutions in a specific workplace.
Companies have long struggled to recruit and maintain talented people since research has
repeatedly shown that, while compensation and benefits are important, they cannot be relied on
entirely to attract and retain skilled employees, especially those who have other job opportunities.
It's not that organizations are unaware of the important factors that influence employee attraction
and retention, such as a positive work environment. A fascinating and demanding work
environment, the opportunity to learn and grow, competent supervision, and great people to work
with are all advantages. However, there is a distinction to be made between knowing something
and effectively applying it, because the latter requires a systematic approach to the problem, and
in today's business environment, it is becoming increasingly difficult to formulate a viable plan
for attracting and retaining quality employees.
11. Yvonne Sishuwa, Jackson Phiri (2020) did a study on Factors Influencing Employee Retention in
the Transport and Logistics Industry. Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that
the framework suitable to the transportation and logistics business when addressing employee
retention is one that considers workplace structures, job satisfaction, and organizational
commitment as considerations.
12. Dr.R.Rangarajan, Abirami.G (2020) did a study on employee retention strategies in automobile
service sector. As per the paper, the service sector has made a significant contribution to the
economy's growth. As the service sector plays a dominant role in society, the automobile service
sector contributes to society by providing service to people's automobiles, as the vast majority of
people now own automobiles. In this case, efficient staff is required to deliver the finest possible
service to the car. Because there are so many job options in this industry, it's critical for a
company to keep its staff. As a result, the research looks into the many aspects that influence an
employee's decision to stay with a company.
13. Dr. Ojo Monday Isiramen (2021) did a study on how ethical leadership will influence the rate of
employee retention in organizations. This conceptual study investigates the topic of ethical
leadership and employee retention. Ethical leaders consider the long-term consequences,
drawbacks, and edges of the actions they make inside the organization. The report analyzed
existing literature in the field of "Ethical leadership and worker retention." The report
recommends that prudent hiring is crucial, that the person to be designated should be a good
match for the role as well as the organization's culture, and that it is equally important to recall
the job's credentials, skills and expertise, diligence, and viewpoint. Ethical leaders should decide
on coaching and training for their employees.
14. The “Great Resignation” Is a Misnomer- by Whitney Johnson (2022), After being deeply
disrupted by the pandemic and forced to make abrupt and major changes under significant
pressure, many people have reevaluated their priorities and are now making changes of their own
choosing: where to work and for whom, where to live, whether to return to the office or continue
working remotely, howto accommodate the needs of children and elderly parents, and so on. All
of these and other concerns are being investigated, and new answers are being discovered. As a
result, people all across the world are declining their current employment opportunities. Most
aren't simply giving up; they're pursuing a desire honed in the face of pandemic adversity. They
want to improve in the areas that are most important to them. They want to be proactive in their
approach. create the life they desire This historical turning point offers organisations a once-in-a-
lifetime opportunity. Leaders who can quickly pivot to meet people where they are — looking for
purpose, wanting to grow, and wanting to work for personal fulfilment as well as financial
reward — can tap into the greatest pool of on-the-move talent in several generations. Rather than
submitting themselves to loss, organizations might seek to attract valuable new people.
15. Fawzeyah S. H. S. Alharbi, Zayan Mustafa, Mercy Benoy (2022) did a study on retention of staff
in health care industry. Nursing turnover is not only an unfavourable scenario for healthcare
employers, but it is also seen as a crucial issue that has an impact on the productivity and
performance of healthcare organisations, particularly in the aftermath of COVID-19. The issue is
that nursing turnover has a negative influence on patient care as well as the health organisation.
Furthermore, it is inconvenient and costly, and it jeopardises service quality and patient safety.
On the other side, one of the HRM tactics known as staff retention involves attracting nurses to
stay in the organisation and preventing turnover. The problem in the X organisation has been
highlighted, with a special reference to human resources management theory to capture nurse
turnover. In addition, using Maslow's motivational theories to improve nurse retention is a good
idea. In addition, numerous HRM practises including as equity, flexibility, training, engagement,
and supervision were used in this respect.

2.2 Gap Analysis

 Though research studies are conducted in employee retention, the factors driving employee
retention are changing due to external factors over a period of time.
 It is necessary to understand the changing expectations of the employees, the perceived reality
and the gap between both.
 Comprehensive studies on relation between employee engagement and employee retention are



3.1 Research Methodology

To achieve the purpose of this research, the required information was collected from primary
sources. Preliminary data was collected from respondents with two sets of questionnaires. The
questionnaires have been prepared in consultation with my project guide. The current study
collected information from 90 respondents for 1 questionnaire and 95 respondents for other. For
Data analysis, I have used statistical tools such asFactor Analysis, Regression Analysis,
Correlation and ANOVA with the help of SPSS software.

3.1.1 ResearchDesign
The research design is a set of methodologies, tools, strategies, and procedures for gathering data
and interpreting it in order to achieve the study's goal. Quantitative approach was adopted for the
study and the type of research study is cross-sectional in nature.

3.2 Sampling
A sample design is a configuration, or a blueprint, that fills in as the basis for the determination of
a study sample for research and also influences many other perspectives of a survey. The sample
design gives a guide or structure for choosing the sample.

3.2.1 Targetedpopulation
The people working in sampleIndian IT organizationis the targeted population for this study.
3.2.2 Samplesize
Two sets of samples are taken –Employees working in the organization (90) and employees leaving
the organization who are on notice period (95)were selected for the following study.

3.2.3 Sampling Technique

A combination of purposive and convenience sampling technique were adopted for the selection of
the sample. An online survey using google forms were circulated to reach the target population.
The filled responses are taken into consideration for furtherstudy.
3.2.4 DataCollection
The questionnairesare used to collect the primary data. The online survey confirmed the
anonymity and security of the information provided by the respondents.The survey instrumentfor
existing employees in the organization has 4 sections. The first section deals withdemographic
details. Respondents were asked questions such as their age, gender, work experience etc. The
second phase of questions were designed to determine thefactors that encourage employees to stay
in the organization. The third set questions were designed to determine outcomes of employee
engagement at the workplace on a 6- point scale. The final section aims to assessranking of
various factors that encourage employees to continue in the organization. The survey instrument
for employees leaving the organization has 3 sections. The first section deals withdemographic
details. Respondents were asked questions such as their age, gender, work experience etc. The
second set of questions were designed to determine the factors that influence employees to leave
in the organization.The final section aims to assess ranking of various factors that influence
employees to move out of the organization.

3.3.1 ResearchInstrument

The 2 questionnairesare the research instruments used for the study. The design and
measurement scale are described in the following sections.(The Questionnaires used for the
study are attached in appendix 1). All the questions were close-end and on a Likert scale other
than the questions dealing with demographic details in section 1.

3.3.2 MeasurementScale
Likert scale of 5 points, 7 points was used for measurement. The respondents were requested to
answer the questions based on the level of agreeing or disagreeing with the respective questions.
The Five- Point Likert Scale used the following scale where:

1 =
2 = Agree
3 = Neutral

4 = Disagree

5 = strongly disagree
The Seven- Point Likert Scale used the following scale where:

0 = Never

1 = Almost never

2 = Rarely

3 = Sometimes

4 = Often

5 = Very often

6 = Always

3.3.3 Profile of respondents

The respondents’ profile has been shown in the below charts.
Existing employees

Figure 3.1 Age

Interpretation: Majority of the respondents are of 20-30 years old and only 13.3% are in the age
group of 30-40 years.
Figure 3.2 Gender
Interpretation: The number of male and female respondents with 64.4 % of the respondents being
male and 33.3% females.

