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Case Processing Summary a Percont N Pereant ‘Tests of Normality Stas a sia Statist ot 8 2 Lillstors Signireance Gavrecton Global PSQI score Normal Q-@ Plot of Global PSQI score cted Normal Detutoms| oneway Deserves 158 cutie aa an Men Sowden eleva Uru trina Nan = ina one seo aT esa 4 mae ares ees Aye eB 708m eases nao 1 eana om 3m 20 1 nama 2m 2m “usd ee omaPsasue me tue ems ara Hs tsk seers T_T eT) Fe SC “ab eae ra 0 ene eT) “eal re ee Pee Stl Mesa ET sa 4 as) me aera emaes Tm Agen SOOT Tore ast “iat aera “5a 2a 253 ee ert 988 ET ‘4 Tamo avenues Ste @ to aee ween ess'S SH 1 eas cm _6ue au aa Fr Test of Homogeneity of Variances Lownie % 2 = Test of Homogeneity of Variant Lown susste a a su ry Badan wean 7a I re a Baseson asin 5510 2 40 so Basedon Median ard wih 5600 2 a5 04 aise Basedan immed mean rss2 2 40 a0 (lalPSOlscre _Easedon lean 2 2 40 ne baseson ean 1909 2 40 ue Basedon Median ar wih 18 2 Ne ne aust ot asad animes meen un I re 120 Perieskal scare Bases onlean 522 2 40 06 Baeasunwen 4808 2 re 0 ‘aseson meson ara win e618 2 wren 110 adusbe Basedonimed meen me i re) 06 Poidey 580 eee Based on ean san 2 40 vs Basedon iin 408 2 40 10 Baeodon Mesnard wih ry 2 ara m0 ausbe it Baseson immed 52m 2 «0 06 ANOVA SumotSeuares et Mean Siuere 0 a Beier Gaus sta 1) jar 2608 oy atincrouns isreaai2 von Ton 108.308 re (hbalPsor seis Gotwon ious unit Coe ee ono itn creuns sass est tee Toa so08.056 168 PerWek60l score etanDmips 305514 sane a on winingiouss 228280386 vt sun6r2 Ton ater sie re Poidey S60 eu Gotwon ious Hae 4 eet ee 25 Per day sua score ANOVA SumefSquaes dt MeanSquae =F Sa age BeteenGiuns| 216965 473 eH 15 iin Graups sa7iaat2 030088 Toa “a0 308 451 SbtalPSOIstore —_BetEMNGIODS anne 4 re 2 ua Win Graups saat 6012868 Toa 5 65 eL PerWeshSBOl sive BetneenGiows 1336814 4 maa 0 2 WitinGrupe ———Zane0.85 0500512 To 305 98 at Peréa)SB0 sue BetneanGrows 7.05 4 s86t 6 a5 Win Graups 09 uo 198i Tol 113298 a veaR zests Protege RE R.Cyl LE L.cyl Total seek Dey BY Typelt 3) (SmarISTres QURATTIES assuns aaL¥ss| ‘Ppzeco-2xRct TOHER(5) ‘NPar Tests Warnings Instcirtmemaris ear ntti Insult memaro argue ext states Instcirtmemaris ert vt tates Insuticert memoria arp xt tases Instiertmemar io amputees statis Instcirtmemaris earpte vt states Insulelrtmemara argue ext states i —— 3, & Descriptive Statistics Percentiles N 2sth 0th (Median) 75th Age 455 20.0000 23.0000 26.0000 Right Eye Power 455 -3.5000 -2.0000 7500 Right Eve Crlinder Power 458 000 000 000 Left Eye Power 455 -3.0000 -2.0000 5000 Left Eye Cylinder Powsr 455 0000 000 0000 Global PSal score 458 5.0000 3.0000 11.0000 Per Week S8Q1 score 455 34.5000 47.7500 63.0000 Por day SBO score 456 4.9206 6.8214 9.0000 ‘Type OF Rettactive Error 455 1.0000 1.0000 2.0000 Kruskal-Wallis Test Ranks ‘Type OFRetractive Error N Mean Rank Age Myopia 326 223.00 Hyperopia a4 274.68 Astigmatism, 83 2142 Total 453 Right Eye Powor Myopia 226 190.13 Hyperopia 4a 425.01 Astigmatism. 83 200.84 Total 453 Right Eye Cylinder Power Myopia 226 259.60 Hyperopia 44 259.50 ‘Astigmatism. ea 02.12 Total 453 Len Eye Power Myopia 326 180.61 Hyperopia 44 422.64 Astigmatism. 23 281.93 ‘Total 4 % - tonal ron’ Ranks Type otRefacive Enon N. wean Rank ae yoni aa 2800 Hiperopia ares Astamatsm soa Tota ry Flan Eye Foust Myonia 328 tana Hiperopia 4 e501 Astgmatsm ea tebe ry Plant Ey cyingsr Power 322040 425950 = a2 483 Lene Pomer Myonia 32518861 Hyperopia apse Astamatsm 3 28108 Tota 483 LeneyeoyinserPover wr) 328 251.00 pera 8100 ‘astgmatsm 83 73 Tota asa {lobs| PSC score Myonia 3252. Hyperopia ee ‘stamatsm 3 mae Tota asa PerWeekS60)score Wop) 53522805 Hiperosia uu mpas ‘stamatsm ss pra2 Total 45a Perday S60 scare Myopia 33522508 Hyperopla unas ‘stamatsm 53208 Tota asa IEW SPSS Statstcs Processors read) empa sais Leto oni Hera san Ta Late Cinder Powsr Wein Hepa Astonaton Tia Ouealrsaiseve Mein orp -Asgnatsn Peres 0 orp 2sgnatan Tea ‘Test statistios™™* Fi Ones Latte cer Park $80) bye rete Power" Pover”_LateyeFoner_ Powst”——lolasolnexe state PerdayS80 S08 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 al ali Tat » ciara araoe Toten Eno «Soma alla sanfss carat cpuscbsraut tera winsucint sen BENG EARS EP ahaa tsa a

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