Mrash Ramadan2024

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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh

Subject: Submission of Proposal for Ramadhan Project 2024 in Kenya

May this letter find you well in good health and stronger Imaan.
In more few weeks, Ramadhan, the Holy month Mubarak of Islam will come. Muslim
around the world are being preparing for welcoming this sacred month with increasing
their Ibadah to Allah Almighty.
Muslims in Kenya (47% of Kenyan population of 50 Millions people) will also fulfill this
obligation of Ramadhan fasting. Due to facing poverty and many suggestions raised
from Muslim community, Mrash Community development wishes to seek funds for
implementing the Ramadhan Food Pack program in many needy Muslim communities
counties and towns.

With strong hope, Mrash Community Development is submitting a proposal for

Ramadhan Project 2024 to you. You can support us in any number you wish, we
warmly welcome your kind humanitarian support. Your kind support to our Muslim
brothers and sisters in Kenya would be unforgettable gratitude for our generations. May
Almighty Allah accept your great efforts for sake of Ummah.

I extend my deeply sincere thanks for your kind consideration on our proposal. Please
don’t hesitate to contact us for any requirements.
With best regards, Wasalaam

Aziz Issah Masoud

Project Summary:
Implementing Organization Mrash Community Development

Address P.O. Box 4-80300 Voi, Kenya

Name: Aziz Issah Masoud

Contact Person and Position
Position: Chairman
Tel: +254 796 121967
Contacts +254 771 368957
Project cost $10625

No. of beneficiaries 500 families

Distribution type Food Pack

Mrash Community Development is a non-profit registered Community Based
Organization in Kenya working for the uplift of the community through community
participation. The organization was founded in the year 2015. Its activities include:
 Ramadan
 Qurban
 Education / Sponsorships
 Livelihood
 Emergency Response
 Provision of Safe Water
 Health

About Ramadan:
Ramadhan is a month in which Muslims around the world observe fasting during the
hours of daylight. Fasting in the Islamic context involves abstinence during the daylight
period from food, liquids, medicine, and sexual contact. Fasting is an obligatory act
upon all
Muslims over the age of puberty, both men and women, rich and poor. However, fasting
is not required from those for whom it would be medically harmful, and those who
cannot observe it due to travel or other acknowledged factors such as menstruation.

During the month of fasting Muslims are encouraged to be particularly charitable.

Feeding people at the end of the fasting day represents a very rewarding spiritual act
according to Islamic tradition and teachings.
Mrash Community Development Ramadan food distribution project provides food to
needy people across the country who face food insecurity and hunger. The project is
designed to operate in conjunction with other relief and development programs that
provide more sustainable assistance to beneficiaries.
Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas described that the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon
him) was the most generous of people, and even more so during the month of
According to The Holy Quran “Those who spend their wealth by night and day, in secret
and in public, shall have their reward with their Lord. On them shall be no fear, nor shall
they grieve” (Qur’an 2:274)
Every year Mrash Community Development provides food packages and Iftar dinners to
widows, orphans and poor families in the month of Ramadhan Ul Mubarak. This project
will be implemented in 1 count of Kenya. Food packages will be distributed among the
poor, deserving and miserable people.

Need of the project:

Generally quarter millions of Muslim (ethnic minority) living in Kenya (non-Muslim
country) are always facing many problem in professing their business to profit their
families because of poverty for economic after many years of natural calamities like,
floods and drought especially in Nyika and Turkana.
Every day, the Non-Muslim missionary try their best to convert our brothers and sisters
to their faith through donation. So donation from Muslim NGOs shows the muslim
here that they are still concerned and paid much attention for other Muslim brother and
sister in abroad. We need support from Muslim NGOs to help our brothers and sisters
here to break fasting in doing Ibadah in the holy month of Ramadan.
Purpose of the Project:
Mrash Community Development hopes that this project will
 Provide the benefit to the Muslim brothers and sisters who are facing with the
hunger of fasting during the holy month of Ramadhan.

 The beneficiary will realize that Muslim abroad as your country are kind to the
Muslim living in non-Muslim country.
 The Muslim who receive the donation will have stronger Imaan to Allah Almighty.
 This is the best way to do Da’wah in Muslim counties.

Beneficiary Selection
As 70% of Kenyan population is living under the poverty line, there is a need to identify
other criteria in order to identify the most vulnerable population (“the poorest of the
poor”) of our targeted area. The vulnerability criteria will therefore be the following:
 Female headed families
 People with disabilities
 People with chronic disease
 Families with malnourished children under 5 and/or malnourished pregnant and
lactating women
 Families with a high number of children and no regular source of income
 Orphaned children families
 Elderly with no remittances
 Families breadwinners living with HIVAIDs
The beneficiaries’ identification will be done in an open and transparent manner, in
order to reduce the risks of frustration and misunderstanding of the families that will not
be selected. In each village, a committee will be created, composed of men and women
from the village. Traditional leaders, as well as local authorities will also be involved in
the selection process to ensure a transparent and smooth selection.

Intervention Logic:
Global Objective: - To ensure that the most vulnerable families have a normal and
dignified Ramadhan, despite the current drought

Specific Objective:-
1. To improve the food security status of most vulnerable drought affected families
within Taita and Kwale County over Ramadhan period.
2. To contribute to the economic enhancement of the local market

Expected results:
 The most vulnerable population of our targeted areas have access to their
preferred food for the month of Ramadhan
 Malnutrition reduced
 Many families participate in Ramadhan

Families 300

Men Women Children Total

600 900 1700 3200


Each family will receive a food pack to take them for a whole month of Ramadhan.
Food pack will contain rice ,flour, Beans, dates, sugar and cooking oil.
Donor Implementing Country Town(s) County(ies)
Organization Organization

Mrash Kenya Voi Taita Taveta


Content and quantity of Food pack and Itemization Budget

Content Quantity Pack price ($) No. of Packs Amount ($)
Rice 5kgs 4.61 500 2,305
Flour 10kgs 4 500 2,000
Oil 1litres 2.5 500 1,250
Sugar 2kg 3.3 500 1650
Beans 5kg 6 500 3000

Total $20.41 500 $10,205

Other costs
Item Quantity Unit cost ($) Amount ($)

Packaging 01 100 100

Banner 01 20 20

Transport 01 300 300

Total £420

Grand total: $10625

Bank Details:


Bank Name KENYA Commercial Bank LTD


BANK ADDRESS P.O. box 134-300



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