Figure 3.3 Marital status

Interpretation: 46.7% of the respondents are single and 53.3% are married.
Figure 3.4 Experience in current organization

Interpretation:About 35.6% of the respondents have more than 5 years of experience in their
present organization. About 25.6% of the respondents have less than1 year of work experience in
their current organization. It is visible from the above data that almost 25.1% of the respondents have
1 to 3 years of experience and 17.8% of respondents have 3 to 5 years of experience in the current
organization. We can see that we have covered employees in different categories of experience
Employees Leaving the Organization

Figure 3.5 Age

Interpretation: Majority of the respondents are of 20-30 years old and only 17.9% are in the age
group of 40+ years.
Figure 3.6 Gender
Interpretation: The number of males and females are more or less equally distributed with 50.5 %
of the respondents being female and 49.5% male.

Figure 3.7 Marital Status

Interpretation: The number of our respondents were almostequally singleand married. There are
48.4% are single and 51.6% are married.
Figure 3.8 Work experience in current organization
Interpretation: From the above chart we can see that we have covered almost equal respondents in
each category.About 26.3% of the respondents have more than 5 years of experience in their present
organization. About 25.3% of the respondents have less than1 year of work experience in their
current organization. It is visible from the above data that almost 25.3% of the respondents have 1 to
3 years of experience and 23.2% of respondents have 3 to 5 years of experience in the current




Information Technology (IT) has made possible information access at gigabit speeds. It has created a
level playing field among nations and has a positive impact on the lives of millions.

Today, a country's IT potential is paramount for its march towards global competitiveness, healthy
gross domestic product (GDP) and meeting up energy and environmental challenges.

The Indian IT and Information Technology enabled Services (ITeS) sectors go hand-in-hand in every
aspect. The industry has not only transformed India's image on the global platform, but also fuelled
economic growth by energizing the higher education sector (especially in engineering and computer
science). The industry has employed almost 10 million Indians and, hence, has contributed
significantly to social transformation in the country.

India is one of the fastest-growing IT services markets in the world. It is also the world's largest
sourcing destination, accounting for approximately 52 per cent of the US$ 124-130 billion market.
The country's cost competitiveness in providing IT services continues to be its USP in the global
sourcing market.

India has the potential to build a US$ 100 billion software product industry by 2025, according to
Indian Software Product Industry Roundtable (iSPIRT). The software products market in India,
which includes accounting software and cloud computing-based telephony services, is expected to
grow at 14 per cent in 2014.

Market Size

The Indian IT-BPM industry is expected to add revenues of US$ 13-14 billion to the existing
revenues by FY15, according to National Association of Software and Services Companies

The industry grew at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.1 per cent during FY08-13.Total
exports from the IT-BPM sector (excluding hardware) were estimated at US$ 76 billion during
FY13. Export of IT services has been the major contributor, accounting for 57.9 per cent of total IT
exports (excluding hardware) in FY13. BPM accounted for 23.5 per cent of total IT exports during
the same fiscal. The IT outsourcing sector is expected to see exports growing by 13-15 per cent
during FY15.

The data center infrastructure market of India is estimated to reach US$ 2.03 billion in 2015, a 5.4
per cent increase from US$ 1.92 billion in 2014.

The sale of personal computers (PC) in India has registered significant growth as 2.55 million units
were sold in January-June, 2014 compared to 2.03 million units in the corresponding period of 2013.

E-commerce space in India is expected to grow at 20-25 per cent over the next 2-3 years in terms of
jobs, salaries and growth, which in turn could create at least 150,000 jobs. The current estimated size
of the industry is about Rs 18,000 crore (US$ 2.91 billion) and is expected to reach Rs 50,000 crore
(US$ 8.08 billion) by 2016 and as the industry grows, the demand for talent would grow


Indian IT's core competencies and strengths have placed it on the international canvas, attracting
investments from major countries.

According to data released by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), the
computer software and hardware sector attracted foreign direct investment (FDI) worth US$
13,238.58 million between April 2000 and September 2014.

Some of the major investments in the Indian IT and ITeS sector are as follows:

• Microsoft plans to offer its commercial and cloud services-Azure and Office 365-from three local
data centers by the end of 2015, making it the first technology company to set up cloud data centers
in India.

• Infosys plans to invest Rs 1,400 crore (US$ 228.04 million) in a campus proposed to be built in
Noida, Uttar Pradesh. The project is estimated to generate 35,000 direct and indirect jobs.

• Cognizant has acquired US-based digital marketing agency Cabinet Group. The latter is expected to
boost Cognizant's presence in the healthcare segment.
• Visa plans to set up a technology center in India in 2014 and join a host of global system players
who have established technology centers in the country to access its software and engineering talent.

• Genpact Ltd has signed an agreement with the US-based Automation Anywhere to provide
automated business processes for its clients.

• Nielsen India has acquired Indicus Analytics. This acquisition will add to Nielsen's capabilities for
macro and microeconomic research for the public and private sectors.

Government Initiatives

The Government of India has played a key role with public funding of a large, well trained pool of
engineers and management personnel who could forge the Indian IT industry.

Its spending on information technology (IT) will reach US$ 7.2 billion in 2015, a five per cent
increase over 2014, according to a report by Gartner Inc.

Some of the major initiatives taken by the government to promote IT and ITeS sector in India are as

• The Government of India through the Board of Approval (BoA) under the Union Ministry of
Commerce and Industry has approved Wipro Ltd's plan of setting up a special economic zone (SEZ)
in Visakhapatnam.

• The Government of India has launched the bharat domain name which will cover eight languages.
The domain will help to bridge the digital divide and enhance the reach of the Internet to remote

• The Government of Andhra Pradesh and Google India have signed a Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) to launch a number of initiatives aimed at bridging the state's digital divide
and enabling skill development.

• The Government of Karnataka and Nasscom plan to launch a series of new initiatives to help shore
up the local startup and technology ecosystem in the state, including plans to build one of Asia's
largest startup warehouses and also the country's first 'hack-celerator'.
• The Central Government and the respective state governments are expected to collectively spend
US$ 6.4 billion on IT products and services in 2014, an increase of 4.3 per cent over 2013, according
to a study by Gartner.

Road Ahead

India continues to be the topmost offshoring destination for IT companies followed by China and
Malaysia in second and third position, respectively. Leading IT services firms are expanding their
traditional offerings (in India) to include research and development (R&D), product development,
and other niche services.

Emerging technologies present an entire new gamut of opportunities for IT firms in India. Social,
mobility, analytics and cloud (SMAC) collectively provide a US$ 1 trillion opportunity. Cloud
represents the largest opportunity under SMAC, increasing at a CAGR of approximately 30 per cent
to around US$ 650-700 billion by 2020.

Social media is the second most lucrative segment for IT firms, offering a US$ 250 billion market
opportunity by 2020.

Standard & Poor's (S&P) is a division of McGraw-Hill that publishes financial research and analysis
on stocks and bonds. It is well known for the stock market indexes, the US-based S&P 500, the
Australian S&P/ASX 200, the Canadian S&P/TSX, the Italian S&P/MIB and India's S&P CNX

Business description

New York headquarters

Standard & Poor's operates as a financial services company. Its products and services include credit
ratings, equity research, S&P indices, funds ratings, risk solutions, governance services, evaluations,
and data services. The company’s division, Capital IQ, provides information and workflow solutions
to financial institutions, advisory firms, and corporations.

