Interview Questions

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Interview questions

1- Difference between Static

Method and Instance Method
Before discussing the differences between an Instance method and Static
method, let’ have a quick introduction.
A method is a block of codes that defines behavior of an object of the
class. The method can access all the attributes of the class and can
change the object data content.
Instance Method
Instance methods are defined using the METHODS statement. They get
reinitialized every time an instance is created. They can access all the
attributes of the class and can trigger all its events. Instance methods
have the flexibility to be inherited and can be redefined in subclasses.
Syntax to call an instance method:
DATA instance_name TYPE REF TO class_name.

CREATE OBJECT instance_name.

CALL METHOD instance_name->instance_method(…).

Static Method
Static methods are defined using the CLASS-METHODS statement. They
are called only once, when the program is started, irrespective to the class
instance, and don’t get reinitialized throughout the execution of the
program. They can access only static attributes and can trigger only static
events of the class. They can be directly accessed by the class name itself.
Syntax to call a static method:
CALL METHOD class_name => static_method(..).

Now, let’s have a look at their difference.

Difference between Static Method and Instance
Instance Method Static Method

It requires instance. It doesn’t require instance.

It is an example of pass by value. It is an example of pass by reference.

It is defined using “METHODS”. It is defined using “CLASS-METHODS”.

Involves declaration of reference variable,

instantiating the class and then calling the Can be directly accesses by the class name.

It can access all attributes of a class. It can access only static attribute of a class.

Can be redefined in sub classes. Cannot be redefined in sub classes.

Instance method over Static method

It sounds simpler to use Static methods as it does not involve long steps
such as the declaration of a reference variable, instantiating the object
and then calling the method. Static methods can be directly accessed by
the class name.
But the question arises is that why instance methods are preferred over
Static methods.
One of the important concepts of OOABAP is Polymorphism i.e. replacing
the default implementation of the method with a specific implementation.
Polymorphism is achieved by Method Redefinition. Since Static methods
are operable on their own and are independent of the instances of the
class, they cannot be overridden. Whereas Instance methods can be
inherited to sub classes, they can be redefined with the specific


2- Difference Joins and Associations

ASSOCIATIONS are kind of Joins to fetch data from multiple tables on Join Conditions but these are ‘JOINS
ON-DEMAND’ i.e. they will only be triggered when user would access the required data which needs the
Association of tables. For example, your CDS view has 4 Associations configured and user is fetching data for
only 2 tables, the ASSOICATION on other 2 tables will not be triggered and the system would return the
results quickly, so it enables really high turn-around time as compared to regular SQL JOINS.

Associations are defined with ‘Cardinality’. Syntax : association[<cardinality>]

Cardinality concept is not new and holds the same concept with CDS views as well. There are 4 types of
Cardinality possible based on the data and relationship in the tables joined;

 0..1
 0..n or 0..*
 1..0
 1..n or 1..*


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