Capital IQ provides integrated financial information and technology solutions, including auditable
company financials, a screener combining financial and nonfinancial items, an integrated public and
private capital market database, and various relationship development tools. The company serves
institutional professionals, financial institutions, corporations, financial advisors, and individual
investors worldwide.

Corporate history

Standard & Poor's traces its history back to 1860, with the publication by Henry Varnum Poor of
History of Railroads and Canals in the United States. This book was an attempt to compile
comprehensive information about the financial and operational state of U.S. railroad companies.
Henry Varnum went on to establish H.V. and H.W. Poor Co with his son, Henry William, and
published updated versions of this book on an annual basis.

In 1906 Luther Lee Blake founded the Standard Statistics Bureau, with the view to providing
financial information on non-railroad companies. Instead of an annually published book Standard
Statistics would use 5" x 7" cards, allowing for more frequent updates.

In 1966 S&P was acquired by The McGraw-Hill Companies, and now encompasses the Financial
Services division.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_%26_Poor%27s - cite_note-snphistory-0

Credit ratings

Standard & Poor's, as a credit rating agency (CRA), issues credit ratings for the debt of public and
private corporations. It is one of several CRAs that have been designated a Nationally Recognized
Statistical Rating Organization by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

It issues both short-term and long-term credit ratings.

Long-term credit ratings

S&P rates borrowers on a scale from AAA to D. Intermediate ratings are offered at each level

between AA and CCC (i.e., BBB+, BBB and BBB-). For some borrowers, S&P may also offer
guidance (termed a "credit watch") as to whether it is likely to be upgraded (positive), downgraded
(negative) or uncertain (neutral).
Investment Grade

• AAA: the best quality borrowers, reliable and stable (many of them governments)

• AA: quality borrowers, a bit higher risk than AAA

• A: economic situation can affect finance

• BBB: medium class borrowers, which are satisfactory at the moment

Non-Investment Grade (also known as junk bonds)

• BB: more prone to changes in the economy

• B: financial situation varies noticeably

• CCC: currently vulnerable and dependent on favorable economic conditions to meet its

• CC: highly vulnerable, very speculative bonds

• C: highly vulnerable, perhaps in bankruptcy or in arrears but still continuing to pay out on

• CI: past due on interest

• R: under regulatory supervision due to its financial situation

• SD: has selectively defaulted on some obligations

• D: has defaulted on obligations and S&P believes that it will generally default on most or all

• NR: not rated

Short-term issue credit ratings

S&P rates specific issues on a scale from A-1 to D. Within the A-1 category it can be designated
with a plus sign (+). This indicates that the issuer's commitment to meet its obligation is very strong.
Country risk and currency of repayment of the obligor to meet the issue obligation are factored into
the credit analysis and reflected in the issue rating.
• A-1: obligor's capacity to meet its financial commitment on the obligation is strong

• A-2: is susceptible to adverse economic conditions however the obligor's capacity to meet its
financial commitment on the obligation is satisfactory

• A-3: adverse economic conditions are likely to weaken the obligor's capacity to meet its financial
commitment on the obligation

• B: has significant speculative characteristics. The obligor currently has the capacity to meet its
financial obligation but faces major ongoing uncertainties that could impact its financial commitment
on the obligation

• C: currently vulnerable to nonpayment and is dependent upon favorable business, financial and
economic conditions for the obligor to meet its financial commitment on the obligation

• D: is in payment default. Obligation not made on due date and grace period may not have expired.
The rating is also used upon the filing of a bankruptcy petition.

Stock market indices

Standard & Poor's publishes a large number of stock market indices, covering every region of the
world, market capitalization level, and type of investment (e.g. indices for REITs and preferred

These indices include:

• S&P 500 -- value weighted index of the prices of 500 large-cap common stocks actively traded in
the United States.

• S&P 400 Midcap Index[citation needed]

• S&P 600 Small Cap Index[2]


Standard & Poor's publishes a near-weekly (48 times a year) stock market analysis newsletter called
The Outlook which is issued both in print and online to subscribers.

Credit rating agencies such as Standard & Poor's have been subject to criticism in the wake of large
losses beginning in 2007 in the collateralized debt obligation (CDO) market that occurred despite
being assigned top ratings by the CRAs.

Credit ratings of AAA (the highest rating available) were given to large portions of even the riskiest
pools of loans. Investors, trusting the low risk profile that AAA implies, loaded up on these
collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) that later became unsellable. Those that could be sold often
took staggering losses. For instance, losses on $340.7 million worth of collateralized debt obligations
(CDOs) issued by Credit Suisse Group added up to about $125 million, despite being rated AAA by
Standard & Poor's.

It is also worth mentioning that Standard & Poor's apparently failed to predict the bankruptcy of all
the largest Icelandic banks and a weaker position of the Icelandic Government in 2008, a country
that had a very high rating until its economy suddenly collapsed.

Companies pay Standard & Poor's to rate their debt issues. As a result, some critics have contended
that Standard & Poor's is beholden to these issuers and that its ratings are not as objective as they
should be.

In April 2009 Standard & Poor's called for "new faces" in the Irish Government, which was seen as
interfering in the democratic process. In a subsequent statement they said they were

Information technology (IT) industry in India has played a key role in putting India on theglobal
map. IT industry in India has been one of the most significant growth contributors forthe Indian
economy. The industry has played a significant role in transforming India’s imagefrom a slow
moving bureaucratic economy to a land of innovative entrepreneurs and a globalplayer in providing
world class technology solutions and business services. The industry hashelped India transform from
a rural and agriculture-based economy to a knowledge basedeconomy.

Information Technology has made possible information access at gigabit speeds. It has
madetremendousimpactonthelivesofmillionsofpeoplewhoarepoor,marginalizedandlivingin rural and
far flung topographies. Internet has made revolutionary changes with possibilitiesof e-government
measures like e-health, e-education, e-agriculture, etc. Today, whether itsfiling Income Tax returns
or applying for passports online or railway e-ticketing, it just
improving defense capabilities and meeting up energy and environmentalchallengesamongst others.

IT-ITeS sector in India, with the main focus onincreasing technology adoption, and
developingnewdeliveryplatforms,hasaggregatedrevenues of USD 88.1 billion in FY2011,

28.8 billion.


After the economic reforms of 1991-92, major fiscal incentives provided by the Governmentof India
and the State Governments, like, liberalization of external trade, elimination of dutieson imports of
information technology products, relaxation of controls on both inward andoutward investmentsand
foreign exchange, setting up of Export Oriented Units (EOU),Software Technology Parks (STP), and
Special Economic Zones (SEZ), has enabled India toflourishand acquireadominantposition in

In order to alleviate and to promote Indian IT industry, the Government of India had set up
aNationalTaskForceonITandSoftwareDevelopmenttoexaminethefeasibilityofstrengthening the
industry. Venture capital has been the main source of finance for
capital fundshavealso beenliberalizedto boosttheindustry.

The Government of India is also actively providing fiscal incentives and liberalizing
normsforFDIand raisingcapital abroad.


While the underlying theme of 2010 was that of steady recovery from recession, thanks to
theaccelerated recovery in emerging markets, worldwide spending in IT products and
servicesincreased significantly in 2011. In 2011, India’s growth has reflected new demand for
ITgoods and services, with a major surge in the use of private and public cloud and
mobilecomputingon avarietyof devicesand through arangeof new softwareapplications.

High inflow of FDI in the IT sector is expected to continue in coming years. The inflow ofhuge
volumes of FDI in the IT industry of India has not only boosted the industry but theentire Indian
economy in recent years. Foreign direct investment (FDI) inflow rose by morethan 100 per cent to
US$ 4.66 billion in May 2011, up from US$ 2.21 billion a year ago,according to the latest data
released by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion(DIPP).This is the highest
monthlyinflow in 39months.

Foreigntechnology inductionisalsoencouragedboththroughFDI andthroughforeigntechnology

collaboration agreements. India welcomes investors in Information Technologysector. Greater
transparency in policies and procedures has made India an investor
friendlyplatform.Aforeigncompanycan hold equityinIndian company’s upto 100%.


To support Research & development in the country and promoting Start upsfocussed ontechnology
and innovation, a weighted deduction of 150% of expenditure incurred on in-house R&D is
introduced under the Income Tax Ac. In addition to the existing scheme
forfundingvariousR&DprojectshavebeenfundedthroughnewschemelikeSupportInternational Patent
Protection in Electronics & IT (SIP-EIT), Multiplier Grants Scheme(MGS).

The government has initiated the setting up of an Open Technology Center through NICaimed at
giving effective direction to the country on Open Technology in the areas of OpenSource Solutions,
(OSS), Open Standard, Open Processes, Open Hardware specifications andOpenCourse-
ware.ThisinitiativewillactasaNationalKnowledgefacilityprovidingsynergyto theoverall components
of Open Technologyglobally.


After the economic reforms of 1991-92, liberalization of external trade, elimination of dutieson
imports of information technology products, relaxation of controls on both inward andoutward
investments and foreign exchange and the fiscal measures taken by the Governmentof India and the
individual State Governments specifically for IT and ITES have been majorcontributory factors for
the sector to flourish in India and for the country to be able to acquirea dominant position in offshore
services in the world. The major fiscal incentives provided
(STP),and Special Economic Zones (SEZ).


Cyber security and quality management are few key areas of concern in today’s informationage. To
overcome such concerns in today’s global IT scenario, an increasing number of IT-BPO companies
in India have gradually started to emphasize on quality to adopt globalstandards such as ISO 9001
(for Quality Management) and ISO 27000 (for
hieved byanysinglecountry.

IndiaaimstotransformIndiaintoatrulydevelopedandempoweredsocietyby2020.However, to achieve
this growth, the sector has to continue to re-invent itself and strive
forthatextramile,throughnewbusinessmodels,globaldelivery,partnershipsandtransformation. A
collaborative effort from all stakeholders will be needed to ensure futuregrowth of India’s IT-ITeS
sector. We will need to rise up to the new challenges and put indedicated efforts toward providing
more and more of end-to-end solutions to the clients tokeepthe momentumgoing.

India is now one of the biggest IT capitals in the modern world and has presence of all themajor
players in the world IT sector. HCL, Wipro, Infosys and TCS are few of the
householdnamesofITcompanies inIndia.


Globalization has had a profound impact in shaping theIndianInformation Technologyindustry. Over

the years, verticals like manufacturing, telecom, insurance, banking, financeand lately the retail, have
been the growth drivers for this sector. But it is very fast gettingclear that the future growth of IT and
IT enabled services will be fuelled by the verticals

The near future of Indian IT industry sees a significant rise in share of technology spend asmore and
more service providers both Indian and global target new segments and provide
lowcost,flexiblesolutions tocustomers.

By 2015, IT sector is expected to generate revenues of USD 130 billion (NASSCOM) whichwill
create a transformational impact on the overall economy. IT spending is expected tosignificantly
increase in verticals like automotive and healthcare while the government, withitsfocus on e-
governance, will continueto beamajor spender.

However,toachievethisgrowth,the sectorhasto continueto re-inventitselfand strivefor

that extra mile, through new business models, global delivery, partnerships andtransformation. A
collaborative effort from all stakeholders will be needed to ensure futuregrowth of India’s IT-ITeS
sector. We will need to rise up to the new challenges and put indedicated efforts toward providing
more and more of end-to-end solutions to the clients tokeepthe momentumgoing.

Atticinfo is a Private incorporated on 05 January 2007. It is classified as Non-govt Company and is

registered at Registrar of Companies, Hyderabad. Its authorized share capital is Rs. 25, 00,000 and
its paid up capital is Rs.0. It is involved in Software publishing, consultancy and supply [Software
publishing includes production, supply and documentation of ready-made (non-customized)
software, operating systems software, business & other applications software, computer games
software for all platforms. Consultancy includes providing the best solution in the form of custom
software after analyzing the user’s needs and problems. Custom software also includes made-to-
order software based on orders from specific users. Also, included are writing of software of any
kind following directives of the users; software maintenance, web-page design].

Atticinfo's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was last held on 23rd October 2019 and as per records
from Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), its balance sheet was last filed on financial year 2018-

Atticinfo's Corporate Identification Number is (CIN) U72200TG2007PTC052274 and its registration

number is 52274.Its Email address is atticinfo@gmail.com and its registered address is Flat no.206,
2nd Floor, Chaitanyapuri, Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad-500060.

Atticinfo is a consulting firm with vision and focus to provide the IT services for Enterprise needs
of the clients. Our diversified services in the area of Information Technology includes IT
solutions, Web Development, Consultancy, Support & Maintenance, Staffing and Training.

Atticinfo took its shape in 2006 finally when a group of technocrats, expertise at different areas of
Information Technology have decided to start up with a firm, which offers the best services ever
in this industry to their clients.

We at Atticinfo not only help our clients incorporate the world latest techniques in Information
Technology but also offer the most effective Staffing solutions for those who are in IT services.

Our Vision to offer our clients innovative and cost effective services to help them achieve their
business goal in stipulated time by utilizing the modern techniques in Information Technology
keeps us motivated all the time.”

“We work with our clients closely to understand their functional needs to come up with the
solutions which suit them the best. In fact we offer solutions, which would enhance their chances
of achieving their business goals more effectively.

We tend to provide personalized solution in regard to the client's specific competency, which
prove to be result oriented rather than just offering solution to meet their IT needs specified. This
particular approach of ours makes us the preferred IT service provider for most of our repeat


“Our Vision is to offer our clients innovative and cost effective services to help them achieve
their business goal in stipulated time by utilizing the modern techniques in Information

Thus emerge as the most preferred Global IT service provider by organizations from different

Our Partners
Our Vision to offer our clients innovative and cost effective services to help them achieve their
business goal in stipulated time by utilizing the modern techniques in Information Technology keeps
us motivated all the time."


"We work with our clients closely to understand their functional needs to come up with the solutions
which suit them the best. In fact we offer solutions, which would enhance their chances of achieving
their business goals more effectively.

We tend to provide personalized solution in regard to the client's specific competency, which prove
to be result oriented rather than just offering solution to meet their IT needs specified. This particular
approach of ours makes us the preferred IT service provider for most of our repeat clients."

Our Vision

"Our Vision is to offer our clients innovative and cost effective services to help them achieve their
business goal in stipulated time by utilizing the modern techniques in Information Technology.
Thus emerge as the most preferred Global IT service provider by organizations from different

We've been designing and developing web sites and web apps for over 11 years (a few of us a lot
longer!) and we're pretty sure we understand what our clients want; a quality product that works,
delivered on time and on budget.


We make it easy!

We build websites based on your requirements. From a dedicated project manager throughout the
process to sample sites to allow you to test concepts before they are finalized. We are here to make
the whole process painless!

We make it look good!

We only use the best designers who create websites that will be professional, accessible and looking

We understand your brand is important

Your website is your online shop window and puts your brand in front of the world. We are
specialists in creating excellent online designs and branding.

We only use cutting edge technology

The online world moves rapidly and so our development teams are constantly evaluating and training
in the latest online technologies. We build a website for today built on technology for tomorrow!

We know e-Commerce

You want your e-Commerce site to be fast, efficient and secure. We are specialists in creating e-
Commerce sites which will be trusted by your customers and will deliver 24-7.

"One of the modern days cost cutting strategies is to outsource the project to preferred partner.
Organizations looking for reliable partner to outsource their Enterprise IT projects can readily look

ATTICINFO has team of qualified professionals, who work with total dedication to meet the client's
IT needs within the allotted budget in respect to financial and time aspect."

"Our team of qualified professionals excelling in their current competency is proven in developing
applications specific to the IT needs of the client.

We choose to work on projects offshore as well as onshore according to the need of our clients to
execute the project well in budget."


Design & Develop

What we do best! We take your business and create an online experience for your clients that they
will never forget. We have a clear process in place to make sure everything runs smoothly. We keep
your project on time and on budget. With the latest cutting edge technology we deliver you top class

Mobile & Apps

Accessing a website from a mobile device is becoming increasingly more important to a business.
We create mobile websites and also develop and deliver iOS and Android applications.

Content Management

We can provide this tool to give you control of your own site. The ability to change content yourself
means you will not have to keep paying someone else.

Social Media

There has been a phenomenal growth in social media. Social media is all about communities
and conversations. At Atticinfo we can create and manage your social media marketing strategies to
help you rich millions potential clients

Search Engine Optimisation

There is no point having a site that no one uses. We can create an online strategy that works for you.
Like gardening SEO is an on-going process which helps you stay on top.


Good hosting makes sure that your site is not frustratingly slow and always available. We can help
host and keep your site running with the best uptime and reliable speeds.


We give good clear advice. From informal chats about your online needs to a full audit of your
existing site. Whatever your company size, your online efficiency is vital to your profitability.


A wide range of view some recent examples of web design and print graphics portfolio















Step: 1

Proper Planning

We keep your project on time and on budget by doing our research properly, creating sketches and
interactive prototypes so we can test ideas together before writing any code.

Step: 2

Design and building

We use cutting edge technology to create inspiring websites and web apps. You'll have a dedicated
account manager and we only use our award winning in-house team. We never outsource.

Step: 3

Creating success

The launch of your new site is just the beginning. We help you make it a success by using conversion
rate optimization and driving traffic using SEO, paid search, social media and more.


We've been designing and developing web sites and web apps for over 11 years (a few of us a lot
longer!) and we're pretty sure we understand what our clients want; a quality product that works,
delivered on time and on budget.

Innovative Award winning designs

Unsurpassed in-house technical expertise

Solid strategic advice

Flexible and friendly account management



From engaging mobile apps to slick mobile websites. We'd love your project to be our next success.

The recent explosion in app stores and mobile web access from phones and tablets can be hard to
keep up with. The mobile industry changes on a near daily basis, so you need to partner with an
agency who stays ahead of the curve, a trusted partner who can help you develop an effective mobile


Native apps for all major platforms

HTML5 apps for rapid development and lower build costs

Mobile-optimized websites

Apps for smart phones and tablets.

Whether you're looking to develop a phone or tablet app for iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone
or Blackberry, or a responsive website which works seamlessly across all devices, we'd love to help.
It costs nothing to pick up the phone and talk to us.


Social Media & Branding


Social media, email marketing, newsletters and online advertising are all fantastic ways of increasing
your online presence and accessing both existing and new customers. We know this can often be a
daunting prospect which is why we have a great team of web savvy individuals who are more than
happy to help.
we’ve helped create success in even the most competitive markets

Social media and business

Social media is very much here to stay, with more and more companies discovering its power as a
marketing tool. Attic info offer a number of social media packages to help market your business,
tapping into the marketing power of social network giants such as; Facebook, Linkedin and YouTube
to name but a few. All of which helps to raise your profile in a much larger market place.

Social media branding

Your social media branding holds as much sway as any other area of your company branding. We
can create social media branding packages with profile pics, targeted advertising and cover images
that all promote your company to its full potential.

E-marketing newsletters

Using Attic info’s branded email software we design your bespoke template, set up your user
account and then train you to create, broadcast and measure the response to each mailshot. Our live
editor allows you to see your email or newsletter as you build it - simply add your own text or
images to your template.


We've helped create success in even the most competitive markets.

We take a creative but scientific approach to all our digital marketing campaigns, always using the
right tool for the job.

From social networks to email campaigns, search engine optimization and pay-per-click, we create
measurable value for our clients, who come back to us because we consistently help them achieve
their commercial goals.

Over 10 years of expertise in digital marketing

100% accountable and ROI driven

SEO, Paid Search, Social Media, Analytics and CRO.

It's all about the results

When it comes to digital marketing, results are all that matter. That's why absolutely everything we
do is measurable, accountable and totally transparent, so if we're not getting you the results you want
then we know you're not going to stick around.

It's not just about Google.

Being 'number 1 on Google' isn't a result. It's a means to an end and often a very effective one, but
it's just one of a number ways you can drive traffic to your website.

As well as running successful SEO campaigns, we're experts in paid search, performance marketing,
email, viral, social, analytics, conversion rate optimization

and more.

We'll always help you achieve your goals using the most cost-effective method we can, whether
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success in reaching their business goals.

We design business solutions for our clients, with an intention to introduce innovative techniques in
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Our Consulting services to the clients in the areas ranging from

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Solution Definitions

Package Assessments


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Web products the true future of web products is in continuously innovating the products for the

Products are online shopping, email marketing, news portal, job portals, Etc.


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We Drive

Your web presence

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ATTICINFO offers the best Staffing solution in the industry. At ATTICINFO we ensure our client to
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In today's business environment, it's quite crucial that the dynamic infrastructure requirements line
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Transformation Solutions

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5.1 Reliability of Data (Cronbach Alpha)

To ensure the reliability of the questionnaire, Cronbach's alpha coefficient should be applied.
Cronbach's alpha coefficient method is used to measure the reliability of the survey between
each field and the average of all fields in the survey. The Cronbach’s coefficient alpha is
calculated for each section of the questionnaire.
Table 5.1 Reliability Statistics
Field Cronbach's Alpha Value
Factors influencing employee retention 0.987
Employee Intention to stay 0.984
Employee Engagement 0.974

The above table 5.1 shows the Cronbach’s alpha value of each field from the data collected. From
the table it is observed that the reliability of various fields is greater than 0.7. The above Cronbach’s
Alpha values shows that the reliability is good and highly acceptable.
5.2Descriptive statistics of employee retention components
The purpose of this analysis is to interpret and draw conclusions from the data collected. Descriptive
statistics are defined by data found in the majority of the sample population. From the data collected
we have segregated the second section of two questionnaires into various factors which encourage
employees to stay in the organization and the factors which influence employees to leave the
organization. In both the surveys we have focused on the nine factors mean value and standard
deviation. The factors focus on career advancement opportunities in the organization, Benefits and
facilities, Organization culture, Relation with peers and superiors, Training and development, Nature
of work, Work-life balance, Compensation, Performance appraisal and Rewards.
Table 5.2 Descriptive statistics of retention factors for Existing Employees
Rank Factor Mean Std. deviation
1 Career Advancement opportunities 3.635 1.217561
2 Relation with peers & superiors 3.608 1.081099
3 Benefits & Facilities 3.579 1.185502
4 Organization Culture 3.575 1.133906
5 Training & Development 3.552 1.182859
6 Nature of work life w.r.t to work load 3.536 1.152007
7 Work life Balance 3.522 1.226832
8 Compensation 3.341 1.163293
9 Performance Appraisal & Rewards 3.322 1.174478

Interpretation:We can see from table 5.1 that the existing employees are continuing in the
organization as they are more satisfied with factors like career advancement opportunities in the
organization, have good support from superiors and have good relations with their colleagues. They
are well satisfied with the benefits and facilities provided in the organization and are satisfied with
the organization culture. The existing employees in the organization are least satisfied with
compensation, performance appraisal and rewards as reflected from mean scores. From the above
tabular data, we can see that Career advancement opportunities and Relation with peers and
supervisors are the top components with mean values 3.635, 3.608 respectively that encourage
employees to stay in the current organization.

Table 5.3Descriptive statistics of retention factors for employees leaving the

Rank Factor Mean Std. deviation
1 Benefits & Facilities 3.945 0.624392
2 Organization Culture 3.719 0.665452
3 Relation with peers & superiors 3.539 0.722998
4 Training & Development 3.453 0.884481
5 Career Advancement opportunities 3.411 0.822917
6 Work life Balance 3.411 0.986556
7 Nature of work life w.r.t to work load 3.363 1.003828
8 Performance Appraisal & Rewards 3.004 1.213103
9 Compensation 2.868 1.417739

Interpretation:We can see from the table that the employees leaving the organization are relatively
more satisfied with Benefits and Facilities, organization cultureand least satisfied with compensation,
performance appraisal & rewards.
One common feature that is evident from the analysis of factors is both the existing employees and
the employees leaving the organization are relatively less satisfied with performance appraisal,
rewards& compensation.

5.3Exploratory Factor Analysis

Factor analysis investigates the underlying components that are assessed by a large number of
observable variables. Exploratory factor analysis is a statistical technique used to reduce data to a
smaller collection of summary variables and to investigate the phenomena's underlying theoretical
structure.On responses from both the questionnaires, we have performed exploratory factor analysis
to find out the major factors that encourage employees to stay in the organization and factors that
influence employees to leave the organization.

Existing Employees in the organization

Using the SPSS tool, we have performed the exploratory factor analysis for the variables in the
existing employee’s responses. The below table4.3 shows the actual factors that were extracted. If
you look at the table 5.3 under Rotated sums of square loadings, shows the factors that met the cutoff
criteria. Factor 1 accounts for 48% of variability and factor 2 accounts for 29% of variability.

In the below Figure 5.1, the scree plot has been generated for the variables using the exploratory
factor analysis. It can be observed thatthe slope of the curve levels out after 2 factors. After 2 factors,
the remaining factors has eigen value less than 1.
Table :4.4 Total variance explained for existing employees

Figure 5.1Screen Plot for existing employees factor analysis

Table 5.5 Rotated component matrix for existing employees

From the above table we can see 2 components and factor loading values. The rotated component
matrix shows the factors loading for each variable. Based on the factor loadings, the factor that
represent the first 23 variables is Benefits, facilities, opportunities & culture, the factor that loaded in
the last 6 variables is Compensation, performance appraisal &rewards management.

Employees leaving the organization

Table 5.6 Total variance explained for employees leaving

Using the SPSS tool, we have performed the exploratory factor analysis for the variables in the
employees leaving responses. The above table 4.5 shows the actual factors that were extracted. If you
look at the table 4.5 under Rotated sums of square loadings, shows the factors that met the cutoff
criteria. Factor 1 accounts for 26% of variability in all variables and factor 2 accounts for 18.44% of
variability in all variables. Similarly factor 3 and factor 4 accounts for variability of 18% and 9.5%

In the below Figure 5.2, the scree plot has been generated for the variables using the exploratory
factor analysis. You can observe the slope of the curve levels out after 4 factors. After 4 factors, the
remaining factors has eigen value less than 1.
Figure 5.2 Scree plot for employees leaving
Table:5.2Rotated component matrix for employees leaving
From the above table we can see 4 components and factor loading values. The rotated component
matrix shows the factors loading for each variable. I have highlighted the factors that each variable
loaded strongly on. Based on the factor loadings, the factor that represent the first 11 variables is
Benefits and perks, the factor that loaded in the next9 variables is Performance appraisal process, the
factors that loaded in the next 3 variables is pay rises and the factors that loaded in the last 3
variables is support from superiors.The variable B11 didn’t load strongly on any of the 4 factors.

5.4Regression Analysis
Objective: To determine the relationship between predicting variables – Benefits, Facilities&
opportunities (Var 1) and Compensation, Performance appraisal &Rewards (Var 2) and outcome
variable (Var 3) Intention to stay.
Based on the dependent variable (Var 3) Intention to stay and the independent variables Benefits and
Facilities (Var 1) and Compensation and Rewards (Var 2) that encourage employees to continue in
the organization, a regression analysis is performed.

Table 5.8 Regression analysis

The goal of determining the effect of benefits & facilities and compensation & rewards with respect
to Intention to stay in the organization was explored by performing regression analysis. Hence
Intention to stay is considered as outcome variable. Benefits & facilities and Compensation and
rewards are taken as predictor variables.
Benefits & facilities and Compensation and rewards significantly predictemployees’ intention to
stay in the organization.
It is clear that the model is significant and can predict the outcome variable. R square is 0.674 which
indicates that 67.4% of variance is the outcome variable (Intention to stay) is predicted by the two
predictor variables (Benefits & facilities and Compensation and rewards).
It is observed from table 4.7, that the beta coefficient 0.293 of Var 1(Benefits & facilities) is higher
than the beta coefficient 0.212 of Var 2 (Compensation and rewards) which encourages employee’s
intention to stay. The beta coefficients of Var 1(Benefits & facilities) and of Var 2 (Compensation
and rewards) are statistically significant.

Correlation method can be used to analyze the magnitude and nature of the relationship between
different variables. Correlation analysis is used to understand the nature of relationships between two
individual variables.Correlation was conducted here to find a relation between employee engagement
(Var 3) and Employees Intention to stay in the organization (Var 4).

Table: 5.9 Correlation between Employee engagement (Var 3) and Intention to stay (Var 4)
The above table 4.8 depicts that there is positive correlation of 0.676 between Employee engagement
(Var 3) and Intention to stay (Var 4) and is significant. From this it can be inferred that as the (Var 3)
employee engagement increases, the (Var 4)employeesintention to stay in the organization increases.

5.6ANOVA Results
Hypothesis: There is no significant difference in employees’intention to stay in the organization
based on their Age.
Table 5.10 ANOVA (Age)
From the above table it is found that ANOVA is significant. Thus, there is significant evidence
to reject null hypothesis and conclude that there is significant difference in employees’ intention to
stay in the organization based on their Age.

Hypothesis: There is no significant difference in employees’ intention to stay in the organization
based on their Gender.

Table 5.11 ANOVA (Gender)

From the above table it is found that ANOVA is insignificant. Thus, there is significant evidence
to accept null hypothesis and conclude that there is no significant difference in employees intention
to stay in the organization based on their Gender.

Marital status
Hypothesis: There is no significant difference in employees’ intention to stay in the organization
based on their Marital status.
Table 5.12 ANOVA (Marital status)

From the above table it is found that ANOVA is insignificant. Thus, there is significant evidence
to accept null hypothesis and conclude that there is no significant difference in employees intention
to stay in the organization based on their Marital status.
Work experience in the current organization
Hypothesis: There is no significant difference in employees intention to stay in the organization
based on their work experience in the current organization.

Table 5.13 ANOVA (Work experience in the current organization)

From the above table it is found that ANOVA is insignificant. Thus, there is significant evidence
to accept null hypothesis and conclude that there is no significant difference in employees intention
to stay in the organization based on their work experience in the current organization.

Understanding the employees view on relation with superiors and peers

Existing employees
Employees leaving
From the above data, we can see that employees who are leaving the organization feels that they are
getting relatively good support from the superiors and peers in the organization when compared with
the responses from the employees who are leaving the organization.

Understanding employees views on training and development programs in the organization

Existing employees

Employees leaving
From the above data, we can see thatthe existing employees are relatively well satisfied with the
training and development programs conducted by the organization when compared with the
responses from the employees who are leaving the organization.

Understanding employees view about the organization culture

Existing employees
Employees leaving
From the above data, we can see that the existing employees are quite well satisfied with the
organization culture and the respect they are getting in the organizationwhen compared with the
responses from employees leaving the organization.
Understanding the employees views on Benefits & Facilities
Existing employees
Employees leaving

From the above data, we can see that the existing employees are relatively well satisfied with the
benefits and facilities provided in the organization and the recreational activities conducted in the
organization when compared with the responses from the employees leaving the organization.
Understanding the employees views on career advancement opportunities in the organization
Existing employees

Employees leaving
Interpretation:From the above data, we can see that the existing employees are relatively well
satisfied with the learning ang growth as well as career advancement opportunities in the
organization when compared with the employees leaving the organization.
Discussion of results

The purpose of the study was to find out the factors that encourage employees to stay in the
organization and factors that influence employees to leave the organization. From the data obtained
we could see that majority of the participants are in the age range of 20-30 years and covered the
male and female respondents equally. Participants from all category of work experience in the
current organization are covered almost equally in number. So, it is safe to say that majority of the
participants had a decent understanding of their job and organization. Existing employees in the
current organization believe that Health and wellness benefits, work schedule/ flexibility, good
relations with colleagues, career development, recognition and rewards are the key factors that are
given top priority and are satisfied with the levels of these factors to continue in the organization.
Employees leaving the organization believe that compensation/pay is not encouraging in the
organization and there are no adequate health and wellness benefits provided by the organization,
lack of proper work schedule, lack of recognition and rewards and work life balance are the key
factors that are influencing the employees to leave the current organization. The goal of determining
the effect of benefits & facilities and compensation & rewards with respect to Intention to stay in the
organization was explored by performing regression analysis and found statistically significant.
Correlation is used to find out the relationship between employee engagement and intention to
continue in the organization.There is positive correlation of 0.676 between Employee engagement
(Var 3) and Intention to stay (Var 4) and is significant. From this it can be inferred that as the (Var 3)
employee engagement increases, the (Var 4) employees intention to stay in the organization
increases by 67.6%. We can see that existing employees and employees leaving the organization are
having different factors on which the organization needs to focus on to bring in the change and
reduce the employee turnover. This can be done by improving the employee engagement and having
regular feedback from the employees on the various factors that we have found from the responses.


5.1 Findings of the study

 The existing employees continuing in the organization are more satisfied with factors like
career advancement opportunities in the organization, good support from superiors and good
relations with their colleagues. They are well satisfied with the benefits and facilities
provided in the organization and are satisfied with the organization culture. The existing
employees in the organization are least satisfied with compensation, performance appraisal
and rewards as reflected from mean scores.
 The employees leaving the organization are relatively more satisfied with Benefits and
Facilities, organization culture and least satisfied with compensation, performance appraisal
& rewards.
One common feature that is evident from the analysis of factors is both the existing
employees and the employees leaving the organization are relatively less satisfied with
performance appraisal, rewards& compensation.
 The regression model is significant. Employee’s intention to stay (Dependent variable) is
predicted by Benefits, facilities & opportunities and Compensations, rewards and
performance appraisal(Independent variables). R square is 0.674 which indicates that 67.4%
of variance is the outcome variable (Intention to stay) is predicted by the two predictor
variables (Benefits , facilities and opportunities and Compensation, rewards and performance

 There is positive correlation of 0.676 between Employee engagement and Intention to stay
and is significant. From this it can be inferred that as the employee engagement increases, the
employees’ intention to stay in the organization increases

 Employee’s intention to stay differs based on the age group of the respondents but does not
differ based on gender, marital status and experience.

 Employees are being provided with good training and development programs by the

 The organizational practices and policies serve the interests of employees and organization.

 Superiors and peers are supporting well and communicating with their employees.
5.2 Conclusion
Employees are the building blocks of any organization. Retaining the employees now a days is not
easy task, as the competitors are targeting the right talent and attracting the employees with good
perks. The drawbacks of any organization will be taken advantage by the competitor companies and
use them as a magnet to let the employees leave their current organization and join them. So, this
organization need to focus on the factors which are influencing the employees to leave. They should
periodically take feedback from the employees about various factors and the organization has to act
on them accordingly to improve the employee satisfaction levels with the organization. This will
automatically reduce the employee turnover rate. Employee engagement has correlation with the
employee intention to stay, so it is important to focus on employee engagement factors. Letting the
senior talents to leave the organization will effect the company’s productivity and leadership. So, for
employee retentionthis organization has to immediately act on the factors and put the things at right

5.3 Suggestions:

 Organization need to take care of the factors which are influencing employees to leave the

 Organization need to focus on their existing performance appraisal process and focus on the
factors of compensation and reward management as majority of the respondents are least satisfied
with these factors.
 The organization can develop a common feedback portal which is mandatory for all the
employees to fill in every quarter, so that the organization can understand the pulse of the
employees on the factors that encourage employee engagement which in turn can increase
employees’ intention to continue with the company.
 Factors that influence employee engagement and intention to continue vary based on the age
group of the respondents. Infact, engaging different generations of workforce is a challenge.
Identifying the right set of factors and applying them to engage different generations of workforce
should also be the top agenda of the company.

5.4 Limitations of the study

 The analysis is prone to the scalability with the number of respondents and type of study
 Because of the time constraint, the sample size is small and may affect the generalizability of the
 Employee retention factors will change continuously as per the requirement of employees and
time, so it should be constantly checked.
 The current responses are collected from specific IOU(Independent operating unit) of the
organization. So, the priority levels of the factors may vary.

5.5 Implications of the study

Employee retention is key to organization’s continuous improvement. Retaining the right talents will
impact on the productivity of the organization. By ensuring that the needs of employees are met, by
encouraging them with some additional benefits, by taking good care of them at workplace will
automatically make the employee satisfied in the organization and doesn’t think of moving out of the
organization. Employee engagement plays a critical role in employee retention. The organization
needs to focus on the factors mentioned in this study that are influencing employees to leave the

5.6 Future scope

The organizations can focus on the change in various factors and act on them in order to satisfy their
employees and not let them leave in future. From this study we can see that organization has to focus
on employee engagement which influences the employee intention to stay. This study can be
expanded to other IOUs of this organization to collect in depth data and get the generalized factors
that are influencing employees to leave the organization and the factors that are encouraging
employees to stay in the organization.

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Questionnaire (Existing Employees)

Section A

1. Name of the Organization in which you are working (Optional):
2. Age (in Years) :
a) Below 20 b) 20-30 c) 30-40 d)40 & above
3. Gender :
a) Male b) Female c) Others
4. Marital status :
a) Single b) Married
5. Educational qualification:
a) SLC or below b) +2 or intermediate c) Bachelor d) Master or above
6. Work experience in current organization:
a) Less than 1year b) 1-3 years c) 3-5 years d) more than 5 years
7. Overall work experience
a) Less than 1 year b) 1-5 years c) 5-10 years d) more than 10 years

8. Department :

9. Designation :

Section B

Please indicate the extent to which you agree/disagree with the following statements where 1-
strongly disagree, 2 -disagree, 3 -neutral, 4 -agree and 5 -strongly agree.

1. I feel I am a part of an organization. (shared mission, values, efforts and goals)

2. Employee work loads are distributed fairly.

3. Employee participation in management is encouraged here.

4. I am fairly compensated for the work that I do.

5. I am satisfied with the way the pay rises are determined.

6. Performance appraisal system is effective in the company.

7. The incentives and perks make my job worthwhile.

8. Co-workers support keeps me motivated.

9. The superiors are supportive and helpful.

10. The culture of the organization is positive and supportive.

11. Employees are treated with respect in the organization.

12. My medical aid benefits are adequate.

13. I am able to balance work priorities with my personal life.

14. I get adequate recognition for the work that I do.

15. Work-life balance is supported by this organization.

16. Better infrastructure amenities are available in this organization to do your job well.

17. Recreation activities are conducted very often in this organization.

18. I have opportunities to learn and grow.

19. I have opportunities for career advancement at this organization.

20. My superior talks enthusiastically about what needs to be accomplished.

21. My superior encourages me to express my ideas and opinions.

22. The company provides enough training for me to learn and perform much better.

23. Interpersonal relationships are encouraging in this organization.

24. The welfare facilities provided by this organization are satisfactory.

25. The job I am performing is satisfactory.

26. Iam satisfied with existing pay structure.

27. Our organization conducts training programs often.

28. Our training programs are linked with our career development.

29. There are no barriers of communication while communicating with superior.

30. If I receive an attractive job offer from another company, I would take the job.

31. I see a future for myself within this company.

32. I would like to continue to work in this organization.

33. I recommend the company to a friend looking for a job.

Section C
Please read each statement carefully and decide how you feel this way about your job. If you have
never had this feeling, indicate the ‘0’ (zero) in the space after the statement. If you have had this
feeling, indicate how often you feel it by indicating the number (from 1 to 6) that best describes how
frequently you feel that way.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Never Almost never Rarely Sometimes Often Very often


S.No Statement Score

1 At my work, I feel bursting with energy
2 At my job, I feel strong and vigorous
3 When I get up in the morning, I feel like going to
4 I can continue working for very long periods at a
5 At my job, I am very resilient, mentally
6 At my work I always persevere, even when things
do not go well
7 I find the work that I do is full of meaning and
8 I am enthusiastic about my job
9 My job inspires me
10 I am proud of the work that I do
11 To me, my job is challenging
12 Time flies when I'm working
13 When I am working, I forget everything else
around me
14 I feel happy when I am working intensely
15 I am immersed in my work
16 I get carried away when I’m working
17 It is difficult to detach myself from my job

Section D - Factors that will encourage to retain in the organization.

Please rank the factors, rank 1 indicating the most preferred factor, 10 being the least preferred factor

S.No Factors Rank

1 Work schedule/Flexibility
2 Health and wellness benefits
3 Fair compensation
4 Work-life balance
5 Recognition and rewards
6 Good relations with colleagues
7 Career development
8 Congenial organizational culture
9 Dignity and respect
10 Support from seniors
Questionnaire (Employees leaving the organization)

Section A

1. Name of the Organization in which you are working (Optional):
2. Age (in Years) :
b) Below 20 b) 20-30 c) 30-40 d)40 & above
3. Gender :
b) Male b) Female c) Others
4. Marital status :
b) Single b) Married
5. Educational qualification:
b) SLC or below b) +2 or intermediate c) Bachelor d) Master or above
6. Work experience in current organization:
b) Less than 1year b) 1-3 years c) 3-5 years d) more than 5 years
7. Overall work experience
b) Less than 1 year b) 1-5 years c) 5-10 years d) more than 10 years

8. Department :

9. Designation :

Section B

Please indicate the extent to which you agree/disagree with the following statements where 1-
strongly disagree, 2 -disagree, 3 -neutral, 4 -agree and 5 -strongly agree.

1. I feel I am a part of an organization. (shared mission, values, efforts and goals)

2. Employee work loads are distributed fairly.

3. Employee participation in management is encouraged here.

4. I am fairly compensated for the work that I do.

5. I am satisfied with the way the pay rises are determined.

6. Performance appraisal system is effective in the company.

7. The incentives and perks make my job worthwhile.

8. Co-workers support keeps me motivated.

9. The superiors are supportive and helpful.

10. The culture of the organization is positive and supportive.

11. Employees are treated with respect in the organization.

12. My medical aid benefits are adequate.

13. I am able to balance work priorities with my personal life.

14. I get adequate recognition for the work that I do.

15. Work-life balance is supported by this organization.

16. Better infrastructure amenities are available in this organization to do your job well.

17. Recreation activities are conducted very often in this organization.

18. I have opportunities to learn and grow.

19. I have opportunities for career advancement at this organization.

20. My superior talks enthusiastically about what needs to be accomplished.

21. My superior encourages me to express my ideas and opinions.

22. The company provides enough training for me to learn and perform much better.

23. Interpersonal relationships are encouraging in this organization.

24. The welfare facilities provided by this organization are satisfactory.

25. The job I am performing is satisfactory.

26. Iam satisfied with existing pay structure.

27. Our organization conducts training programs often.

28. Our training programs are linked with our career development.

29. There are no barriers of communication while communicating with superior.

30. If I receive an attractive job offer from another company, I would take the job.

31. I see a future for myself within this company.

32. I would like to continue to work in this organization.

33. I recommend the company to a friend looking for a job.

Section C - Factors influencing the employees to leave the organization.

Please rank the factors, rank 1 indicating the most influential factor, 10 being the least influential

S.No Factors Rank

1 Work schedule/In flexibility
2 Inadequate health and wellness benefits
3 Compensation/ Pay (Not encouraging)
4 Work-life imbalance
5 Lack of recognition and rewards
6 Inadequate career development opportunities
7 Lack of support from superiors
8 Lack of dignity and respect
9 Inequality or favouritism
10 Lack of congenial organizational culture
11 Personal reasons
Any other factor, please specify

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